Pearls of Wisdom

No. 29 - Beloved Amaryllis - August 1, 2020

On Behalf of Elemental Life

The Celebration of the Christ Mass
in the Four Seasons of the Year

Part 1

I come to the City of the Angels to celebrate the resurrection of elemental life. I come where angels and elementals gather for the coming of the spring of the Mother of the World, for the coming of the bursting of the resurrection unto the New Day. I come to the City of the Angels, the beloved city where Christ is also come as the Lamb with the Lamb’s wife.1

I AM Amaryllis. I come as the light of Mary the Mother, kindling the flame in the hearts of elementals and releasing the resurgence of the fires of Aries as the mind is quickened to move upon the impulse of the mind of God.

Is this not the gift of springtime, as the diamond-shining mind of God, as starry light throughout the cosmos releases the fragments of crystal, the sparkling, diamond mind that quickens life everywhere?

Have you ever thought of the mind of God as a cosmic computer, programming all of life through the four cycles of the year and the turning of the galaxies and of the suns and of the release of the energy of the Sun behind the sun?

Well, so it is. For God is in all life and therefore the very mind of God is the signal as a release of energy, of resurrection fire in your body, in your cells, in the grasses, and in the animal kingdom. All of life is renewed because of the cycle of the spring, and God has given to me the extraordinary opportunity of carrying a portion of that flame to warm, to bring to life in many octaves of awareness the announcement of that coming of the fire of the mind of God.

And therefore in the spring of the year and in the second quadrant of your own birth cycle of your birth year, you may call to me to infuse you with these fires that are for rejuvenation and regeneration, eternal beauty, and the convergence of your inner fount of being with the fount of the Most High.

I AM come. I AM come with the quickening. I AM come with a proposal of the powers of light to establish in this City of the Angels a communion greater than that which has ever been known between the hearts of angels and elementals and the people themselves, working hand in hand to bring the Holy Spirit closer to the children, closer to every part of life. Here is where we have consecrated through the All-Seeing Eye of Cyclopea the threefold flame fountain,2 and here we would call to all of the beings of the hierarchies of the Sun for the converging of their consciousness in the celebration of the Christ Mass.

For Christmas, you know, is also the eternal spring. For Christ was born in the spring of the year and we do celebrate our Christmas on the very first day of spring, as the hierarchies of Pisces pass the torch of God-mastery to the hierarchies of Aries.3 At that point of the release of the Christ consciousness the Manchild is born and the angels sing, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.”4

The celebration of the birth of Christ came to be at winter solstice, at the darkest hour of the year when those wise intelligences who govern the cycles of initiation of mankind observed that the satanic rites, the pagan cultures, had the celebration of their feasts of the carnal mind during this period of darkness.5 This is when they would take the burst of energy of winter solstice and use it to the perversion of the flame of Mother and Child.

And therefore, while the fallen ones and these archenemies of the Christ yet lurked across the planetary body, seeking whom they might devour6 up until the hour of their being taken by Michael the Archangel,7 it was seen by the ascended masters that mankind needed a focal point of the Christ consciousness, a rallying point, a point of elevation of consciousness in this darkest hour of the year.

Therefore the celebration of Christmas has been for the exaltation of that flame, and many among mankind have communed and have found the most precious entering in to the heart of Jesus and Mary and Joseph at that season of the year, while others have made of it an even greater cult of the senses, of partying and frolicking and of misusing the light of the Christ.

But now that the sons and daughters of God are coming into their own dominion and are teaching the children of God how to take that dominion, we of the angelic hosts and of the beings of the elements, we of the ascended masters look forward to a more holy Christmas that is celebrated not only at winter solstice, not only at the spring equinox, but also at summer solstice and at the autumnal equinox. For we desire to see the bursting forth of the white light at these cardinal points of the year be accompanied by the celebration of the birth of the Divine Manchild within each of the four lower bodies.8

The Etheric Body (winter)

Therefore, then, let the blueprint, let the archetype of the Divine Manchild be received into the etheric body during the winter cycle, taken from the fiery core of the sun of even pressure, taken from the Sun behind the sun. Let the matrix of the Divine Manchild be etched in fire as the blueprint of your own becoming.

Let this be, then, the true meaning of the world’s celebration of Christmas. Let the etheric memory of the newborn Bethlehem babe within the race be received in etheric bodies that have been purified.

Therefore let there be the fasting before the coming of winter solstice for a purification not only in the [physical] body, but let there be the fasting of the senses. Let there be the fasting especially of the memory and of the revolving of carnality and sensuality within the memory body. And let the memory body of the earth also be cleansed, and let the violet flame be the celebration of your communion in the midst of the winter for the beginning of the cycle of the New Year under the hierarchy of Capricorn.

And then through the three months that follow, let your consecration of that blueprint of the Manchild be under the initiations of the hierarchies of Capricorn and Aquarius and Pisces. And let the masters who serve these hierarchies tutor you in the way of the etheric consciousness, the very fiery God-mastery of Jesus the Christ, of your own Christ Self and of Lord Maitreya and Gautama, the Buddhas of the world.

The Mental Body (spring)

As you carry, then, the matrix of the Holy Child, let that Child then be born into the mind and the mental body with the coming of spring. Let the shoots of green and the flowers remind you of the great concepts of the Christ, of the teaching itself, and of the firing of the mind with the teaching.

Let the etheric image of the Christ now be clothed upon with a garment of wisdom and let all students of the ascended masters take wise dominion of the mental body, not allowing the tramp thoughts of the carnal mind, the distractions of the world, the endless pursuits of the intellect to take from the purity and the innocence of the Holy Child the strength—the unutterable strength of the mind of God.

And then let that mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus,9 and you will no longer wonder how the great emanations of the mind of God can be received by the saints and the prophets and the teachers and the messengers of the Great White Brotherhood. For it is a conveyance through the Holy Child—the Child of the heart, the Christ Child whom all must receive in order to become the Master of Galilee.

The Emotional Body (summer)

Let the coming of the warm winds of summer and of the Mother flame in summer solstice be for the celebration of the Mother’s love, of the birth of the Child within the desire body.

Let the feeling body and the astral plane of the planet receive now [the great emanations of the mind of God] from the hierarchies who have initiated you in the Christ consciousness through Aries, Taurus, and Gemini in this the cycle of the summer. And let God born in you as the Divine Manchild be Christmas throughout those months, and let that Christmas be for the God-control of the water body, of energies in motion.

And let the Christ in you be the great feeling of the angels and the elementals, their great love for Mother and Child. For these precious ones there is no separation. Where they see the Christ, they see the Virgin, and where they see the Virgin, they see the Christ. And they can only weep when they see life aborted, life separated from the womb of the Mother. For they know that God is crucified anew each time there is the destruction of life in death in the womb of the Mother.

Continued in Part 2, published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 63, no. 30.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Amaryllis was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Friday, April 16, 1976, during The Path to Attainment conference, held at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, California. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. Rev. 19:7.

2. Threefold flame fountain. In a dictation given in Los Angeles on September 21, 1963, beloved Cyclopea with Mighty Victory announced that the devas and builders of form began “the service of building fountain. . . thirty miles in diameter, and it is on the exterior surface a bright blue.” This fountain of cosmic faith rose into the upper atmosphere one mile above Los Angeles and was “filled with the vibratory action of the blessed angels of faith from Archangel Michael’s band.” Elemental life volunteered to sustain that momentum of faith for “one hundred years or as long as the great law will permit.” Next, at twenty-nine miles diameter within the forcefield, “there is established a beautiful golden fountain of cosmic illumination which rises to a height of one mile and a half into the atmosphere.” Then, “twenty-eight miles in diameter within the center” of this forcefield “there is builded a two-mile-high fountain which is a pink fountain of spiritual love charged by the angels of beloved Chamuel’s band.” This tripartite fountain is sustained by the devas and builders of form in cooperation with elemental life “to create the vibratory actions of a cosmic Eden in this beautiful area of light’s perfection.” (Excerpted version, published in the bound volume of the 1978 Pearls of Wisdom, pp. 378–79)
On November 11 and 12, 1973, Elizabeth Clare Prophet commented on the significance of Cyclopea’s and Mighty Victory’s dictation in which they established this threefold flame fountain of light. She commented that Mighty Victory had said “he was placing this focus for the ultimate victory of the planet in Los Angeles.” She said, “The reason I am telling you about it is that I feel there is something unique about this City of the Angels in terms of the history of the planet and the first three golden ages and the early root races, that whatever has been done in Los Angeles, if it can be redeemed, if the souls can be redeemed and returned to the center of God, we will have a tremendous impetus toward the victory of the whole planet.”

3. Hierarchies of Pisces and Aries. This refers to the science of the cosmic clock released by Mother Mary to the messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet. The cycles of the soul’s karma and initiations are charted and diagrammed on the twelve lines of the clock, each line representing one of the twelve hierarchies of the Great Central Sun. The hierarchies, each corresponding to a sign of the zodiac, represent a God-quality, or virtue. For example, the hierarchy of Capricorn (God-power) is placed on the twelve o’clock line; the hierarchy of Aquarius (God-love) is placed on the one o’clock line; the hierarchy of Pisces (God-mastery) is placed on the two o’clock line, etc. These first three signs (Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces) are charted in the etheric plane or quadrant; the next three signs (Aries, Taurus, Gemini) are in the mental quadrant; the following three signs (Cancer, Leo, Virgo), the emotional quadrant; and the remaining three signs (Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius), the physical quadrant. These four quadrants correspond to the four lower bodies of man (see note 8), and as Amaryllis explains, each of the four quadrants also represent the four seasons of the year. For further study of the cosmic clock, see Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Predict Your Future: Understand the Cycles of the Cosmic Clock.

4. Luke 2:14.

5. The celebration of the birth of the Christ at winter solstice. The earliest official mention of December 25 as Jesus’ birth originates from a Roman almanac of the mid-fourth century A.D. Jesus’ birth was also made to correspond to the birth of Mithra on December 25, as he was the savior of the Mithraic mystery religion. In a lecture given on November 17, 1982, Elizabeth Clare Prophet stated that “El Morya selected winter solstice as the time for the celebration of the birth of Christ because winter solstice is the hour of the greatest satanic perversion of light on the planet.” The date [December 25] “was actually selected by the Brotherhood” as a time “when people’s hearts would be so inclined toward Christ that they would magnetize him to be the one who would counteract these dark practices. . . . The purpose of the celebration of Jesus’ birth is so that we will equate with that birth and accept the birth of Christ in ourselves. And we need to accept that birth on the twelve o’clock line at the beginning of the cycle,” of winter solstice.

6. I Pet. 5:8.

7. The fallen ones taken by Archangel Michael. The fallen Archangel Lucifer was bound by Michael the Archangel on April 16, 1975, and taken to the Court of the Sacred Fire on Sirius, where he stood trial before the Four and Twenty Elders. He was sentenced to the second death on April 26, 1975. Many who followed Lucifer in the Great Rebellion have also been brought to trial. The seeds of Lucifer are being bound daily by Archangel Michael and the LORD’s hosts and remanded to stand trial in the final judgment, as one by one their time is up. Satan was also bound by Archangel Michael in 1968, and on January 27, 1982, he was remanded to the Court of the Sacred Fire, resulting in his final judgment and second death.

8. Four lower bodies. Each of the four lower bodies of man relates to one of the four elements (fire, air, water, and earth), and each body is tested through the mastery of the element to which it corresponds. The four lower bodies are four sheaths consisting of four distinct frequencies that surround the soul—the physical, emotional, mental, and etheric—providing vehicles for the soul in her journey through time and space. The etheric sheath, highest in vibration, is the gateway to man’s higher bodies, which are the Christ Self, the I AM Presence, and the causal body.

9. Phil. 2:5.

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