Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 62 No. 33 - Beloved God and Goddess Meru - September 1, 2019

Let Wisdom’s Fires Glow
As You Impart the Teaching of the Heart

I AM in the flame of light’s wisdom, standing in the presence of the law of your own being.

I AM the God Meru. My Electronic Presence enfolds each one of you, and the replica of that forcefield is multiplied now and placed as a mantle in the aura of each one who by free will assents to my coming into your consciousness and your world.

I come with a forcefield of light for the transfer of wisdom’s fires from the Macrocosm to the microcosm. And you have also come—your souls in anticipation of my coming. You have been propelled here by the inner urging of the soul to find freedom in the light of wisdom, and so we converge in time and space with a holy offering unto the LORD.

I place myself at the disposal of the Lord of your own being, your Christ consciousness, even as you place yourselves at the disposal of the LORD God. This is the flow of wisdom! This is the release of energy, as Above, so below! This is the initiation of cosmic cycles in the Twin Cities,1 which is for the anchoring of certain matrices of the Brother hood so that souls evolving here might fulfill the inner blueprint of life— the blueprint that is the purpose of this city, of this focus of the flame, the twin flames of the Father-Mother God.

Out from this nucleus of fire there will emerge sons and daughters of God who have understood the Law and the Logos and the Word and the unity of life in harmony. Therefore we have sent forth souls of light to establish that focus that shall be known as Hiawatha House2—the place for unity, for finding strength in union as a cosmic cube of the Church Universal and Triumphant. Let this focus be the shrine of the Father-Mother God. Let it be the place of the return to the culture of Mu, of the land of Mu and of the land of the waters—shining waters, sparkling waters, many waters descending from the great I AM Presence.3

Let those who are the descendants of Mu and who claim their heritage as the first Americans also learn of the teachings of the Motherland from whence they came. Let their soul memory be restored! Let them return to the flame! Let them let go of their rebellions by which they were thrust out from the Motherland! Let them return to the sacred fire in order to dedicate this land to Hiawatha, who took his leave long ago and disappeared in the canoe into the waters of the Mother flow.4

We come, then, to intensify the light of the heart, the action of the heart as the nucleus, the white-fire sun. Let this be the perpetuation, without cessation, of the light of knowledge that was once enshrined in these Twin Cities in ancient times so long ago, in golden ages vast. From long into the ancient past these ages and golden spirals roll—rolling now as the release of sacred fire, as opportunity for all who lived in those ages to bring to a conclusion, a grand finale, the precipitation of the wisdom of the ages.

Opportunity is the sign of the hour of judgment, and that judgment, as it comes, is released at the hand of the archangels and the archeiai. It is released as the vials of the wrath of God, as vials of karma that the Law requires mankind to transmute. Let this hour of the judgment, then, also be known as the hour of opportunity—the open portal to the unity of the white-fire core of being.

I raise my hands as the Goddess Meru stands with me to enshrine wisdom’s fires in these cities, to restore the inner blueprint. And therefore by the authority that we hold in the feminine ray, we send forth the challenge for the arresting of the spirals of all misuses of the energy of the Father-Mother God in the practice of the black arts and in the release of the false teachers who have come to this place to lead the children of the light astray through paths of variance and confusion.5

So now let the lines of force be adjusted. Let the energies of the Divine Mother be raised, and let there be a sifting of hearts. Let all hearts come into oneness by way of surrender to the will of God and to the Christ, who is the open door that no man can shut.6

Blaze the light of God!

Blaze the light of God!

Blaze the light of God!

Thus by the power of the spoken Word the judgment is come as a rain of sacred fire upon these cities, and that judgment is for the bringing into alignment of those souls who have rebelled against the blueprint of life. Let these souls be drawn into alignment as the forcefields of darkness are shattered by the action of light!

We collapse the matrix of all misuse of the sacred fire! So let those spirals be arrested! Let elemental life go free, for they have been imprisoned by those who know not what they do, by those who are giving forth incantations that are not in keeping with the light of the I AM THAT I AM.7 Let wisdom show forth right and wrong, and let light and darkness be parted in this hour.

I AM Meru. I release the golden stream of wisdom’s consciousness. Let the children of the Mother frolic in the stream and rejoice in the purity of wisdom’s flow. Let them be happy and whole. Let them return to the One. Let them come to Lake Titicaca to be renewed in the fire that burns upon our altar there.8

I give to you now the Lady Meru.

The Goddess Meru

For freedom I AM come for the liberation of souls from the domination of psychic forces, from the manipulation of the sacred fires of life.

I release the energies for the liberation of souls. If you would feel that light now, then respond in your heart, “I will! I will! I will!”

Let your response be heard in the chamber of your heart and in your soul and mind. Let your assent that is given for the intercession of hierarchy be known, for we will not enter where we are not bidden. Therefore be free to choose—to choose the way of freedom or the way of bondage.

I come with wisdom in order to anchor in your souls the light of the Holy Kumaras, which was a dispensation brought forth by the Elohim of wisdom at Mount Shasta.9 This dispensation was for the anchoring of the rod of the Holy Kumaras in the minds of mankind and of the children of light. I now extend this dispensation by an arc of fire to all who will surrender, to all upon the planetary home who have acknowledged the light of God. I draw forth an arc from the crown chakra to the heart, anchoring in the heart the wisdom of Alpha for the birth of the Christ Child within that heart center.

Now is the quickening! Now is the sending forth of wisdom’s ray from my heart to your own! Be free this day! Be free, I say! Take with you wisdom’s light. Claim it as your own.

Take it to your home. Kneel before the altar of your heart and receive the wisdom of the Christed ones.

You who would be educators of mankind, you who would serve the World Teachers, become disciplined in the Law by way of discipleship. And this, now take. Take the Law! Take the light! Follow the masters who have set forth the Path for chelas—chelas of Morya, chelas of Saint Germain. Receive the admonishments of the chohans so that you might also impart them to your children and your children’s children.

Take the teaching from the causal body of Hiawatha.10 Take the teaching and let it live. Let it live, as daily you will to forgive and you will to release the fire of freedom and of wise dominion—wisdom in the dome of the mind.

Let it flow. Let it arc from heart to heart. Let it leap. Let it leap across a planet and a people from heart to heart. Let wisdom’s fires glow as you impart the teaching of the heart.

Teach by love. Release the Law with the compassion of the Holy Spirit and of the Mother. Teach with the heart and watch the children glow and grow in life. Impart the flame with every word and see how you will propel them to the center of the LORD.

Become disciples. Become disciplined so that you might also teach the way, the truth, and the life11—the I AM THAT I AM in you that is unfolding as that Christ consciousness. The hierarchies of cosmos require a chalice of hearts here below into which we might pour that elixir, that golden liquid light of the Christ consciousness.

You have come. You will to serve. You will be instruments of the LORD if you will follow and practice diligently the teachings of the Buddha, the Lord of Life. Let your hearts expand now, for I would enter in. I would anchor there a token, a flame of life, a threefold flame of the Mother of the World.

I come now. I come to release that light. We desire the touching of your heart chakras as a physical passing, an anchoring of the flame. And therefore we have called you this day. You have answered. You have come.

I pray, then, come to this altar quietly, orderly, at the conclusion of this dictation, and allow the messenger to touch your heart chakra with the amethyst egg, which Serapis Bey has charged with ascension’s fires. And in that moment I will also stand before you to transfer—through the physical atoms, the molecules of the amethyst—that light of wisdom’s fire to intensify your heart chakra. For out of the hearts of the Christed ones the Christ is born, the flame will flow, and hearts aglow will traverse a planet, anchoring in all mankind the initial impetus of wisdom’s ray.

From heart to heart, then, be on your way, but not without the blessing of the Lord of the First Ray and of the chohans of all the rays as this light and this fire is coalesced in the white light of the ascension.

Receive, then, this initiation, which is the initiation of a cycle in your life whereby you can be, if you choose to be, an instrument of wisdom on Terra for the victory of light in the Aquarian age.

I AM the Goddess Meru. Our twin flames are dedicated to the victory of the Christ consciousness in all mankind. Our prayer to you, to you, and to you is that you might also dedicate your life to wisdom in the hearts of mankind. If you will do so this day, then I say: As Above, so below, the Great White Brotherhood of ascended and unascended beings will converge for the great conflagration of wisdom’s fire, consuming the errors, the darkness of a planet and a people.

This is our hope for the Aquarian age! It will be fulfilled if some below elect to fulfill it and if you seize this torch of wisdom’s fire and run with it as keepers of that fire. Then—then there is hope for a golden age.

We can offer. We can give. We must have those who will receive, as receptacles of light. Then and only then will there be the turning of the tide as ignorance is swallowed up in Cosmic Christ illumination.

We are for the victory of wisdom in all, the God and Goddess Meru.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by God and Goddess Meru was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Saturday, October 4, 1975, during the Education in the Age of Aquarius, held in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

1. The Twin Cities refers to the cities of Minneapolis and Saint Paul, located in the state of Minnesota.

2. Hiawatha House is the name of the Church Universal and Triumphant Minneapolis-Saint Paul Community Teaching Center, located in Minneapolis. Saint Germain dedicated and named this center in his dictation on January 24, 1976. The name “Hiawatha House” honors both Hiawatha, a beloved Native American figure, and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, whose epic poem The Song of Hiawatha captures the times and spirit of Hiawatha. The messengers have stated in their book The Path to Immortality that both Longfellow and the great leader Hiawatha were previous incarnations of Mark Prophet, p. 449.

3. Shining waters, sparkling waters. A reference to Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s Song of Hiawatha. In the poem, when the baby Hiawatha is being nursed by Nokomis, Longfellow describes the scene as taking place “By the shores of Gitche Gumee / By the shining Big-Sea-Water,” a phrase that is repeated throughout the poem.

4. Hiawatha takes his leave. In the poem, sometime after Hiawatha has warned the warriors that “All your strength is in your union / All your danger is in discord,” The Song of Hiawatha closes with Hiawatha bidding farewell to the warriors and the young men. Longfellow writes, “‘I am going, O my people / On a long and distant journey.’... / On the shore stood Hiawatha, / Turned and waved his hand at parting; / On the clear and luminous water / Launched his birch canoe for sailing... / And with speed it darted forward.” The people then bid farewell to Hiawatha as they “Watched him floating, rising, sinking, / Till the birch canoe seemed lifted / High into that sea of splendor. / Thus departed Hiawatha... / To the land of the Hereafter.” Mark L. Prophet has stated that The Song of Hiawatha “is a spiritual episode.... Behind the patterns there are enormous matrices of light,” and captured in the poem are “beautiful, transcendent patterns of salvation and the mysteries of salvation.”

5. The practice of the black arts. In her commentary on the Twin Cities on January 27, 1976, Elizabeth Clare Prophet remarked that “When I first arrived [in Minneapolis], I arrived at a city besieged with witchcraft and black magic and a very heavy darkness.... And so the purpose of the class, Education in the Age of Aquarius, was for the masters to shatter those patterns of thousands of years of witchcraft and black magic, which they did.... When I went there last time...the powers that rule the city had not been challenged in ten thousand years. [They had usurped] the light of the Christ, the light of the American Indian, the light of Hiawatha, all of this perversion of Alpha and Omega and the white-fire core.” In her teaching, the messenger has explained that the clearing of the darkness on the planet is an ongoing mission.

6. Rev. 3:8.

7. See Jesus’ Pearl of Wisdom this volume, no. 36, pp. 259, 260.

8. Lake Titicaca. The retreat of the God and Goddess Meru, known as the Temple of Illumination, is located over Lake Titicaca, high in the Andes on the Peru-Bolivia border. For further information, see Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, pp. 478-80; available at

9. Dispensation brought forth by the Elohim of wisdom at Mount Shasta. On July 6, 1975, at the Shasta 1975 conference, the Elohim Apollo announced: “The hour has come for mankind to receive that increment that is delivered only once in ten thousand years for the elevation of consciousness and the centering of that consciousness in the crown.... Now the rod is coming from the Central Sun by cosmic edict—the stepping up of the mind of humanity!... Mankind may, if they choose, employ the rod to enter a new era and a golden age!” See Elizabeth Clare Prophet, “An Increment of Light from the Holy Kumaras,” The Great White Brotherhood in the Culture, History and Religion of America, pp. 283-87.

10. Teaching from the causal body of Hiawatha. See note 2 above.

11. John 14:6.

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