Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 63 No. 7 - Beloved Saint Germain - February 15, 2020

Enshrining the Flame of Freedom in the
Capitals of the Nations

In the center of the crystal I AM come. And I AM the light of freedom, the light of Aquarius. I have garnered the light of far-off worlds from cosmic beings who have knelt before the throne of Almighty God this day, giving their offering of the flame of the second ray, the ray of wisdom, as a thrust of fire to deliver unto mankind the freedom of their soul’s desire.

I AM Saint Germain. I come not alone, but I come with Portia and with these cosmic evolutions who have answered the calls of Keepers of the Flame on Terra, who keep the flame of life with Sanat Kumara. These cosmic beings have gone before the Almighty One, Alpha of the Sun, to dedicate that portion of their causal bodies so necessary for the salvation of souls and of the soul of a planet.

And therefore I come—the bearer of gifts, of dispensations, of fires of freedom not my own but mine to claim. For I am in the I AM of each one and in the Presence of the sun, and I am in the Sun behind the sun of each and every one of you who stands to keep the flame of life this hour. Therefore, let now the cycles roll from the causal bodies of these ones and from freedom’s scroll! Let it roll now to implement the fire of freedom!

There are cosmic beings who come wearing the initiatic dress of the peoples of every nation upon Terra. They come for the enshrining of freedom. And this is the quickening fire, the quickening of a flame that has not been quickened in ten thousand years. It is a dispensation of light sent forth to all the nations so that souls of light within those nations might respond to the teachings of the I AM THAT I AM vouchsafed unto Moses and to Christ, to Buddha and to Mary, and to sons and daughters of God in this age.

The messengers of God and the holy angels carry in their hearts the sacred fire to ignite the torch of freedom that presents the opportunity of the Four and Twenty Elders,1 of the flame of the God Star, and of the Lords of Karma for the nations to fulfill their fiery destiny. This places a responsibility upon Keepers of the Flame to carry the torch of freedom to every nation. And I project the vision before you of teaching centers of the white cube of the Church Universal and Triumphant in every nation upon earth, in the capital cities of the world.

Therefore I select the monument, the focal point for the enshrining of freedom, and I place that focus of freedom in the heart of America, in the very heart chakra of the Goddess of Freedom reigning over the Capitol building of the United States. And there the heart chakra of the Divine Mother shall broadcast the fires of freedom from the crystal of the heart, from the twelve fiery focal points of the mandala of her crystal. So shall freedom from the twelve hierarchies of the sun go forth and beam that arc of light to the heart of the Statue of Liberty.

And I place that flame of freedom in the heart of the Statue of Mother Russia so that all peoples in Russia may identify once again with the Mother of the World—the Mother of the World who is not bound by a state or by a government that is not keeping the government of Christ—that the people might know that the Mother is the deliverer of the nations, that the Mother is the initiator of the nations, that the Mother is the fire of the Holy Kumaras, that the crown of the Mother is the crown of life, and that the starry diadem of life is the bursting forth of causal bodies of cosmic beings who send forth the ray for the crystallization of the God flame.

I AM freedom. I AM in the heart of freedom. Now let the angels of freedom, who have taken their places across the planetary body, raise the taper of fire! And at the moment of the invocation of the Elohim given forth by the devotees assembled here in consonance with the angelic hosts, so this conflagration shall be the testimony of the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood—ascended and unascended devotees of fire chanting the name of God as Elohim for the victory of freedom in the freedom’s star of Terra that Terra is to be.

At the signal, most gracious ladies and gentlemen, will you give with me this chant of the Elohim and feel the fire flow from your heart as you participate in this sacred ritual of igniting the earth for the victory of the age.

[Saint Germain and audience chant:]

In the Christ of Cuernavaca, in the Christ of the Andes and the Christ of Corcovado, in the Great Pyramid of Egypt, in the heart of the statues of the Buddha in the East, in the Taj Mahal, in the great cathedrals and in the statues of the great patriots, in the obelisks and in the monuments, so the light of freedom has been implanted as a flame from our hearts—your heart and my heart and the heart of cosmic beings and the heart of Alpha and Omega. So in the chain of hierarchy we are one in the fire of freedom.

And none can stay the hand of the Almighty and none can say to him, “What doest thou?” Who dares to question the will of God or the destiny of the fires of freedom? God is no respecter of persons,2 and therefore the coming of the Lord is according to the cosmic timetable of the light of Aquarius. Let it blaze! Let it blaze! Let it blaze in the light of freedom’s fire!

I speak to every soul on Terra who loves freedom, who enshrines freedom as the fire of Be-ness and of creativity in the Whole. I speak to every soul: Hear the call of freedom! Feel the flow of freedom! For the Fallen One is bound! The Fallen One has been taken! The Fallen One has stood judgment before the Court of the Sacred Fire!3 Because of the binding of the Fallen One and the staying action of the carnal mind, you now hear the call to battle, “En garde! Company advance!” Hear the call of the Knight Commander! Hear the call of the general in the field!

Hear the call! For this is the moment to move for the victory of the light in every nation! This is the moment to reverse the tide of darkness! This is the moment to give your invocations to the Great Divine Director! This is the moment to be on your knees in prayer before the living God! This is the moment! This is the time and the space for the victory!

I AM here, and you can see me if you will! I AM here, and I give you the fire in your all-seeing eye to perceive that I AM real, that I ensoul the destiny of nations, that I stand behind every freedom-loving soul on Terra.

I AM the initiation of cycles in the light of Aquarius! I AM the cosmic consciousness of freedom! I carry the light of the Mother and the Book of her Law! And I read the law of the Mother daily, for I too would commune with God in the scriptures of the Mother of the World.

So hear the call of Alpha! Hear the call of Omega! Hear the light of the Elohim!

[Saint Germain and audience chant:]

So hear the feminine call unto the Elohim—the call of Portia, my beloved, for cosmic justice and opportunity.

This is the opening of the door, and remember the word, “The darkest hour precedes the dawn of victory.” Remember the word, “Without the crucifixion there can be no resurrection, no ascension in the fires of God.” The crucifixion is the necessary action of the Law whereby all things that form a part of that identity that is apart from God must be placed upon the cross of white fire.

Therefore, the consummation in the fires of love of all self-awareness apart from God—this is the dying on the cross unto life eternal. Let none shrink from this calling! Let none fear or faint when walking on the fourteen stations of the cross, for I AM with you! I AM with you in the light of Aquarius, and you will not fail! You will not fail!

O Mother, O children, O children of the Sun and Keepers of the Flame, you will not fail, for God is in you! God is in your heart! God is the banner of the soul! God is the engram of light that forms the monogram of your Electronic Presence! This is invincible light! This is God Mercury and the wings of Sirius! This is the eagle of Libra and the fulfillment of America’s destiny in the balance scales of that hierarchy of the sun!

O come into the One! O America, O children of the I AM from every corner of the earth, come into the flame of Liberty! Rise up in the courage and the honor of the Mother! And know you not, blessed children of the Mother, that the activation of the fires of the Mother has produced the pleasure cults and the cults of Hedon on Terra and the overinvolvement in the misuses of the sacred fire?

Let this be cleansed now by the washing of the waters by the Word.4 Let the flow of Omega now be a torrent of sacred fire to cleanse the consciousness, to erase all that is less than God’s desire!

Now I stretch forth my hands to release the energies of the magnet of the Great Central Sun. I magnetize the sacred fire of the Mother flame high unto the altar of the Christ within the heart. Let the energy rise! Let it now be without that disguise of all the misuses and the pornography and the blaspheming of her name. Let that pure stream of energy be stripped of mankind’s inharmony! Let it be stripped!

In the name of the living God, I stand before you and I command the flame of the Mother to rise within you, to rise unto the skies to greet the light of the sun of Alpha for the converging of the wholeness of our God. Be free from all carnal desiring! Be free from the beast that ascendeth up out of the bottomless pit of carnal desire! It has no power over the sons and daughters of God who will to be free.

O will to be free, blessed ones! Will you not will to be free? Let your will be full! Let it be generous! Let it be full-blown, as the sails of the Niña, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria! For the Holy Spirit requires all of your willing, all of your loving, all of your caring to carry the ship of the threefold flame into the New World for the founding of the new order of the ages.

And God has blessed your undertaking. He has shined upon it. He has released the light of freedom. So he has sent forth a blessing for the raising up of the pyramid of life within your heart. Stone by stone, let the pyramid be built—not as an outer symbol or an outer sign, but let the pyramid be within your heart a holy shrine. Let it be dedicated now to the ascension of every man, woman, and child upon this earth.

Let it also be dedicated to the binding of the fallen ones who are the remnants of that Lucifer, the Fallen One.5 Let them be bound by the action of the sacred fire! You see, when you allow that Mother flame to rise higher and higher, it will claim the victory over the fallen ones. And all of their organizations and their systems and their isms and their nightmares of division, they will go into the flame.

I AM Saint Germain, and I proclaim the victory of the light within you! If you would but stand with the same fervor that I AM standing with, you would see how the enthusiasm and the joy and the light of your hearts would set on fire a world waiting to be set free! And the elementals are longing for that sacred fire that you, and only you, can release from your heart’s desire.

O surrender all human desire, all human willing and wishing and the mental aberrations of the human intellect and that stubborn human will! Let it go into the flame! How long will you, children of the One, make the ascended masters do battle with your own carnal mind and your own stubbornness? It is yours to overcome! We have overcome our own!

Now enter the fray and slay that beast! Slay that beast, I say, of the fallen one within! And be free! Be free to be world conquerors!

Will you not be enticed by my offer this day? Will you not be magnetized by Saint Germain’s ray? Will you not see that the ascended masters are real, that we stand in life this hour, that because we stand in your nation’s capital, America still stands?

Do you think that the puny mortals who have taken their positions in this government have the capability to hold together America as the greatest nation upon earth? I can tell you, they are sorely lacking! They are a poor excuse for God-government! And the few who have the honor of true patriots, patrons, and patriarchs of the law are not enough to hold the balance of the light.

We commend those who strive for freedom and we say: Because we back you this day, America will not go down with the setting sun but she will rise with the dawn! She will rise in the light of Aries to manifest the Christ consciousness! She will rise, then, to that capstone in the pyramid of life. And each and every one who claims that capstone as his own will also rise in the victory of the ascension.

I AM Saint Germain. I have enshrined freedom in the capitals of the nations this day. Now I enshrine freedom in the soul, freedom in the heart of every Keeper of the Flame!

Receive that fire, O devotees of the One! Receive it now, and be infired! Take your places in the mandala of government! You are needed in the service of the light! Therefore, serve the Mother in the government of your nation. Serve the Mother in the mandala of the City Foursquare. Take your place! Release the light! Release the music of the spheres! And let balance be the harmony that impels the victory.

I salute you, heart, head and hand! I salute you in the flame that is our victory! Victory in America! Victory in the glory of Old Glory! Victory in the fifty stars that are for the test of the ten in the five secret rays!

Yes, let America be on her knees this day in prayer for the nations of the world! So let it come to pass that by the victory of the Christ consciousness within you, the flame of freedom shall burn on! Terra shall become Freedom’s Star, and her evolutions shall rise invincible in the ascension, invincible in the skies!

I AM Saint Germain in the heart of freedom in every nation. I stand! I AM! I remain!

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Saint Germain was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, November 23, 1975, in Washington, D.C. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. Rev. 4:4.

2. Acts 10:34.

3. The taking of the Fallen One. Lucifer (also referred to by the ascended masters as “the Fallen One”) was bound on April 16, 1975, and taken to the Court of the Sacred Fire, where he stood trial before the Four and Twenty Elders for a period of ten days. He was sentenced to the second death on April 26, 1975. (See Alpha, July 5, 1975, “The Judgment: The Sealing of the Lifewaves throughout the Galaxy,” and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, July 6, 1975, “Antichrist: The Dragon, the Beast, the False Prophet, and the Great Whore,” in The Great White Brotherhood in the Culture, History and Religion of America, pp. 234-36, 239-49.)

4.Eph. 5:26.

5.The fallen ones who are the remnants. Lucifer and Satan were taken to the Court of the Sacred Fire for judgment. See n. 3 above for information on Lucifer. Satan was bound by Archangel Michael in 1968, and on January 27, 1982, he was remanded to the Court of the Sacred Fire, resulting in his final judgment and second death. (See Jesus Christ, “The Final Judgment of Satan,” in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 25, no. 16, Book I, pp. 185–96.) When a fallen one is bound and taken to the Court of the Sacred Fire, the next ranking false hierarch assumes his office and title. Satan and Lucifer are the original names of these two antichrists. Their underlings go by these names and use them as titles. Thus we must still anticipate the initiations of “Satan” and “Lucifer” handed down through their lieutenants, who invoke their mantles even though they have ceased to exist. The “seed,” i.e., consciousness, of Satan and Lucifer remains a force to be dealt with by the lightbearers so long as there are those on the left-handed path who embody and propagate it.

Affirmations Taken from a Dictation

by Archangel Zadkiel
April 13, 1968

1. I AM the penetration of the mighty Freedom Flame

2. I AM charged with the fervor of God for the Freedom of man

3. In the name of the Christ, I take the scepter of Power to my heart’s flame

4. I AM a mighty pillar of fire that shall be a guiding star to all people

5. I AM the quickening of Freedom within me

6. I AM an outpost for the release of the Violet Fire in the world of form


8. I AM free

9. I AM the Undivided One

10. I AM the manifestation of God

11. I AM the glorification of his Presence and I go forth to do his holy Will

12. I AM a sun
            I AM a sun shining in her splendor
            as a mighty Light and beacon of hope
            to all who would follow in my path

This decree is in Prayers, Meditations, and Dynamic Decrees Decree Book, p. 470, no. 72.00.

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