Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 62 No. 19 - Beloved Goddess of Light - May 15, 2019

Where Light Is, There Is Victory!

Part 1

O light from the heart of the Central Sun, expand, expand, and make us one. O light from the heart of the Central Sun, release thy sacred fire. Blaze, now, within the heart of every living soul, in the heart of the threefold flame. O God, make mankind whole.

I AM come in the fullness of the feminine ray, a servant of the Most High God. I come as fire—blazing fire—upon the altar of being. I come, then, to serve those points of light, points of hierarchy moving in the great spiral of life, moving as hierarchy in the great sea of God’s being.

O humanity, I come. I raise my arms, and my Electronic Presence fills the earth. For I AM the Goddess of Light! I AM that light—that potential of light, dimension of light, release of light that God has given unto me that I might give it unto you and that you might return it unto him. The grand circle of our giving and of our loving is unto all the receiving of the firstfruits of the Spirit.1

The causal bodies of ascended hosts of light converge as hierarchy, as the government of the nations, of the stars, of planetary homes and evolutions. Causal bodies, mansions of the Father’s awareness of ions of being, come forth now. Oh, how these causal bodies come—now as they sweep through cosmic space, now as they interchange in the great dance of the hours, now as causal bodies move in the infinite design of God’s own consciousness. So Terra is blessed. These causal bodies sweep through, and there is an interpenetration of forcefields of light in this cosmic moment of hierarchy appearing unto mankind.

Who has said that the ascended masters do not walk and talk with mankind? We have been walking the streets of your great cities for decades, and we come closer and closer to the point of precipitation when they shall all know me from the least unto the greatest.2 The ascended masters walk and talk with mankind. Were it not so, the earth would long ago have perished from its point in time and space. The ascended master consciousness engulfs mankind, inundates mankind, with light. And yet they pursue their ways, and their ways are not our ways.3

So the LORD God of hosts comes forth. And the presence of angelic hosts, as you feel the softness of the wings of angels, is the portent of beings of light coming forth now and penetrating the darkest night as spheres of white light, as stars of sapphire glow and diamonds twinkling in the sky. So beings of light are between you, among you, sprinkled here and there as stardust falling. So I AM here, and I AM there, and I AM everywhere. For I AM wherever light is!

Is there light in you? I AM there! For I AM the Goddess of Light! Is there light in the heart of the sun, in the Great Central Sun, in galaxies beyond this one? I AM there!

I AM aware of Omega. I AM aware of the Cosmic Virgin in your own white-fire chakra. I AM there, saluting life, embracing life, pressing the measure of God’s love into the cup of being so that it might be pressed down and still overflow.

So that light is come. That light is come so that you might know what the meaning of love is as light flows and flows and flows. The light of cosmos, defined as particles by some, is indeed a moving stream, and light can bend and wind and curve and move through all dimensions. It can cycle through your cells and relieve you of all negative spirals, relieving you of any form of karma by the action of transmutation if the desire to be whole is great enough.

I AM light, light, light.
I AM light, light, light.
I AM light, light, light.
I AM light, light, light in you.

This affirmation of being and of light is a song of electrons and electrodes that come forth from my causal body. And so there are many individualizations of the God flame among elemental life and the angelic hosts who identify as a part of the veil and the gown of the bride of heaven and of the being that you call the Goddess of Light.

I AM that one. I AM that awareness of Selfhood as light. I AM God in manifestation. That which I AM I claim for you also. You can be that which I AM and more! Infinity is your opportunity to be free! Infinity is the only boundary of your soul!

Expand, O soul! Expand, O soul! Expand, O soul! And be one, now, in the I AM Presence of all life!

I release the gossamer veil of the flow of energies, of starlight, to give you a measure of an aspect of light. For light flows as substance, as filigree. Light flows as precious crystal. Light flows as precipitation in every plane of God’s being. Oh, everywhere I AM in God, God is aware of himself as light in every aspect of the creation!

O mankind, can you not for a moment look upon your earth and translate all manifestations in terms of light? Flowers are living, breathing light-potential in a matrix of glory, fragrant unto man, reminding all of the Creator’s suffusing glow and love. And the trees and the hills and the rocks and your body temples pure—all of these are light, light, light!

I say, be free of all density! Be free of that maya, that illusion that would cloak and shroud the image of the Divine Virgin within you! Oh, be free! Oh, be free!

Light, flow! Light, flow! Light, flow! into these ones who have come to be a chalice of the sacred fire! Light, flow as truth! Flow as health!

I call forth health for the students of light! I call forth wholeness and the Alpha-to-Omega cyclings of consciousness! I call forth an intensification of light in you that proceeds directly from the heart of my own causal body, which I gladly offer upon the altar of Saint Germain for the victory of this planet and other planets in this and other systems of worlds—worlds where Saint Germain is ministering to the needs of the evolutions.

I gladly offer my momentum of service in the Great Central Sun. Therefore let that thread of light, an intensely brilliant thread, now come forth from my causal body and be anchored within your own heart—a thread of light that shall never be broken save by your own inharmony.

Harmony is the law of the flow of light. And the cutting off of that flow must come about each time you let go of harmony and replace it with the inharmony of the lesser self. But I tell you, there is a great momentum in this thread of light to sustain harmony within you. Therefore, receive now that electrical energy of my being that comes as a thread, that is now contacting your heart chakra and is linking your chakra with my own.

Now let that tie be established as a mighty current of light. Now let the flow of the Great Causal Body of the cosmos be over that filigree pattern. And now when I kneel before the altar of the Great Central Sun and intone the sacred Word for the invocation of light, you will feel—by the gentle tugging of that thread upon your heartstrings, by the gentle movement of that thread—a release from the Central Sun. This is the weaving of the antahkarana from the planes of Spirit to the planes of Mater.

What is the antahkarana of life? It is that giant web of interconnecting filigree light patterns—threads of light that span a cosmos, connecting every ascended master, every focal point of the individualization of the God flame, including Elohim, cosmic beings, starry bodies. And so we would extend that antahkarana here below—here in the physical octave, here in Mater where souls have come forth to give their all.

We have seen your hearts. We have seen that suffusing glow. We have seen purity as a light to lighten a world. We have seen hearts on fire with the love of Saint Germain. We have seen them here and we have seen them beyond. We have seen them not only in this activity but in other activities of light and in other dispensations of Saint Germain.

So now, let the thread from my causal body contact every devotee of Saint Germain, irrespective of outer organizations. Let those who are the true lovers of the flame of freedom find that union of the Spirit through the Goddess of Light. And perchance one day they shall also acknowledge in one another that great tie, that blessed tie that binds all souls of light to the heart of the Great Central Sun.

So as your crystal cord comes down to you from the Great Giver of all life and light, your own I AM Presence, and as it proceeds to the heart of the sun, so I reinforce the crystal cord. Thereby you have an individualization of God-awareness in you this day and as long as you will cherish my love, and that individualization is the Goddess of Light!

I say, be the God of Light where you are! Be the Goddess of Light where you are unto a planet and a people! Hold high that star! Carry that star, won’t you, my heart friends of old? Carry that star and let it blaze! Let it be a torch that mankind might follow into the arms of the Cosmic Virgin.

O precious ones, I AM so aware of light! I AM so aware of souls struggling through the astral plane, through ignorance and darkness and the deception of the fallen ones. Wherever there is a soul that is lost, that is dying, that is in pain, I AM there! I AM there as a mother of light, extending that star of light!

I look for instruments. I look for those who love humanity as mother, as father. I look for those who understand the plea of the ascended hosts. We can only reach mankind through you, blessed hearts! And the tear from the eye of the Virgin Mary in this hour is her great sorrow that mankind do not open their hearts to her blessed Son and to her blessed, sacred, fiery energies that pulsate as the devotion of the Mother ray.

Continued in Part 2, published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 62 no. 20.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by the Goddess of Light was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Saturday, March 29, 1975, during the Class of the Resurrection Flame, held at the Ambassador Hotel, Los Angeles, California. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. Gal. 5:22, 23.

2. Jer. 31:34; Heb. 8:11.

3. Isa. 55:8.

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