Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 63 No. 30 - Beloved Amaryllis - August 8, 2020

On Behalf of Elemental Life

The Celebration of the Christ Mass
in the Four Seasons of the Year

Part 2

Let Christmas in summer, then, be a renewal of the Holy Family. Let the Holy Family, who set the cycle of the Piscean age, now come forth to give birth to the Aquarian age. Let the children as family members realize their responsibility to carry the innocence of this Holy Child. Let them know how important they are as members of hierarchy in the mandala of the family. Give them assignments of prayer and of ritual, for they know very well how to talk to elementals and angels and masters. They know very well the initiations of the Path within their souls. They keep the flame of purity for the cities of the world.

Yes, I tell you, the innocence of the little children—if you will watch them while they sleep, when you see their little faces—it is as though they know that they are sleeping. They know that you are watching, and they are ever in communion with the guardian angel as the guardian angel is ever in communion with the All-Father. And by the sweetness and the innocence of their love, when they take leave of their bodies at night during sleep, it is the little children who hold the flame of purity for the mandala of the city and the nation.

I wish to take you with me this night, precious souls, Keepers of the Flame. I wish to show you how these little ones labor in the vineyard of the LORD and how they take their responsibility so seriously as their souls go forth to do this perfect work with the angelic hosts. All of this is part of your celebration of the Christ Mass in the summertime as you go through the initiations of the hierarchies of Cancer and Leo and Virgo.

The Physical Body (autumn)

And then with the turning of the seasons toward the harvest and the celebration of the fruit of good works and the manifestations of alchemy, you come to the release of light and the celebration of the Christ Mass. You come for the birth of the Christ, literally within the physical body, for the bursting of the center of the cells, for the bursting of the threefold flame heralded by the archangels. This is the equinox of autumn. It is the release of the light and the energy for the conclusion of the quadrants of the year.

Let, then, your celebration be that Christ in you is born and that you are the temple of the living God! Be grateful, then, for matter, for temple, for the place to consecrate life! Be grateful for the fruit of living on the physical plane, with an opportunity to balance karma, to serve the Lord, and to bear witness to the Truth! This initiation of the concluding cycle of the year is under the hierarchies of Libra and Scorpio and Sagittarius.

Life Is the Christ Mass

Through the year, then, with Jesus, through the cyclings of the Christ consciousness into manifestation, you will accomplish what one of the three wise men has long wished for—the daily awareness that life is the Christ Mass. Your own beloved El Morya, who was Melchior,1 has so longed for mankind to participate in the joy of the angels, in the birth of the Christ, and therefore I come as the advocate of the Chief of the Darjeeling Council of the Great White Brotherhood, who will speak to you this evening.2

I come as the Goddess of the Springtime, then, to announce to you the convergence of the beings of the elements, the angels, and the masters in the City of the Angels. And I say that the cooperation of the three kingdoms will take place as you rejoice in the Christmas rosary day by day—the Christmas rosary, the celebration of the birth of the light of the eternal Christos within you. And then the City of the Angels as the soul, the very living soul of America,3 will give birth to the new religion of Aquarius.

To the woman of Aquarius, to all of the many children of the World Mother—to those who will come here for that celebration wherein in science and religion, Spirit and Matter, beings of all aspects of the servants of God converge at that point of the threefold flame within the heart—you have come, like the Israelites of old, to pitch your tent. You have come with sacred altar and flaming cherubim and the flame on the altar, the living flame of the Mother. And this is the ark of the covenant of our Maker, the Maker of heaven and earth. This is the ark of the Presence of the Flaming One and the LORD God who spoke to the children of Israel, telling them to let their worship be in the tent and to stay the building of the temple until the coming of the Lord.4

And so though you have not a temple, you pitch your tent in the cities of America. And wherever there is the love of God, there is the ark of the covenant between God and man. There is the flaming ark and the flaming cherubim. There is the great agreement that is made between God and the sons and daughters of God. It is the great promise that was given to Abraham, “Behold, I will make thy seed as the sands of the seashore, innumerable.”5

So the seed of the Christ consciousness will go forth and be sown abroad throughout Terra from this point because here in the soul of America is the convergence of all flames, of all who have ever known the LORD God as the I AM THAT I AM, of all who have accepted the Christ as the true Mediator between the Spirit and the soul.

I AM Amaryllis, and I celebrate the coming of the Lamb and the Lamb’s wife in the City of the Angels. And all of elemental life is in celebration this day, for to the elementals this is the beginning of the ending of the crucifixion of elemental life. For you see, because mankind have not known the way of initiation, have not understood the crucifixion, mankind have totally burdened the elementals with a cross of hatred, with a weight of condemnation, with the cycles of death and destruction. And therefore the beings of fire, air, water, and earth and the animal kingdom itself have borne the weight of world effluvia, of pollution, the weight of darkness and death.

God has been crucified in nature. God will be resurrected in nature. This is my promise, which I make because I know that you will fulfill the promise of the Law by the alchemy of the transformation of the New Age.

I AM Amaryllis in the breath of springtime, waiting for the Christ Mass within you.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Amaryllis was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Friday, April 16, 1976, during The Path to Attainment conference, held at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, California. Part 1 of this Pearl of Wisdom is published in this volume, no. 29. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. Morya, who was Melchior. Melchior was one of the three Magi who visited Jesus at his birth and presented the gift of gold. The other two Magi who visited the infant Jesus were Balthazar (now the ascended master Kuthumi) and Caspar (now the ascended master Djwal Kul), bearing gifts of frankincense and myrrh. El Morya bore the flame of the Father, Brahma; Kuthumi, that of the Son, Vishnu; Djwal Kul, that of the Holy Spirit, Shiva. The Trinity manifest in the threefold flame of the heart of the Christ Child was the lodestone that magnetized them through their own hearts’ light.

2. On the evening of April 16, 1976, El Morya gave a dictation entitled, “To Awaken America to a Vital Purpose,” published in Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Lords of the Seven Rays, Book Two, chap. 1, pp. 293-308.

3. The soul of America. The ascended masters have taught that Los Angeles is the seat-of-the-soul chakra of America, which is the violet-ray chakra. In a lecture on July 3, 1976, the messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet explained that “the real identity of a nation is fashioned and formed there. Our motion picture industry has made use of these solar energies to project the image of the American way of life, and as our movies go, so it seems that our mores, our standards, our pursuits go. . . . So what goes on in Los Angeles really shapes the personality of the people. It is a city of freedom and far less conservative than any other city. There is a lot of free thought and there’s a lot of soul contact with God. A tremendous amount of religions, churches from East and West are gathered there. . . . It is a place where the personality can rise to international renown through the movie industry, signifying that through those energies the soul can rise and become the star, the star in the crown of the Mother’s rejoicing.” In a lecture on July 8, 1979, Mrs. Prophet also stressed the importance of giving dynamic decrees for the city of Los Angeles “so that the soul, which is the reflecting pool wherein the image of the Christ is intended to be reflected, may reflect to all of the chakras of the earth, all of the cities, all of the citadels of consciousness, the image immaculate. We have in Los Angeles every form of opposition to the freedom of the soul upon earth. There is no evil upon the face of the earth that you cannot find in embryo or in full-fledged manifestation in the county of Los Angeles, and there is no light so great manifest in all the earth that it cannot be found in this seat-of-the-soul chakra.” The messenger also stated on February 25, 1979, that Los Angeles “is the archetype of all cities upon earth. . . . It is the matrix for the lowering of the blueprint of the New Jerusalem.”

4. I Thess. 4:15; James 5:7.

5. Gen. 22:17; Heb. 11:12.

In the Name of My Mighty I AM Presence,
I Go Forth to Heal
Millions of Elementals in the Earth

Beloved Mighty I AM Presence, in the name of my Holy Christ Self and by the Love, Wisdom and Power of my threefold flame, I call forth the action of transmutation by the fire of my being, multiplied by the violet flame, multiplied by the fire of the Great Central Sun and the Great Central Sun Magnet.

I call forth this action on behalf of all elemental life, including my body elemental and the body elementals of all souls evolving on planet Earth. I call for that portion of the flame I invoke and all that I AM to go forth now to heal millions upon millions of elementals in the earth! This I decree in the name of my own Christhood, in the name of my own becoming the ascended master who I shall be and who I am already, for the seed is within itself and the seed of my Mighty I AM Presence is with me in my heart! And therefore I dedicate those percentages allowed me by the Lords of Karma of the fire of my lifestream to the liberation of all elemental life.

This I do in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and of the universal Divine Mother. And I accept it done this hour in full power by the blessing of the Lords of Karma, Amen.*

*This decree is in the Prayers, Meditations, and Dynamic Decrees - Decree Book, p. 98, no. 7.07B.

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