Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 63 No. 36 - Beloved Jesus the Christ - September 22, 2020

The Resurrection of the Mother Flame

How tender are the fragments of the Father’s love, fragments that come as compassion, as angels of light and comfort in life’s darkest hours. How tenderly, how tenderly is the Father’s care for each one of his children moving in time and space, moving toward the center of the flame of grace.

Oh, the flame! How the flame does warm the heart and how the heart leaps in response to the coming of the Christ.

I AM Jesus, your Master. You call me brother and friend, and so I AM. I AM unto you all things—as I AM unto God—as Father and Son, as Mother and Spirit. I AM in the Christ, who portrays in all life the flow of love that establishes the very movement of the cycles from heart unto heart unto heart.

Love is for the contact with God, and how mankind yearn for love. To give and to receive love, is this not the bliss of life? And the way of overcoming and the burdens of the past that are laid before you as present challenge—do all of these not become light through the alchemy of love?

Therefore I come to refine love in you so that your self-centeredness and the impositions of selfishness might give way to an all-centering in the Christ that is the love of the ages.

I would speak to you of the love of the Teacher and the disciples. I would speak to you of that precious relationship you share with Mother, with the messengers, with the hierarchy of light wherein the children of God form their circles of joy, rings within rings within rings of their lives, expanding the great teaching of the ages wherein the children of God become affiliated with the brothers and sisters ascended through the thread of contact, through the heart’s own firing and infiring, through the heart’s discovery of the hallowed circle of the nucleus of the children of God in this age who have come to walk in the way of the Mother’s resurrection.

How the Mother is resurrected within you! How your light is shooting up from the earth, from the very earth chakra! How that light comes as the buds in springtime, as the beautiful flowers so created as the handiwork of God! How the Mother is bursting forth within you as creativity and purpose defined and as the teaching and as the caring for one another

How mighty are thy bands, O God, thy bands of angels and children and elementals who form the spiraling of the lightbearers through this world and system of worlds!

How we see the beauty of God as the child becomes the disciple of the Teacher of teachers, of the Lord Buddha and of Mary, of Morya and of Saint Germain, all of whom proclaim the life universal and triumphant, all of whom come in my name to rejoice also in the resurrection and in the science of that resurrection, which, although it came through my life and my service, was certainly the manifestation of the collective consciousness of the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood.

And so let your collectivization be in that Brotherhood. Let your consciousness flow with the Brotherhood of light and count yourselves among us, you who serve together in all of the reaches of America.

You who serve together, count yourselves always as one, and never allow this mystical body of God, of Christ-bearers, to be fragmented by points of separation or disagreement. But let each member of the body be as this tender fragment of his love, so loving and so caring for one another, so sharing in the joys of the Spirit that the rippling of your love blesses and heals so many, many more. As the overflowing of your cup of communion in the One, so let the elementals and the angels feel the presence of God in the universe as they felt our love through the beloved John.1

We are one in a life that we have lived together for so many incarnations, and the love that we shared expressed itself as so many aspects of the divine relationship. And so I AM unto you today the Master, the Teacher. And I AM also the Holy Child whom you receive in your arms, eyes so full of light, body so full of pink and rose and flowing, golden-liquid light.

Let the children come into your heart and into your life. Open the tomb. Remove the stone of impediment and let the children be received, for they come on the momentum of the resurrection, on the wave of light of our victory.

And they are coming. They come to be blessed. They come for the baptism of your love and mine. They come with new hope and new life and with the promise of the resurrection of this age.

Why are you downcast? Why are you burdened with the boredom of the ways of the world when the path of true holiness beckons you, when another John, the beloved Pope, has also lived among you,2 has also given that love that is the very love of my heart?

And the precious saints, how they are loved of God! How their relationship as brides of Christ, as virgins, how their relationship also as husbandman of the virgin—these men and women who have espoused themselves to the Sacred Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus, priests and priestesses—how they do enjoy a special love and a special flow from the altar of the living God, even as those who have come to the altar to be married in Christ share that special oneness that also flows from the altar of the heart.3

I release the light of the resurrection flame for the purification of love in all relationships! Let the love be for the upliftment of one another, for the exaltation of God! Let it be for the drawing into the oneness and newness of life those who have not heard the Word or the promise of salvation!

Our hearts are fairly bursting with the joy of God, as yours must also be. Will you not take the Rose of Sharon4 from within your heart, then, and remember that there is waiting a consciousness in the vacuum and in the void of burden and boredom?

Will you not go forth and know that I have filled your cup today and have given you of that elixir of light so that you might extend the cup of cold water in the name of the risen Christ?

I bid you, then, to be the receptors of the gifts and graces of the Holy Spirit! I bid you arise in consciousness to receive the light so that you might be the ministers and evangelists and the interpreters of the Word of the Spirit, so that you might go forth as prophets and counsellors, teachers to life out of the very experience of your communion in the love of the LORD’s host.

For what is the proof of the glory you have seen? Will they believe you when you tell them you have seen the risen Christ? Will they believe you when you tell them you have seen the ascended one?

They will believe you only if you become that one, that risen one! They will believe you when they feel the inrushing of the flow of love from the garment of your attainment! They will believe you when you say, “I AM THAT I AM.”

This is your responsibility, O children of my heart—to be the living witness. For we have long ago taken our leave from this plane so that we might reserve for you the place to be the example of the age. We have removed ourselves from the screen of life so that the Christ could be born again and again.

You are indeed the Christ. I place upon you halos and circles of golden light. I place around you that sealing action of the Law so that you might come forth from that tomb and live, as the fount of the Mother gives you to live this day.

O children, my children, even as I speak to you I see that the burden of your life and the burdens of the sublevels of consciousness, which you see not as burdens, are upon you as stone! And I must send forth that lightning and that thunder, that crescendo of my love to break the spell of death that is come upon you whereby you do not accept in the depths of your heart the reality of your life, your eternal life here and now!

If you could for a moment but accept myself as yourself, if you could but for a moment receive me in all of the fullness of the awareness of God that I AM, then the spell of death would break and you would leap—literally leap from your seats to know that you are God in manifestation!

Remember the one who came to give thanks for the healing, the one leper who returned, leaping and praising God.5 For he was the one who was quickened, who knew that he had been found in the likeness of God, whereas the others truly knew not the meaning of the wholeness that flowed within them.

You must know that you are God in manifestation! You must shake from you now the mourning garb, the shroud that is placed upon the children of God! Let your consciousness be released into the flow of fire!

Can you not give this day that acceptance to your own Christ Self that you are the resurrection and the life? Can you not leap for joy and declare:

I AM the resurrection and the life! 6

I AM the resurrection and the life!

I AM the resurrection and the life!

Can you not feel the great laughter of the soul that is free, of the joy that is free in the consciousness of the Mother?

This great rejoicing is the flowing fountain of the resurrection that rises even now to break the spell of death, to break the records of your mortality.

Why do you go back to the ways of mortality when, behold, I AM alive forevermore7 and I AM in you alive forevermore?

How can you accept the fatalism, the cynicism, and the atheism of this world when God in you is that life, that totality of life everlasting?

Think what you can do with this life! Oh, the wealth of life! How wonderful is life, O God!

I bestow my life upon you and within you! I infuse you with the joy of living—living unto God every moment in every hour in every day!

Oh, live! Oh, look up, ye sons and daughters of Jerusalem! Look up! Look up to the risen Saviour and live! And live forevermore in the life of your own God flame!

This is the New Age! I declare it with Saint Germain, my brother! This is the New Age when life will beget life, not death! When the newborn will put on the swaddling garments of the Virgin Mary and when that swaddling garment will be the winding of the bands of the garment of the Mother who is resurrected.

Let every mother wrap her child in the swaddling garment! Let her understand the great ritual of dipping into the flame of the Mother resurrected and of wrapping the precious Manchild in that garment of love! This is the ritual of the sacred fire that is taught to mothers and fathers who come to the retreat of Archangel Gabriel and Archangel Raphael to learn the way of giving birth to the Christ in this age.

And so Mary, my own mother, wrapped me in that swaddling garment and I was secure once again in the flaming womb of the Cosmic Virgin. And I recall even now that as a tiny babe I felt the warmth of the currents of the resurrection as my own beloved mother wrapped me in that sacred cloth.

And when at the conclusion of my life I lay in the tomb, wrapped then in the linen that the disciples had placed around me, my body anointed with the precious ointment and the aloes, I remember saying unto God, my very God: “Lo, this is the swaddling garment of the Mother and I am wrapped in the linen of her resurrected flame! And by the flame of the Cosmic Virgin, I too shall rise! I shall come forth from the tomb of Mater even as I came out of the womb! So my Mother has sealed me in her light and I will rise to bear witness to her resurrection!”

This is the meaning of the resurrection of the sons and daughters of God—that the Mother is risen, that Mater is crystallized in the God flame, that Spirit has descended into the temple of being and has ignited that flame, has ignited that matter substance, and all life is become the fullness of the resurrection. And lo, by the power and the wisdom and the love of the Cosmic Virgin, the Son of God was born to rise, to be King, to be Lord, to be Child, to be Teacher, to be Father and Mother and Son and Spirit.

Lo, I AM the resurrection of life!

Lo, I AM the resurrection of Mater and of Mother within you!

Lo, I AM the risen Christ!

Lo, I come, and I come to claim the Mother for my own!

I AM the Lamb of God within you evermore!

To you and to all mankind, I release the joy of Eastertide as a mighty tide of resurrection inundating worlds from the very fire of Alpha and Omega, from the very Sun behind the sun.

And to all, to all I say: The joy of Easter! The happiness of the flame! The freedom of elemental life!

Lo, I AM with you always, even unto the end of the age8 of the darkness of the appearing of your own Unformed.9

Lo, I AM with you unto the end of the age, when Darkness is swallowed up in Light and death is swallowed up in Victory.10

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Jesus the Christ was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Easter Sunday, April 18, 1976, at La Tourelle, Colorado Springs, Colorado. during The Path to Attainment conference, held at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, California. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. The beloved John. Jesus may be referring to John the Beloved, the closest disciple of Jesus. John’s magnetization of the love ray was the greatest of any of the disciples. This love that he expressed for Jesus was not only for Jesus himself but for the light of the Christ within him and for his mission, which John, above all, understood and shared.

2. Another John. Jesus is referring to Pope John XXIII (1881–1963), who was head of the Roman Catholic Church from October 28, 1958, to his passing on June 3, 1963. He was one of the most beloved popes of modern times. He is now known as the ascended master Johannes.

3. See Pearl no. 34, this volume, p. 258, n. 8, regarding the wedding ceremony that was held later in the day of this dictation.

4. Rose of Sharon. See Pearl no. 20, this volume, p. 153, n. 5.

5. Luke 17:11-19.

6. John 11:25.

7. Rev. 1:18.

8. Matt. 28:20.

9. The word Unformed can be defined as the Ungrund, a German term meaning groundless. It was introduced by the German mystic Jakob Boehme (1575–1624) to refer to the Abyss, which is also God, that lies behind the world as its source and explanation, or the undifferentiated Absolute that is ineffable, sometimes defined as pure potentiality. Grund is a German term for ground, foundation, basis, reason. The comparison between the Ungrund and the grund is to the Unformed and the formed.

10. Cor. 15:54.

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