Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 63 No. 4 - The Spirit of Freedom in the - January 22, 2020

Fourteen Ascended Masters Who Govern the Destiny of America

The Fiery Destiny of America

Let the fires of freedom roll from the heart of America, from the heart of the Great Central Sun! Let the fires of freedom roll!

I AM in the Spirit of the Fourteen Ascended Masters who come forth from the Royal Teton Retreat to anchor the electrodes of the initiations of the fourteen, that America might fulfill her destiny in the flame of the Mother and in the flame of the Christed One. I AM the arc of light arcing the star of invincible Christ-awareness from the focus in the Royal Teton to your own heart flame.

I come in the name of the Law! I come in the name of liberty! And I come for the fulfillment of the soul of a nation, the soul of a people, and the soul of a planet. By the fiery action of the star (fourteen points of light quickening as the Alpha-to-the-Omega within you), draw forth the consciousness of overcoming, of clear seeing, of the action of the seven rays in the white-fire core for the release of the secret rays of the Mother.

America is in the stage of the quickening and in the age of the becoming of the fullness of a destiny held in the heart of the Elohim, held in the heart of Saint Germain, held in the heart of us who have held this fiery destiny as the seed atom of light. And so in the atom is the blueprint of life, and in the atom is the quickening.

There are some who have been called from near and from far to be in America in this hour. These are the lively stones whose fiery consciousness reflects the blueprint of the victory.1 And in the fiery electrodes of the heart, these ones are called as sons and daughters of God who have incarnated from etheric cities of light to be the fulfillment of the plan of freedom in this age.

There are some who have come because they have sensed the calling, the homing of the Elohim, and they are also in America waiting for the appearance of the star and the fixing of the star in the embodied ones chosen as the chosen of God to be the Reality of the flame. These are the children of the Sun who await the coming of the Christ in the second coming of that flame.

There are others waiting in the sidelines because they sense, as it were, the marching of the angels, and there are those who are always there to watch the parade. These are the ones who have not the commitment of the flame—neither the responsibility of the sons and daughters of God nor the quickening of the lively stones. But they are the ones who watch; hence they are called the Watchers. And they watch while the lightbearers garner the light for the victory. They would seize the light in the hour of the victory.

I say: They shall not! They shall not pass! They shall not seize the light of the children of the Mother in the day of overcoming!

And so the angels come. They come to wrap the children in the swaddling garment of light. This is the swaddling garment that is composed of the banner of Maitreya and of the World Mother. The World Mother takes her banner and wraps in it the Divine Manchild and seals the light becoming light within the hearts of the people by her all-enfolding love. And the angels of the Divine Mother come! They are approaching this system of worlds. They come from afar. They come in answer to the calls made unto Omega by the children of the Sun.

Omega sends her legions of the flame. Omega sends legions for the binding of the fallen ones—the spectators of life who sit in the sidelines. And they eat their popcorn, watching the great battle of Armageddon and the notable day of the Lord!2

Thus those who have failed to choose to be active as workers in the works of righteousness, they are sealed. For the angels of the Mother know whereof they come, and they know the whys of existence. They understand the coming of the light and they understand the pressures upon the children of the light. They come to support the sons and daughters of God, who have the name “I AM THAT I AM”3 written within their hearts as the mantra of the flame that consumes the mark of the beast and those who carry that mark.4

I AM come in the Spirit of the Elohim for the fulfillment of the cycles of America’s victory. This is the land prepared to receive the Christed ones, that they might mature in the Christ flame, that they might raise up the light of the Mother and carry it afar, from nation to nation, lighting the star of divinity. Thus the Goddess of Liberty holds high her torch. And in this hour, the arcing of attainment is the weaving of the mandala as the crocheting of the Mother, the weaving of the mandala spanning a world enveloped in the consciousness of “I AM America’s victory!”

The victory of America is not the victory of a nation. It is the victory of the twelve hierarchies of the sun in the twelve tribes of Israel5 who have come forth from every nation to dip into the flame, who shall return to every nation to ignite the flame, who shall be unto all people the carriers of the fires of freedom.

Let the runners in the race, then, hear the cry of the Fourteen Ascended Masters! Ours is a cry for freedom throughout the land of Terra! Ours is a cry for the Divine Mother! Ours is a cry of liberation for the souls of humanity! Let the fires of freedom roll from the heart of the Royal Teton!

Souls of humanity, be quickened by the fires! For we send forth the unmistakable light, the invincible light—the light of victory. And it is a magnet in the sky that comes now in the fulfillment of the hierarchies of victory, who stand in the flame of Sagittarius giving birth to the light of victory, presaging the light of the Divine Manchild and the Spirit of the Christ Mass. In the flame of victory is the victory of the Mother and her children! In the flame of victory is the fulfillment of the light of souls, of the light of every nation.

The action that is taking place as I am speaking is the drawing of elements of consciousness as Above so below, as Above so below, as Above so below. Elements of the human consciousness are cycling into the flame of the Divine Mother as that flame is being raised—raised on high as the focus of that star, the star of victory in the sky.

This is the moment of the raising of the energies of the life of the Mother. This is the moment of the raising of her banner, and legions of angels raise high that banner in the sign of the victory of the Mother flame. It is a banner that will blow in the breeze with the flag of every nation. It is a banner that blows in the breeze with the banner of Maitreya.

Thus the World Teachers consecrate the banner of the Great Initiator, Maitreya, and the banner of the Cosmic Virgin. And these shall be in the place in every nation where the flag of that nation is raised on high in tribute to the Christ consciousness of that nation and to the fulfillment of the karma and the dharma of that nation.

Wherever you see, then, the flags of the nations—Old Glory and each and every flag that symbolizes the spirit of a people throughout the earth—know that the Fourteen Ascended Masters who govern the destiny of this nation and of the golden-age cultures of Terra have also raised high the banner of Maitreya and the banner of the Mother. Thus is the hour of the victory proclaimed and the trinity of consciousness for the fulfillment of the fiery destiny of every living soul and of every nation.

This is the goal and this is the thrust of our victory for the year 1976. We begin in the capital of the United States of America and we go from nation to nation preparing the way for the coming of Saint Germain, who is to enshrine the flame of freedom in every nation upon earth. Let this seminar, then, be consecrated by the twin flames of Alpha and Omega, who sponsor the victory of your souls.

This is the hour of the holding of the hands high over America and over all of the nations—the hands of Mighty Victory, the hands of Maitreya and of the Great Divine Director. This is the moment of the coming of cosmic beings who are standing by Saint Germain, the Lord of the Seventh Ray, the God of Freedom to the earth. Cosmic beings sent by cosmic councils come in this hour of the turning of the cycles of hierarchy to stand with the Master of Freedom, to enshrine freedom, and to deliver America and every nation unto the arms of the Divine Mother and the everlasting Christ.

Souls of God-free beings, souls of chelas, souls of all life, hear the pealing of the Liberty Bell! Hear the bell of freedom that proclaims the awakening of the heart of a nation! Hear now the declaration of independence of souls throughout a planetary body. Hear, then! For the light of far-off worlds is come and there is a saturation of Terra by the Lords of Flame from Venus, the Holy Kumaras, who endow life and consciousness with increments of the mind of God by the crystal of the mind of God. They are also radiating to Terra the flame of Mighty Victory, the flame of Lady Master Venus.

We who stand in the Royal Teton, holding the points of light of the fourteen initiations of the sons and daughters of God in the cosmic cross of white fire, bow before the Lord of Flame, the hierarch of Venus, Sanat Kumara. This is a moment of the initiation of the cycles of victory as the children of the One submit to the initiations of Maitreya and fulfill them in the teaching of the World Mother. Let all who love life, let all who live for freedom respond to the call of the Great White Brotherhood! Let them respond from near and from far!

And I proclaim this hour the dispensation of Saint Germain that every living soul upon earth who is dedicated to the cause of the Great White Brotherhood (within or without, consciously aware or not) shall receive the teaching of the Mother, the teaching of the Law that is given forth at Summit University. And the teachings of the Buddha, the Lord of the World, which shall come forth in the winter quarter of this university, shall be beamed directly to the souls who have made their covenant and their commitment to the flame. Thus it is the desire of Saint Germain that that word of the Law from the heart of the Lord of the World, from the heart of Maitreya, and from the heart of Omega shall be anchored in those souls in every nation who are keeping the flame of life and freedom for the hierarchies of light.

We come in the flame of victory! We seal you in the light of victory! We seal you in the light of the Elohim for the victory of the year of freedom! I AM in the Spirit of Liberty. I AM in the Spirit of the Council of the Royal Teton.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by the Spirit of Freedom in the Fourteen Ascended Masters Who Govern the Destiny of America was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Saturday, November 22, 1975, in Arlington, Virginia. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. I Pet. 2:5.

2. Acts 2:20; Rev. 16:14, 16.

3. Exod. 3:14.

4. Rev. 13:16-17.

5. Rev. 7:4-8.

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