Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 63 No. 10 - El Morya - March 8, 2020

There Is a Price to Pay for Chelaship

Part 2

We will not eliminate those rocks from your path! We will not eliminate the tests! We will not eliminate the temptations! We will give you the equipment, by wisdom, to discern, to meet every experience, to make the right decision.

If you do not study the Law, how can you be expected to outsmart the fallen ones, who come with all of their many schemes and temptations to take from you the abundance of the Divine Mother? Consider then: What is it worth to continue in the schools of the Brotherhood?

Now I have told you, I am putting out of my class this day the chelas who have not confirmed the will of God by action and by study. So we will see what will become of them and what ascended master guru will receive them. Then you will understand why Morya came to found The Summit Lighthouse, why Morya raised up a beacon of light to call you Home! You will understand that few, if any, ascended masters will receive you until you have confirmed the will of God within you, until you have fired that obedience to the Law within your four lower bodies.

I am the one who has stuck out the neck for the chela. I am the one most likely to lose that head by sticking out that neck. There are not so many masters who will trifle with human creation. Now understand why we have the discipline of this retreat, why we have the discipline of the first ray!

Yes, I will tire you out today! I will make you sit here and listen to me! I will make you hear the word of the will of God! This is my time, and I will speak as long as I will speak! And you can shrivel up in your seats if you will, but I will not leave until I have spoken my piece!

Now I have gained the dispensations to take in the chelas, to train them in the will of God. There is no progress possible in this activity or elsewhere until you have passed the tests of the first ray. All precipitation begins with the ray of the will of God! If you cannot meet its demands, you might as well forsake all of the rays. There is no way to get to wisdom or to love without the blueprint of life!

Could you move anywhere without your skin? Your skin is the will of God! It holds you together! It seals you! And so the will of God is the chalice and the blueprint, and all of life hangs on the skeleton. And between the skeleton and the skin—the two aspects of the yang and the yin of the will of God—all else comes into manifestation.

Now I say, let there be no further trifling—by energy, by misuse of the sacred fire, by a lack of emotional control, by the unguarded word, by the subtle resentment unspoken, which is more heinous than the spoken word because it hides from the Mother. Those who hide their criticism and their hatred and their malice year in, year out, these are even more dangerous to the body than those who allow themselves to speak the word of the fallen ones.

I say, let both be exposed. I say this day, if we are to give greater dispensations of abundance and opportunity to this movement, we must have chelas graduating from Darjeeling and moving on with the seven chohans of the rays, moving on with the disciplines so that they might come to the level of the Buddha and those initiations in the secret rays.

Therefore, let us see that you do not forget the words of this dictation. For I come in the same spirit as those masters who came long ago to announce cataclysm in that golden-age civilization in the Sahara, in South America, on Lemuria, and on Atlantis. There has never been a time when cataclysm has come forth without the warning from the ascended masters, without the warning of cosmic beings telling the people that if they were not harmonious, if they did not serve unselfishly, the light would be withdrawn.

Well, I come. And it is not Alpha or Omega or Helios or Vesta or Surya or the Lords of Karma. It is I who come, because I am the one who has sponsored this activity and you individually. Therefore I am responsible to hierarchy and to your souls!

I come and I say, this body must be welded together as the diamond of the will of God—without flaw! I am not interested in presenting to the Lords of Karma a diamond for which I must apologize and say, “It is so many carats. It has so many brilliants. But it has ten flaws.” I will present a flawless diamond, or I will present none! Therefore, I will remove the flaws!

Do you know that if I were to speak to Saint Germain, he would say, “Give me that diamond with flaws and I will transmute it!” And he would do that. And then what would we have? We would have Saint Germain with another thousand years or ten thousand years of karma to pay off because of the chelas who refuse to surrender to the will of God. Well I say, I will not look into the eyes of Saint Germain and tell him that you have precipitated a diamond with flaws. It will be a flawless diamond, or it will be none!

We will have that diamond, and it does not matter to Morya or to the Darjeeling Council who must be eliminated! Either eliminate your human creation or we will eliminate you! This is my word. This is my warning. And I have said it for the last time.

I will not have the play of power around our messenger! I will not have the interference with her work by the petty consciousness of those who intrude upon the time of the messenger with every form of petty problem.

You must rise! We have descended as low as we can go, and that low is the level of your Christ Self. Unless you rise to that level, you will have the responsibility of having broken the tie to hierarchy! And then you will see what it is to swim in the depths of the astral sea without the lifeline, without the cord of oxygen to the mother ship. You will see what it is to flounder in the astral.

Now I have given my warning. Now we will turn the page, and I will give you my report.

I come before the turning of the cycle of the year. I come before the conference in the nation’s capital and before the report of the Lords of Karma at the New Year’s class. I come with preliminary information so that you can act before the closing of the cycle of the year.

I come to tell you that it is absolutely necessary for focuses of Summit International to be established in the large cities of the United States of America. Whether they are purchased or whether they are rented facilities, it is necessary that nuclei of devotees be established. The minimum required to establish that kernel of light is three. When I say it is absolutely essential that you put your efforts into rallying the chelas, I say it because the infiltration of the fallen ones on the physical and the astral is increasing day by day.

I hold before me a report from K-17 of the infiltration of America by those powers alien to freedom and to the principles of this Constitution and to the light of the Brotherhood. The decay of the bodies of the people of America, as sheer rot at the astral level, is such that it must be reversed and consumed by the light of the Holy of Holies being enshrined in these cities.

In the present moment New York City is sinking in the mire of selfishness, of the greed of the beasts of money. There is not a focus sufficient to hold up that city. There is not a Mother flame upheld to resolve the difficulties of its economy. When you see bankruptcy and the misuse of funds, you see a misuse of the Mother. And therefore it is the Mother flame and only the Mother flame that can turn that spiral.

Devotees are needed, and the light of the Goddess of Light, enshrined in that place where Chicago now is, is being desecrated by inharmony among the students of the I AM1—by their condemnation, by schism. And therefore that light is being dissipated and seized by the fallen ones in organized crime and worse, in trafficking in drugs and in the infiltration of those who are preparing for takeover.

The cities of the West Coast are bastions of the Holy Spirit, drawing the line between East and West. But many of the chelas who have heard our word listen more intently to the fallen ones, and they have let the torch drop.

How long will the Lords of Karma release the dispensations of the dictations when the chelas absent themselves from the classes and the seminars? “How long?” is the question. How long is long? What time and space is available to the hierarchy?

You are moving with intensity in order to allow new souls to explore the teaching. I say, well done! For you see, the only way we can get new dispensations is by a new fervor and by your actions, showing the Lords of Karma that you have tried to contact the souls of light and that some have responded. And those who respond give us new opportunity to expand.

We do not want a moving sea of chelas, tossed by the waves, never stable and never steady, coming and going with the tide. We want the firmness of Mother Earth, the rock of Being, the Mother flame in our chelas, chelas unmoved! And if we are to have chelas unmoved, we must have the understanding of selflessness as it has been given to you in this lecture this morning2 and in many other lectures and dictations. And we must have chelas willing to study, willing to clear the way of the vision, willing to apply the violet flame.

Therefore, we wait. We wait for your action for the guarding of America, the guarding of the citadel of light in these focuses. We wait for your commitment so that we can give to you the greater commitments of cosmic councils who are waiting, waiting for the stability of the upheld chalice.

You uphold your chalice! You beg for dispensations! You call forth light! Angels take your calls to cosmic councils. Cosmic councils give the answers. Angels come forth to pour light into your chalice, and where are you? You are gone! You have not had the patience to uphold that chalice long enough to receive the answer! When you telephone someone, do you hang up the phone before they have answered? Well, that is what you do to cosmic councils when your devotion lasts fifteen minutes or less!

Let us see, then, steadfastness, constancy, long-suffering, a willingness to love and to serve and to wait. After all, the fallen ones show their measure of devotion to their dark causes, and they have been devoted to their cause for aeons. After all, it is the fate of a planet and a people—and nothing less—that rests in your hands.

Our messenger reviewed the records of dictations given over a fifteen-year period to a circle of chelas who utterly failed! Lost, then, were fifteen years of dispensations and devotions by the masters, and that era becomes only a book in a file, a record of failure.

Now you see, we cannot have continuous failure. For while the chelas of the light fail, the forces of darkness gain in the battle. And as the decades turn, the saturation of humanity’s consciousness with darkness becomes so great that, for all intents and purposes in this cycle, it is not possible to turn it back.

Yes, God is the victor! God is the victor in eternity! But in time and space, you must confirm that victory! And only you can do what every ascended master has already done—give your allegiance totally to the Godhead and let your chalice be upheld for the light's release of victory.

I stand. I watch. My eyes are on the world. My eyes are on the chelas—the only ones who can save the world. I AM Morya of the first ray, and I leave my ray upon you as a pressure, an intense pressure to goad you to new heights of self-awareness. For only as you are aware of yourself as God will you manifest the courage that is required in this hour of victory.

I salute you in the diamond of the will of God, and I receive you in your devotion to that diamond.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by El Morya was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, November 16, 1975, at La Tourelle, Colorado Springs, Colorado. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. Inharmony among the students of the I AM. In a lecture given on June 4, 1975, Elizabeth Clare Prophet spoke of schism and controversy among members of the I AM Activity. She stated that those in the I AM sanctuaries were having to decide whether to side with the I AM Activity Board of Directors (located in Chicago) and their stance against The Summit Lighthouse, or to side with the I AM students and long-term members who were becoming part of The Summit Lighthouse and attending conferences. Mrs. Prophet asked for prayers and decrees on behalf of the I AM members to strip them of fear and doubt.

2. We must have the understanding of selflessness. In a lecture given to students of Summit University on November 16, 1975, the morning of this dictation, Elizabeth Clare Prophet made an invocation for the students to “transcend time and space by love and selflessness.” She explained that as we are evolving in time and space we are subject to the pain of separation from God and to thoughts of aloneness, guilt, and unworthiness amplified by the fallen ones. She said that the sense of separation occurs because God “loves us so much that in his love. . . he has gone away so that we might become whole. . . . The pain is far greater to God to remove himself from us than it is even for ourselves to be removed.” The pain of separation is really “the pain of God longing for that portion of himself suspended in time and space. . . . God’s love is a selfless love. He will not take us to himself until he knows we can be himself. . . . He postpones the bliss of that reunion, for he would first see the beloved mature and become the wholeness of the flame. And so the greater sacrifice is God’s, not ours. . . . The meaning of love, then, is for us to fan the fires of our devotion with such intensity that we overcome the selfishness of aloneness, the selfishness of self-pity in separateness, realizing that God himself has made the ultimate sacrifice. . . . Selfishness is the sense of reserving something for the self. . . . If we do not give the allness of ourselves, we have that selfishness.”

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