Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 62 No. 13 - Beloved Archangel Uriel - April 1, 2019

Overshadowing the Christ on Golgotha

Hail, sons and daughters of flame! Hail, beings from out the Great Central Sun! Hail, hosts of light!

I AM come! Uriel is my name, and I bear the flame of the living Christ! I come to every son and daughter as I came to him. I come to overshadow those who have recognized the cross as the way of glory and of victory—as the way of life, of truth, of love, and the way of the ascension.

I come to overshadow every Christed one who has placed himself in the hands of Pilate, in the hands of the world. I come to overshadow those who are as the living, breathing sacrifice unto the victory of the fiery transmutation of all discrimination, of all that is less than Christ-?perfection, of all that is persecution, of all that is the condemnation of the Word incarnate. So let the fire go forth from this place, and so let the sacred fire now be the consummation of a love of God for the only begotten Son, your own Christed Self.

I AM Uriel of the light. I come with a proclamation, a message of deliverance unto mankind, and I say: Deliver yourselves into the hands of cosmic destiny! Let your life be fulfilled as it is written on the scroll that now unfolds before you at the hand of angels of my band.

An angel of the Presence of Uriel Archangel stands before each one who will receive this angel with the jubilation: “Hail, angel of light! Hail, flaming one! Come into the Presence of our God!”

So as you receive this angel, so then receive the scroll whereon that proclamation of deliverance is written, which is the deliverance through the fulfillment of the inner law of being. Step by step upon the scroll the cycles are written—cycles to be fulfilled, victories that have been won, and those victories that remain to be won.

So each of you has come from this world and other worlds, and with the Ancient of Days. So you have come as part of the angelic hosts of light, and now you share the common lot of Terra. You have come to fight the good fight. And so we come also, and so we point the way. So the signet of our God is that holy amethyst and the flaming yod. So the rod of power that we carry is that scepter of authority that you too shall one day carry. And therefore, read precisely in your Christ consciousness this scroll that contains each step of the Path that you must take, including some steps that you must take over again that have been failed before.

Now then, see that the process of overcoming victory is won as you retrace those steps one by one and as you see that there is a cycling and an order to initiation. Therefore you cannot—you dare not—skip the mark or the grade on the ladder of life, for there is no possibility of taking an advanced initiation before you have completed the first ones. There?fore in humility with Jesus the Christ, knock at the door of Luxor, at the temple of the ascension, and ask of the angel (who bids you enter) to be initiated in the first steps of over?coming, as he did.1

Prepare for that mission of service whereby in the thirty-?three tests of the law of alchemy2 you will overcome all phases in the planes of Mater, infusing matter with life, with Spirit. Thereby you will be transforming that matter into the living God, and you yourselves will be transformed in the action of the law of life. This is the life universal and triumphant! This is the ascending pyramid of Selfhood! This is the All-?Seeing Eye! This is the capstone of Reality!

I come to proclaim a victory. I come to instruct you in the initiation for which some among you have prepared—that initiation of descending into the astral plane, which Jesus took after the hours of his crucifixion and after his passing from life in this plane. And so he descended into the astral belt to preach to those spirits unjust, untoward, and rebellious since the days of Atlantis—those who had rebelled against the living God and who therefore destroyed that land of Mu and of Atlantis. So Jesus went forth to preach in the hour of his overcoming victory.

This initiation of descending into the astral plane is necessary, for when you are filled with the light of the resurrection prior to your ascension it is necessary that you anchor that light as a witness, as a testimony of overcoming victory for and on behalf of the evolutions of a planet and a people.

Do you understand that all mankind must witness the glory of the ascension in you, they must know the law of being, they must know fulfillment, and they must know that the goal of life is this triumph of the reunion of the lesser self—the purging of that self and the coming into union of the soul with the higher Spirit, the law of the I AM Presence?

So understand, then, that you must also go forth to preach to the fallen ones. This may occur while your bodies sleep at night, and it may occur in your living, waking consciousness as you go into those places where you sup with thieves and with the fallen ones, as Jesus did.3 And therefore be not concerned when you find yourself in the company of those who have departed from the great law of life, for they are the ones who need the Good Physician and who have not the wholeness of the Alpha-to-Omega spirals.

Therefore, reject not the company of sinners but let them come into the union of the Holy Spirit. And therefore I say unto you that the flame that flows as a fount from within your heart is that fire, that sacred fire that flows, and none can counteract or go against that flame!

I say unto you, can any force whatsoever go against Niagara Falls? I say to you that the light of the Holy Spirit is as powerful as the waterfalls of Iguazu!4 And so understand that that falling water is as the fire that you dispense into the astral plane and among the astral hordes.

Therefore fear not contamination, for I AM with you. For I overshadow the Christ on Golgotha, and that is my role and that is my office. And I will not fail to be there with you if you do not fail to be on that cross. So I AM there as a living witness and in answer to the prayer of the Divine Mother for every son and daughter of God.

So I come! So I AM the love of service! So I AM the magnification of the soul of Mary, the Mother ray. So I amplify the Christ consciousness and I stand in the center of the sun, in the flaming awareness of Helios and Vesta. I come forth from the sun, dripping with the fires of eternal life. I give these fires unto you as I kneel now before the Christ within you, as I come to wash the feet of each one.5 And yet you are not clean, not every whit.6 Therefore understand that the Law requires the invocation of the fires of transmutation so that you may complete the cycle of this washing of the body of the Lord, “For the servant is not greater than his lord.”7

Therefore I AM the servant of the Christ within you this day, and I AM subject unto the law of the Christ even as your souls are subject unto the great flaming Presence of the archangels. And so in this interchange of light, as Above so below—the union of evolutions of mankind, of angelic hosts, of Elohim, of elemental builders of form—all rise up to acclaim the Christ and to be witnesses unto the over coming of death.

Therefore, seeing that he also laid down his life that he might take it again,8 so I say, lay down the life of the lesser self and take up again the life of the Christ, and be witnesses unto him in all Jerusalem and in Galilee and in the uttermost parts of the earth.9

So bear witness unto the flame of the Christ. And the witness is the flame whereby the accuser of the brethren was overcome by the word of their testimony, by the blood of the lamb.10 The blood of the lamb is the essence of sacred fire flowing through your chakras and through those secret-?ray chakras, those points of light—the nail prints in the hands and feet, the wound in the side. So the chakras of the secret rays are for the initiation of the currents and cycles of the flow of light.

So let that light flow! So let that light be the redemption of mankind. So, then, make yourselves that living witness of the truth. So let the water of the Word flow, and let that testimony be the power of the spoken Word!

These are they who have the testimony of Jesus Christ.11 These are they who receive the messengers as the two witnesses come again. These are they who have the dictations and the final revelations of Jesus the Christ, and they give in the power of the spoken Word the name of God, I AM THAT I AM, and the fiats of the LORD, the fiats of the Logos. They utter, then, those thirty-three fiats of the Word of living truth for the alchemy and the transformation of Terra.12

Standing in this place in time and space, behold the glory of the risen Christ! Behold the initiation—a time, and times, and half a time in the tomb of Mater!13

What does it matter if the period from the crucifixion to the resurrection, as two and a half cycles, is ten thousand or a hundred thousand years? So the cycles turn. And in those hours, those years, and those cyclings of the God flame, you bear witness unto living truth to all evolutions and lifewaves who have rebelled against the Spirit of the living God.

So be it! So now, arise! Let us go hence, for the hour is come. The hour is come for the witnessing of the Christ within you and for the full momentum of the Christ to be released as a rebuke to those who come seeking the Christed One.14 So let the light itself be the rebuke! And when you stand before Pilate, utter not a word in defense of truth. For I AM thy sure defense, and thy exceeding great reward!15 I AM the defense of truth! I AM that reward of light! And therefore, let the Christ in you bear witness unto the truth and the law of being.

“Art thou a king then?” [Pilate asked.]16 Thou hath made us kings and priests unto God, queens and ladies of heaven! 17

So, Lords of flame from Venus, come forth now and take these souls down from the cross so that they might be laid in the heart of the Divine Mother. And so in the heart of the Mother, pay heed to the crying of the children of God. Minister unto them and know that the hour will come, and the hour now is, when the angel of deliverance shall come forth to sound the trumpet of the resurrection and the Victory. In that hour you shall be reunited with the great God flame as the flow of light, as the immortal reunion, as the ascension in the light, which we shall commemorate with Jesus on Easter morning.

So I shall return at that moment of the dictation of the blessed Son of God.18 And I shall be with you always, even unto the end of the age and of the cycling of the return of mankind’s karma.19

Lo, I AM in the flame! I come from the flame! I return to the flame! I AM the center of the Great Central Sun within you!

Lo, I AM Uriel of the light! Peace be unto you all.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Archangel Uriel was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Friday, March 28, 1975, during the Class of the Resurrection Flame, held at the Ambassador Hotel, Los Angeles, California. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. Jesus at the temple at Luxor. See Pearl no. 2, this volume, p. 11, n. 1.

2. Thirty-three tests of the law of alchemy. The messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet has explained that Jesus publicly demonstrated these thirty-three initiations throughout his life, including the initiations of his three-year ministry. The initiations of his ministry included his public demonstration of the alchemy of changing water into wine at the wed ding in Cana of Galilee and to the initiations of the crucifixion, the transfiguration, the resurrection, and the ascension. Mrs. Prophet said that we too are intended to experience these initiations in our life and that Jesus came to show us how to do this. She said, “We can learn and watch his words and works and realize that there is a way, and that we can go and do likewise” (October 24, 1978; February 28, 1978). Mark Prophet, in talking of Jesus’ thirty-three initiations of the cross, clarified the doctrine of Christ dying for our sins and that Jesus is our Saviour. He said we need to be fully apprised, when we affirm this doctrine, to give the correct understanding—that by dispensation, Jesus, a karma-free being who demonstrated each successive step of the thirty-three initiations of the cross in public, bore “a tremendous weight of planetary karma. He actually carried that karma. And those who had created the karma, or the sin thereby, had their sins set aside for a certain period, a certain dispensation.” He explained that if the karma were to be returned, according to God’s law, to those responsible for it, many would lose their lives from the burden of their own hatred and it would interrupt the cycles of life and the opportunities for the evolutions on earth to evolve. Mark explained that “everyone who desires to attain, as Jesus did, has the opportunity to carry world karma on behalf of their brethren” (July 3, 1972).

3. Matt. 9:10-13; Mark 2:15-17.

4. The waterfalls of Iguazu (also known as Iguassu Falls) are located on the border of Argentina and Brazil. The falls are a tremendous natural feature that includes approximately 275 individual waterfalls and encompasses an area about two miles wide. The Iguazu Falls are among the largest waterfalls in the world.

5. John 13:14.

6. John 13:10.

7. John 13:16; 15:20; Matt. 10:24, 25.

8. John 10:17, 18.

9. Acts 1:8.

10. Rev. 12:11.

11. Rev. 1:2.

12. Thirty-three fiats. See decree 60.07, “Thirty-Three Fiats of the Light,” by El Morya, in Prayers, Meditations, and Dynamic Decrees - Decree Book, pp. 414?15.

13. Rev. 12:14; Dan. 7:25.

14. John 18:2-11; Matt. 26:47-50; Mark 14:43-46; Luke 22:47-53.

15. Gen. 15:1.

16. John 18:37.

17. Rev. 1:6.

18. See Pearls nos. 15 and 16, this volume.

19. Matt. 28:20.

Affirmations Taken from
“Overshadowing the Christ on Golgotha”

by Archangel Uriel

1. In the name of the Christ, I accept the way of the Cross
      as the way of Glory and of Victory, as the way of Life,
      of Truth, of Love, and the way of the Ascension

2. I AM the living, breathing sacrifice unto the Victory
      of the fiery transmutation of all discrimination,
      of all that is less than Christ-perfection,
      of all that which is persecution,
      of all that which is the condemnation
      of the Word incarnate

3. I AM the deliverance of myself into the hands
      of Cosmic Destiny

4. I AM Life fulfilled

5. I AM deliverance through the fulfillment
      of the inner Law of Being

6. I AM the Life universal and triumphant

7. I AM the ascending pyramid of Selfhood

8. I AM the All?-Seeing Eye

9. I AM the capstone of Reality

10. I AM filled with the Light of the Resurrection

11. I AM the coming into Union of my soul with the
      Higher Spirit

12. I AM the love of service

13. I AM the magnification of the soul of Mary,
      the Mother Ray

14. I AM in the center of the sun in the flaming awareness
      of Helios and Vesta,
      And I come forth from the sun
      dripping with the fires of eternal Life

15. I AM the completion of the cycle of the washing
      of the Body of the Lord

16. I AM the Servant of the Christ within all life

17. I AM bearing witness of the Flame of the Christ

18. I AM the redemption of mankind

19. I AM the living witness of Truth

20. I AM the flow of the water of the Word

21. I AM thy sure defense, thy exceeding great reward
      I AM the defense of Truth
      I AM that reward of Light

22. I AM the reunion with the Great God Flame
      as the flow of Light

23. Lo, I AM in the Flame
      I come from the Flame
      I return to the Flame
      I AM the center of the Great Central Sun within me Peace!

Taken from this dictation by Archangel Uriel, March 28, 1975, Los Angeles, California, “Overshadowing the Christ on Golgotha,” published on Class of the Resurrection Flame (album A7516), audio B7519. This decree is in the Prayers, Meditations, and Dynamic Decrees Decree Book, p. 437, no. 62.08.

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