Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 63 No. 28 - Beloved Maha Chohan - July 22, 2020

The Flame of Selflessness to Keep

Part 2

I like to see souls moving in the wind of the Holy Spirit, free and mobile and dedicated to God first, having the joy of that communion with God many times a day, establishing and reestablishing the contact over which the light of the flow of the Holy Spirit descends to weave the wedding garment, the seamless garment that is the envelope of an auric energy field whereby the soul is not caught in the astral plane in the hour of transition.

Those who give not their attention to the Spirit within and to the flame within have not established a flow with God or with hierarchy or with his emissaries, and therefore they have not a current, a cord of consciousness, a lifeline to higher planes of experience. By free will they have chosen. By free will the Law acts. And they are confined until they choose to break the bands of their own confinement.

You see, then, that the false teachings of the fallen ones are exposed.1 And you see the mass manipulation of the youth, constantly drawing their attention by the music of the fallen ones, by the media, the television, the pornographic books, the motion pictures centralizing on the misuse of the sacred fire. All of this is a tie-up of attention. Attention is energy flow. Where energy flows, there will the soul ultimately go.

And so the fallen ones, who are the vultures who come on the astral plane to devour the souls, weave this darkness over the planetary body. They engage the attention of the people so that the arc of the flow of their energy goes directly to those lower aspects of the astral plane that are known as purgatory and as the depths of hell itself. When individuals spend one percent of the day or none at all in attunement with God, with light, with love, with virtue, what will they have for the arcing of consciousness into the next plane?

When all of the weight of being is involved in the world and the things of this world, so then will consciousness be, so will the soul be until it determines to change, to challenge the old way, to put off the old man and put on the new.2

The suddenness of the passing of loved ones, of the elderly as well as the young, again shows the transient nature of life. We do not advocate that mankind engage in other-worldliness or in a preparation for death, inasmuch as death itself is not real. We recommend that preparation be given adequately, just as you prepare for all major events in your life. Once the preparations are made, then you can place the matter aside and go about your business. But your preparation involves the putting on of the garment of the Lord—putting on the consciousness of the Lord Christ, putting on the momentum of his becoming the teaching, putting on his love. And so it is that day by day you are preparing not for death but for the resurrection, for the life eternal.

You ought to be concerned about the balancing of 51 percent of your karma, for this is indeed your passport to eternal life and without it you must return to incarnation. It is not so difficult in this hour of transition for souls to balance that substance of karma. You see, the ascended masters have a very great cosmic purpose, and they require the hands and feet and hearts and heads of chelas in embodiment.

The quickest way to balance karma, then, is in direct service to the ascended masters. For the ascended masters abound in the gratitude of the Divine Mother and they bestow upon those who sacrifice the things of this world for the cause of the Brotherhood many graces and electrodes of light and the cube of cosmic consciousness, all for the liberation of that soul from the round of incarnation, of rebirth again and again.

Since the cause of the Brotherhood is not always to the fore, it behooves those who are living in a time of the open door of the Christ consciousness to consider what service they may render, and this is enlightened self-interest. It is in the highest interest of the preservation of the Self [within] that you render service to God daily and thereby weave that lifeline to the Presence that will carry you over into the shore of perfection.

I was there at the hour of your birth. I stood with you, with mother and with father, anchoring the flame of the Trinity. I am a witness to the birth of every soul on Terra, and my joy at the wonder of life becoming life is always renewed as the flame itself is the quickening of all. And the rejoicing of those who are born again in the ritual of the ascension is also mine to behold, and therefore I live where the very essence of life is. And because I have the highest confirmation of life, I also have the awareness of all that opposes that life within you—the laws of mortality, the belief in death, the death cult of the planet, which is the sex cult—all that tears down and abuses and consumes the energies of the sacred fire.

And so I see those who take the precious chalice of the essence of life that is passed from the hand of the Christ Self to the soul as an elixir, as an offering, as a sweet nectar of life to be sipped for an entire incarnation. I see souls in ignorance, in despair, in cynicism, who take that precious nectar of life and spill it upon the ground, and they cannot regain that which they have lost. And many of them are old and diseased before their time because they have desecrated the Communion cup of the Holy Spirit and the Christ Self.

And so we see that, above all, teachers are required—above all, disciples who will become teachers, who will not selfishly keep the Law unto themselves but who will speak the Law and the way of the holy ones.

There are many who will drink of the cup of the masters’ teaching if you will go to them and find them and woo them by the comfort flame, if you will woo them by your love and call to the angels of the comfort flame to release the wisdom of the word of the Mother to them. And so it is the hour when the fields of consciousness are whitened to the harvest of the Christ Self, to the harvest of souls, and many laborers are needed in the vineyard of the LORD.

You, then, must put on his garment. Try it on. It will fit. It will go well with thee. Take that garment of the Law and the teaching and the essence of his love, and let it be the transforming miracle of your life. Let it be for the fulfillment of the promise of the coming of the Lord and of the words of Jesus himself, “I will not leave you comfortless.”3 The Spirit descends to fulfill that vow. And you, as you come into the midst of the blessed children of God, fulfill the vow as a carrier of comfort’s flame.

And so this is the flame that I give you this night—the flame of selflessness to keep. When you have the flame of selflessness, what are you?

You are the purity and the perfection of the Christ in manifestation within the temple of being—without obstacle, without the marring aspects of the human consciousness. And those who come to see you as disciple or as teacher will look upon you and see standing there before you the image of the Christed One most needed in that hour. For the flame of selflessness, which is without personality of the lower self, is the image of the Christ that applies best to the moment of consecration.

And therefore to one you will appear in this manner, to another in another manner, and people will begin to remark on how different you look in the many aspects of the extension of your service. And you will find that, as the disciples and the apostles spoke with the flame of the Holy Spirit and all understood the teaching in their own language, people will see you after the image of their own Christ Self.

This is truly the flame of love reflected in love. And therefore if you would be the flame of the Spirit, being all things to all people, as God is, then the spirit of selflessness is the flame that you must become.

And do you know how strong the individual is who has the flame of selflessness? What an identity! What a powerful individuality! This is not someone who is disappearing behind the curtain as the anonymous one. Nay! The full power of the Almighty One is upon him—the individualization of the God flame! That soul is the one who will make his mark on the age. That soul is the one with whom mankind will identify according to their need as the complement and the comfort to their life.

And so, you see, most among mankind who think they have an identity actually have a very slight, meager aspect of the true identity of God. They are the anonymous ones already. They have not forged a reality that even mankind will acknowledge. They are among the numberless numbers, filing down the corridors of a questionable existence. Paradoxically, then, the flame of selflessness is the highest manifestation of individuality.

You received the dictation of the Spirit of Selflessness from the heart of the Great Central Sun in this very city.4 That individualization of the God flame is such a consecration of Alpha and Omega that that individuality was veiled from your eyes and from your awareness, for you yourself would be astounded to know how much power and how much wisdom and how much love can be contained in the life of the individual who has become the selfless one.

But as you pursue this Path, you will come more and more in contact with that one who lives in the Sun behind the sun of your own being, a great cosmic consciousness. And so it is that all of the things that mankind think are real, for the most part they are unreal. And that which they consider to be unreal, irrelevant, nonpractical, even absurd, these are the things that count.

As you with Jesus descend, then, into the astral plane during his period in the tomb, which initiation you celebrate on Holy Saturday, will you remember my words? Will you remember especially the young, the young and the old alike, who have passed from the screen of life and who are not able to free themselves from that outer darkness because of their experiences with drugs? Will you remember such as Karen Quinlan5 and so many who have been taken from the screen of life?

Go and minister to them! Go with Michael the Archangel! Go with Gabriel! Go with Jesus the Christ! Go in the garment of the Holy Spirit! And fear not to descend where the demons and the fallen ones lurk, for they fear the coming of the son and daughter of God. They fear your footsteps as you descend to bring the blinding light of the Christos.

And as the fallen ones are blinded by the Presence of God, which you bear, so then you will rescue the souls. You will take them into your arms. You will draw them into the love of God. You will extend the comfort of my heart and you will say to them, “Come with me. I am your brother, your sister on the Path.”

And, you see, the astral plane is a plane of Matter, a plane where you ought to take dominion, a plane where we cannot enter unless we are called. And when you call us to enter those planes, our angels run on the rescue mission. You see, those who are caught there are so caught that they no longer have the awareness to pray, to make the call. They are in semi-states of awareness, as though in a coma, and they require the ministration of the angelic hosts.

We never take them against their will, precious ones, and there are many who fight against their deliverers. But do you know, you can make the call to their very souls so that they will respond to the angels of deliverance?

And when you feel the resistance of souls to leave that which has become the familiar, when you feel that resistance, you can call for the blue lightning of the cosmic angels to shatter the density, to break the spell of death, to break the law of mortality, to release them into the sanity of the Christ mind. And sometimes it takes great perseverance and great diligence to convince the soul to reach out and accept the hand of the angel.

But, you see, you may call for these souls to be cut free from all that has been imposed upon them as the philosophy and the doom of the fallen ones. And therefore there is hope. There is hope this night in the greatest depths of darkness. Even in your own subconscious there is hope. For the flame of hope is the flame of Gabriel, who comes with the annunciation of the birth of a soul.

Each day is a new day. Each day a God is born, a Christ is born. Each day you can be renewed in the flame, and all that is past can pass away. For all that is past is unreal. This is true for you and for all mankind unascended, dwelling in the many planes of existence on earth.

I AM the Maha Chohan. I AM concerned with life and the continuity of life, with initiation and its continuity. I AM concerned that you keep the flame of life on behalf of all evolutions.

Will you keep that flame with me? [Audience responds, “Yes.”]

Tarry, then, until I come.6 Tarry in the city of Jerusalem. Tarry in the City Foursquare until ye be endued with power from on high.7 And when you are endued with that power from on high, know that it is the light, the kindling light of the Holy Spirit, and that you will be sent forth to truly ignite and quicken and make whole the lost souls and the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

I AM in the flame of the Mother and the Father, and I AM in the heart of every son and daughter of God.

Good evening, chosen of the light.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Maha Chohan was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Thursday, April 15, 1976, during The Path of Attainment conference, held at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, California. Part 1 of this Pearl of Wisdom is published in this volume, no. 27. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. See Pearl no. 23, this volume, p. 174, n. 3.

2. Eph. 4:22–24; Col. 3:9–10.

3. John 14:18.

4. The Spirit of Selflessness is a cosmic being from out the Great Central Sun. On October 14, 1974, at the conference Voyages of Discovery, in Los Angeles, the Spirit of Selflessness gave a dictation that stated: “I AM the fullness of the All-One. For only in the spirit of selflessness can you be aware of the allness of Being. For the awareness of a self apart from God is a shadow that prevails to separate, to prevent the fullness of consciousness from coalescing a cosmos about the flame of identity.” The spirit of selflessness “is an awareness of the circumference of God and of the dot inside—the point of contact that is the Self of God with which you totally identify. And therefore you are not deprived of the identity when you embrace this Spirit, but you have the return of the allness of Being.” For further information, see The Masters and Their Retreats, “The Spirit of Selflessness,” pp. 348–49.

5. Karen Quinlan (1954–1985) became the center of the “right to die” debate in the United States. At the age of 21, Karen became unconscious after taking tranquilizers with alcohol at a friend’s birthday party while on a crash diet. She fell into a coma and subsequently into a vegetative state. Her parents filed suit to remove her respirator and put an end to her suffering, since there was no hope for her recovery. On appeal, the New Jersey Supreme Court granted her parents’ request, but when the respirator was removed, Karen continued to breathe. Therefore her feeding tube remained and she continued to receive nutrition for nine more years, until her natural death on June 11, 1985, caused by respiratory complications followed by pneumonia. She was 31 years old.

6. John 21:22.

7. Luke 24:49.

Adoration to God

Beloved mighty victorious Presence of God, I AM in me, my very own beloved Holy Christ Self, by and through the magnetic power of the immortal victorious threefold flame of Love, Wisdom, and Power burning within my heart, I decree:

Beloved Mighty I AM Presence,
Thou Life that beats my heart,
Come now and take dominion,
Make me of thy Life a part.
Rule supreme and live forever
In the Flame ablaze within;
Let me from Thee never sever,
Our reunion now begin.

All the days proceed in order
From the current of thy Power,
Flowing forward like a river,
Rising upward like a tower.
I AM faithful to thy Love ray
Blazing forth Light as a sun;
I AM grateful for thy right way
And thy precious word “Well done.”

I AM, I AM, I AM adoring Thee! (3x)
O God, you are so magnificent! (9x)
I AM, I AM, I AM adoring Thee! (3x)

Moving onward to Perfection,
I AM raised by Love’s great grace
To thy center of Direction—
Behold, at last I see thy face.
Image of immortal Power,
Wisdom, Love, and Honor, too,
Flood my being now with Glory,
Let my eyes see none but you!

O God, you are so magnificent! (3x)
I AM, I AM, I AM adoring Thee! (9x)
O God, you are so magnificent! (3x)

My very own Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM!*

*This decree is printed in the decree book Prayers, Meditations, and Dynamic Decrees - Decree Book, p. 301, no. 30.03.

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