Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 63 No. 39 - The Two Men Who Stood by in White Apparel - October 15, 2020

The Mark of Candidates for the Ascension

Part 1

Sons and daughters of God who would bear witness to the ascension, we are privileged to address you this evening. We are privileged to come into your midst to mark some among you as candidates for the ascension.

We are emissaries of Luxor, and we have stood by to focus the light of Alpha and Omega on behalf of many sons and daughters whose fiery destiny it has been to ascend in time and space from the locale of their mastery.

You well know that it is usual for sons and daughters to journey to Luxor to make final preparations for the ascension at the conclusion of their final incarnation. Some spend a number of hours, days, weeks, months, or years before they are given the opportunity to take their ascension from inner levels.

Others, who have served the hierarchy and have balanced more than 51 percent of their karma and who have been associated with the holding of the balance of a certain geographical area, or of the transmutation of certain conditions of past records of great darkness from ancient civilizations, have been assigned to take their ascension from the very place where they spent their last days.

Such was the case with Jesus of Nazareth, of Mary the Mother, of your own Clara Louise Kieninger.1 Although she did not ascend bodily, yet her ascension took place in the atmosphere over Berkeley, California. Such was also the case with your messenger Mark, whose record of the ascension remains anchored over the Pikes Peak area.

Now, then, we would explain our mission here as we have come to mark candidates for the ascension. You see, it is necessary for you to pass certain episodes of service in your life, to walk through certain fiery trials, to have certain virtues expanded, to bring into balance the light of the Mother and the light of the threefold flame.

And when a certain alchemy of attainment has been manifested, then Serapis Bey (who periodically reviews the records of chelas of many of the ascended masters serving earth’s evolutions) apprises the Keeper of the Scrolls, as well as a number of us who serve as ascended ones in the retreat, that certain individuals may receive the mark as candidates for the ascension. This marking is a white fleur-de-lis, and it is the mark, the insignia, that is known by all of the ascended hosts, the angelic hosts, and the elemental builders of form.

The one who has earned this insignia, which itself is a focus of the white fire of the ascension flame, receives an extraordinary assistance from those of us who comprise the White Brotherhood. All who are in the octaves of Spirit go out of their way to watch and to pray for those who are making their way on the path of the ascension.

There are others who are chelas of the masters who have not quite yet earned the white fleur-de-lis. Nonetheless their devotion is very great but they are, as you might say, neophytes on the Path. For some it is just a question of having greater opportunity in time and space. They simply require more time to do what they are already doing—devoting their hearts and lives to the cause of the Brotherhood.

There are, then, candidates for the ascension in many of the nations of earth, most of whom are connected either with the disciplines of the way of Christ or the disciplines of the way of the Buddha. For these two paths, above all other paths, provide an outline for right living and walking with God, and the emphasis on individual attainment is perhaps greater in the path of the Buddha. Nevertheless the emphasis on personal devotion and personal service is ample opportunity for those who follow the Christ to come to the place whereby, through their sacrifice, their faith, their religious life, they receive the insignia.

Now, the purpose of two of us coming from Luxor to attend the ascension of Jesus was that we might hold for him in outer manifestation—even in the physical octave, which is why our bodies were lowered to that level—the focus of Alpha and Omega, the focus of the caduceus. For the ascension flame is the wholeness of the light of Father, Mother, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Therefore we attended the ascension even as those who receive the ascension at the ascension retreat receive the ministry of two attendants who guard that one as the one becomes one with the rising pillar of fire upon the altar and the sacred dais. It was, then, an effort of hierarchy, though we would never eclipse the attainment of the beloved Son of God. For truly the totality of his consciousness, immersed in the Creator of Life, was a wonder of wonders even to us who are often witnesses of souls ascending. Nevertheless, as the angels tarried in the tomb as Jesus was working out the flame of the resurrection and the victory over death, so the Law requires the holding of the balance.2

You will recall the extending of the cup to David Lloyd by the now ascended master Godfre,3 and you will realize that Godfre himself was the focal point for the white light as he stood with us who stood at inner levels guarding the matrix as this son of God traversed from the plane of Matter to the plane of Spirit. And so the more you learn of the inner workings of hierarchy, the more you realize that truly the path of initiation is a joint effort of ascended and unascended servants of the Most High.

Perhaps you have had the experience in moments of great love and great communion with God where you experienced little difference between the flame within your heart and the flame within the heart of a master or the flame anchored in the devotees who surround you. And you who have served in the retreats on the etheric plane or in some of our ashrams on earth understand that as you live and serve and move with a body of devotees, you soon establish a rhythm, an understanding, a mutual awareness that transcends all aspects of separation. And truly you can say that you have known what it is to be a part of the body of God.

In truth God is one, Christ is one, and the caravan of souls ascending are one. It is as though the garments of ascending souls blended with the garments of others ascending upon the ladder of attainment. The joint effort of hierarchy in this age involves many souls—souls with weaknesses and strengths that balance one another out and make of them, as they are pieced together, very solid stones in the foundation of the pyramid of life.

We have carefully selected the rings of devotees as they proceed from the center of the flame, like the rings of the Great Causal Body of the cosmos itself. As you gaze upon the causal body, you would not consider that these concentric rings represent a stepping down in vibration or a stepping down in importance. But rather, you understand that the concentric rings of color/light represent necessary functions that proceed from the within to the without, even as it is necessary for the keeping of the flame in the fiery core, in the secret rays, and in the seven rays.

And so, offices in hierarchy never indicate that one is greater or one is lesser but that all are required to be the fulfillment of the inner blueprint. Some must hold the balance for certain levels of chakras, some must hold the balance in the world, while some can only perform the service needed in the retreat.

Let all who would come together for the building of the temple in the New Age, then, understand that God himself has cast the players in this great drama and it is of utmost importance that each individual go within to discover in one’s own core that blueprint of service that is uniquely that one’s to render.

It is important that you apply to the messengers and to the ascended masters for assistance in making contact with this blueprint. Otherwise you will find yourselves journeying here and journeying there and being impressed or entertained by these flowers or these individuals or this climate or that geography. And without even realizing it, you are planning your life based on externals.

When this occurs and you are more responsive to the external than the internal life, you will find yourself often rejecting the very guidance that comes from the Great Divine Director because that guidance is in conflict with the outer choices you have made. Anchoring your consciousness firmly, then, in the vibrations of the divine plan through the decrees to the Divine Director and to the will of God, you will find that when you receive the call of hierarchy you are responsive because there is a certain clicking within as the chart of life advances. There is a certain clicking within your heart and soul because you know that you have gone the next niche in the enfoldment of the plan.

Many times, as it is the joy of God and of the angels, the next assignment for the pilgrim in the way of life comes as a complete surprise, and it comes sometimes as the complete reverse of the course that has been followed for some time. This of course falls into the category of being an initiation in mobility and flexibility, as it was with the messengers who will have crossed from the East Coast to the West Coast, now, from the beginning of the mission.4

Therefore ultimately the establishment of the Church in Los Angeles was truly not known to the messengers’ outer consciousness, although they had been given that assignment within from the beginning. And so you see, had the outer consciousness held sway, it could not have made the contact, the necessary contact with the within. And so the call from Darjeeling, the call from the Himalayas, must be received as an initiation in order to see if the chela is truly willing to respond and if service is the highest priority, or if service becomes a secondary convenience after the outer externals have been satisfied.

When individuals consider as requisites, as indexes for decision, so many other factors outside of the path of initiation, they are sometimes confused by the amount of facts that they line up together in order to confirm a decision or to find out where the weight of the decision should lie. It is best, then, when making a decision and embarking upon a new effort to fulfill the call of hierarchy, that you give equal time to a practical, outer examination and to an inner communion.

Continued in Part 2, published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 63, no. 40.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by The Two Men Who Stood by in White Apparel was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Monday, April 19, 1976, during The Path to Attainment conference, held at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, California. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. Clara Louise Kieninger. The ascended lady master Clara Louise was embodied as Clara Louise Kieninger (1883–1970). In 1961 Saint Germain anointed her as the first Mother of the Flame of the Keepers of the Flame Fraternity. For years she had devotedly served in the field of nursing, taking as her motto “Ich dien” (“I serve”). Later, as a dedicated student of the ascended masters, Clara Louise kept a daily prayer vigil for the youth of the world, the incoming children, and their parents and teachers. She made her ascension at the age of 87 from Berkeley, California, on October 25, 1970.

2. The ascension of Jesus. The Christian tradition has taught that Jesus ascended from Bethany’s hill forty days after the resurrection. In the early decades of The Summit Lighthouse this was the accepted tradition. On December 3, 1982, Elizabeth Clare Prophet explained that although Jesus was resurrected and ascended, “the ages may uncover, through akasha, that he did not exactly resurrect or ascend in the time frame that we think. . . . And it’s very easy to understand that the ascension recorded in the Book of Acts, by Luke [Acts 1:9–11]—that a cloud received him out of their sight—could easily have been the levitation of his being to take up the work of the Father in other areas.” In the Introduction to the 1984 Pearls of Wisdom Book 1 (p. 11), it is stated that Jesus ascended from Shamballa in A.D. 77 at 81 years of age. The master El Morya gave another definitive statement on October 12, 1992: “Jesus lived to the age of 81. He spent many years of his life in Kashmir and passed on in Kashmir in A.D. 77. He ascended from the temple of light, Shamballa, from the etheric octave.” Regarding Jesus’ departure as recorded in Acts, Mrs. Prophet further explained: “Scripture actually says that a cloud received him out of their sight. . . . And before the ascended masters decided to give us this information [the date of Jesus’ ascension], we just went along with the Christian tradition of the ascension. But Jesus did ascend when he was 81 years old. . . . He removed himself from Palestine in that public ceremony on Bethany’s hill so that basically he could…no longer be there and no longer be sought after. . . . He made his exit from the scene. He fulfilled his mission in Palestine.” (August 31, 1993) The ascended masters have also taught that Jesus’ mission in Palestine was to publicly enact the path of initiation culminating in the ascension. We can look at Jesus’ departure “in a cloud” from Bethany’s hill as his public demonstration of the ascension initiation so that there would be a record left of the ascension process. Jesus’ demonstration of the ascension, in view of many of his disciples and followers, shows us that he was an unascended ascended master, one who had conquered matter and who had received “all power in heaven and in earth.”

3. Extending the cup to David Lloyd. In Unveiled Mysteries, by Godfré Ray King (the publishing pseudonym of Guy Ballard, messenger in the I AM Activity), Godfré relates the story of meeting David Lloyd, whom he described as “an old man with white hair and beard,” on Mount Shasta, California. David began to tell Godfré his own story, which Godfré wrote of, saying: “It occurred to me that he might be thirsty, and as I reached for a cup to get him a drink from the spring by which we stood, a crystal cup formed within my hand, like the one Saint Germain had held out to me several times.” David then almost shouted, “It is he!” Godfré insisted that David drink from the cup, and as Godfré looked within the cup, “It was filled with the same clear, sparkling liquid the Master had given me.” David drank the contents, became calm and quiet, and then told Godfré that when he was twenty years of age a “handsome stranger,” who was discussing business with his father, turned to David and said, “My son. . . when you find the man who will offer you a crystal cup of sparkling liquid, you will have met the one who can assist you in raising the body. . . . You will find him on a great mountain in North America.” When David had finished his story, the I AM Presence of Godfré surged forth and Godfré raised his hand in salutation and gave a powerful invocation to God. As his hand came down “it held the crystal cup filled with ‘Living Liquid-Light.’” After David drank this second cup, “every vestige of age disappeared from him.” David slowly began to rise from the ground and he “became clothed in raiment of glistening white.” Godfré had witnessed and was instrumental in the physical ascension of David Lloyd. (Unveiled Mysteries, 4th ed. [Schaumburg, Ill.: Saint Germain Press, 1982], pp. 236–42)

4. From the East Coast to the West Coast. The Summit Lighthouse was originally established on the East Coast in Washington, D.C., in 1958. The organization then relocated to two other locations in Virginia. In 1965, headquarters was moved to a large mansion in Colorado Springs, Colorado, called La Tourelle. In 1969 The Summit Lighthouse established a second focus on the West Coast in Santa Barbara, California, named the Motherhouse. In 1976, the year of this dictation, the headquarters was moved to a leased campus in Pasadena, California, fulfilling Jesus’ request to move the entire organization to the West Coast. By 1978, the move to “Camelot” in Malibu, California, had been completed and this location remained the headquarters of the organization until the full move to the Royal Teton Ranch in Montana in 1987.

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