Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 62 No. 41 - Beloved Paul the Venetian - November 1, 2019

The Revolution of Love

Part 1

Let love burn on within the heart, and give fuel to the fire of love.

Never stop loving. For if you ever stop loving, you will stop living. For love is your very life and the energy flow of your consciousness. And love gives birth to selflessness, to that surrender that your soul craves, to every sacrifice that the Path requires.

If you stop loving, some souls will be lost. For there are souls in this world who depend upon you for the release of God’s love. They depend upon the smile, the comfort, the helping hand, the concern, the care.

It is true that God is everywhere. But then electricity is also everywhere, and how long was it before one man decided to unlock the energy potential?

And so, you see, there are those who really do not know how to tap the source of love, and therefore you are that source. Even though you know you are but the vessel and the pathway for the flow, souls will see you as the source. For from their vantage point they cannot see beyond your position in hierarchy.

And so you have recognized the source of your love as the masters and cosmic beings beyond the masters, as the Solar Logoi beyond the cosmic beings, and as the Elohim that surround them. And one day you will see that they too are the instruments of a greater love, and you will see them as a greater and greater source.

Beloved ones, your love is the hope of hierarchy. And this is hierarchy—that we can come to you to release our love and to thereby find an opening in consciousness through which we may nourish mankind.

I come in the flame of art—art as more than a painting or a sculpture but art as a way of life, as a way of balance, as a way of movement within balance, as a way of portraying energy fields, and as a way of setting before the eyes of many souls a glimpse of Infinity, a point of contact with a higher art that they cannot yet perceive.

Art is the precipitation of love in a form that communicates in the silence, in the knowing, and also in the thunder and in nature and in starlight glowing.

Art is a vehicle that God uses to convey himself to you, to convey yourself to you. Art as music and as dance and as drama—art as the portrayal of life—is the pink-flame way of instructing mankind in the discipline of the Law that is necessary for the bringing forth of the highest creativity in the individual.

There are art forms, and forms of art. To find these essential forms we look to nature, to the patterns of the Holy Spirit. We look to subatomic particles. We look to the basic geometric forms, to the golden ratio of the release of energy. We look at pure forms in nature. And we, as the artist who is the instrument of the Greater Artist, portray a fusion of these forms from out of the formlessness—a symmetry of manifestation through which a special dispensation can flow—a special release of light, a special release of victory.

This, then, is the light of manifestation. This, then, is the light of action—that you would come into the third ray and that you would portray in that ray a portion of the Infinite that otherwise would remain unexpressed and unrecognized, like the light that shone in the darkness, but the darkness comprehended it not.1

And so the light of the pure art of the Creator is shining upon this world, and yet that light is a banner that is not unfurled. It has not been seen, for those who have the ability to portray the light are not portraying the forms. The light is flowing and yet it is confined to imperfect matrices, imperfect patterns. And the artists of this decade, the artists of the Spirit intended to incarnate, they have come. And yet they have taken on the ways of the world.

And so, you see, the young who have the sense of art have been trained in forms that are patterned after the disintegration spirals. They have identified with discord, even with the patterns of the microbes of disease. They have tied into the manifestations of the misuse of the sacred fire. They have tied into the downward spirals of civilization, and sometimes, very oftentimes, their art is an expression of the human effluvia that hangs in the astral plane. And because their soul sensitivities have not been developed, have not been sensitized, they have psychic senses that tune into the astral plane, and thus there before you is the chaos and the confusion that is the misuse of the Mother flame.

When souls gaze upon these forms of art and take them into their subconscious, they outpicture in their auras—in their creative flow, in their energy flow—this effluvia, this misqualified substance, and the substance of the pattern behind that manifestation. And so there is a programming of the mass consciousness through imperfect forms in art, of patterns of the astral plane in music, in dance, on stage, in sculpture, in still life.

Therefore mankind are outpicturing those patterns at an alarming rate. There is the schism of consciousness. There is disease. There is the breaking down of the four lower bodies. These art forms are conveyed in advertising and they are conveyed in the voodoo cults, in satanic cults as perverted rhythms.

Everywhere in the world there is seen the desecration of the Mother flame through imperfect art forms, simply because of what has been called “the great divorce”2—the divorce of the soul from the Holy Spirit, from its patterns and from the patterns of nature.

Therefore understand that for the true art of the golden-age culture to come forth, mankind must make contact with the Holy Spirit and return to the assimilation of God as Father and as Mother, as Christ flame, and as the fusion of that flame in the cloven tongues of fire.

Children must take in the patterns of nature, of the flowers and of the trees, of the skies and of the stars, and even the patterns and the formations of the stars in the heavens. Let them gaze upon a blade of grass rather than upon that discordant art form or that discordant music, so-called. Let them learn to listen in the within to the music of the spheres. Let them learn to hear the sound of the electrons whirling in their orbits.

Let the children meditate in silence, for they have come forth from the retreats of the Great White Brotherhood, and there they have been taught the art of meditation. There they have been taught to go into the silence of the chakras, of the Sun behind the sun, and of the secret chamber of the heart.

Do not burden their souls by leaving the radio or the television on or the tape recorder or the record player running in the house day and night. Let them have surcease from all sound so that they may hear the sound of the voice of God.

Children need to be free from the bombardment of their consciousness with all sorts of [harmful] images, those that are at the level of awareness and those beneath that level, at subliminal levels that come through the television. Even frequencies that are harmful to the consciousness passing through the television register in the subconscious.

You must understand that these children, who are being born and who have been coming forth for the last decade, are highly sensitized to cosmic frequencies. When they are subjected to imperfect art forms and sounds and images, there is a dulling of their inner senses, a pressing down into the within of those abilities of the soul to contact cosmic levels of awareness. And do you know, it has already happened that many of these souls of light have had their sensitivities destroyed for this incarnation because of unwise parents failing to respect their child’s silence, failing to respect the time and the space, the cyclings of the consciousness of these souls.

Understand, then, that a child of God coming into incarnation to fulfill the flame of genius in the arts, as a means of communication to mankind, must be carefully sealed in the immaculate conception of mother and father.

Continued in Part 2, published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 62 no. 42.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Paul the Venetian was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Saturday, October 11, 1975, during the Until the New Day conference, held in San Francisco, California. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. John 1:5.

2. “The great divorce” may refer to C. S. Lewis’s novel by the same name, in which the narrator details his dream vision of both hell and heaven. Mrs. Prophet, on October 10, 1975, used the phrase “the great divorce” in her teaching. She said, “I speak of the great divorce because the souls of mankind, over tens of thousands of years, have been divorced from the inner identity, from nature, hence from the Holy Spirit—from the communion with life in the fiery core of the atom, of the mountains, the hills, the streams, and the waters.... We have lost our spiritual senses, our soul senses; they have atrophied. And so our contact is almost nil.... We find, then, a great security in knowing that all of the masters’ teachings serve one focal point—to reconnect us to that inner reality.”

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