Men gaze into the heavens seeking the comet as a sign, yet as the Son of God said, “There shall no sign be given, but the sign of the prophet Jonas.”1 Yet there is a sign in the heavens that foretells the time of his appearing in mankind, in a planet, and in a people. It is the sign of the Southern Cross. It is the cross of white-fire light in the south, where the flame of the Mother is born.
Mankind recognize the sign of the coming of the Woman clothed with the Sun and of the birth of her Manchild as she contains the moon beneath her feet.2 The coming of the Cosmic Virgin is the time when, for initiation into higher cycles of God-realization, a planet and a people must pass through the initiation of the crucifixion. So let it be that the cosmic cross of white fire, which I mark now as the sign of the Christed ones, foretells the coming of age of a planet, a people, and the dream of God for freedom for both.
I AM Cuzco, and you call to me in the invocations to the God Star.3 For you see, in the retreat at Suva4 there is a cosmic grid for the flow of energy that comes from the Court of the Sacred Fire, where the Four and Twenty Elders release the judgments of God. It is there that twenty-four aspects as twin flames in the twelve houses of the Sun form the circular platform where there is that dais and that flame of Alpha and Omega and where souls do stand to receive the Last Judgment.
You have heard of the Last Judgment, and so there are judgments that come to mankind each day. Each day the Christ Self as the Mediator divides the Real from the unreal. And when the sandman comes and sleep takes on the action of transmutation as the soul departs from the form, so then the separation of energies occurs and there is either an increase or a decrease in the momentum of misqualified substance, that conglomerate of the electronic belt. There is either an increase or a decrease of the causal body of light.
So light flows. Light flows from the heart of the God Star, and each day mankind render a decision. That decision is to be or not to be in the light—to take the gift of light from the Great Central Sun and from the sun of even pressure in order to qualify that light with the glow-ray of infinity and to thereby relieve the weight of planetary karma, or to add to that burden.
Do you know that there is a [maximum] karmic weight, an exact measure of human consciousness and human effluvia that can be borne by any given planet in time and space?
With the fall of mankind into the lower consciousness, even that weight was exceeded and therefore the tilt of the earth and of the axis occurred. Thus the degrees of the tilt are a manifestation of the overweight and the overburden of the planet. But as mankind return to the Christ consciousness and to the awareness of the cycles of the golden age, there will occur even at the physical level the straightening of the axis that has been projected onto the screen of the etheric plane.
Therefore, O mankind, Terra cannot withstand added weight. And as I gave my report to the Lords of Karma that was delivered to the Keepers of the Flame by the Great Divine Director not so long ago,5 so I come to you to reaffirm the great need of elemental life to have the saving grace of the action of the violet flame.
The need for transmutation is the need to straighten the axis of the pole of being within yourself. It is to make straight that path of God-reality and to bring the four lower bodies of your own identity into alignment with the great God flame, thereby setting the pattern here below for the coming into alignment of the four lower bodies of the planet.
The alignment of cycles of light, as it is experienced in the consciousness that is not prepared, is the pain and the affliction that some have identified as the crucifixion. In reality, the crucifixion is not that pain. For as you have witnessed in the Lord Christ (who came prepared for the initiation of the crucifixion), the experience of the crucifixion was the joy of overcoming. And the moments of sorrow, as the atoms and electrons cycled into the eternal flame, were but brief. But mankind have extended the sorrowful way. And as they observe from without, they are unable to comprehend the bliss, the ecstasy of the eternal reunion that comes through that initiation.
The return of planetary karma is at hand, as you have been told. Now then, the intensity of that energy is that which creates the dark night of the soul, which is experienced as the severing of the soul of a people and a planet from the full radiance of the light of the I AM Presence. Yet in the midst of the darkness there is a point of light, there is the identity which declares “I AM THAT I AM” as God in you pronounces the acclamation of Being, the sacred name of God.
A whirling sun of light, a pinpoint of light, is seen in the void. And as millions of sons and daughters of God across the span of time and space repeat the sound and the flow of his grace, so the name I AM THAT I AM becomes a star in Mater—a living, blazing sun of twin flames consecrated to reality in all aspects of identity, of Mater, of sacred Mother flow.
I come, then, that you might know your place, that you might know the way of overcoming, that you might take that path that we have taken unto the immortal reunion.
Submit, then, the energies of consciousness into the cosmic cross of white fire. Gaze into the heavens and perceive the sign of the appearing of the Son of man. Perceive the sign of his coming, as world conditions come to fulfill the prophecy of those signs that should be seen at the hour of the Second Coming.6
And so Mary, the Mother ray, appears in heaven. Out from the Sun, whirling in the center of the Sun, is the action of the Mother flame, of Mighty Cosmos’ action of the secret rays in Alpha and in Omega. When you gaze upon the fiery core of billions of stars, you are gazing into a center that is a forcefield of cosmos. Therefore know that the secret-ray action of the sacred fire is necessary for the passing through of the initiation of the crucifixion.
Learn, then, the way of the secret rays. Learn that action and see how Jesus triumphed and allowed the mark of the secret rays to be placed upon the body of the Mother, that body which he wore, that feminine aspect of his being of which the Spirit is the masculine counterpart. So perceive the nail prints in his hands and feet and the wound in his side as the mark of one who has entered into the fiery core and who has thereby gained the initiation of the secret rays, proving the law of being and the victory over sin, over disease, over death.
You have heard of those who have received the stigmata, such as Padre Pio and Therese Neumann.7 So these and others, such as Saint Francis, have over the centuries given their bodies to be the body of Christ and the body of the world and the World Mother. And as God has so loved the consecration, so he has acknowledged the mastery of these ones in the secret rays of the fiery core of Alpha and Omega by allowing them to have that mark of the crucifixion.
Now then, know that those who are entering into the cycles of initiation of the Divine Mother will experience with her the beginning of the cycling of the stigmata, which first takes place at the etheric level (in the etheric body) and then proceeds to the mental plane and the emotional plane, until finally some are called again in each century to bear in the physical plane the mark of this grace that is the overcoming of the mark of the beast.8
So as the number of the beast has been written 666, so the mark of attainment is the power of the 999. So the thousand-petaled lotus replaces the mark of the beast, and the crown of life replaces the crown of thorns. And so you walk with Jesus through levels of the cross, passing through each aspect of the cross of sacred fire, rising higher and higher. And so you come to understand how, by the power of the three-times-three multiplied again and again, the sacred body temples—the four lower bodies—receive the entering in of the Cosmic Christ, the planetary Christ, and the individual Christ. This is the momentum of the nine, the nine, and the nine.
Understand, then, that Jesus passed the test of the crucifixion so that you might overcome in this age the mark of the beast. Understand that the mark of the beast is the culmination of the planetary dweller-on-the-threshold that has been called the dragon, the devil, and Satan. And thus the beast that ascends out of the emotional body of mankind, out of the physical body and out of the mental body—these three [the dragon, the devil, and Satan] are put down by the action of the Christ consciousness!
So I come in the flaming Presence of the God Star! So I come, O mankind, to proclaim the joy of overcoming victory so that you might accept every aspect of the way of the Christed ones. This kind [the mark of the beast] goeth not out except by prayer and fasting. I ask that chelas of the ascended masters set aside a time, a twenty-four-hour cycle in the coming fortnight, for a fasting with water only so that you might be purged of certain energies that prevent the full cycling of the law of life into the four lower bodies.9
I ask this for a spiritual reason and for your preparation to participate in the ritual of the ascension. And those of you who have a momentum of fasting, I ask that you enter into this ritual each week, for one day, as the fasting of the human consciousness and the purging of the body of the Mother of those poisons, those energies that come from the misuse of nuclear energy that are across the land as pollution in the water, in the earth, and in the air.
So, then, understand that the forty days in the wilderness were also a preparation for a mighty mission of light. So prepare every aspect of being, and let your body truly be the temple of the living God. See how God will come to you. And understand, finally, the Law and the ritual of surrender.
Have you said this day, “Not my will but thine be done”? Say it again on the morrow, and again and again say it. And understand that particle by particle your being is surrendered unto the flame. Reconsecration to the flame of holiness is the requirement of the ascension.
Sometimes you think you have surrendered. Understand that only that portion that can be surrendered is taken when you surrender. For to surrender all without the full mastery of the flame and of the Law would be to cancel out an opportunity for God-mastery in the four lower bodies. Therefore, day by day—as Paul said, “I die daily”10—let the lower self be surrendered into the flame and see how that renewed action of commitment can be the key in your life to the great influx of the Holy Spirit and of the fiery baptism.
AM Cuzco. I have tarried with you this evening while my angels have performed a certain action and service in the law of life in the four planes of Terra and in the bodies of mankind. And as the angels of Surya go forth north, south, east, and west, they must often look far and wide to find that temple that is a fitting habitation of the LORD and that can indeed be used as an electrode to hold the balance.
When the earth is aligned with the great causal body of the planet—the causal body that contains the momentum of victors of light from the early golden ages—those who have not prepared the microcosm to be filled with light will find outer darkness, the weeping and gnashing of teeth,11 and the cancellation of the soul and of opportunity for life. The Law ever prefers the gentler way. But mankind must reach, and their reach must exceed their grasp. And so let the star be the goal—the star of your own I AM Presence that is the only star that can make you whole.
Come into the union of the sacred fires now. Be sealed, then, in the hands and in the feet and in the side. Be sealed by the action of the sacred power of the five secret rays. Receive that action so that you might prepare the self for the influx of the greater Self.
Go forth as emissaries of this flame. Go forth to draw into the teaching of the Law those who can receive the light and thereby be saved before the hour of transition, when all must either be found in alignment or be canceled out from the awareness of God’s own cosmic consciousness.
This is the fulfillment of the promise of the eternal re-union. So you have come, souls of light, ancient ones. So you have come to the place where all will be tallied and fulfilled. All of your giving and all of your living for the light will be the testimony and the momentum that shall propel the earth to ascend into the great causal body of the I AM THAT I AM as Freedom’s Star!
So unto the hour of the ascension of the planet and a people, I attend now the ritual of the crucifixion. Let it be swift! Let it be sudden! Let the coming of Almighty God be as the rushing of the mighty wind!12 So let it be. And let the days be shortened for those who elect to follow the law of God.13
I stand, then, to proclaim the hour of initiation, of resurrection’s fires when elemental life shall also receive the gift of immortality.
So come, O Lord Jesus Christ. Come, O Lord, Christed One. Come, O Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood. Come, O Mother flame. Come! Come quickly and be the allness of life within these hearts afire with love here below.
As Above so below, I AM one in the victory of the flame, and I proclaim that flaming victory now and always.
This is a sentence of the Pearl of Wisdom the ends up having a footnote.1
“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”
This dictation by Cuzco was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Friday, March 28, 1975, during the Class of the Resurrection Flame, held at the Ambassador Hotel, Los Angeles, California. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]
1. Matt. 12:39; 16:4; Luke 11:29, 30, 32.
2. Rev. 12:1, 2, 5.
3. For invocations to the God Star, see decree 10.13, “Beloved Surya,” at the end of this Pearl and in Prayers, Meditations, and Dynamic Decrees - Decree Book. Cuzco is a disciple of Surya, the hierarch of the Sacred Retreat of the Blue Flame. Cuzco holds the office of director of this retreat and works under Surya to hold the balance to avert or temper cataclysmic activities. For more information, see The Masters and Their Retreats (Summit University Press), pp. 68-70, 354-57, 465-67.
4. Retreat at Suva. This refers to Surya and Cuzco’s Sacred Retreat of the Blue Flame, located in an island near Suva, northeast of Viti Levu (the largest of the Fiji Islands). The retreat is both under the sea and within the mountains, and it is a focus on earth of the God Star Sirius. For more information, see n. 3 above.
5. On February 2, 1975, the Great Divine Director gave a dictation through the messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet concerning the report to the Lords of Karma by the ascended master Cuzco on planetary conditions. The Great Divine Director admonished Keepers of the Flame to “give fervent invocations to the violet flame and to the Elohim Astrea for a guardian action of elemental life, for the radiance of purple fire to encircle the beings of earth, air, fire and water.” He said, “These calls are necessary to avert cataclysm of a serious nature as well as minor cataclysm. . . . In the face of all emergencies of a planetary nature, it would seem that that which threatens the equilibrium of the physical platform of evolution is the greatest threat in the current hour.” The Great Divine Director also spoke of the betrayal of and the espionage against the industries of America. He requested calls in the name of the Christ be made to him and to the Lords of Karma “for the arresting of the spirals of darkness, of deceit, of self-deception, and of the betrayal of the Christ in America and in every nation on earth.... Make that invocation with every decree that you give.” This dictation is available at
6. Matt. 24:30; Mark 13:26; Luke 21:27.
7. The stigmata received by Padre Pio and Therese Neumann. The stigmata are the scientifically inexplicable reproduction of the wounds of the Passion of Christ on the body. The stigmata may be invisible, wherein pain is experienced without any physical signs, or it may be visible, with open wounds or scars seen on the hands, feet, near the heart, on the head, shoulders or back. These wounds may bleed either continuously or periodically, usually on Fridays or during Lent.
8. Rev. 13:16-18; 14:9-11; 15:2; 16:2; 19:19, 20; 20:4.
9. Teaching on fasting. The rituals of prayer and fasting have come down to us through the prophets and saints of all ages and are part of every major world religion. The goal of the ritual of fasting is for spiritual purification and self-emptying, that the Holy Spirit may enter in. Many have discovered healthful side benefits, such as weight normalization, detoxification, mental clarity, and physical inner peace. Fasting for more than three days is not recommended unless a health professional is consulted. For more instruction on fasting, see TSL encyclopedia article, “Fasting,” at
10. I Cor. 15:31.
11. Matt. 8:12; 22:12, 13; 25:30.
12. Acts 2:2.
13. Matt. 24:22; Mark 13:20.
Beloved mighty victorious Presence of God, I AM in me, my very own beloved Holy Christ Self, Holy Christ Selves of all mankind, beloved Surya, legions of white fire and blue lightning from Sirius, beloved Guru Ma and Lanello, the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood and the World Mother, elemental life—fire, air, water, and earth! In thy name, by and through the magnetic power of the immortal, victorious threefold flame of Truth within my heart and the heart of God in the Great Central Sun, I decree:
1. Out from the Sun flow thy dazzling bright
Blue-flame ribbons of flashing diamond Light!
Serene and pure is thy Love,
Holy radiance from God above!
Refrain: Come, come, come, Surya dear,
By Thy Flame dissolve all fear;
Give to each one Security
In the bonds of Purity;
Flash and flash Thy Flame through me,
Make and keep me ever free!
2. Surya dear, beloved one
From the mighty Central Sun,
In God’s name to Thee we call:
Take dominion over all!
3. Out from the heart of God you come,
Serving to make us now all one—
Wisdom and Honor do you bring,
Making the very soul to sing!
4. Surya dear, beloved one,
From our Faith then now is spun
Victory’s garment of invincible gold,
Our soul’s great triumph to ever uphold!
And in full Faith I consciously accept this manifest, manifest, manifest! (3x) right here and now with full Power, eternally sustained, all-powerfully active, ever expanding, and world enfolding until all are wholly ascended in the Light and free!
Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM!
This decree is in the Prayers, Meditations, and Dynamic Decrees Decree Book, p. 199, no. 10.13.
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