Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 63 No. 8 - Beloved El Morya - February 22, 2020

The Precipitation of the Diamond
of the Will of God


Hail, sons and daughters of flame! I come from Darjeeling to salute you in the flame of life. I come with a will and with a way. I come in destiny’s fire, and I come in victory’s light. I come in the momentum of freedom from the heart of Saint Germain.

I come from the Darjeeling Council table, where we are gathered in contemplation of the diamond heart of the Mother of the World. I come from deliberations concerning the problems of earth and the dilemma of the nations, where we have discussed the matter of light and darkness and the concealment of the dark ones from before the face of the children of the Sun.

We come, then, as usual, on our rescue mission, calling souls to separate out from the darkness of their own subconscious, to come out and separate from that labyrinth of the carnal mind. We come with the star before us. We come with the diamond of God’s will. We come to fulfill the precipitation of that diamond, and we look for the place to anchor that fire and that flame of devotees of the will of God.

We scan the centuries and we scan the light of chelas. We scan those who would be chelas but say they cannot. We look for will. We look for the momentum of the will to be. We look for those who have the courage to fling themselves into the majesty of overcoming, into the way of life victorious. We look for those who understand the light of service as the perpetual motion of the lightbearers. We look for those whose heads are not cast down but who look into the skies to see the stars and to see in the stars the hope of life and life everlasting.

You have heard of the cracking of the whip of the Darjeeling Trailblazer. Well, I am blazing a trail today, and I am going from city to city to see who I will find who is ready to receive the precipitation of the diamond of the will of God, who is ready to make room in the inn of being for the light of that will, who is ready to make the sacrifice to make a home of light for Saint Germain and the chelas of Saint Germain.

Who are the chelas of Saint Germain? Well, after the spanking that I gave to the children of the light through the Mother in my last dictation,1 I come with the joyous announcement that some of the chelas who have been spanked have now been received by Saint Germain as chelas. Now don’t you think it was worthwhile to be spanked in order to be received by the Lord of the Seventh Ray? Now we see what Saint Germain has in store for those who will to be in the light of the fire of God’s will.

And so once again, in such a short time, we have some vacant seats in Darjeeling, for souls have gone forth to be trained of Saint Germain. And Saint Germain is not content to train the souls in the etheric retreats of the Great White Brotherhood. No, he is determined to have focuses such as the focus of the Master of Paris2—a home of light in the physical octave, a home of light in the cities, a home of light where souls can be received.

So then, where are the stalwart ones? Where are the builders? Where are the pioneers who will have the courage to enter the canyons of New York City and Chicago and all of the great cities of America and the world?

Onward, marching, marching, come the angels of light! They come, then, to announce to souls of Morya: “Now take flight in the eagle wings of Sirius! Follow the light of the new day! Follow the light of the seventh ray!”

Now understand why I say that there is a need for greater and greater intensification of the light of the violet flame. For the light of the violet flame is clearing a way, carving a tunnel into the depths of the astral. Why are we carving a tunnel? Because there be some souls in the darkness this night who have heard the decrees of the students, who have called out to God: “Save me, O my God! For I would come forth from the depths of darkness and I would join the decreers on Terra!”

So your calls are echoing through the planes of Mater! And so we say, keep on keeping on! Keep on invoking the violet flame! For there are souls in the corridors of memory whom you have known long, long ago. And some of these souls are tied to you by love and others by karma and others by the imbalance of injustice.

They are tugging on your garments, and you will find, as you attempt to ascend to the heights of the mountains, that the souls tugging in the large cities of the world will pull you back even as they pulled back Gautama from nirvana. Back he came, the Enlightened One. He could not stay in meditation in the Holy of holies, but he returned from out the Great Silence to answer the call of souls—souls yearning to be free, souls having an awareness of a destiny and seeing the enlightened ones climbing to the summit of life.

Remember, then, the words of Jesus to Peter, who said unto Jesus: “Quo vadis? Where are you going, Lord?” And unto him the chela of Christ the Lord declared, “I go to Rome to be crucified again, to be placed on the cross of white fire.”3 And Peter knew that his Lord could be crucified only through him, only through his sacrifice of that human will, that stubbornness, that rebellion against the diamond of the will of God.

And back he went—back to the home of light, back to that center—to be crucified for his Lord. And that sacrifice of the one chosen to be the Vicar of Christ is the rock upon which the Church is built.4 Each time a soul sacrifices the lesser self to the greater cause of world good will, upon that rock we build. We build unto the stars. We connect souls in the depths of darkness to the star of the I AM Presence.

Let the light of souls, then, be known. And let it be known that the chelas of Saint Germain have the assignment, as their initiation in the seventh ray, to meet the public, to meet the world, to meet the people—the displaced persons, the pure sons and daughters of God—to meet them in the cities and in the country, in the highways and the byways, to talk to the children of the light and to talk to the children of the One.

And so you will find that Saint Germain will demand proof that you have been a chela of Morya—not a carrying card and not a badge, but proof, invincible proof, that the will of God is the diamond fiery core of the precipitation of the holy amethyst, of the violet flame that is freedom shooting forth from centers of light.

Now let us see how you will rescue mankind from their plight! Let us see whether chelas of Morya will be worthy of the name as they go forth, all life to claim. Let us see now. Let us see what we shall see. And those of you who were left outside of the Retreat of Good Will may be invited now to come inside to see if you will instill God’s will as the diamond heart of Mary.

Now look again and see the teacher in the Darjeeling Council chambers! See who is teaching the class in good will. It is Mary the Mother—the hope, the joy, the crown of the will of God, the devotion to the blueprint of life. And so the Mother comes to discipline those chelas who would not succumb to the light of Morya. Now let us see if the diamond heart of Mary can woo you to surrender that human will.

Come, then, new chelas, old chelas! Come to touch the hem of the garment of the Mother of the World! It is a blue garment of her love. It is the mantle of the Christmas Mother. And her children, in this year of the Holy Spirit, are the devotees of the flame.

And you know, they come from mosques and temples. Be not surprised whom you will meet in the Temple of Good Will, for there are many, many who are in the mosques of the East and in the cathedrals of the West and in their temples chanting the name of the Lord God of Israel, chanting the name of Allah.

Those who come from near and far, they have this one thing in common—a fierce devotion to the will of God. Yet not all know how to surrender that lesser devotion to the moon of the human will. And therefore when the sun is in the zenith of the sky, their devotion to the will is high. But in the night hours, when the moon sheds the silvery light, they are polarized to that substance of karma, that energy misqualified.

And for that purpose the Mother of the World comes—the one who has placed the moon beneath her feet.5 She comes to show the devotees how to conquer self, how to conquer will, how to make that coal of untransmuted substance the diamond, the flawless diamond of the will of God. Now let us see how, one by one, you will take that substance and form the crystals that you will offer unto me and to Maitreya, who will lead you in the path of initiation.

Truly the year 1976 is the year of initiation. I suggest that you form your queue, that you place yourselves one by one in earnest in a line of cosmic consciousness in order to apply to the Holy Mother and her holy will to receive the anointing that is for the initiation of the light within your chakras. And the Great Divine Director is ready to release spirals of initiation.

This is the conclusion of the Darjeeling Council as we watch a world moving, as it were, downward, downward in the spirals of no return. As we watch these momentums, we counteract with an upward spiral and a challenge that we fling into the teeth of the chelas! We must counteract that quicksand movement of the pull of the fallen ones, who think that they have the world by the tail. I tell you, they think that they are cloaked, somehow, in the invisible mantle reserved for the masters. Our eye is on the Illuminati. We watch those who usurp the light of the Christ and we say, “He who laughs last, laughs best.”

And with a twinkle in my eye, I call the chelas. Now rise, I say! I demand it of you! I will not let you remain on that ladder of comfortability where you have placed yourself with your arms folded, saying, “I have reached a place of security. I will rest awhile.”

Oh, no, you won’t! Not as long as I am on Terra! Not as long as I am Morya! And not as long as you call to me in love, as you have this night and as you do with the fervor of the chelas of freedom and of will. No, I say! I will goad you! I will spur you! I will treat you as my favorite Arabian horse! Yes, I will! I will come to you and I will give you that goad to life and to victory.

I tell you, for every fallen one who has assumed a role in darkness and in the shadows of the vast complex of the governments of the nations, I must have a chela who will rise correspondingly high into the skies, into the star of the I AM Presence.

Where are you, O chelas—you who should be here? I speak to you also! I rebuke you for your fear, your cowardice, your waywardness, your willy-nilly, will-o’-the-wisp consciousness! I rebuke you for flirting with death and darkness and self-destruction! I will have you, too, for my chela! I will draw you into the flame!

Watch and see, for the game is not yet over. And we will see who will dare play chess with Morya, who will not confess the secrets of the heart, who will not come forth and reveal the truth of life—all of truth—the shame and the glory as well. Let them come forth! Let them be revealed! Let them go into the flame! Yes, I will have my chelas for initiation! I will move you, so long as there is life to be moved!

And I speak to chelas stalwart who are on beds of pain and beds of death. I speak to each and every one, for I am the comfort of the will of God. I will not leave you! How can I leave thee? I love thee! I love thee! I cannot leave thee, O my chelas! You are my heart and my soul! You are my love and my goal! I will take you in my arms. I will carry you across the rapids of life. I will bring you to the throne of God if you have but half a will and if you are willing to give the word of truth and the fiats of the light.

Do you not know, O precious ones, how precious you are to the masters in Darjeeling? How we love to gaze upon that countenance uplifted in the love of earth, in the love of humanity! For all your striving and your serving, I am grateful in the will—in the diamond will of Morya. Now note that the hardness of that diamond is not a hardness of heart, but it is love congealed to cut through the most dense astral substance for the rescuing of life.

We come to rescue life! We know the toiling of the carnal mind and the resistance of that mind to the fulfillment of his will. Therefore we take a certain amount of childishness, but we must put an end to childishness. We must silence that childishness and make it childlike innocence in the heart of a Mother.

Children, wake up! Wake up, I say! While the rats eat away at the granary of America, you cannot stay where you are! The caravan of Morya must move on! It must go up the mountain! Hear the cracking of the whip, for I come blazing a trail of light!

I will say it again: I must have a chela, a devotee, to counteract the points of darkness for every fallen one who would claim the light and the heritage of America and of the nations of the world. I must have a devotee willing to counteract twenty-four hours a day the darkness of that wicked one.

Now take your assignments; take them. My angels write them for you. Your orders are given. Read them well. I place before your soul and your Christ Self the name of one whose darkness you must counteract. That name will remain with you until you have, by your causal body and by your momentum of light, counteracted that one. And then we will wink the eye at one another and we will say, “Checkmate!” We will say, “Checkmate!” We will say, “Checkmate!” And the victory will be unto the diamond of the will of God that is you!

In the love of Saint Germain, in the love of the chelas of the flame, I remain, Morya.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by El Morya was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, November 23, 1975, in Washington, D.C. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. El Morya, November 16, 1975, “There Is a Price to Pay for Chelaship.” See upcoming Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 63, nos. 11 and 12.

2. The focus of the Master of Paris. The Master of Paris ascended more than 500 years ago and is the Chief of the Council of France. His etheric retreat is over the city of Paris. He also maintains a physical retreat in Paris, which he often visits in a physical form. This focus is described as a beautiful castle-like residence with many windows overlooking the city. His disciples keep up this focus, which is used frequently by the masters as a meeting place from which they can direct the energies necessary to hold the balance for the governments of Europe. See The Masters and Their Retreats by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, pp. 269-70, 449-50.

3. See John 13:36-37.

4. Matt. 16:18.

5. Rev. 12:1.

O Presence of the Diamond Heart

O Presence of the Diamond Heart
   Within thy Light we live
And as we walk along Life’s way
   Thy blessings to all we give.
Protection and peace and love’s sweet release
   And courage, strength, and pow’r
Cutting all free from bondage of earth
   Victorious ev’ry hour.

O Presence of the Diamond Heart
   To India, thy home, we call
Flood from Darjeeling’s Palace of Light
   The power that raises all.
O Morya! God-friend, on thee we depend
   O from us never part
Our deepest love forever to thee
   For the use of the Diamond Heart.

Devas who serve the Diamond Heart
   In obedient love so well
Reveal thy great magnificence
   To all who on earth now dwell.
Let all now awake, the human forsake
   And find their peace in God’s will
O Presence of the Diamond Heart
   In thee is God’s plan fulfilled.

Blessings on thee, dear Diamond Heart
   For service to life so great
Blazing the glorious sacred fire
   Transmuting all fear and hate.
To thee we now call, O Great Central Sun
   Thy blessings without end
Ever to serve the Diamond Heart
   Our real eternal friend!*

*This song is printed in the Book Of Hymns And Songs (The Summit Lighthouse), no. 202. Melody: “Drink to Me Only with Thine Eyes”

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