Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 62 No. 29 - Beloved Queen of Light - August 1, 2019

A Rose, a Poem, and a Song

Hosanna, for the light is come! Light is come to earth! Light from the Central Sun streams forth! O sons and daughters of light, you are light and you are crowned lightbearers of the ages!

So you receive now that light that spirals from the heart of the causal body of a cosmos. So the causal body of a cosmos opens now, and heaven opens wide. And coming forth as the personification of light is the Cosmic Virgin and angels of the Virgin light.

The Mother flame is awakened and quickened in mankind. And thou who has slept—thou who has slept, so awaken! Awaken!

All who sleep, now awaken to the Mother light! For the Cosmic Virgin is come and this is the hour of the appearing of the Queen of Heaven. And Mary, the Mother ray, and all beings of light who embody the feminine ray now come in the procession of the coronation of the Queen of Light.

Light you are! Light is the crown of your life! Now see how light comes forth in fulfillment of the action of all that has been given as resurrection’s flame. As you have prepared yourselves for the entrance of the light into your being, so the heavenly hosts and cosmic councils release that light that is sufficient for the Victory.

Your vessels can carry the light, yet your vessels need to be expanded. The capacity for light must be increased, and you increase your capacity through the exercise of the twelve aspects of your own causal body.1 By invoking these aspects, by building this momentum, you acquire daily an expanded awareness, an expanded capacity to be light.

Therefore the LORD God fills your cup with light. And he will come day by day to increase that flow, to fill that cup. Be careful, then, that you give that cup unto life so that your cup might be emptied that it might be filled again.

Give freely unto others even as it is given unto you. “Freely ye have received, freely give.”2 Increase your giving, O souls of light. Think each day how you can give a gift of light to the Divine Mother and to the Son, to the Manchild appearing here and there and everywhere as souls of light take incarnation. Think each day, ere you put to sleep the body form, “Have I given a gift of myself this day? What have I given away so that I might receive in the temples of light all of the light of the Godhead?”

So increase the opening! Increase the capacity of the flow! Increase the crystal cord! Increase the threefold flame! And enter into the inheritance of kings and priests unto God, of queens and priestesses, of sons and daughters of the flame, of children of God.

At every level of initiation let the capacity to receive and to give be increased. The light that you are today, as a blazing sun of Reality, will appear as an atom tomorrow, when you become a greater sun. And each day as you increase the ring of light, you will become aware of Mighty Cosmos, who is born inside of you—Mighty Cosmos, being of light, releasing the wholeness of the secret rays:

[The master chants:]

I come carrying a basket in my hands that is filled with roses. It is the gift of the Queen of Light to all who come this way. Let each one receive a rose of my heart, a pink rose of love to keep as a remembrance of this day.

Angels of the Goddess of Light, angels of the Goddess of Purity, angels of my band, come forth. Let the crystal-diamond light be for the adornment of the eyes of a child, of the eyes of a mother and a father and of souls swimming in the sea of God’s own bliss.

Angels, come forth. You are light. I AM light. We are light. And this is light—to be an offering as a rose, to be the one who ministers unto life.

I come for the reinforcement of all that has been given in this conference. I come with poetry, and I come with a song for each one, which is fashioned out of the rhythm and the cycles of your own causal body. My angels stand before you to sing to you this song—the song of your own beloved, the song of your own twin flame, and to read to you the poetry of your I AM Presence.

So with a rose, a poem, and a song, I AM the Queen of Light. And now I walk through you, each one, merging my being with your own for a moment so that you might know the meaning of becoming a king and a queen in the hierarchy of light.

I come to set the blueprint of that goal. I come with upliftment for your soul. I come to dissolve all unworthiness, all substance of uneasiness, all absence of firmness in will, in the Law, in the pursuit of the Holy Spirit.

I come to reinforce your awareness of Self as beauty, as holiness, as loveliness, as tenderness, and as the victory of the star-fire light. I come to let the diamond of my crown burst within you, within each chakra, in order to give you the awareness of fulfillment in each of the seven rays.

O God, raise them up! Lift them up on high! Let them be, now, the fullness—the fullness, oh yes—of each sphere of the causal body, fair and glowing, and with the countenance of the Angel of the Presence. Like lightning, let it pass through each one.

Let each one come to know the Reality of individuality that is fashioned and fired in God, no more to submit to limitation, to mortality. Let each one know the Real Self. Let each one claim—in honor and in dignity, in nobility and in humility—the fullness of a Selfhood fashioned in the image of our God.

I come to restore you to your divine estate, to give you that appreciation of your Real Self so that you can hold your head high in the joy of living, in the joy of knowing and of giving, in the joy of saying:

I AM a son of God!

I AM a daughter of God!

I AM erect, for I know that my Redeemer liveth!

I know that I am forgiven, washed clean, and made whole!

I know that I stand in time and space and yet I AM the Eternal One!

I AM a blazing sun!*

I AM the fullness of the Word incarnate!

I AM created in honor!

To honor I shall return, and I am not afraid to be the fullness of my God-identity!

No longer will I look downcast, nor will I allow myself to be trampled upon by the darkness of this world!

Wherever I go and wherever I AM, a circle of fire as the boundaries of my God will seal me in infinity and in the fire, in the exactness of love, of truth—a witness flashing forth the energies of heaven. Therefore all who approach the citadel of my life must be transformed into the likeness of the Christ, which I AM.

I will not give way nor will I be influenced, nor will I come down from that consciousness of Christhood. But I will, as Jesus said, compel all to come into the divine reunion of the Christ.3

So, I AM light!

I AM worthy to be light!

I give light!

I receive light!

I stand in light!

None can take my light!

This is life—to be light, to know that I AM light, to defend that light and to maintain the awareness of the sufficiency of light!

Now let all on the earth bow before the light that you are! Let all on the earth bow before the Christ, and let them be changed and transformed according to the likeness of the Law, which I impart now.

Let the earth change its ways, as your ways are formulated from on high by the spiraling of the law of the I AM Presence! Let your ways become the ways of God! And let God in you compel all life and all cyclings of the finite realm into the spirals of infinity!

Now we have released the light, and now the songs have been sung. The poems have been read, and you have the rose of my heart. So let the cloven tongues of fire, the sealing action of twin flames, impress you with the wholeness that you are in light.

Go forth in that wholeness and you will be conquerors! You will be the living witness of the truth that shall make all mankind free.4

In light, be one! In light, be whole! In light, be quickened! In light, be all love!

I AM the Queen of Light, crowning you as the Christ with many crowns, which you are. Let each crystal in these crowns be a focal point for some holy virtue that you have made tangible through your hands and the labor of your hands; through your heart and the love of your heart; through your mind and the fineness of that mind that is attuned to the mind of God.

So let the crystals in the crowns of the sons and daughters of God reflect the virtues that descend from on high into Mater in this hour as the momentum of your causal bodies, which you have indeed called forth and received.

So let the crystallization of the crown of life be the witness that you have entered into the heritage, the nobility of the royal family of light servers.

So, O family of light, come home! Come home! Come home to the Queen of Light! I wait for you in my castle of light. Come home when your crowns are full of star-fire crystals, when you have outpictured those virtues that the Law requires.

When you enter the gate, then, let your crowns be complete, let them be full, let them be as the many stars in the heavens. Yes, let them be the sign and the wonder of the Woman in the heavens. Let them be the sign and the wonder of the Manchild. Let them be the sign and the wonder of a karma that is balanced, of a life lived in grace, in service, and in the Law.

Let your crown of life be the sign that says, “All is well. I am coming home. All is well. I am coming home!”

When this is your call, I will answer: “Come home, daughter of light! Come home, son of light! Mission fulfilled. We are one.”

*This could also be “Son.”

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

>This dictation by Queen of Light was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, March 30, 1975, during the Class of the Resurrection Flame, held at the Ambassador Hotel, Los Angeles, California.

1. The twelve aspects of your causal body refer to the seven outer spheres surrounding the I AM Presence and the five secret rays that are within the causal body.

2. Matt. 10:8.

3. Luke 14:23; Matt. 22:1-10, 14.

4. John 8:32.

I AM Thy Chalice

by Lanello

I AM the true life of the Flame,
A focus of God’s I AM name,
Descending cycle from the Sun,
My radiant source, thou lovely One!

I AM thy chalice ever free—
My purposed aim like Thee to be,
A ray of Light’s expanding Love,
A focus for God’s Comfort Dove.

Thy ray now anchored in my form
Does my Divinity adorn:
Thy Flame, a rising sacred fire,
Each moment takes me ever higher

Until at last made purer still,
Eternal focus of thy Will,
I AM thy crystal chalice pure,
An anchor of thy Love secure.

A healing fountain to the earth,
I AM real proof of Life’s rebirth,
Which by the power of thy name
Ascends today thy Love to claim.

I AM thy radiance crystal clear,
' Forever pouring through me here.
Thy living Joy fore’er expanding,
I AM with Thee all Life commanding!*

This decree is in Prayers, Meditations, and Dynamic Decrees Decree Book, p. 27, no. 1.02.

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