Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 62 No. 32 - Beloved Saint Germain - August 22, 2019

The Mark of the Piscean Conqueror

Part 2

Let the torches of the saints, then, be kept blazing by your invocations, for they penetrate Mater. And you know the Law in Matter—that some in physical embodiment must give the call.

You are the fuel for the fires of the devotees of light ascended. This is hierarchy! This is cosmic cooperation and co-measurement! This is how the battle of light is won! For you see, one day, in the twinkling of an eye, there will come forth the sacred fire that will consume the entire darkness of the astral plane, leaving the emotional body of the planet as a calm sea, as the sun setting upon the sea, as the light of the Mother, and with God-control of all energy.

Understand that at that moment, at that hour when the consuming comes forth, there must not be left children of the light caught in the astral plane, for they will also be consumed because they will not have confirmed their soul in the light of the Christ.

Therefore this is the time, as Jesus said, to become fishers of men,1 to cast that net, as the golden chain mail, into the astral plane, to draw forth those who would do better if they knew better and if they could be but freed from the toils of the fallen ones. This is the hour for sons and daughters of dominion to understand what it means to serve on the sixth ray with Christ. Indeed, it is to go to the sinners and the sick and the dying.

You can see those on the physical plane who polarize to the astral. There are many in embodiment who are simply focuses of the astral plane and of the fallen ones. They are the deceivers, the whoremongers, the witches, the black magicians, the destitute, the alcoholics, the drug addicts, those who are involved in crime and the degeneration of morality. They are those who are vegetating in nursing homes, where there is decay, where there is degeneration, and where there is the focus for the seizing and the stealing of light by the astral hordes and for the anchoring of the darkness in the physical plane. And when these astral hordes steal the light, they use it to capture souls passing from the screen of life.

This is the seriousness of service on the sixth ray. The flame of the torch carried by the saints has been kindled in your heart so that you might walk the earth illumining the dark alleys, exorcising the cats that make their sounds in the night, and thereby exposing those who tremble and fear in the alleys of life.

Understand that transmutation must take place simultaneously in all of the four levels of consciousness. Thus for progress to be made, this thrust must take place. And when I come to Summit University in the fall to give the seventh aspect of the Law and of the teaching,2 I will build on the foundation that has been laid by the previous six quarters of students. I am counting on this group to carry the torch of Pisces so that I might place the torch of Aquarius for the fulfillment of a cycle.

So, then, you have come from the depths. You have seen how the astral hordes have attempted to capture your souls. You have experienced a long night, and you have come into the light of the day and of the sun of Helios and Vesta.

To whom is forgiven much, much is expected.3 And the great love of Mary Magdalene comes forth when a word of forgiveness is spoken by the Christed One who heals sin with the words, “Go and sin no more.”4 This is the answer. Coming out of the depths, being washed clean by the living water of the Word, you qualify to be the Christed ones.

Of all admonishments, let it be this—that you do not enter into the self-condemnation, worthlessness, or guilt that will surely be projected upon you by the falling ones—those who are falling, as it were, down the well, down the well of life, spiraling downward into the underground passages of the astral plane.

For this cause the Goddess of Liberty established the Order of the Golden Lily, its fulfillment being the ascension service.5 Remember, then, that some of you were also caught in the pits of the astral plane before incarnating in this life. You were rescued by the saints and the angels of deliverance by their action, by the prayers of those who have gone before you. You are here and I am here, and we are one!

Now be the angels of mercy who clear the way for others to come forth. And by and by, day by day, the rescue mission will be accomplished, and I will return to announce that accomplishment. And then with the tolling of the bell of Archangel Uriel, you will see the burning of the astral plane.

I have set before you a goal, a mission, a path of life. Think not that this can come about in a year. It demands your all, for all time and space, as long as you have time and space. This is an ongoing mission. Thus we build for eternity.

My commitment to your heart flame is made. Therefore make your commitment and keep your word unto God and unto God’s representatives, and let the word that you keep manifest in you as the healing of consciousness.

So by your commitment, so by your obedience, so by your fulfillment of cycles you shall be healed and you shall be found in the wholeness of Alpha and Omega, of Peace and Aloha.

Now as the Lord of the World enters, will you rise.
[Audience stands.]

Wearing the crown of the secret rays (a crown that must be fulfilled as Above so below), Gautama stands before this company. And the particles of light and the diamonds of light in the crown of the Buddha coalesce and crystallize in Matter as you become the stars and the gold of the crown, one by one. Let your life be for the fulfillment of the crown of the Buddha. Please kneel. [Audience kneels.]

As Lord Maitreya and the World Teachers form an arc—an arc of their body consciousness that follows the contours of the curve of time-space—angels of ministration and service have the honor of placing upon all the golden mantle, the velvet cape that marks those who have completed levels of Summit University. Some of you who have worn your capes for many months have gone out into the world and have picked up the debris of the world. And therefore the angels of ministration now clean and renew those capes so that they sparkle and shine with a soft glow of velvet, as those that are new. (Angels render many services of which mankind are not aware.)

I place upon the cape of each one a five-pointed star marking the completion of level one of Summit University, and a second star is placed upon those who complete level two. All will receive the stars marking their service, and the stars are retained until that time when you, each one, complete the spiral of assignments and of disciplines. So, then, the star is kept, and each successive star is kept as you fulfill your aspect of the covenant.

As Nada takes her place in your midst, the chalice of the Holy Grail is lowered. Will you lean your heads back and open your mouths to receive the Communion host placed there by angels of Uriel’s band. And then as Jesus comes to each one in his Electronic Presence, will you take the cup, the elixir of life from the Grail. Drink ye all of it.6

So the Body and the Blood of Christ as the light of Alpha and Omega is given unto you as you participate in the sacrament of the Church, even as it is now delivered unto the saints at etheric levels, who comprise that body in heaven. So you are empowered to go forth in the light of Christ.

To those who are successfully completing level two, I say, receive the scepter of authority to challenge maya, to challenge the astral hordes and the fallen ones. So use that scepter and keep it polished. Use it to defend the stations of the cross in the name of the Father and of the Mother, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Guard, then, the sacred gifts.

You have heard of certain dispensations and aspects of light that have been given. So this night I give you not a jewel but an action of my flame, and this is the action that I shall name. It is the penetration of your heart and the opening of the door of the heart that has not been opened because of centuries of abuse and refuse. So there is a melting of hardness of heart. And as the flame of my heart pries open the door that is covered over and overgrown with vines, we hear the creaking of the hinges that have not been used. So I penetrate and I activate and I vitalize, that you might eternalize the flame.

Therefore I come to implement the opening of the heart chakra and the increase of the love of the heart so that you might be your own crystal fire mist, so that you might be the giver of the gift within yourself as God, of that which I might give to you but which I prefer that you earn by service, surrender, and sacrifice.

So, then, I have given a momentum of my service in the Piscean dispensation, and the Lady Master Nada intensifies the heart’s love of all. Yours is to reinforce the momentum of all sons and daughters of God. Yours is to build the Church Universal and Triumphant. Yours is to be the Christ where you are.

I have given you a mission that can be fulfilled—if you will it, if you surrender, if you bow to the light, if you follow the precepts and follow the true mysteries and the initiations of the Piscean conquerors.

You are like the weaving of the garment. You are like the crisscrossing of the threads of the warp and woof. Then come the sons of God and they use the garment, and the garment is their safe passage through the astral plane. So it must be a strong garment, woven tightly. Thus you become the mantle of the Cosmic Christ.

This is our dispensation. This is our love. This is our energy. With Christ I say, Lo I AM with you alway,7 even unto the end of the age of Pisces and the fulfillment of Aquarius!

I AM Saint Germain! I remain the Knight Commander and the sponsor of freedom in every nation and of the light of America! I AM here, and I AM victory! I stand beside you!

Call to me, I say, in the moment of trouble, and see how the ray will dispel the darkness and clear the way through the subterranean passages through which the soul must pass to reach the light on the Summit.

I bid you a fond victory and a fond adieu.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Saint Germain was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Thursday, June 19, 1975, in Santa Barbara, California.

1. Matt. 4:18-20; Mark 1:16-18.

2. In 1975, when Summit University outgrew the Motherhouse in Santa Barbara, California, SU was held at La Tourelle, in Colorado Springs, Colorado. The first session there was the fall 1975 quarter sponsored by Saint Germain, October 1 through December 19. During this quarter the messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet gave teachings on the dictations of both Saint Germain and El Morya to level one students, and she taught level three students from the book Unveiled Mysteries, by Godfré Ray King, pen name of Guy W. Ballard, Saint Germain’s messenger in the 1930s.

3. Luke 12:48.

4. John 8:11; 5:14.

5. The Goddess of Liberty founded the Order of the Golden Lily on July 7, 1963. In that dictation she placed the symbol of the Order of the Golden Lily over the hearts of those who would help her “lift the torch” on behalf of mankind both in and out of embodiment. Those initiated into the Order of the Golden Lily have the opportunity and responsibility to invoke the intercession of the hosts of the LORD for the illumination and the cutting free of souls of light trapped on the astral plane, especially those passing through the transition called death, so that they might be safely escorted by angels to the octaves of light and the retreats of the Great White Brotherhood. Devotees gather each Friday night for the ascension service to fulfill this commitment. For more information, go to “Order of the Golden Lily” at, a website of The Summit Lighthouse.

6. Matt. 26:27.

7. Matt. 28:20.

Affirmations Taken from a Dictation

by the Elohim of Peace
September 26, 1966

  1. I AM the gentle rain of Peace
  2. I AM the manifestation of divine Perfectionment
  3. I AM the great heartbeat of Divine Love from on high
  4. I AM the power of infinite Love and Compassion within
  5. I AM the flame of Love that will sustain all
  6. I AM the realization of the power of Love
  7. I AM the externalization of the quality of divine Freedom
  8. I AM the quality of infinite Peace in manifestation
  9. I AM the power of Tranquility
  10. I AM the power of great tides of Love and Peace
    bringing to an end the contamination
    of discord and despair
  11. I AM the renewal of hope in hearts that have no hope
  12. I AM understanding wherever there are
    ears to hear and hearts to embrace
  13. I AM the Freedom of men from the shackles of war
  14. I AM a messenger of Peace

Taken from a dictation by the Elohim of Peace, September 26, 1966, Colorado Springs, Colorado. This decree is in Prayers, Meditations, and Dynamic Decrees Decree Book, p. 441, no. 62.11.

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