Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 63 No. 31 - Beloved Afra - August 15, 2020

For the Sons and Daughters of Afra

An Hour of Very Great Opportunity
and the Drawing of the Line

Part 1

In joy I bow before the Lord of the World, Gautama Buddha. And I am most grateful to the Karmic Board, the Goddess of Liberty, and Saint Germain for according me this opportunity to come to Camelot to answer the call of my chelas and to take the platform to deliver to you my address concerning the minority in America—the minorities of peoples who have come from many lands and continents and races and karmic origins.

Therefore, in the name of Lady Portia I bow before the light within you, and I unveil myself as your own brother, Afra.

I come most recently from the continent of Afra. I come from many lands troubled and in turmoil through strife. As the Nephilim upon that continent have sought to subjugate the peoples of the light, so I also understand that the key manipulation of divide and conquer has become a most intense over­ lay of hatred in defiance of the very person of our beloved and most noble Knight Commander, Saint Germain.

Saint Germain is the liberator of all peoples and streams of consciousness. He has drawn all together in the United States of America for the great birth and awakening of the real and eternal Self who is Christ the Lord. Therefore we see in this hour, most perilous for Africa, division that begins with a hatred that has polarized and been placed upon the people, even without their awareness of its influence as condemnation or pride or fear or belittlement or witchcraft or the vying for power that has been, much to our sorrow, the way of life there for many centuries.

Beloved Portia has made known to you the dedication of the ascended lady masters on behalf of the many islands of peoples who have gathered here seeking the flame of an inner identity that, once attained, they are called by God to lay upon the altar of the community of the Holy Spirit, which this nation was and is designed by Almighty God to be.1

Thus as you see, regrettably, the success that the fallen ones have had in duping the people of that continent, you may also project ahead and see that it is their desire to transfer these same momentums of division and superstition and witchcraft and hatred to this soil. We therefore come with love, intense love and enlightenment, and a mighty sword of Truth.

Chelas have arisen who understand this great need. And ever moving forward are the translations of Saint Germain’s teachings into Spanish2 and the concern of those of you who are serving the light for those peoples who must have a very special interpretation of the God flame.

There is somewhat the sense of urgency as I meet in the Royal Teton with Saint Germain and others who serve him in the great cause of freedom. He has asked me to tell you today concerning the descendants of Afra, those who live in the United States, that this is an hour of very great opportunity as well as the drawing of the line.

In this moment, those who call themselves the blacks of America can rise to new dimensions of freedom and liberty. But this can only come to pass through the mighty heart flame, through the understanding of the path of initiation, through the necessity of bowing before the God flame of the eternal Guru, submitting the self on the altar of God and demanding an acceleration, a purging, fervently calling upon the law of forgiveness as was preached by John the Baptist for you all—repentance and remission of sins, then the coming of the Lord Christ and his initiation of the Christ Self.3

Portia and Saint Germain desire that this teaching should go forth among the blacks—that they cannot rest with outer gains of more opportunity or of laws that secure greater equality, or even of increased funding for various projects to enhance education and general standards of living. These signs must not be seen as the signs of the elevation or necessarily even the progress of a people.

And therefore in an age of materialism and mechanization, let not the outer signs become mistaken for the inner sign of the coming of the Lord Christ unto this my children. For it has ever been the plot of the fallen ones to make all peoples think that by the very manifestation of increased goods or a greater climate of ease that somehow progress is being made.

Though there were successes through the civil rights movement, there have been setbacks. For those successes in many instances were outer. Having gained them, the people did not understand that they must go within to the inner light in order to sustain them. Thus it is not equality for bodies with varying colored skins that we would seek, but true advancement on the path of initiation for souls who indeed hold the key for the entire elevation of this race of the sons and daughters of Afra.

I AM radiating in this hour a light ray from my heart to those who have been called long ago to be the shepherds of this people. Some of these shepherds-to-be are among this company of Camelot and others are yet abroad in the land, serving with a great fervor of love and an understanding of justice, while those who are truly not qualified to lead yet somehow arrive in positions of leadership and do serve—not with love but with competition born of a hatred that they have never surrendered into the flame, though they know not that it is implanted within the subconscious. In an absence of the sense of justice, therefore, they serve with a sense of injustice that can never bring about harmony or the blending of all peoples in the service of Sanat Kumara.

Therefore I send forth a ray from my heart unto those who are the true shepherds of this people to elevate, to call you to action. And I summon Keepers of the Flame who recognize and sense the urgency in the heart of Saint Germain to go forth now—stumping in the name of the Mother, stumping in the name of the Lord of the World and in the name of the blessed Saviour Jesus—to find the shepherds of this people, to isolate them by the sacred fire, to call them forth by love and to offer to them the opportunity for the inheritance of the mantle of True Shepherd.4

Let none turn aside this opportunity to come under the tutelage of the Mother of the Flame, who is truly our representative in the Motherhood of all races under the blessed Omega and Mother Mary and so many hosts of the LORD. Therefore let none take the teaching and separate themselves out from the teacher because the teacher does not to outer appearances qualify as being a part of the black people of this land.

No greater mistake could ever be made than for peoples to segment themselves according to outer judgment instead of the inner judgment of the heart. And yet I speak this because my children, many in number, have already rejected the Mother of the Flame because they have conceived of her as being what they call “white.”

My beloved ones, this will not make for ascended master consciousness or evolution in these children of my heart. And therefore prejudice runs strong in the hearts of people of all races, and it in itself is the outcropping of the projection of hatred of these fallen ones over thousands of years of manipulation of God’s people to keep them divided. For every stream and lifewave manifesting as the varying races have somewhat to offer upon this planetary body.

And if there be those who say, “We will only take that which comes from our own people,” they will be sadly denied the great blessings that come East and West through this River of Life of the Mother that separates itself into divergent manifestations to show forth the glory, the beauty, and the light of her infinite Presence.

Thus, my beloved, let us realize that Saint Germain has said, even as he has told me this day, that there is a tide—a tide now in the affairs of the children of Afra that must be taken, and taken in that moment when opportunity becomes a crystal light and a crystal sword.

Thus there is fomenting in the fallen ones who have infiltrated into the black movement the desire to instigate turmoil and riot and discontent, even as they have put upon the black people that belittlement and all of the evils of the drug culture and the withdrawal of the light of the culture of the Christ, the Buddha, and the Mother.

These fallen ones would not desire to see the children of Afra rise. And they have seen to it over several centuries, in this nation and thousands of years in the homeland, that they have been kept suppressed as well as oppressed. And my children have allowed it! Thus we look to the true shepherds to lead them to that higher consciousness. For I tell you, beloved ones, the fallen ones have determined to destroy the very heart and soul and purpose and mind of my children.

Though they know it not, the black people of America today are at the eternal “Y,” the place of choosing this day whom they will serve,5 whether it be gains in the line of material comfort and increased well-being and higher-paying jobs, or the real gain of the eternal light of Sonship and the path of immortality, with all of its challenges as well as persecution as well as the great glory of the crucifixion itself.

My beloved ones, you cannot desire this world and the things that are in it, serving the god of mammon,6 and arrive at that liberty that is the true liberty of Christ. A materialistic consciousness is not always seen for what it is.


Continued in Part 2, published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 63, no. 32.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Afra was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Saturday, July 5, 1980, during the Freedom conference, The Call of Camelot, held at Camelot, Los Angeles County, California. It was originally published as Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 23, no. 35. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. Afra is referring to a dictation given by Portia on July 2, 1980, which was published as Pearl of Wisdom, vol. 23, no. 29. In this dictation Portia said: “Saint Germain has made known to you that he calls the sons and daughters of Afra to go forth quickly, even with lightning speed, into the larger cities of this nation to deliver the great mandate of light and freedom and the knowledge of the use of the violet flame whereby so many abuses and misuses of the light within and without this magnificent people might be transmuted. . . . Rising from the springboard of the past, let these sons and daughters of Afra discover a noble identity and a higher cause than the defense of the lesser self.”

2. A complete list of the teachings of the ascended masters published in Spanish is available at Click “Español.”

3. Mark 1:1-8; Luke 3:2-17; Matt. 3:1-12.

4. Jer. 23:1-4; John 10:1-18 (the Good Shepherd discourse). In the book The Opening of the Seventh Seal: Sanat Kumara on the Path of the Ruby Ray, Sanat Kumara explains: “When my Son Jesus Christ gave his discourse on the Good Shepherd, he spoke of the role of personal Christhood, the office he had assumed and would assume to set the example for the true shepherds. . . who are called by the World Teachers to come forth in this era to deliver the sheep of my pasture from the false pastors who scatter and destroy them.” See chap. 14, p. 100; see also chap. 15 for further teaching. For ordering information, see note 2.

5. Josh. 24:15.

6. Matt. 6:24; Luke 16:13.

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