Now into the fires of solstice I compel souls of the Mother. Now I come for the harvest of good works and good consciousness, that that which has been accomplished in this year of the Holy Spirit1 might be fired with that Spirit, might be made permanent in the body of God on earth and in heaven. So let each facet of the mind of God, which you have externalized as a jewel of virtue, now be fired and sealed and placed as the point of attainment upon your chakras.
I come with the will and the wisdom of our love. I come to instruct and to admonish. I come with healing in my wings, and my wings are the wings of many angels who accompany me this day, whitened with the snow of purity and with a prayer for purity from the hearts of angels.
I AM in the flame of your heart, and I AM in the All-Seeing Eye of God. I examine the folds of the garment. I examine the folds of consciousness. I come to sustain a matrix of healing harmony. I see where there is an absence of attainment, an absence of virtue.
I come to fortify the orifice of release. I come with healing and a forcefield for each chakra in your being. I come in the name of Maitreya to prepare for the great exchange.2 I come with the fire for the Mother to complete the clearances of the students of the masters.3
Now, you understand that on the physical plane when one undergoes surgery, there is a time of recovery, a time for healing, a time for the mending. We look for the mending of the flaws.
I come with a crucible and I come with a precious substance, which I have taken—certain herbs and the petals of roses and the oil of deodar.4 I come with this that is a paste* of the Holy Spirit, and I come to anoint your bodies, not against the day of the burying but against the day of the resurrection of the Christ consciousness within you. I AM the Maha Chohan! My flame is the flame of rebirth!
I come to anoint your bodies, the four lower bodies for the healing of all misuses of the chakras so that you might more easily contain the light of virtue, of harmony, and of peace. I am concerned with the healing of the solar plexus. I am concerned that there be a place dedicated to the Son of God, the Prince of Peace, so that Jesus might come into your house and release that light, that flow, and intensify that flow without the danger that you will spill the cup. The chalice is only as strong as the consciousness, and where there is a weak chalice we are not able to fill the cup so that humanity might drink of the elixir of the Word.
And so let the chalice of the Holy Grail be placed as the thoughtform over the solar plexus, and the mighty Son† of God blazing in all Reality, shining through each crystal and each prism, releasing the light of the rainbow rays of God that are from the center of God-harmony.
Now mine angels anoint the place of the sun.‡ And the scars are sealed and the rents are sealed and the openings are mended.
And now, then, let this precious preparation that I bring be set. Let it be undisturbed for forty-eight hours.
Can you hold your peace, your harmony, your feelings in the tenderness of love for forty-eight hours? I ask you. For this is the only way that this preparation (which I have brought) can perform that perfect work of healing. I ask that you allow the energies of your emotions to be stilled, to be sealed, and thereby drawing the alignment of the energy of the four lower bodies into the pattern of the Son.
The Elohim of Peace and Aloha have asked for this dispensation, for they desire instruments among humanity and they cannot count upon mankind. They must look to the devotees of the highest order, to the devotees who have the greatest understanding of the Law. And when they have looked upon this [student] body as representative of the ascended master chelas, they have seen that healing is required. Therefore I have been summoned for the fulfillment of the dispensation given to Peace and Aloha for the reparations of the transgressions against the Holy Spirit through the misuse of the light of the sixth ray.
Angels form their arcs, guarding the ark of the covenant of being. Angels come for the deliverance, for the angels have seen how the fallen ones are anxious and disturbed, releasing all manner of tension and irritation in order to divest you of the healing unguent.
These fallen ones know that once there is a nucleus of lightbearers who are sealed in the place of the sun, there will be an extraordinary release of the light of the sixth-ray masters to Terra.
Therefore I say, be on guard and maintain the consciousness of “I AM the guard,” and give the invocation to the “Great Sun Disc”5 so that you might be sealed in the light by your own decree for this duration. Let no man take the light of the Son of God from thee. Let no man take thy crown!6
And now for the anointing of the other six chakras. The angels approach each one. And as they anoint you, I say, meditate on the flow of harmony and of the seven rays, and resolve with an inner resolve that you will not be caught off guard these forty-eight hours, that you will hold high the torch of liberty for the Karmic Board and for all humanity, that you will resolve to be perfected in God.
Not self-pity, not blind rage, not pride or belittlement can take from you the flame of the Maha Chohan; not any trick of the human consciousness. For I place within you now the rod of my authority to hold you in that God-harmony.
So, then, you are instruments of love. You are the ones chosen for this alchemical experiment by the Lords of Karma. For God desires to raise up disciples of the light! God desires to accelerate the golden age! And God must have the instrument. Where shall we look but to the children of the Mother and to the retreat where souls are merging day by day with the infinite flame of God-awareness?
Now in the conclusion of the ritual and the anointing of your beings, Archangel Michael comes to seal you in an ovoid of blue flame. And all of heaven, as though watching the Christ Child in the cradle, watches this day for the keeping of the guard. For this is our hope. This is our supreme hope for the fulfillment of the cycle of the year so that we might bring to the Lords of Karma at the New Year, at the Council of the Royal Teton, tangible proof of fruit, of victory, of determination for the light in our chelas. Let the tally be one hundred percent. Let all come in forty-eight hours to the altar, pledging victory and life and overcoming.
So as you make yourself the living sacrifice for harmony, sacrificing all the din and the discord for the flame of peace, you will raise up not only yourselves but an evolution who deserves to taste of the bread of the Mother and the wine of the Father.
So prepare the feast. Bid them come. Announce the marriage of the bride and the Lamb.7 Announce the marriage of your own soul to your I AM Presence. This is our hope. This is our love.
We salute you, heart, head and hand, in the light of holy victory.
*an unguent for application
†“Son” could also be interpreted as “sun.”
‡the solar-plexus chakra
“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”
This dictation by Maha Chohan was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, November 9, 1975, at La Tourelle in Colorado Springs, Colorado. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]
1. Year of the Holy Spirit. Refers to the year 1975, which marked the final quarter of the twentieth century when the flame of the Holy Spirit was released to mankind.
2. The great exchange. On October 19, 1975, Lord Maitreya gave the initiation of the “exchange of the cubes of consciousness.” (Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 43, no. 25, June 18, 2000, pp. 258-259) On December 28, 1977, the unascended masters of the Himalayas explained: “Blessed ones, the crossroads is the nexus of the huge figure eight, where Matter becomes Spirit and Spirit becomes Matter. If you will meditate upon this great flow of the figure eight, you too, then, will be instrumental in the great exchange of the ascended master and unascended master consciousness of earth and her evolutions and thereby you will provide the pathway out for many souls.” (Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 56, no. 9, May 1, 2013) At the conclusion of the fall quarter of Summit University on December 16, 1977, Archangel Gabriel gave a dictation in which he released light to the students and explained: “By the absorption of this light you may now receive that greater light for which you have prepared in this quarter. Lord Maitreya stands with me for the great exchange. And thus in this moment there ascends to him that portion of energy which it is lawful to ascend and that portion of Maitreya’s being which it is lawful to descend. Let it be released. Let it be sealed.”
3. Clearances of the students. This refers to the fall quarter of Summit University 1975, held at La Tourelle in Colorado Springs. At the conclusion of each Summit University session, the messenger would make calls under the aegis of the Lord of the World, Gautama Buddha, for the clearing of the karmic records and schisms in the psyche of each individual student. Sometimes clearances were conducted as a group rather than individually, since those who attended Summit University during the same quarter often had close ties involving their missions and had a similar positive and negative karma.
4. Oil of deodar. A deodar is a tall, broadly conical cedar that is native to the Himalayas and has drooping branches and large barrel-shaped cones. The botanical name is Cedrus deodara from the Sanskrit devadaru, meaning “wood of the gods.” Elizabeth Clare Prophet has stated that “the oil of the deodar is a very sacred oil. Deodar is in the pine family and is an entity repellent.... The oil focuses...the Holy Spirit.”
5. “Great Sun Disc.” See decree 0.02 in Prayers, Meditations, and Dynamic Decrees - Decree Book.
6. Rev. 3:11.
7. Rev. 19:7.
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