Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 63 No. 47 - Beloved Kuan Yin - December 15, 2020

A People and a Teaching
Whose Time Has Come

Accra, Ghana

I AM your Mother of Mercy. Do you not know me, children of my heart?

I have pressed you close to my heart over the centuries of your soul’s journeying in time and space. You have come to my retreat for refreshment and surcease from pain and suffering. You have come to regain strength and newness of life in the flame of mercy and forgiveness.

Mercy is the quality of love that smooths the rough places of life, that heals the sores of the etheric body, that mends the cleavages of mind and feelings, that clears away the debris of sin and the sense of struggle before these manifest in the physical body as disease, decay, disintegration, and death.

I have kept the flame of mercy for the people of China and of every nation and continent, and I have vowed to keep that flame until every soul is contacted for the path of attainment—for the path of attainment in Christ through Mother, for the path of attainment in Buddha through the Holy Spirit.

I also come as a representative of the Karmic Board. You have heard the words of Portia giving you opportunity to call forth the violet flame to consume all impediments to the Mother’s coming in the land of Afra.1

Now I come to add the momentum of my service to the violet flame so that you might have the violet-flame flowers of my heart, so that you may draw them forth in your devotion and feel the quality of love, of gentleness, of the ritual of love in forgiveness seventy times seven2 that heals strife and envy and division in the family.

You who have had the pain of sorrow, I say, come into my arms and be relieved of your burden. I AM your Mother of Mercy. I would bring to you the violet flame, and this violet flame is yours to keep if you will only ask for it.

The Law requires you to invoke the flame, precious ones, in order to receive the flame. And so we who are ascended masters are also obedient to the laws of God, and we admonish you also to pay allegiance. For out of the Law comes the order of a cosmos, the structuring of life, the day-to-day ritual of the sun and the stars and the turning of the earth.

So make your life the ordering of God’s freedom. Make your life the discipline of the flow of creativity and thereby overcome so many conditions upon this continent that manifest among and between the people because they have not surrendered the disarray of disorganization.

You need to have a renewed consciousness of Mother, for the Mother of Mercy is also the Mother of time. It has been said that time is Mother and that space is Buddha. If you would know Mother, you must have a more accurate sense of time, the flow of time, and the cycles of opportunity to invoke forgiveness.

Do you know that the cycles to bring forth forgiveness come at certain points in one’s life? The test of one’s ability to forgive is a very important test. You are tested by God to see whether or not you can forgive yourself. And if you do not first forgive yourself, you cannot forgive others. You must forgive yourself in order to be free from the accuser of the brethren, who affirms the condemnation of the children of God day and night.

You must forgive yourself for accepting self-belittlement, self-condemnation, and self-pity. These are neither of your own soul nor of the Mother, but these are projections of the dark ones, the fallen ones, and those who are the practitioners of the black arts and of witchcraft.

When you feel condemned and unworthy, as though you are unable to accomplish anything that is worth being present in the LORD, remember Kuan Yin. Remember mercy. Call forth the fires of mercy and say:

“In the name of Jesus the Christ, in the name of my own Christ Self, in the name of my own beloved I AM Presence, I call upon the law of forgiveness. O God, I desire to make peace with thee this day. Forgive my wrongs and injustices, my inequities, my selfishness and sin. Forgive me, O God, I pray, and give to me opportunity to right every wrong, to requalify all that has been misqualified, to transmute that which has not been the perfection of the fulfilling of the Law.”

When you have called upon the law of forgiveness, when you have gone to the Christ Self, who officiates as the priest at the altar of your heart, then be at peace. Know that the flame of forgiveness comes and is sustained by your own effort to right every wrong. When there is the repetition of wrongdoing, if this continues, then the flame of forgiveness is withheld. For forgiveness cannot be given where there is not repentance and the return to the walk with God.

When you have made your right effort in prayer and in action, then know that the peace of the merciful God is upon you, that you may walk erect. And know that the joy of God is in you and that you are worthy to be his child—his son, his daughter.

Then when you have made your peace with God, and the fallen ones come to condemn you again, to accuse you, you will then say to them: “I will not accept your witchcraft and your projection, your condemnation! For my God has forgiven my wrongs, and I have made my peace with him this day. Therefore, get thee behind me, Satan!3 For I will not live in the consciousness of the accuser of the brethren, nor will I sit in the seat of the scornful, scorning others and condemning others, as I have been condemned!”

Let us determine, children of Afra, to arrest the dark spirals of mutual condemnation. Let us replace them with mutual elevation. Let each one elevate the other in the wisdom and the knowledge of the coming of the Son of God.

There is forgiveness in the universe. You will not go to that place that is called hell because you have made a mistake, because you have committed a sin. If you call upon opportunity and mercy, God will give you the opportunity to right that wrong.

The greatest mercy that God has extended to all life is the mercy of reincarnation, which is so that when you make mistakes and it is late in life and you pass from the screen of this existence without having set the record straight, God will give you an opportunity on the etheric plane in the retreats of the masters to learn the right way, to learn the science of the spoken Word, to learn how to balance that wrong. And then by and by the Lords of Karma will give to your soul renewed opportunity to be born again, with a new body and in a family where you can continue to correct the errors of the past.

When is mercy withdrawn? Is it ever withdrawn from life? That depends on how you count mercy. Next to the law of reincarnation, I consider the greatest mercy to be the law of the second death. The law of the second death is reenacted through the instrument of the judgment before the Court of the Sacred Fire and the Four and Twenty Elders.

When a soul refuses to repent of wrongdoing, when a soul refuses to bend the knee and confess the Christ and to work constructively to the glory of God in manifestation, when a soul has gone forth and spent all of its energy and all of the cycles of time God-given in wrongdoing, when the soul is rebellious and refuses in the face and the presence of God to repent, there comes that hour when the judgment is nigh.

And if the soul refuses to put on the garment of God, then it passes through that judgment before the Four and Twenty Elders. And if it cannot show just cause why, therefore, it ought to continue to exist in Matter, then the fire of the Holy Spirit as the flame of Alpha and Omega cancels out that soul, that identity, and the energies are returned to the universal, just as the potter will take the clay, break the vessel, and return it to be used once again in a new form.

Energy is neither created nor destroyed in God’s kingdom, but it goes through successive stages of transmutation, transcendence. And so like the cycles of condensation, of the rain descending, of the water evaporating, so the energies of God ascending and descending are like the angels on the ladder of Jacob.4

Individuals such as the black magician Adolf Hitler and others like him who have worked against the light lifetime after lifetime, it is for them the greatest mercy of the Law to go through the second death. For they could not bear the pain and the misery in succeeding lives of bearing the karma of their wrongdoing.

Who is it that really bears that karma? All are parts of God, and therefore in the crucifixion it is God who suffers in manifestation. But God has said, “My spirit shall not always strive with flesh.”5 There comes a time when God will no longer struggle with the unjust generation of the unrighteous, and therefore out of mercy unto himself he cancels out the willful, prideful, rebellious generation.

You are living in an hour when you can make the maximum use of the flame of mercy. The call to forgiveness is given to you—a simple mantra you can give, written by the beloved son El Morya. He has given these lines so that you could recite a mantra of forgiveness wherever you are, understanding that forgiveness is your key to contact with the open door of your own Christ Self.

Will you not, then, repeat the gentle mantra:
[Audience joins Kuan Yin in giving the following:]

I AM Forgiveness acting here,
Casting out all doubt and fear,
Setting men forever free
With wings of cosmic Victory.

I AM calling in full power
For Forgiveness every hour;
To all life in every place
I flood forth forgiving Grace.

The first saying of the mantra is for the forgiveness of the self, and thereby you may forgive other selves. Be gentle with yourself. Do not allow yourself to whip yourself. The flagellation practiced by some of the priests of the Church was in actuality the work of the devil. This is not penance. This austerity will only lead to spiritual pride and not to the attainment of the Christ mind.

Be compassionate to the soul. Be ruthless with the carnal mind. Cast it out as the invader of your consciousness. Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.6 Give no ear to the carnal mind, either of a friend or a foe or a family member, but be compassionate with the soul who has not yet discerned the difference between the carnal mind and the Christ mind. And while you are tender and loving and merciful to the soul that is in the way of overcoming, be fearless in your denunciation of the carnal mind!

Give forth the fiats for the casting out of the unclean spirits! Be the defender of the soul! Go into your closet and pray for the soul! And pray to Michael the Archangel to bind those forces of darkness that prey upon the souls of the people of Afra as vultures coming to devour them in the night.

I AM Kuan Yin, Mother of Mercy. My flame is the balance of the will of God and the love of God. Where the law of God converges with the love of God, there is the grace of Christ; there is the mercy of the Son of God. The tempering of the Law in understanding—this is the work of the Lords of Karma, who examine day by day the course of your life.

For many embodiments now, people of Afra, you have lived with a dispensation whereby the return of karma has been postponed so that you would have the opportunity by mercy’s law to correct the wrongs without the great, great burden of the return of misqualified energy. Now in the end of the age and in the end of cycles, the Great Law requires an extraordinary balancing of karma by the people who made that karma.

Blessed are ye who have come to receive the teachings of the masters and the understanding of the violet flame, for you will hold the torch of freedom to the people of Afra. You will accelerate your invocations to this flame and to this Holy Spirit so that the returning karma that comes now—even to the entire earth in the dark cycle through wars and rumors of wars, through cataclysm, through pestilence and death—all of this can be transmuted by the flame of mercy before it manifests in the physical plane.

The more you call forth the violet flame, the more you stand with Christ as the Mediator between the soul and that soul’s returning karma. The more that Keepers of the Flame will invoke that flame of freedom, the more they will see opportunity unfolding.

Therefore my message to you: Seize the flame of mercy! And use it to open the door of opportunity for all people.

You are of the violet race! You are natives of this fire and this flame! So is your love of the color purple and violet. So is your love of freedom.

Natives of mercy and freedom, natives of the alchemy of the seventh ray, your time has come. You are a people whose time has come, and you are also given a teaching whose time has come.

Take care, then, of time, for time is Mother. Do not misuse her or this precious energy, as the sands in the hourglass. For if you misuse Mother and time, you will find that the cycles will run out and you will have lost your opportunity in this dispensation to invoke mercy.

I AM Kuan Yin. I will come when you call me, but the mercy of the Law places this requirement: that you give the invocation, that you use the power of the Word in order to manifest the Victory.

I AM Kuan Yin. I bless you with my love and I hold you in my arms forever.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Kuan Yin was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Saturday, September 18, 1976, in Accra, Ghana. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. You have heard the words of Portia. See Portia’s dictation, Pearls of Wisdom, this volume, no. 46.

2. See Matt. 18:21-22.

3. Matt. 16:22–23; Mark 8:32-33; Luke 4:8.

4. See Gen. 28:10-19.

5. Gen. 6:3.

6. Matt. 10:16.

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