Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 63 No. 46 - Beloved Portia - December 8, 2020

Justice, Judgment, and Dispensations
from the Lords of Karma

Accra, Ghana

I come bearing the flame of justice for the nations of Afra. I come as the forerunner of his mission. I come with a dispensation from the Lords of Karma for the sons and daughters of Afra and for the children of God upon this continent.

I AM Portia, twin flame of Freedom. I AM Justice, and justice weighs, in the scales of God and of the Great Law, the karma of a people, the karma of a continent. And therefore do the Lords of Karma right opportunity.

Dispensations of the energies of the sacred fire may be given when the people themselves have shown that they may give and give again of their hearts’ light. And so you see the kindling fires of dispensations begin on the altars of earth, and from the altars of earth the incense of dedication rises and the fires of opportunity are kindled on the altars of heaven. As Above, so below, we would manifest the victory of the flame of Afra, measure for measure. As the people of God give forth light, so light will be forthcoming.

Now you have heard the word of the Mother of the Flame giving opportunity for you to accomplish in the flame of Christ the gathering of the elect and the souls of light in this nation and on this continent.1 As she spoke to you it was by our authority, for this is a part of the divine plan and the dispensation: that you will be given certain energies and certain momentums to infire you in a twenty­four month program in order to see what you will accomplish for our Church Universal and Triumphant, to see how you will organize yourselves, how you will make the teachings available, how you will draw the lightbearers into the teachings of the science of the spoken Word.

At the end of twenty months from her departure, the Lords of Karma will make their assessment as to your accomplishment, your effort, your self­discipline. And we will render our decision and our determination for the return of the messenger and those who will accompany her to Ghana, to Nigeria, and to the other nations that you will have opened for the ascended masters.

Truly you must affirm within your heart as the affirmation of your God­determination: “I AM the open door which no man can shut!”2 Will you affirm this with me this day, beloved hearts of light? [Audience proclaims with Portia:]

I AM the open door which no man can shut!
I AM the open door which no man can shut!
I AM the open door which no man can shut!

The Lords of Karma have opened the door this day to the coming of the ascended master Afra, who will speak to you on the morrow, on Saint Germain’s day.3 In order for the beloved Afra to speak to you, it was also necessary for the dispensation to come forth. And because you have given your hearts’ love and your decrees and you have placed your causal bodies at inner levels on the altar of God for the people of this continent, so the dispensation was given.

And so you will see that by the multiplication factor of the Christ consciousness within you, by the ascended master consciousness of the hosts of the LORD, you can multiply your energies and your efforts, your ministry, your pilgrimage, your evangelism in the Mother flame.

You can bring forth upon this continent the hosts of the LORD, the light for freedom! And Afra and the people of Afra may assume their rightful role in the position of leadership to the developing nations of this earth. This, then, is what we must accomplish in these twenty months, aside from your pursuit of the divine plan for the expansion of the Church.

You must move diligently to compose the decrees and the inserts for each and every nation, for the leadership and for the people. You must form committees, you must have in your own church or workshop [a time when] you define the specific problems of each nation. Determine what these are and assign members of your church to decree for the people and for the transmutation of these problems.

It is the desire of the Lords of Karma to see the continent [of Africa] rise and to see it rise as a whole as each individual nation comes to that place of elevating the Christ consciousness in the specific chakra assigned to that nation, that each nation may assume that place in the mandala of the Mother for the people of Afra.4

We must see, then, that the fires of freedom and of alchemy will unite those who have retained their sense of tribalism in selfishness, who have retained their policies of separateness, and who therefore are no better than those who have come from other nations into this continent to rule the people and to trade with the people, and sometimes to exploit the people.

Do you understand, then, that your accusations of the sins against Afra must be clearly understood, that there are sins within and without that must be eradicated, and there cannot be the greater vision of the whole, the largesse of the great heart of Afra while there are petty divisions and jealousies and one tribal unit spying on another tribal unit, and one vying for economic advantage over another?

These are the schisms within that must be healed, for ye are brethren.5 Ye have come out of the womb of the Cosmic Virgin and your light has shone unto the Ancient of Days. Your light has shone in the early golden ages, but you allowed that light to be captured by the fallen ones and the black magicians, who have projected those divisions and schisms among you. And even unto this hour souls of light are yet aligned on this side and that side, for none have the vision of the Christ consciousness save those who are the devotees in the white­fire core of the Mother and of the churches that uphold the flame of freedom.

This, then, is my request to Keepers of the Flame: that you visualize the violet flame rising like the Mother chakra, with that white fire from the base of the spine, that you begin at that point of Cape Horn, that you begin at the very base of Afra [Africa], that you visualize the flame of Mother rising, flanked on either side by legions of violet­flame angels, and that in the name of the Christ you demand the end to all strife within and without.

And in the name of Saint Germain, claim the land of Afra for the Mother, for Saint Germain, for the people of Afra, and for the sons and daughters of God upon this continent! And then you will see that there are children of Afra in all of the races. There are people who have come here from every continent who are also a part of that inner mandala.

The ascended masters will never pursue a policy of racism on any continent. You must understand that there are souls of light who belong to this unit of hierarchy who are here, and there are others who have taken advantage of the scene in every race.

Therefore let those who would inherit the earth of Afra be known by their light and not by the color of their skin or their origin or their tribal origin, but let them be known by the supreme light of God.

Let everyone who was born upon this continent, then, be called before the Lords of Karma, and let them make the commitment to move forward with the policies of freedom and equal opportunity for every living soul. Those who refuse to come into alignment with the will of the Lords of Karma and with the divine plan will then show themselves that they are not truly of the children of Afra but they have come as interlopers from other systems of worlds, other planetary bodies, as well as other nations upon this earth.

Therefore from the north to the south, from those who count themselves as Muslims, as Christians, as followers of the light of the ancient past and those who have no commitment at all, let all those who live upon this soil—from the Mediterranean to the very tip of the fiery core of the Mother flame—make that decision to give that portion of energy, that energy of the heart that is the requirement of the Law for a united continent and a united consciousness.

Therefore will justice reign, and so it will be unto this land according to the response of those who have the science of the spoken Word. And those who will to invoke the fires of freedom will have their reward, and their reward shall be to see with their very eyes the transformation of this land. And those who fail to invoke the violet flame and to give the just portion of the requirement of the Law, of their daily energies unto this cause of the Great White Brotherhood, will find themselves without that reward.

So it shall be, and the Law is accurate. And not one jot or one tittle of the Law shall pass until all be fulfilled.6 So let it be known that the Keeper of the Scrolls and the angels of record are keeping the accounts of every lifestream. And those who have abused power will no longer be allowed to abuse power, and those who have waited as the meek will now inherit the earth from the north to the south, from east to west.

Beloved ones, I bring you the divine plan of the Lords of Karma, and I bring you the dispensations that come as the result of the judgment administered through the admonishments of the archangels.7 Now you must understand that in time and space the cycling of the judgment into manifestation is always according to the confirmation of the judgment by the sons and daughters of God.

You, then, by divine decree of the Logos within you, must confirm the judgment where you are, and this is done as you give your affirmations, as you affirm the judgments that are written by the archangels delivered from the flaming ones, Alpha and Omega.

These statements of the archangels written in the Pearls of Wisdom must be made into fiats and affirmations so that right within the temple of God where you stand you must confirm the judgment of the Fallen One!8 You must call for the binding of the carnal mind, the dragon, the beast, the false prophet, the anti-Christ, and the Great Whore!

Every aspect of the perversion of the Mother flame, of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit must first be challenged within the temple of being. This is your very own microcosmic pyramid of life. You must build from the center of the pyramid the flame of the ascension.

You must call it forth! You must call for the manifestation of the Christ Self within you, who will not only be your Advocate before the Court of the Sacred Fire and before the Lords of Karma but who will also officiate as priest of the sacred fire in the temple of your being.

And therefore, you see, your own beloved Christ Self is your certain defense. Your Christ Self abides in the truth of your soul evolution, and therefore whatsoever you are in manifestation and whatsoever goeth forth from your mouth as the Word of the Lord and of the teaching, this shall be the manifestation of your own judgment.

Let the souls of the beloved of Afra draw forth now the light of the I AM Presence. Let the Christ Self draw nigh to this, thy people. Let there be a reestablishment of individual self­worth. Let there be the reestablishment of the Christ consciousness. Let each individual know himself, then, as a child of God first, as emerging with the sons and daughters of God. Let each child know himself as the one that is becoming the example of the Christ to all.

Let the consciousness of worthlessness, of condemnation and accusation leveled against the children of God throughout the earth be lifted from this people and this continent, and let elemental life join hands with the souls of these children. And let them rejoice in the flame of freedom that has become, through my hand this day, the flame of opportunity to all!

So as you confirm the light within you as you work the works of God in man day and night, as you espouse work as the virtue and as expansion, you will find the alchemy of change manifesting in many ways—sometimes as the bringing forth and the exposure of corruption, sometimes as chaos, sometimes as cataclysm, sometimes as a change in conditions of weather. But always and always the flame of Mother accompanied by the violet flame is moving toward the ultimate destiny and the divine plan of a continent and a people.

I AM Portia. I stand sponsoring you also, as I have sponsored Keepers of the Flame in the United States to be partakers of the Order of the Emerald Cross.9 And I send to you also, each day, the angels of justice who will come to awaken you in the early hours of the morning in order to call you to a new day of opportunity to be love in manifestation.

Call, then, to Portia, as you call to Saint Germain. Call to the legions of angels, and call for God-justice in your life. Then I will send my flame and the rain of mercy. Then I will send the winds of the Holy Spirit. Then I will send the scales of justice for the judgment.

And when the judgment comes into your life as the Holy Spirit, you will find that the Darkness and the Light is separated, and you will see that darkness for what it is and you will say: “Be cast into the flame!”

And you will see the light of your actions, past and present, and you will say, “By God’s grace I AM that light! By God’s grace let the I AM THAT I AM in me multiply that light! Let the Christ multiply it, and let the flame of freedom come forth to consume every lesser manifestation!”

Each time you call for the judgment there is the separation—the separation of the milk and the cream of consciousness. And so in the separation, the dividing of the way, there is the resurrection, there is the ascension, there is the transfiguration. And that portion of the self that is designed by God to live forevermore in his kingdom will rise into that consciousness, and that portion of the self that is designed to die daily will die daily10 and one more aspect of the lesser self will go into the flame.

Therefore is the judgment the greatest gift of love to the children of God and the greatest gift of love to the fallen ones. For the time of the judgment brings to the fallen ones the shortening of the days of their evil ways so that they are not allowed to continue to make that karma that will eventually result in the second death, the very death of the soul.

The judgment, then, is the highest love of God. Let the children of God rejoice in this judgment. Let them be alive! Let them be quickened! Let them live forevermore!

Behold, I AM Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending!11 I AM alive forevermore within you!12

So be it in the flame of Afra.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Portia was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Friday, September 17, 1976, in Accra, Ghana. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. You have heard the word of the Mother of the Flame. During the messenger’s visit to Ghana (September 16–21, 1976), she gave a leadership seminar for Keepers of the Flame, which included an outline of the precepts of Church Universal and Triumphant, with interpretation of the eight sacraments, instructions on becoming an “evangelist” through the door-to-door, two-by-two outreach program based on Luke 10, a lecture on the International Capitalist/Communist Conspiracy, and condensed lectures on cosmic accountability, the psychology of wholeness, the human aura, and a chakra meditation.

2. John 10:9; Rev. 3:8.

3. Afra, who will speak to you. On September 18, 1976, beloved Afra gave a dictation entitled “The Powers and Perils of Nationhood,” in which he said: “To you who are the people of God and who now have. . . the science of the spoken Word, you must give forth in your spoken Word the commands of God for unity, for the alchemical fires of freedom to dissolve the differences of tribalism and the envy and the jealousy, even in the family and in the schoolyard and in the community and in the government.” He said, “Let all become servants of the one God and the one destiny. And these are the powers of nationhood: It is the power that is given to those who attain in the Christ the power that was given to Jesus when he said, ‘All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.’. . . This is the power to forge the victory. But there is a testing, a mighty testing before the power is conveyed. . . . The peril of nationhood is the peril of the absence of vision, for without vision the people perish. And the people lose their vision proportionately as they increase in self-indulgence, in selfishness, in the cults of success, ambition, and pride. . . . Therefore, I stand before you this day. Heed my word on the powers and perils of nationhood that are before you. And remember my word, people of Afra: You must choose this day whom you will serve. You must choose to be or not to be. I ask you in the name of God, will you make the choice?”

4. The specific chakra assigned to that nation. The messenger has given extensive teaching on the chakras of the nations. Regarding the continent of Africa, she has stated that Cape Town in South Africa is the base-of-the-spine chakra; the seat-of-the-soul chakra is through Angola and the city of Luanda; the solar-plexus chakra goes through Tanzania and the Congo; the heart chakra is located in Ghana. The nations corresponding to the throat and third-eye chakras were not named. The messenger stated that it was the misuse of these chakras that caused the fall of the violet and blue races on the African continent. The crown chakra is below Cairo, Egypt, and takes in Jerusalem and the Fertile Crescent.

5. Matt. 23:8.

6. Matt. 5:18.

7. The admonishments of the archangels. “Admonishments of the Seven Archangels” was a series of Pearls of Wisdom by the seven archangels and their divine complements released in 1975. These have been published in the book Vials of the Seven Last Plagues. The seven archangels came to release mankind’s karma and for the judgment of the fallen angels. Archangel Michael stated that he came “by the authority of Alpha, in whose flaming presence I stand. . . . This day of days is the acceptable day of the LORD’s judgment. And indeed judgment is meted out from the judgment seat.” (2004 edition, p. 2) Archangel Raphael further explains: “The day of judgment comes in the year of the Holy Spirit, nineteen hundred and seventy-five; and the day of judgment continues to the year two thousand and one.” (p. 57)

8. Confirm the judgment. The “judgment calls” that have been released since this dictation was given are: decree 20.07, “The Judgment Call ‘They Shall Not Pass!’”; decree 20.09, “I Cast Out the Dweller-on-the-Threshold!”; decree 56.02, “The Right Hand of the Cosmic Virgin”; and decree 33.00, “The LORD’s Judgment by the Ruby Ray through Archangel Chamuel and Charity.” See Prayers, Meditations, and Dynamic Decrees - Decree Book.

9. Order of the Emerald Cross. This order is on the fifth ray of truth, science, vision, abundance, and healing, corresponding to the third-eye chakra. Membership is open to Keepers of the Flame in good standing and includes daily and weekly prayer services, suggested charity work, and other membership requirements. To join, see, “Order of the Emerald Cross.”

10. See I Cor. 15:31.

11. Rev. 1:8; 22:13.

12. Rev. 1:18.

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