Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 63 No. 12 - Beloved Godfre - March 15, 2020

Obedience Is Better Than Sacrifice

Part 1

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I salute you in the flame of God-obedience. I welcome you to the altar, where the flame of obedience burns brightly, consuming your sacrifice of all that is less than the Christ consciousness.

For the action of the light, for the release of the law of being, obedience is better than sacrifice.1 Those who substitute sacrifice for obedience will find themselves outside the center of our oneness when we come to claim our own. Obedience is a flame imparted from the heart of God to the heart of man. It is the flame whereby the soul finds its cosmic dimension wherein the soul can reach for that consciousness of congruency with the blueprint of life.

To quote an expression of your own, mankind are “out of whack.” They are not aligned or attuned with the inner fires of life. Their four lower bodies are askew, and the wedges of darkness projected by the fallen ones in their discord, in their manipulations, separate the flow of light from the within to the without. Therefore, men and women who live on the periphery of existence do not experience the great reservoir of light that flows within, that burns on—burns on as the crystal river of living flame.

And thus a surface consciousness does not satisfy the craving of the soul for the immortal reunion. The craving of the soul for the entering in to the oneness of life is translated through the labyrinth of the carnal mind to the outer senses, to the outer desires. And therefore we see that the downfall of nations is the endless pursuit of pleasure and a pleasure cult by a people who are yearning for the flow of the life of the Mother—Mother Liberty and her torch held high, the Mother of Cycles, Mary the Mother of the Christed One.

Come then, children of the Sun! I would give you contact with the inner flame. I would let you sense, by a fragrance of that flame, your own communion with the inner geometry of being. I would reestablish the flow of the movement of consciousness—not to the gratification of outer desire but to the fulfillment of the inner light.

It is the desiring of the soul for wholeness that has prompted the Christed ones of the ages to move to the center of life, no matter what the cost or what the pain or what the sacrifice. Yes, obedience is better than sacrifice. But the sacrifice of the lesser self is a part of the call of obedience. For how can you be obedient to the will of God when the bag and baggage of the world is in the way? You must be free to run, to move in the wind, to answer the call of hierarchy for the saving of a nation.

Those who understand the building of a nation, the building of a golden age, count not the cost. For they have seen the vision of the future. They have seen generations unborn coming into the awareness of the God consciousness and of liberty. They have also seen the vision of darkness. They have seen the vision of the compromise. They have seen what will take place in America and on Terra if they do not make right choices in this hour.

I would give you of my flame, of the inner ear, the hearing ear that hears the voice of God. I would give you the consciousness of the sound ray and of the light ray that is contact with our hierarchy of light. Let your inner ear be quickened, then, by Mighty Cosmos’ secret rays, that you might hear the voice of the Son of God, your own Christ Self, that you might hear and live—that you might hear and live to respond to the command, “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.”2

I am a God-free being because I have willed to be free in God. You can be free if you will it so. But I point out that your freedom cannot be won either at the expense of society or in neglect of civilization. Freedom is the parallel lines of individual self-mastery and planetary self-mastery. There is no such thing as individual self-mastery that is won without concern for humanity. The implementation of the salvation of a planet comes about because individuals care enough for one another, because individuals are willing to lay down their life that others might take it and live.

The selflessness that we speak of in sacrifice is not the canceling out of self. It is truly that enlightened self-interest whereby you champion the light of the Christ where you are, and through that light you reclaim that Christ for every living soul. You cannot win alone, but you must be all-one in God in order to manifest the victory for others.

Therefore, keep the flame of the citadel of your consciousness, and be ashamed to go to sleep at night if you have not meditated upon the balance of your inner flame and the alignment of your four lower bodies to that flame. And as you pass into sleep, realize that you are a reflecting pool, reflecting the light of the inner sun of God. Through the night and through the day, you are the authority of the Law living beneath that rod. You are the equation of being. You are the multiplication factor for the generation of the Christ consciousness in society that will bring about the regeneration of the God consciousness in all mankind.

Toe the mark, disciples of the Christ! Toe the mark, I say! Contact the God Star! Reach for that God Star, Sirius, and let the Four and Twenty Elders, who sit in judgment at the Court of the Sacred Fire,3 release their energies through you so that you might be an electrode for the expansion of the flame in this hour—in this hour that can be the victory of life on earth.

How well I remember when the blessed ascended master Saint Germain took me to the Royal Teton Retreat prior to my ascension during that period in my last incarnation of preparation for the messengership representing the Great White Brotherhood. How well I remember seeing the portent of the future, of what the future might be in America—the projection of the ascended masters’ consciousness for the golden-age society.

The vision of that victory, the vision of prophecy of a golden age to be born in this land, was based on the premise of certain numbers among this mighty people who would respond to the teachings of their own I AM Presence and to the law of the violet flame, to the law of the One. That promise was based upon the projection of an equation, a mathematical equation of souls in incarnation and souls who would take incarnation—souls who would vow to keep the flame of life through the giving of decrees for America and the world.

Now we have seen in the passing of the decades that many who vowed to keep that flame, to lay the foundation for the golden age, have departed from the teaching of the law of the One, have departed from the giving of decrees and have entered into all manner of psychic manifestation, psychic involvement, the flattery of the ego and the contact of those discarnates who impersonate the ascended masters. Those who were intended to take embodiment in these decades to fulfill this law of the One and to lay the foundation—many of these have come. But many have been denied entrance through the portals of birth, not by the Lords of Karma but by mankind’s free will.

Therefore the Council of the Royal Teton, in reviewing this week the fiery destiny of America and its fulfillment, sends through me a report to the Keepers of the Flame so that you would understand that there is in this moment a gap in the plan of hierarchy. That gap has been created by the division projected by the fallen ones and the black magicians and the misuse of the Mother flame in witchcraft. That gap is the separation of the I AM students—those who have the Law—from those who are seizing the light of the Law through this messenger, through the Mother flame. And therefore the body of God that has the God consciousness of the I AM THAT I AM is divided on Terra, and you know that a house divided against itself cannot stand.4

I call forth the flame of the God Star, Sirius, for enlightenment to those who serve in the name of Godfre, in the name of Lotus, and in the name of the I AM Presence! I call forth that light, that sacred fire, to cut across now those forcefields of hypnotic control by the fallen ones who would keep the flow of this energy from those who have the inheritance of the Law and the teaching.

I place before you the understanding that this gap has also been caused by the fact that many who began on the Path through this activity and through the I AM Activity have not stayed steadfast on the Path. For they have entered into the condemnation of the messengers or they have entered into the pride of the ego, its ambition, or into the action of discouragement through cynicism, through the weight of world consciousness. Again, a contributing factor to the gap is that those souls intending to incarnate are waiting in the wings for the joyous reception of the chelas of the ascended masters, who will welcome them into homes of light.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Godfre was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, November 23, 1975, in Washington, D.C. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. I Sam. 15:22.

2. Matt. 5:48.

3. Rev. 4:4.

4. Matt. 12:25.

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