Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 62 No. 44 - Beloved Nada - November 22, 2019

A Report on the Diseases and Disorders
in the Four Lower Bodies
of the Children of the Mother

Part 2

Beloved ones, we are concerned, the Lords of Karma are concerned, for the survival of the body of God upon earth in the planes of Matter! And I come to you beforehand to tell you that by the time these vials of wrath have cycled through the planes of Matter, you will see coming upon mankind those plagues and those sores and those pains! You will see mankind reacting with their cursings against the LORD, not realizing that they have brought upon themselves, by their free will, all of this darkness, this decay, this dissolution in their four lower bodies.

Now, you have been told to come out from among them and be a separate people!1 You have been told to separate yourselves in consciousness and in conscious cooperation with the fallen ones. This is so that when the judgment comes upon these fallen ones, it will not fall upon your own head and your own house for having failed to disentangle your energies from them.

Now we are at that hour of a certain judgment, but not all of the judgment. For only a portion is given in this cycle. Now we see, then, coming upon mankind a certain action of the Law. But it is not necessary that the students of the light, who have the gift of the violet flame, should allow these conditions to outpicture in their four lower bodies!

Yet even with the gift of the violet flame we find ascended master students who allow themselves to be caught up in all kinds of wasting of time—five minutes here and five minutes there, and indulgence in entertainment that does not contribute one iota to the Christ consciousness—walking by the television set and sitting down instead of going on or instead of turning off that set so that their own household is not polluted by the message, by the subliminal advertisements, and by the harmful rays that come through the television set.

Now, children of the light, be wise! It is time to wake up! It is time to make use of what you have been given! It is time to realize that you are being bombarded, that this is Armageddon, that your four lower bodies are subject to very harmful conditions! It is time to realize that you can seal and heal your four lower bodies by a saturation of the violet flame and by the calls to Archangel Michael for the absolute God-protection and perfection of the four lower bodies, the soul, the chakras, and the Christ flame within the heart, and especially for the protection of the crown and the third eye and the raising of the feminine ray!

You need to invoke light to protect the Mother flame within you and to protect the survival of the Mother on earth! You need to understand the urgency of the hour! Yet even as I speak to you, I see the conditionings of your consciousness whereby, when you leave this hall this night ere a day is passed, there will be a diminishing of the memory of my words and of the urgency of my words! And you will allow yourself—if I perceive that you will do what you have done in the past—to be forgetful, to be unmindful and unheeding of our warning!

Now, I am an ascended master, and I will not prophesy imperfection in your consciousness! I will only show you the graph of the behavior patterns of that human consciousness in the past, and I will show you this graph in your inner eye if you ask me to. I will show you how you have received increments of light that have carried you to the peak of God-awareness and of Christ attainment on the mount of the summit, and then lo, the hours, the days, and the weeks pass and the graph shows that your consciousness has entered new lows of depression, of revolving of doubt and fear, of entering into the mass consciousness, of digesting and assimilating that consciousness and outpicturing it in your aura.

Now, this ought not to be, my children! For if we cannot count on you to retain the light in your aura, come what may, though you descend into the darkest hell in this physical plane, who will we count on?

Do you think that there are any other students of the light who have this intimate contact in the West? Do you think that they have the masters coming to speak to them in their churches and in their synagogues? Do you think that they understand the laws of karma? Do you think that they understand the Dark Cycle or what is really happening on earth today?

When they do not have this understanding, how can they retain virtue in that cup of consciousness that has not been expanded in order to be aware of cosmic consciousness?

I tell you, if all of the students of the light who have contacted the masters through this messenger on this coast alone in the past two years would gather for this and other conferences being held here, these halls and these walls could not contain them! But instead there is that shrinking of the membership even while the membership is being increased for the very reasons that I have stated!

This is because when the child of the light sets his foot upon the path of initiation, then, like vultures, all of the forces of the fallen ones on the planetary body move in with these conditions, with these disease germs from the astral plane in order to block the memory, to block the concepts, to block the precepts and the feelings of God, and to utterly block the flow of the Holy Spirit in the chakras so that the children of the light will not become in physical incarnation the fulfillment of the Word!

Now, this is serious for more reasons than one. Although I have given you one very serious reason this night, I will tell you another, just to be sure that you keep awake a little while, thinking about what I have said!

And the other reason is this: that we give forth light according to dispensation, and our dispensations that come forth from the Lords of Karma are given to us by higher bodies of cosmic councils, all the way back to the Great Central Sun and to Alpha and Omega. And we must file an annual report and a semiannual report. We must give accounting to the Keeper of the Scrolls and to the Father-Mother God of what has been done with the energies we have released and what has been done with the wisdom that has gone forth from the hand of the Mother.

What shall we say? What shall we say when we have to report that some have taken the truth and have allowed the chalice to be broken and that truth to be spilled upon the ground?

Do you think we will gain another dispensation and another dispensation and another dispensation, when those who have been given the flame have not returned to give honor to that flame and to the Source whence it came?

I can assure you that if there was ever a moment in the consciousness of seven beings*—a moment when they would desire to rearrange the facts, shall we say—it is that moment when we must stand before Alpha and Omega, when we would rather not say what the children of the light have done with the light on Terra.

It is one thing to report the betrayal of the fallen ones and of mankind! It is another to report the dalliance, the laziness, and the sloth of the children of light, who know better and therefore should do better!

I tell you, when we must give that word and that report, we stand in silence, hoping—by the flame of hope against all hope—that this will not mean that Alpha and Omega will deny to us the opportunity to come again, to try again, to release again the teachings of the masters and to try again to find others who will be more stalwart!

And so it has come to this, that the Lords of Karma have sent me here to give you this report on the diseases and the disorders in the four lower bodies of the children of the Mother. For you must understand that these conditions must be corrected and that the children of the light must wake up to the necessity of invoking that tube of light at least three times a day, of invoking the calls to Archangel Michael and then giving the calls to beloved Astrea to encircle your four lower bodies in order to withdraw from those bodies all psychic substance, all discarnates. For these too invade your bodies, and they are attracted to your bodies by the impure substance and the chemicals. And that substance in your bodies draws [these discarnates to you].

Therefore, in the period of the decade and more that we have been dictating through these messengers, the danger to the aura and the four lower bodies of the Keepers of the Flame has not been greater in this regard. For there has never been a time in this period when discarnates could come so close to the children of the light, and it is because of this subtle intrusion, this invasion of your four lower bodies of all manner of impurity.

I say, then, pursue purity in whatever manner you can determine is best for your four lower bodies, and especially your physical body. And I urge you to take up again that cycle of fasting once a week2 in order to allow yourself to be cleansed and to give some rest to that physical body from the continual pounding of the body of the dark ones. I urge you to give your physical bodies the proper movement and exercise and the proper food and the proper nourishment so that you can be the ones who will keep the flame of transition for a new race, for the seventh root race who must come!

The seventh root race must embody on Terra in this period of darkness, and they must find fathers and mothers who have prepared their forms, who can pass on a measure of purity to their children, and whose children and children’s children will continually increase in the rituals of self-purification.

I tell you truly that in the seventh dispensation of the Aquarian age, the pursuit of the purification of the body will become not only a fad but a ritual enjoyed by all. For mankind will rise in the love of purity and in the love of self-purification and transmutation, and they will desire to keep their bodies clean for the Maha Chohan and in preparation for the hour of the ascension.

You must understand that if you do not balance one hundred percent of your karma, perhaps balancing fifty-one percent or sixty-five or eighty-one or eighty-seven percent but you do not balance one hundred percent of your karma, then you will not make a physical ascension. Nevertheless, if you have pursued self-purification—if you have pursued putting a stop to self-indulgence and gluttony, if you have taken care to keep your mind and your body clean of toxins and impurities and to cleanse yourself of harmful drugs and tobacco and all manner of substance that has been given to you or that you have taken unknowingly, even in your water systems, which are also polluted—you will find that you will accelerate your ascension even though your physical body may be cast into the physical fire in the ritual of cremation.

Therefore it is not in vain to prepare the physical body and to keep it pure, for it enhances the release of fire from the Central Sun of your own I AM Presence and from the Maha Chohan for the transmutation of the emotional, mental, and etheric bodies, which are intermeshed with the physical body and which also take on the patterns of its impurity.

Now, I have given you cause for concern. And I am glad, for I am determined that you will not forget this message! And I am determined that it will be impressed upon you, regardless of the penetration of your world by other forces!

And now I raise my hands to demagnetize those impurities from the body of the Mother, from the body of the children of the Mother, from all who are here and all who will hear my words and all who will read my words.

I make the contact and I release the ray! It is the ray of the Great Central Sun Magnet! And by love—by love I AM releasing the energies of the Central Sun to demagnetize from your four lower bodies those impurities that are preventing your fulfillment of the divine plan.

Now then, let that love flow as an action of the ruby ray, intensifying the pink fires in your bloodstream, in your nerve centers! Let that energy flow through your nervous system, through your brain, through your lungs, through all of your organs and the cells of the organs! Let this fire of love flow, and let the golden liquid light, as the elixir of the ascension, now flow through your four lower bodies!

[29-second pause; the messenger breathes out two long breaths.]

A final word of caution: Take care what you drink. Watch the water that you drink. See to it that your homes have purified water—water that is from pure springs or water that has been distilled. See to it that whenever you take in water, that you hold the glass in your left hand and you place your right hand over the top, and you bless that water and call for it to be charged by love. For love will dissolve all of the ingredients that are less than the perfection of God. I charge you to charge that water as the water of the Word for the purification of your bodies.

And then I say, when you have a pure source of water, drink plentifully of that water. See to it that you have at least eight glasses a day.** For this is for the flushing out not only of the physical body but of the four lower bodies. Take care that you do not drink those bottled drinks that are carbonated. The carbonation is harmful enough, and the white sugar is harmful enough. But I tell you that there are substances in those drinks that are deadly to the mind and that also affect the evolution of the soul.

Take care, then, that whatever you take into your body you first demagnetize by the chakras of your hands, by the prayer and the blessing of Djwal Kul.3 Let the Almighty release through your hands the energies to demagnetize that food of all harmful substances and rays, of nuclear fallout, atomic fallout, substance of the psychic, substance of animal vibration, of fear and the cycling of death. And then remember the words of Jesus the Christ: “And if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them.”4

Therefore, though you take in the poisons and the toxins and the impurities of the world, and though these be all around you as you walk through the mire of the Dark Cycle, remember that the power of the light is greater than all of this!

The power of the Holy Spirit and of your I AM Presence can preserve your life as long as necessary in this temple!

There is no power but God that can act!

There is no power but God that can act!

There is no power but God that can act—when you invoke it!

The only reason I am here is to tell you that you are not invoking it enough, specifically for your four lower bodies and their protection. I am telling you that there is not any force or power or principality or any identity of the fallen ones that can so much as encroach upon a hair of your head—if you invoke the light!

This is the Law and the action of the Law! Heaven will intercede instantaneously to perform the miracles of alchemy through your hands, and you will change the polluted waters of Terra into the wine of the Holy Spirit, into the Blood of Christ. You will offer unto mankind that sacred Communion. But it must be by the power of the spoken Word! It must be because you release through your chakras the energy of purity and because you exercise those chakras with the calls to the fire breath!5

It will happen by Law—not as miracle, but as alchemy! It will happen without flaw! And I make this prophecy of the Keepers of the Flame and of the children of the light: that you will overcome every form of darkness, disease, disorder, chronic or infectious! That you will, by the anchoring of light from your causal bodies, reverse the spirals of the Dark Cycle! That you will, by invocation to Almighty God and invocation to the violet flame, reverse the tide of darkness and consume that dark wave and replace it with the oncoming light!

I make this prophecy, and I have made it this day before the Lords of Karma. I have had that love in my heart that is the love of the Mother, who believes in her children no matter what their dalliance or their mistake or their failure.

I continue to believe in you! And I have placed before the Lords of Karma this day a certain pink jewel of my attainment, and I have staked that jewel upon your attainment and upon the belief—the absolute fervent belief—that you will turn the tide of darkness, that you will respond to my message, that you will not fail to respond and to protect your bodies as the sacred temples of the Mother (which house the flame of the Spirit), that you will muster the gumption to keep those bodies intact and in form in order to make the transition into the New Age!

Now, I am determined that I will not forfeit that jewel this time! And I tell you, I have forfeited many momentums of attainment for the children of God upon this planet! It does not matter. My love continues. But this time it will not be forfeited because I perceive in you that Christ consciousness that is able to respond and to go forth and to do something about this world—and to do it today and tomorrow and every day, without fail!

I thank you, and I bid you good evening.

*the seven members of the Great Karmic Board at the time of this dictation

**When the messenger has spoken of fasting with water or other beverages, she has referred to the size of the glass as being eight ounces.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Nada was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, October 12, 1975, during the Until the New Day conference, held in San Francisco, California.

1. II Cor. 6:17.

2. Fasting once a week. In earlier days of The Summit Lighthouse, students often engaged in a fast on Saturdays. In later years, the messenger and the organization recommended that some students avoid fasting for health reasons or seek the guidance of a health practitioner. Recommendations concerning fasting: Never fast if you are pregnant or a nursing mother. If you have a medical or mental health condition, consult your doctor before fasting. Fasting for more than three days is not recommended unless you consult a health professional. If you feel lightheaded or disoriented or if you become ill while fasting, stop your fast and gradually return to solid foods. Also see Pearls of Wisdom vol. 40, nos. 1 & 2, “The Path of Prayer and Fasting,” by Jophiel and Christine.

3. The prayer and the blessing of Djwal Kul. This blessing is given before each meal at the Royal Teton Ranch. Those present hold out their hands in blessing of the food and say together:

4. Mark 16:18.

5. Calls to the fire breath. This refers to decree 1.01, “Call to the Fire Breath,” and to decree 40.09, “Djwal Kul’s Breathing Exercise,” in Prayers, Meditations, and Dynamic Decrees Decree Book.

Call to the Fire Breath*

I AM, I AM, I AM the Fire Breath of God
From the heart of beloved Alpha and Omega.
This day I AM the Immaculate Concept
In expression everywhere I move.
Now I AM full of Joy,
For now I AM the full expression of Divine Love.

My beloved I AM Presence,
Seal me now within the very heart
Of the expanding Fire Breath of God.
Let its purity, wholeness, and love
Manifest everywhere I AM today and forever. (3x)

I accept this done right now with full power!
I AM this done right now with full power!
I AM, I AM, I AM God-Life expressing Perfection
All ways at all times.
This which I call forth for myself
I call forth for every man, woman, and child on this planet.

*Breathe deeply before giving this decree, and be conscious while giving it of the sacred fire penetrating and purifying every cell and atom of your physical form, healing and revivifying your consciousness until you become one with the Fire Breath of God.

This decree is printed in the decree book Prayers, Meditations and Dynamic Decrees for Personal and World Transformation, p. 26, no. 1.01.

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