Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 62 No. 42 - Beloved Paul the Venetian - November 08, 2019

The Revolution of Love

Part 2

Let the soul live in the veils of innocence. The veils of innocence are layers of consciousness from the etheric plane that seal the soul in the swaddling garment, like the placenta, which is like unto the Central Sun. These veils of innocence will seal the soul in its internal destiny and will allow the soul, at the point of maturation, to contact threads, to draw upon these threads, and to weave into Matter a solar awareness that will be to the benefit of all mankind.

It is music and art and forms that govern the flow of mankind’s energy, especially their feelings. The angels, such as the great artist Michelangelo, an angel, took incarnation to show mankind the perfect forms of God and man that are in the temples of light, where mothers and fathers are taken to contemplate the divinity of the soul aborning.

You see, the feeling body of mankind is a giant sea of energy, a tremendous power in the desire body. And this power must be channeled, and it is always channeled through feeling. Whatever can arouse the feelings of mankind and cause these feelings to be free flowing into patterns, this will control the destiny of the individual soul.

When we see masses of young people gathered at festivals where discordant rhythms and sounds are put together as music, when we see thousands allowing the entire contents of the emotional body to flow into these patterns—and then we see how these patterns containing this energy are released into the astral plane, becoming a floating grid and forcefield that endangers the very equilibrium of nature—we wonder, “How can we bring in a golden age?” For golden ages are always noted for the flowering of creativity in the soul, for the release of creativity. This is that love burning within your heart, that love that must burn on.

This is why you must keep on loving. It is because the release of love to mankind will evoke a response in the desire body, and hopefully that response will be a return, in kind, of love. And when that love is flowing and you extend the form—the cup of your consciousness as a chalice—then the love of mankind that pours into that chalice of your being can be raised on high to God as an offering, as an energy that is surrendered, so that God himself may then pour this offering into the perfect art forms of the Christ consciousness of mankind.

We who serve on the third ray look for the revolution of love. We look for love as art and as the discipline of art to take command of civilization, to draw mankind away from their anxieties and their tensions, to heal the hearts that beat out of rhythm with the cosmic heart, to heal the bodies where cells are in rebellion to the divine blueprint.

We look to art and music coming forth out of the genius of souls now in incarnation and coming. We look to this to restore a planetary momentum of movement toward the Source, of creativity and all that leads mankind unto that Source—the noble, the true, and the virtuous. This is that which will usher in the golden age.

Art must be a form, whatever its expression, whereby the soul can get onto the spiral that is cycling toward the center. And the perfect art is the art that keeps the attention from point to point, making that triangle of manifestation in the painting or in the sculpture—the trinity of the threefold flame of life. Art is a point of meditation upon the life within.

Why is it that the students are not able to visualize the internal realities of being or to meditate upon the symbols of nature, the geometric forms of the flowers? Why must they always have an image physically before them?

Sadly, I will tell you. It is because there has not been stored within their subconscious the perfect forms from childhood on, which would relate them to the fohatic keys that are locked in the soul.

A fohatic key is an energy pattern more complex than even the formula or the program of a computer. A fohatic key is a series of frequencies, of energy cycles, and these keys are in the I AM Presence and in the Christ Self.

Souls who have attainment on the Path have these keys locked in their chakras and in their auras. And when they do, they are able to release enormous quantities of energy to mankind. These are the ones who rise as the teachers, the avatars of the ages, the prophets, the Christic ones, and the messengers. They have an extraordinary focalization within their auras of energy fields, which cosmic beings use to release the light of the Great Causal Body.

Now, the incoming souls have these talents and fohatic keys locked in their causal bodies. By meditation on the Word and the Logos, on geometric symbols, on life itself as God, you can draw forth from out of the very own causal bodies of these incoming children the forcefields that will enable them to use their auras as the aura of God, to use these coordinates as the coordinates of cosmic consciousness in order to release to Terra the necessary energies for a transition into the golden age.

The classical forms of art, the great works portraying the Madonna that were released in the Renaissance—art forms that portray the family and happiness and joy, light colors and nature, the birds of the air and the beautiful cloud formations, beautiful children and beautiful faces—these should be in the nursery, in the playroom, in the recreation rooms. These should be in the classrooms, where the children can tie into that art and remember those periods in the etheric plane when they lived in the etheric cities and also journeyed to the etheric temples, where they have seen the world’s greatest artists and their paintings.

These children also spend a season in my retreat, where they have the opportunity to paint the image of their own Christ Self, their own Real Self. And there is that image and that painting, as you have been told,1 for each chela of the masters. And every chela is invited to return now and then, as cycles of progress are traversed, to repaint that painting when an increased awareness of the Christ Self enables the vision of the inner life to take form and to be drawn forth through the etheric body.

I have contemplated releasing, through an artist of the world, the image of the Christ Self, and I have thought of sending forth a call to chelas on the Path, who are the artists, to call to me to paint the portrait of the Christ Self—an image that every soul will identify as his own Christ Self.

This painting would also be a mirror. It would have locked within it some of the secrets that the artists in my retreat have—the ability to allow the beholder of the work of art to find himself, to see himself, to extract from the painting a portion of his own causal body so that each individual who gazes upon the same painting will see a different image according to his own inner attunement with the Christ flame.

I have thought, then, to sponsor an opportunity for Keepers of the Flame and devotees of light to make their renditions of the Christ Self and to send them to the Mother, at Colorado Springs,2 so that the concept of the Christ Self might become nearer and dearer to the hearts of children.

If you would like to do this, please do. For I will be with you to instruct you, to inspire you, to release to you the image of your own Christ Self. And that image will be an archetype of the Christ consciousness in all mankind.

Now as I am before you, having been given the opportunity to convey the emerald fires of precipitation for the precipitation of the divine art, I choose to release to you, through my chakras, a key—a fohatic key of light. It is for the release of the divine art in your four lower bodies. It is for the alignment of those bodies according to the symmetry of the soul and the blueprint of the soul. It is a key to cherish and to love. It is a key that, when used, will restore your energies that have flowed in patterns of discord at every level, will restore your outer senses in order to key into your soul senses so that your soul can perceive beyond the veils of nature to the patterns behind the forms.

This will restore in you the sensitivity to love, to real love, and it will enable you to let that flame burn on. It will make of you, each one, an electrode for the golden-age art, and it will reverse the spirals of the degradation of that divine art coming forth from the purity of the Mother flame within you.

I ask that you make fervent calls to the Brotherhood, to the entire hierarchy, to release the violet flame in order to transmute all discord that would be transferred to the eye or to the ear or to the soul senses of the little ones and of the sons and daughters of God. For the bombardment of consciousness is great. And so I am a part of the rescue mission to rescue souls from this confinement of their energy flow to imperfection.

As you look about you in the cities, on the billboards, in the windows of the shops, you can scarcely find a pure form of art. You can scarcely find a trace of the ascended masters’ consciousness in that which has come forth from the pen or the mind of those who are in advertising art, in sales, in public relations, those who control the images in the media.

Let this spiral be broken. It is the will of God. It is the hour of the judgment and of the breaking of the spirals that do not fulfill the law of life.

I ask you, then, to be instruments for the judgment, which is the flow of love for the restoration of Terra to the divine art.

I thank you, and I bid you good evening.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Paul the Venetian was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Saturday, October 11, 1975, during the Until the New Day conference, held in San Francisco, California. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. That image and that painting, as you have been told. See Paul the Venetian, October 14, 1974, “The Art of Living Love,” Lords of the Seven Rays (Summit University Press), pp. 365-66.

2. Colorado Springs refers to The Summit Lighthouse’s main focus in 1975, La Tourelle, in Colorado Springs, Colorado, which has since been sold.

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