Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 63 No. 35 - Beloved God and Goddess Meru - September 15, 2020

The Fulfillment of the
Fiery Blueprint of the Seventh Root Race

Part 2

We release now certain energies of your own causal bodies for the cycling into manifestation of the great concentric rings of fire, specifically for the alignment of earth, for the alignment of elemental life, and for the alignment of those who have responded to the kindling light of the Holy Kumaras, the mighty threefold flame that blazes within the hearts of the servants of God.

Keep yourselves within the discipline of the Law, for that discipline does hold the being and the four lower bodies according to the plumb line of Truth, straight as the arrow of perfection’s mark. And as you hold yourselves in the sacred rituals of the discipline you will find your four lower bodies conforming to the new pattern that God, and only God, can lower into manifestation.

This requires the transformation of the solid blocks of body and consciousness to now be poured into the chalice of Saint Germain so that he might take to the crucible of his laboratory the very beings, the life, and the souls of those children of God who have allowed themselves to crystallize after the patterns of this world and the consciousness of this world.

Therefore you yourselves who would be parents in the New Age must become liquid, that the liquid might be purified, distilled in the fire of the golden age, that it might be poured into the mold of Aquarius, that it might become the earth, the air, the fire, and the water of the New Age.

Therefore, fear not this process. For the Lords of Karma have seen that many of you are capable of great change, great transformation because of your steadfastness, being immovable in the praise of the LORD, in the Word of the LORD, and in the confirmation of the victory, preferring the affirmations of Almighty God centered in the temple of the heart to all outer pursuits and manifestations.

Therefore it is not necessary that we break the mold of consciousness through the transition that is called death, a very merciful process instituted so that mankind would not remain in their old ways but would have the opportunity lifetime after lifetime for the new birth after the image of the Christ.

Now let it be that the sons and daughters of God walk after the priests of the Order of Melchizedek.1 Let them flow as fire. Let them be liquid in the chalice of the Mother and of the mind of the Buddha. Let them be willing to be poured into the great matrix of the New Age. Let them make themselves mobile in consciousness, flexible in spirit, moving, flowing with the action of fire until the LORD God himself, with his own hands, does reform that child, that son, that one who is come to be the father, the mother of God incarnate.

Oh, place yourselves upon his altar this day—this day of the resurrection! Take heart and hope and faith and charity, for he has given to you the rebirth! And the fires of the rebirth are that you might be transformed after the image of the Christ. Therefore be transformed by the renewing of your mind and by the making of your body temples that reasonable sacrifice, that sacrifice for life to be and to become in the wholeness of God.

I say, then, let the matrices of witchcraft and black magic be broken! Break them now! Break the cursings upon the mothers and the fathers! Break the cursings of the satanic ones! Break them now! And let those who have cursed the womb of the Mother and the hearts of the children of God, let them be bound by the angels of the LORD, the angels of deliverance and of the resurrection flame, who come!

So we, who hold the authority over the darkness of witchcraft and black magic as the usurpation of the fiery core of the base chakra of the Mother, come to release that flame for the breaking of the clay pots of the idolators and their idolatrous generation! No more shall they inflict upon the seat of the soul, upon the seed and the egg of incoming life all manner of variance and the pulling and the distorting of the delicate strings of the forcefield of new life.

Let them roll into the fiery core! Roll into the fiery core! Roll back into the fire and be consumed this day! And let all who have practiced the black arts, who have practiced selfishness and manipulation, let them be stripped of their coils of consciousness, of their incantations and their sex cones. Let them be stripped of their pride and their ambition and let them stand to face the testings of the fourteen stations of the cross. Let them walk those stations and let them see what it is to carry the cross of the burden that they have inflicted upon mankind and elemental life.

Let the flame of the resurrection infuse elemental life! Let them be cut free this hour! Millions and millions of elementals, let them be cut free! Let them be free from the impositions of the false uses of the mantra of the sacred Word employed by the black magicians to entrap, to ensnare the elementals and to force them to work against the children of light and against the Mother.

Roll back the darkness! Roll back the stone from the open door of the tomb! Roll back the stone and let the angel of the deliverance proclaim the new day of the resurrection, proclaim the way of the coming of the victory of the seventh race!

And so fathers- and mothers-to-be, meditate on the geometry of perfection and on the symbols and the thoughtforms of geometry. Let the cube and the sphere, the circle and the square, the triangle and the great ovoid of fire, let the cosmic cross and the threefold flame be before your gaze. Let the geometry of the Creator and the creation flow into the subconscious. Let the sacred fire flow in! Let the violet fire flow in! Be the open door that no man can shut!2

Let your consciousness be the open door for the reception of the light of victory, for the inner keys to the pattern of the new race. These will come to you as you open your chakras and your life to receive only perfection and as you accept the great screen—the very fine, delicate screen of the Lord Maha Chohan and of your own Christ Self that screens out all of the debris and the imperfect thoughtforms of the fallen ones, of the pornography, the sensuality, the black arts and the black music that have been put over the earth to prevent, as a wall of steel, the descent of the avatars.

Let it be broken!
Let it be shattered!
Let it be broken!

Let the walls of light replace the walls of the dark ones, and let the angels of deliverance pass through the walls of light even as the children of God come and go through the walls of light!3For this is the manifestation of the golden age and this is our offering—the offering of the God and Goddess Meru from the very heart of the sixth race, from the very heart of the raising of the feminine ray.

So let it be. For life is victory, and victory is here and now within you in the spirit of the resurrection!


“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by God and Goddess Meru was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, April 18, 1976, during The Path to Attainment conference, held at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, California. Part 1 of this Pearl of Wisdom is published in this volume, no. 34. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. Ps. 110:4; Heb. 5:5-10; 6:19, 20; 7.

2. Rev. 3:8.

3. Come and go through walls of light. In a dictation given by Cuzco on October 1, 1989, he said: “Know the Cosmic Egg and all that is inside. Know that thou art inside, thou who doest love God, his Law, his Will, and one another as Christ has loved you. [John 15:12] Only those who love enter this interval. Love is the password and the key. Love is the means of passing through walls of light, impervious to those who have not love. Love is also the key whereby unascended initiates enter my retreat. Love is the key to the solution of every problem, love for your mighty I AM Presence. Stay close to your mighty I AM Presence and nothing can touch you. The maya may pass by and you may pass through it, but this hath not touched you at all.” See Pearls of Wisdom vol. 32, no. 46.

To the Spirit of the Resurrection Flame

In the name of Almighty God, I call to the angels of initiation that are with me to convey into the world of form the beauty of holiness, the love of God, the power of Brotherhood, and the sustainment of the torch of Freedom.

O Spirit of the Resurrection Flame in these thy children:
O Spirit of the Resurrection, consecrate their lives anew!
O Spirit of the Resurrection, make them many, not few!
O Spirit of the Resurrection, love them free!
O Spirit of the Resurrection, expand, expand in thee!

Peace to the world,
Peace I give.
Peace to the world,
By Peace I live.
Peace to the world—
And Freedom, too,
For the many, and not the few.*

*This decree is in the decree book Prayers, Meditations and Dynamic Decrees for Personal and World Transformation p. 408, no. 60.02A.

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