Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 62 No. 20 - Beloved Goddess of Light - May 22, 2019

Where Light Is, There Is Victory!

Part 2

Hierarchy pleads for instruments. Hierarchy pleads for chakras as starry focuses of light within you. Hierarchy pleads that you make the invocation to call forth the Electronic Presence of the ascended masters hourly and daily.

Remember, precious hearts, that the fiat given by the power of the spoken Word is the scientific means for coalescing light energy from Spirit into Mater. And remember that the call to place the causal body and the Electronic Presence of the ascended masters over mankind, overshadowing them with that guardian angel presence, must be given forth. Remember that the calls that have already been given have been answered and that the light has gone forth. You must remember that the calls must be given again and again and again. If you do not make the calls, then by cosmic law we cannot enter into this octave.

I AM literally on fire with a causal body of light, which I desire to give to humanity. Where can I give it? Where can I place it? I would place it in your heart, O precious ones, but I must have your call! I must have your invocation! I must have your assent!

Do you not understand how heaven is brimming with beings who desire to step forth, waiting almost as Listening Angel, with a listening ear, waiting for but a murmur on the lips of mankind, saying, “O God, help me”? And when this call is given, then we can come forth and then we can anchor light.

Sometimes the scales are so delicately balanced. When there is not enough light flowing into the earth by a configuration of forces and forcefields, especially during the hours of sleep, we must send our angels to nudge the children of light from their sleep, awakening them and trusting that they will make the invocations no matter what the hour of our call.

And so you see that the great law of life, “The call compels the answer,” is also applied by the ascended masters. And therefore we make the call to God that mankind will make the call to us! We take the liberty, because of your devotion and your surrender, to come and to nudge you. And in that hour of our call, let the call go forth from your heart and from your throat chakra. Let the call go forth so that in the hours of sleep mankind might have the flow of light and the balance required to sustain elemental life. So I come with a plea, and I come with this gift of my causal body. So I come.

You can become a star! You are a star! You are stars in the crown of the Mother’s rejoicing, and you are the chain of diamonds, never ending, that form the necklace of the Cosmic Virgin. Each one of you who has sealed the heart fires—in God, in love, in service, in the I AM Presence—is as precious as a jewel of light unto the ascended hosts.

Now I say, let the body of God upon earth be multiplied! Let it be multiplied and let it be magnified, and let these stars be of the first magnitude. Let them be shining and brilliant. Let them be clean, crystal, fiery, and transparent, for the sacred fire is blazing in the very heart of the diamond.

Yes, I AM the Goddess of Light, and I will not leave thee. No, I will not leave thee until you affirm where you are, “I AM the God of Light! I AM the Goddess of Light!” Will you not say this now so that I might hear the response, so sweet to my ears?
[Congregation affirms, “I AM the God of Light! I AM the Goddess of Light!” (13x)

Precious ones, you have created the rippling of foaming waves of light on the cosmic sea, waves of affirmation of God-free, light-filled being flowing out from this center. As you have affirmed Alpha and Omega as the God and Goddess of Light where you are, so you have created, then, a central sun of your own, a forcefield of light.

As these waves of light proceed across that cosmic sea, never ending—like the note that the child places in the milk bottle and seals the cork—so your momentum, your affirmation, your identity moving on the cosmic sea will be read light-years away by angelic hosts who will hear that intonation and that affirmation. And they will look at one another and they will smile and they will say:

“See, the Goddess of Light has gone to Terra to plead for light, and some have answered; some have now affirmed their inner being. Far upon that yonder planetary home there are souls responding to light. Let us go to Terra. Let us join them in the fight.”

And so angelic hosts of light, bright and gold, will now come across that sea, following those waves, that rhythm of God-harmony, tracing back to the origin those ripples that you have put out upon life itself.

So the power of the spoken Word echoes across the cosmic sea. And therefore, by tuning in to the correct frequency you can hear the fiat of light spoken from the center of the Great Central Sun in the great Beginning of this manvantara* and of this cosmos. It is the fiat, “Let there be light! And there was light!”1

In that fiat of the eternal Logos there is the echo and the ring that continues to sing and sing and sing, making particles of light. Feel the comfort of the original fiat of creation! Every electron, every elemental, every electrode of light feels the glow, the comfort of God’s caring love by that voice—that voice of Father and of Mother that is everywhere the intoning of the eternal fiats of the Law.

And so you see, just as you have radio waves for the transmission of sound, as you have the projection of programs and communications over the airwaves and as you have communication with satellites, so we have instant communication over the grid of God’s mind that interpenetrates all of cosmos. And thus wherever you are, I AM. Wherever I AM, you are. By thought, by love, by word, by service, we are one.

I come to seal all breaches. I come to seal the four lower bodies and to heal. I come to erase those wedges of the dark ones that have been thrust upon you and in you. I come to remove splinters of darkness! Let the Great Central Sun Magnet demagnetize your forcefields now! I decree it and I give my vow:

“O Alpha and Omega, I shall supply the light of my own causal body. So let these bodies be filled with light, for I AM come to serve! I live to serve in light! I AM light’s service throughout all being! I AM that light, light, light! Light I AM! Light I give! Light is Victory!”

I desire that you should retain that glow of my own love-light and that you shall remember forevermore the predominance of light, the preponderance of light, the omnipresence of light, the omniscience of light, the omnipotence of light. Let this awareness of light that you now have in my aura remain with you—sustaining you, serving you, and magnetizing you to the Great Central Sun so that whatever appears as shadow, as not-self, as circumstance of separation, all of this is cast aside. For you walk in light, you live in light, you are light, light, light!

Light is the fulfillment of the Law on Terra. And with Helios standing by your side and releasing energies unto you, how can you fail? Let us remove the word “failure” from the lexicon of humanity. I say, it does not exist! For where light is, there is Victory!

I AM Victory! You are Victory! We are One! And let us decree now: “There shall nevermore be any separation under the Sun!” [Congregation affirms with the Goddess of Light:]

There shall nevermore be any separation under the Sun!
There shall nevermore be any separation under the Sun!
There shall nevermore be any separation under the Sun!

So then, I anchor my momentum of light as a record in your etheric body so that you will remember that I have spoken on the occasion of this Easter 1975, releasing in the City of the Angels that sufficiency of light, the call to light, and the law and love of light. This you can take at any hour to use for the victory of the planetary home, of the solar system, and of the galaxy.

There is no limitation to service, no limitation to the answer to the calls that you give to your I AM Presence. The only limitation is the limited cup of consciousness. Therefore replace that cup by the infinite chalice of God, Almighty God in you, and let God fill the cup of his own Selfhood with golden liquid light—light from the Goddess of Light, my offering unto you.

As garlands of roses now descend with crystal fires and dewdrops and diamonds blending, so the angels come and gather in their adoration of the devotion of your hearts. You are a son of light. You are a daughter of light. I claim you as my family of light. And I will be unto you as mother and father, sister and brother, husband and wife. I will be all things unto all Keepers of the Flame. For where you keep the flame, I AM all aspects of light and of God Selfhood.

I take my leave of you, not without regret. For I would tarry here and speak to you of things and worlds to come. Yet I must be about the Father’s business, and you must be about the Mother’s business.

And so let us conclude our communion in light, and let us take now the crystal chalice that is extended by angelic hands to each one. Take your right hand now and receive that crystal goblet, and take to your lips the goblet that I give to you of crystal essence pure.

Drink, then, of the goblet of light. Drink, then, of the elixir. Know that this is a sacred tryst and that it is the taking of the cup—the cup of the Christ and of the new wine of the kingdom.2 So we share it with those who are deserving of all love and light. [11-second pause]

I shall return on wings of song and on wings of the morning. I shall return in the light of the dawn. I shall return as the birds chirping at your window, reminding you that light is reality, is life, is the origin and the goal, is being here and now, which shall indeed make you whole.

*manvantara: Sanskrit; in Hinduism, one of the fourteen intervals that constitute a kalpa (the duration of time from the origination to the destruction of a world system; a cosmic cycle)

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by the Goddess of Light was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Saturday, March 29, 1975, during the Class of the Resurrection Flame, held at the Ambassador Hotel, Los Angeles, California. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. Gen. 1:3.

2. Matt. 26:28, 29.

I AM Light
by Kuthumi

I AM Light, glowing Light,
Radiating Light, intensified Light.
God consumes my darkness,
Transmuting it into Light.

This day I AM a focus of the Central Sun.
Flowing through me is a crystal river,
A living fountain of Light
That can never be qualified
By human thought and feeling.
I AM an outpost of the Divine.
Such darkness as has used me is swallowed up
By the mighty river of Light which I AM.

I AM, I AM, I AM Light;
I live, I live, I live in Light.
I AM Light’s fullest dimension;
I AM Light’s purest intention.
I AM Light, Light, Light
Flooding the world everywhere I move,
Blessing, strengthening, and conveying
The purpose of the kingdom of heaven.

This decree is in Prayers, Meditations, and Dynamic Decrees Decree Book, p. 103, no. 7.10A.

Six Mighty Cosmic Light Calls

1. Unfailing Light of God, I AM calling your Perfection into action in me now! (3x)
Unfailing Light of God, I AM calling your Perfection into action in this organization now! (3x)
Unfailing Light of God, I AM calling your Perfection into action on the earth now! (3x)

2. The blazing Light of God in the fullness of its Power is victorious now! (3x)

3. Mighty Arcturus, thou Elohim of God, descend with that Light of a thousand suns to transmute all human selfishness and discord on the earth now! (3x)

4. The Light of God never fails, and the beloved Mighty I AM Presence is that Light! (3x)

5. We speak to all misqualified energy: You have no power! Your day is done! In God’s name, I AM, be thou dissolved and transmuted into Light, Illumination, and Love forever! (3x)

6. The unlimited hosts of Light now move with lightning speed around the whole world and all human shadows melt away before God’s Love! (3x)

This decree is in the Prayers, Meditations, and Dynamic Decrees Decree Book, p. 44, no. 5.00.

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