Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 62 No. 30 - Jesus the Christ - August 8, 2019

I Come to Claim My Own!
I Come to Claim the Victory!

Now let the sacred fire be released from my heart unto the world, and let that fire be the swirl of light, radiant and spiraling around Terra. Let it be for the victory of life.

Let that energy be released in the resurrection—as the five-pointed star, as the energy that flowed from the wound in my side and the hands and the feet—so that all men might know the resurrection that is exalted in this hour. Let it be intensified! I proclaim it now as the acceleration for mankind, who in this hour require the initiation of ascension’s fires.

I stand before you as the witness of the ascension. I AM before you! I AM come anew to anchor the electrodes of my Electronic Presence unto mankind so that hope might regenerate life.

In this moment of the release of light there is a flow of energy that begins and travels heart to heart, leaping as that spark of fire from the Great Central Sun.

I come to claim sons and daughters of God for the victory! I come for a victory in this age, and I will have that victory! I will have Christed ones who are anointed by the Vicar of Christ walking the earth as sons and daughters of dominion. I will have those who are anointed of God be anointed upon earth in order to carry the flame of the resurrection, to be that pillar of fire and that cloud.1 So let them be, now, wayshowers unto all mankind across the desert and unto the Promised Land. Let that pillar of fire and that cloud of light be the glory of the New Day and the promise of the New Jerusalem.

I AM come in the full glory of the light and of my crown, which is a crown signifying the overcoming of the world and of all sin and darkness. This is a crown that you too can win.

I come to reactivate the momentum of the Christ light in all who have denied that light. I come to claim my people! I come to claim those who have that fire within them of all that is Real! Now let them go forth to heal! Now let that fire be released! For God himself shall work a work this day— a work of the Law, a work of the fulfillment of the Law and of the prophets in that grace that is sufficient unto the hour, which is the claiming of Reality within you, each and every one.

Let my people come, then, from the four corners of the earth! Let them come from Asia! Let them come! I say, let them come, proclaimed by the Buddha and claimed by the Mother. Let them come into the light of the Christ. Let them come to renew the ancient covenant.

So I will make thy seed as the sand of the seashore innumerable.2 This is the seed of the Christ! This is that kernel of light that is the promise! It is the seed of Alpha and Omega. It is the Christ light given unto every one who is born of God.

God is no respecter of persons or of his pure sons.3 For God claims all as victors who will take that will—that free will that was given in the Beginning—and use that will to anchor the light, to secure the light, to expand the light, and to claim a flame of consciousness, of individuality.

Let us see, then, who will come. As it has been said, “The last shall be first, and the first last.”4 Let us see who will drink of the fount of their own God-reality and raise up that serpent in the wilderness.5 Let us see who will raise up the Kundalini fires as the caduceus action through the meditation of the law of life that does bring that energy, surely.

Therefore, raising up that energy of sacred fire, let my people now recognize the Christ as the true identity that is come. Let them proclaim the “first coming” and the “second coming.” Let them know that the “third coming” is the coming of the Mother and the “fourth coming” is the coming of the Holy Spirit.6

I AM come that all might have life and that more abundantly!7 So let it manifest here! So I take that fire from my heart and extend it to your own, for every sin it does atone. This is the fire that will heal! This is the fire that will proclaim all that is Real within you!

I come, then, as a reinforcement of your own Christ consciousness, for I would never take that consciousness from any man or woman or child. For to be that consciousness is your calling and your supreme joy in the LORD of creation.

Marvel not that I AM come. Marvel not that through a humble messenger or prophet of the Law the hosts of the LORD do come again in this age. For was it not prophesied by Joel that all these things would come to pass?8 Was it not told to you that there would be dreams and prophecies, that there would be visions and that every man should sit under his own vine and fig tree?9

So, then, when prophecy is fulfilled in your midst and when you feel the life of God surging within you—every heartbeat being a testimony of the victory of life—deny not cosmic purpose and cosmic law but let your cup be uplifted to receive the flow of life! Let it be a chalice without flaw. Let it be the raising of the fires of life. Let it be a consciousness that implores God for freedom and for truth. Let your cup be a consciousness that will stand, and having stood, will stand and still stand for victory, for honor, and for truth! For it is the truth that shall make mankind free!10

If I choose to speak the truth through this one, will you deny it or will you receive me again? In fact, the choice is unto each one. For I stand at the door and knock,11 and my knock is at the portal of humanity, at their heart’s door.

I come to claim my own! I come to claim the victory! And I come to mark the lines of victory!

Let all know this day that in commemoration of my ascension and of this year and of this cycle of the Holy Spirit,12 I place my Electronic Presence over every man, woman, and child upon this planet for the fulfillment of the Law in this hour. The Christ Self of each one merges with my own Electronic Presence, and for a period of twenty-four hours the Christ consciousness can be known, can be amplified, can be invoked and proven. Let those who will, then, prove that gain, now prove that multiplication of the Lord’s body.

Think you not that I, who multiplied the loaves and fishes to feed the five thousand, cannot now multiply my body and my consciousness for five billion or ten billion or a hundred billion souls?

Is not one with God the majority of all life? Are you not one with God in this hour of victory? Therefore be the majority! Be the wholeness! Be the life universal and triumphant and declare for all mankind, “I AM the resurrection and the life! He that believeth on me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.”13

I AM the life triumphant within you! And I give you the blessing and the benediction to go forth to carry the flow of life, to be quickened in Christ in this hour, and to let this be your own multiplication factor for multiplying God consciousness upon the planet Earth. This is your calling! This is your cosmic destiny!

Remember well that I have told you. For you have also taken that vow, even as I took that vow when descending into the form that was prepared for my incarnation: “Lo, I AM come to do thy will, O God!”14 So you also vowed that vow that is now forgotten beneath the sediment of mortal consciousness.

So I come! I come to prick you by that sword of peace! I come by that sacred Word! I come with penetration of mind and heart and soul! I will not let you rest until you have attained that goal!

I AM come, then, to awaken the sleeping consciousness of mankind. I AM come to goad you into action in the Law—to defend freedom, to defend light, to defend peace, and in all things to participate in love and in honor with one another.

I come, then, that you might take the Body and the Blood, the Spirit and the Matter of Christ. I come that you might walk the earth quickening life—sometimes in silence, sometimes in the spoken Word, sometimes in prayer and then in meditation, and then by the fiat that the LORD God himself shall speak through you in the hour of the reckoning.

It is done. And the twelve legions of angels from the heart of the Great Central Sun shall carry out a cosmic purpose, radiating forth from this place to all the earth, intensifying the Presence of the Christ.

In light we are one! In Christ we are one! This is the meeting of heaven and earth. This is the place consecrated. This is the Holy of Holies and the ark of the covenant. This is the place where God in man meets man in God. This is the place where Christ is born anew. [15-second pause]

Receive ye the Holy Ghost.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Jesus the Christ was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Friday, May 9, 1975, Jesus’ Ascension Day service at the Motherhouse in Santa Barbara, California.

1. Exod. 13:21-22.

2. Gen. 22:17; Heb. 11:12.

3. Acts 10:34; Rom. 2:11.

4. Matt. 20:16; 19:30; Mark 10:31; Luke 13:30.

5. John 3:14.

6. In his 1989 Thanksgiving Day Address, Jesus explained that “the so-called Second Coming has occurred and recurred” and that from November 23, 1989, unto the end of the age of Pisces, “I shall have appeared to everyone on every plane of this Matter house.... I come, then, in the appearance prophesied, and I come again and again.... So understand, beloved, that I am in the earth as foretold, and I am here to fulfill the prophecy that every eye shall see me.” (Rev. 1:7) See Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Path of the Universal Christ, Section 9, “The Second Coming,” pp. 130, 127, and TSL Encyclopedia, “Second Coming.”

7. John 10:10.

8. The Book of Joel contains apocalyptic prophecies including that of the coming of the “day of the LORD.” Joel 2:11 reads: “For the day of the LORD is great and very terrible; and who can abide it?” In a lecture given on July 4, 1977, the messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet explains that the “great and terrible day of the LORD is the appearance of the mighty I AM Presence and the descent of that fire. And it is ‘terrible’ because the fire is so intense that only those who have invoked the light of God and the intensity of that light will be able to stand in that day.”

9. I Kings 4:25; II Kings 18:31; Isa. 36:16; Mic. 4:4; Zech. 3:10.

10. John 8:32.

11. Rev. 3:20.

12. This cycle and year of the Holy Spirit. In 1974, the Maha Chohan explained that the final quarter of the century was “a cosmic spiral that will be for the full realization of the Holy Spirit.” See p. 200, n. 1, this volume.

13. John 11:25.

14. Heb. 10:9.

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