Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 64 No. 10 - The Beloved Angel of the Revelation of John the Divine - March 8, 2021

The Message of Alpha and Omega
to the Seven Churches

Part 1

I AM the Angel of the Revelation. Fear not. The Lord is with thee and with thy spirit and with the spirit of prophecy in this age.1

I come to open the Book of Life. I come to open hearts and minds and souls. I come to open the mouth, that the sacred Word of our Lord might be spoken again as a sign, as a witness, and as a testimony of his coming.2

I speak to the body of God fragmented over the earth. I speak to those who come out of the churches, and I speak to souls who are within the churches. I call to those who have worshiped God in Islam, as the Hindu, as the Buddhist, as followers of the Tao, as interpreters of the Word of the LORD of Israel. I speak to Jew and Gentile, to those who are the true followers of God and to those who have gone out of the way.

I release the Spirit of the living Christ and I say, each way of finding God is a ray that leads to the center of the temple and of all true building, which is Christ—Christ as you have known the eternal Logos in Jesus and Christ as you are to know him again in this age within your very own heart and as the flame that burns upon the altar of the heart.

I come with a warning, and I come with a quickening. Let the warning be, then, to souls who are of God, that there are the fallen ones who have infiltrated your ranks, who have moved among you in your midst. It is they who are the false Christs and false prophets, and they have separated the love of the holy innocents from the credo of our Lord by their murmuring, by their false doctrine, by their separation of the love of the members of the body of God.

My warning, then, is this: that there shall come the crumbling of the Church of Rome and the crumbling of the churches of Christendom unless the spirit of division is routed from the Church in the name of Jesus the Christ. And let the demons and the fallen ones tremble, for the Lord is nigh. And he will not allow the moneychangers to remain in the temple, those who barter for men’s souls, those who compromise the faith of our Lord with compromise to suit the ethics of the day.

I say, walk in the Spirit of the living God and not in a dead witness, for that dead witness is also abroad in the churches. As the wolves come in sheep’s clothing, they are the hireling and not the true shepherd. They lead the souls of mankind away from Christ and they reserve for themselves the mystique that “we, and only we, are able to convey the mystery of the Christos.” And thereby through fear, through a terrible fear that is given unto the children of God, their hearts are separated from the fire of the Holy Spirit.

I come, then, with my Word to the seven churches. The Spirit of Alpha and Omega is upon me and I speak to the seven churches, as these are the seven mansions of Almighty God3—the places of worship corresponding to the seven planes of heaven. These seven churches are the seven places where God reveals himself unto man and woman and child.

The seven churches are the seven aspects of the seven rays of the Christ. And that eternal Christ, through the Sacred Heart of Jesus, releases the seven paths of awareness of God so that you may also experience them in your temple, which indeed is the temple of the living God if you choose to make it so by free will, by the confirmation of the Word, and by entering into the communion of saints.

I would speak, then, of the path of the first ray and the tabernacle of the first ray that is the awareness of the will of God, the power of God, the goodwill of his Law. This is the authority of the Word in you, and this center of awareness is known in the East as the throat chakra.

Chakra simply means a center to experience God. God has bequeathed to you points of awareness whereby you can experience him. These are centers, or chakras, and they are the seven churches within man and within the mystical body of God that are outpictured again and again and again through the religions of the world, through the various temples and mosques and churches and cathedrals where mankind come to experience God.

We would have you realize the wholeness of the seven rays of the light of the Christ. We would call those who worship God into the communion of understanding that there is the truth of the Christ in all. And the testing of the truth is by the fire of the heart and it is by the confirmation of the witness of the Holy Ghost within you.

The first ray of the will of God, then, is the church of authority, the authority of the spoken Word whereby you confirm the eternal creation of God by repeating with the LORD that first fiat of creation, “Let there be light, and there was light!”4

Let your mouth, then, become the mouth of God in this age. Let him speak through you. Let him deliver the message of salvation and thereby come to know the authority of the first ray of Christ.

In the second ray of Christ is the wisdom of the second person of the Trinity. As the first person, the Father conveys the authority of the Law and the Word, so the second person conveys the wisdom of the mind of Christ. By this ray and within this church you realize that mind which was in Christ Jesus, in Gautama the Buddha, in Mary the Mother, and in the saints who have walked the many ways of the rays of God back to the center of Christhood.

The third ray of Christ is the ray of love and the way of overcoming through love. It is centered in the heart. It is the compassion of the Christ. It is the third person of the Trinity as the Holy Ghost. The fires of love are truly the oneness of all hearts united in the service of God, and in this love there is the alchemy of sacred fire whereby the traditions that are not of God are dissolved and brother and brother may embrace God and embrace each other in the oneness of that flame.

“Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD.”5 This is the writing of old. And this I bring to you as the eternal message of Alpha and Omega in the fourth ray, the white light, the return to the One, which is the return to the purity of Mother and the awareness of the creativity of Mother releasing the energies for the bringing forth of the Manchild, of every talent and every perfect gift.

The white light is the way of the ascension, the way of the blending of all colors, of all of the religions of the world into the one light of unity, wholeness, victory. This is the center that is anchored in the body temple at the base of the spine for the release of the energies of the ascension and the raising of the whole body of God. This is the place of Mother, and it is the point of the rising of Mother into the full realization of every aspect of the Christ within her children.

This fourth ray is the fourth side of the City Foursquare. It is the anchoring in Matter by the Mother of the trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This is the age of Mother. This is the age of the return to purity. This is the age when all children of the one God will embrace one another as children of the Mother.

To the fifth house—the fifth church that is the ray of truth, the green ray of the All-Seeing Eye of God that denotes the singleness of vision whereby thy whole body shall be full of light—to this center we address our energy and our Word as the sacred center noted by the Hindus and yet perceived by Christians alike, the center for the realization of one Christ, one LORD, one God.

In the center of the All-Seeing Eye of God is the truth that shall make mankind free, and it is the flame of truth that burns upon the altar of this, the fifth church. So let this church be established within you as the living temple. Let there be the return to the truth that is the science of Christ, the mathematics of his healing miracles, the precipitation of healing, the casting out of demons, the exorcism of the fallen ones.

Let us recognize, then, that the fifth ray is the place, the consciousness of God whereby the children of God learn the mastery in these planes of Mater, learn the discernment of what is Real and what is unreal whereby they take the sword of living Truth and cleave asunder the Real from the unreal. And that sword is the sacred Word—the sacred Word I AM THAT I AM.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by the Angel of the Revelation was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, October 10, 1976, during the New Age Discipleship conference, held in Pasadena, California.

1. The messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet has explained that the Angel of the Revelation of John the Divine received the Book of Revelation from Jesus through the Holy Spirit and conveyed it directly to John the Beloved. The Book of Revelation itself is a statement that Jesus Christ, the ascended master of our lives, does appear to and does work with his own through the ages.

2. Isa. 19:20.

3. The seven mansions of Almighty God. The gospel of John refers to this, saying, “In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.” (John 14:2) The ascended masters have taught that these “many mansions” refer to the causal body, as shown in the upper figure of the Chart of Your Divine Self, with the seven bands corresponding to the seven chakras. The causal body is the place where we “lay up treasure in heaven,” (Matt. 6:20) the storehouse of every good and perfect thing that is a part of our true identity. These great spheres of the causal body are the dwelling place of the Most High God.

4. Gen. 1:3.

5. Deut. 6:4.

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