Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 63 No. 38 - Beloved Great Divine Director - October 8, 2020

Divine Direction for Diagramming
Your Ascension

Part 2

I should also like to mention that among the hundreds and hundreds of thousands of posters with our messenger’s picture and name, many of these posters have entered the hands of the Satanists, the witches, and the black magicians, and they have made their pact at inner levels to destroy the work of the hierarchy of the Woman clothed with the Sun.1

The Woman clothed with the Sun is the name of the Divine Mother, and every woman on earth can hold that office. Most women are unknown, most women devotees are unknown, and therefore the target is the image and the office of the messenger. On behalf of all women who are moving to become that Woman clothed upon with a causal body of light, the messenger stands at the forefront of the battle bearing the brunt of this desecration of the image of the Mother. I tell you this so that you can join in the calls for the protection not only of the messenger but of all women and of the soul and of its rising and of the Manchild and the Christ.

And remember what I have told you: Where there is a photograph, there is the key. And therefore for the sake of the spreading of the teachings of the Brotherhood, the messenger, although knowing well this principle, has allowed her picture to be used. For she knows full well that that image will also be the point of attraction for the children of God.

As Jesus said, “My sheep know my voice,”2 so do the children of light know the face of the Mother and the smile of the Mother. They see beyond the photograph to the Cosmic Virgin, to all of the ladies of heaven who are beckoning them to the mastery of the feminine ray. And therefore the messenger has not counted the price, believing only in the power of God and diligently doing the work to reverse this energy. So the movement goes on. Now in coming to Los Angeles, the hierarchy enters into a new phase of activity where many more millions will know of the teaching and of the work of the messengers.

I come, then, to contact the devotees in order to tell you that this next phase of our expansion is in itself an experiment of the Darjeeling Council. For you must realize that we have kept our messenger secluded and private unto yourselves for the setting forth of the teaching so that you might become firmly anchored in the Path in preparation for this day.

You will recall that when Jesus’ mission became widespread, it was little time before the threatened establishment worked together to remove him from the scene. For he certainly was a threat, or so they thought, to their entire way of life.

Now, then, we anticipate the victory of this movement because, and only because, the faithful remain faithful to their duty of protecting the mouthpiece of the masters. We have no doubt that the chelas will rise to the occasion. Nevertheless we come with the full information of what is actually taking place. And what I have described can only be multiplied as more and more of those individuals who seek to control the world find that they can no longer manipulate the children of light or elemental life or any part of America or the world because the chelas are practicing the science of the spoken Word and are taking dominion over fire, air, water, and earth.

And so, you see, the teachings set forth and as they are being set forth—all the way from the Ancient of Days to the present—present to the fallen ones the greatest threat to their survival that they have ever experienced in this system of worlds. When the teaching is implemented, the victory is nigh. The only thing that can cause the defeat of the mission of the lightbearers is the teaching that remains on the shelf, remains in the books.

And therefore as the messenger has told you, you must become the living teaching. You must become the flame of the teaching, the spirit of the teaching, the power of the spoken Word of the teaching! You must be the instruments of the Elohim and the archangels and the chohans of the rays! You must be the guardian flames of the cosmic honor guard for the fulfillment of the light on Terra!

We, then, who see the end from the beginning, have come to speak of diagramming the pattern and the plan for the ascension. All that I have said today is a part of your ascension. For in order to arrive at the station, at the place marked with the sign of the cross, you must cross these hurdles. And to leap the hurdles you must have the teaching.

Diagramming the ascension, then, you must follow the law of cycles. For instance, this day and this conference has been a positive spiral, a mighty release of light. It has taken you into the Holy of Holies, into an high mountain of the LORD God of hosts. Understanding, then, the point of positive and negative spirals of Spirit and Matter, you must see that, as on a roller coaster that goes up and down, when you take the highest spiral of spiritual attunement you can expect immediately thereafter the descent into the correspondingly lower levels of Matter.

This is cosmic opportunity. It is the opportunity to take the intense action of the sacred fire right into the everyday life of Terra—right down into the marts of commerce, into the big cities, right smack into the center of religion and government, right into your homes and in your cities.

When you take the thrust of the victory of a conference such as this and ride that wave and retain your harmony, you can plunge into the very depths of mankind’s darkened consciousness without losing your momentum. And going down, then, will give you the momentum for going up! And you will find that you will pass through the very depths with your fiery core, with your mantle, and you will climb again to a new height of cosmic awareness. And that new height—by your momentum of service and by multiplying the graces of the Spirit you have received—will be just a little bit higher than the preceding one!

How often we have heard chelas say, “There has never been a conference so great and so wonderful! And my, what progress the messenger is making!”

And so we have laughed to ourselves and we have said, “The chelas do not understand the law of cycles! They do not understand that each succeeding manifestation of the Brother hood must be for the increase, for the expansion!”

There have been classes as great. There have been releases as great. But they have not been on the same level of the spiral. They have been on a new level of consciousness, and progress is the order of the day. And the law of transcendence dictates that each time you come together, a greater spiral of light should be generated. You might say, “It is relative.” And we might say, “It is elementary.”

And so, then, the key to planning your ascension—and I wish that you would plan your ascension and plan it carefully and look at your calendars on the decades that are coming— is that you must see that every high communion, every exalted experience, is for the thrust into Matter so that you can trans­mute karma at these levels of existence, so that you can anchor the fire and thereby earn by initiation the thrust of a new high in the Holy of Holies.

I trust that I have made this diagram clear, and I trust that you will sit down and give consideration to the great highs that you have had in your life.

Remember those moments when you have touched the hem of the garment of God’s emissaries in your meditation, and then try to remember what you did in the succeeding hours. What did you do on the following day or in the fol­lowing week? Did you not find yourself totally surrounded by circumstances of weight and entanglement and confusion? Perhaps you did not retain your attunement because you did not know the law of cycles.

Well, now that you know the law of cycles, I expect that you shall become experts on the toboggan of life and learn how to go up and down the hills and how to wax those sleds for greater performance, for greater dexterity and speed! For you know, a moving target is the most difficult! A moving target is the most difficult to seize! And therefore if you will have inertia, let it be the inertia of perpetual motion rather than the inertia of rest—unless of course that rest be your rest in motion.

You can take a lesson from the Mercurians. The Mercurians who have great light, who are the sons and daughters of God, move swiftly in the mind and in the heart and in their service. They are here and they are there, and you do not see them because you have not moved as quickly.

There are also fallen Mercurians, a segment of the life­waves of that planet who chose the left­handed path, and they are among the black magicians who are the most clever. For you see, these fallen Mercurians learn the mastery of the dexterity of the movement of the mind, and it is they who work against the sons and daughters of light of Mercury—those who were part of the legions of Sanat Kumara and who are yet evolving with this team of conquerors on Terra.

May I remind you of the great teams of conquerors, the ascended hosts and the cosmic ones who also serve. You who are a part of the team ought to also call upon the cosmic team for reinforcements.

Now, then, let your cosmic clock be diagrammed.3 You can already anticipate certain cycles of high communion and the release of light, for you know that as long as your messenger is here, there will be the quarterly conferences at the set times of the year. And these are for the capturing of the tide of light of the change of the seasons, when a more than ordinary energy flows from the Great Central Sun and from the sun of even pressure in the heart of the earth.

Therefore you can clock your initiations. Just before the conference you have the low dip corresponding to the great high that is coming. Students and staff have called this “pre-class opposition.” Well, I tell you, we call it “pre-class opportunity!” For from the level of the Lords of Karma we see how many of the chelas and members of the staff have passed very important initiations just prior to a conference, in the final six weeks before that class, and thereby they have earned the opportunity to have transferred to them a greater release of light during the conference.

Having been given that light in the chakras, they should chart the cycle in the following weeks after the conference. And especially in the hours and days immediately following, they must watch. They must watch that the action of the light become a tight coil.

Now this is a technique that you must use. Knowing full well that you are preparing to plummet into the lower ranges of human consciousness, you do what a bird does when he must do the same. You pull your wings together, you tuck your head in, you garner that energy in a spiral of involution within your heart, and you dive!

You do not leave your wings or your head or your feet out. You do not allow your energy to be dispersed in a large aura, for it is more difficult to control. The more you attenuate light, the more responsibility you have to be aware of every particle of that light. This is the difference between being yang and yin, masculine or feminine, concentrated or attenuated.

Therefore when you are going in for the test, you take all of that energy, you lock it within the heart, and then no man can take thy crown of life! No man can steal that energy of your life! And so you keep yourself closely knit together. You go into the fray, you go in for the dip, you make your contact, you release the necessary light to those evolutions who are waiting to be fed, waiting to be nourished by you—and you ascend again.

And when you come to the great exalted heights, then you unfold your garments, you open your arms wide. For you are in the presence of the ascended hosts once again, and you place your trust in them. You open your chakras, you receive the light, you garner the light, and you are ready for the next cycle of the going within.

Now, precious ones, if you will take these keys, each and every one, and use them, I know that you will be more victorious, more alert, and therefore more victorious. You will pass greater and greater initiations and therefore earn the opportunity for greater and greater initiations.

Take, then, your calendar. Take note of the upswing and the downswing. Make use of the cosmic tide and you will reach the shore of your Divinity.

In gratitude, I AM the Great Divine Director.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Great Divine Director was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, April 18, 1976, during The Path to Attainment conference, held at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, California. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. Rev. 12:1.

2. John 10:27.

3. Your cosmic clock. The cosmic clock is the science of charting the cycles of the soul’s karma and initiations on the twelve lines of the clock (the twelve signs of the zodiac) under the twelve hierarchies of the Great Central Sun. It is a system for understanding and anticipating one’s opportunities and challenges on the Path. The cosmic clock was revealed to the messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet by Mother Mary. For more detailed teaching on how to chart your own personal cycles on the cosmic clock, see Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Predict Your Future: Understand the Cycles of the Cosmic Clock, chap. 3.

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