Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 64 No. 16 - Beloved El Morya - April 22, 2021

The Consolation of the Will of God
in the Hour of Testing

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.

I come from Darjeeling, where I make my abode in the Spirit and in Matter. I come from the hills, where I gaze upon the Himalayas, where I am one with Kanchenjunga* and all of the flame of life that breathes out of the rock and out of the earth and out of the fire that is in the earth.

I come from the heart of God’s will, which is not tethered to any clime or nation or altitude but is tethered only to the consciousness that wills to be infilled with that will. And so I am called El Morya, a name that God has given unto me whereby you might contact through me the essence of that will to which I long ago gave my soul, my identity. And in that will is that name, the new name that the Father knoweth and that I AM in the I AM THAT I AM.

I come to address you as the people of God and all people of God everywhere. I come, and as I speak, my word goes forth in Christ to contact souls in America and throughout the earth, souls who have been called long before this birth to keep the flame of the will of God among the nations and in the home and in the community. I come to salute that will, and I come on the occasion of the testing of that will.

You have assembled yourselves to a mighty purpose. I come with consolation unto those who are consecrated to the purposes of God on earth, and that consolation is the increment of the fire of the will of God. For I say to you, people of the one flame of life that breathes everywhere and in all, that this is the hour of cycles turning for you as chelas on the Path, for America, and for the earth. The options are before you; opportunity lies ahead. The Lord sends forth his covenant for a promised land to a promised people. He sends forth that light and that vision, and there are some among you who leap to fulfill the vision.

I come to the Mother and to her children for the fortification of the day of the confirmation of that will as the one light, the one flame, the votive light, when all else must pass and the loyalty to that will is the only recourse, the only succor, the only means to crossing over the human consciousness into the fulfillment of divine purpose.

Therefore we release the initiations of Job in coming Pearls of Wisdom,1 which are for your edification so that you will see what it means to give glory to God in the hour of adversity, so that you will see what it means to espouse the will of God even at the point of sacrifice of all the goods of this world, of one’s family and one’s friends, so that you will see that when you are truly in the will of God, those who are not in the will of God will flee from you, will not take part with you or sup with you or be with you, either in joy or in sorrow.

The initiations of Job are for the initiations of every son and daughter of God on the Path. They come with the testing of the Tempter. They come as that Tempter disputes with the Lord God concerning your devotion to his will. As God is pleased with you as servants of the Most High, so that Tester and Tempter comes to say, “Job is only loyal because you have given him all these things, O God. Take away those things that you have given him and see how he will curse thy name.”2

And therefore to prove that you are worthy of the abundance of God, God allows the Adversary in the form of your own human consciousness and your own carnal mind to tear from you that which is most precious, that which is the seen, in order to determine if you will declare the Law and the virtue of the Unseen as perfect and just and blessed.

Although Job came to that place where he cursed the day he was born, yet he did not forsake his God or his name. And therefore he passed the initiation of that solar flame and entered into the abundant life, the exalted life, and into the initiations that follow after those [testings] have been passed.

Therefore I come to you. You may not understand in this hour the meaning of the consolation, but the consolation of the will of God, of its flame and its tenderness as well as its sternness, may be the only tangible reality with which you stand in the hour of the testing. And then you will know the meaning of the comfort of that flame. You will know that tethering to that divine law, to the principle of the One, regardless of the human questioning and the human consciousness to the contrary. You will know that that in itself will be your consolation and that God will stand with you to see whether that consolation is sufficient unto thee.

The sufficiency of the consolation of God is the testing as to whether or not the soul is ready to begin the major initiations of the Path—the transfiguration, the crucifixion, the resurrection, and the ascension. Let it be, then, that this day you consider the will of God, you consider the compromises of that will, and you consider how God himself has sought to purge you of all that willfulness that is less than the joy of the will of God.

Examine, then, this day whether or not you have followed the leadings and the callings of your heart, and then give to God this day that which would be the weight of darkness on the side of darkness in the hour of the initiation of Job.

I come to reinforce my presence. I come with the sternness of the Law so that by the renewing of the mind every chela might be conformed to that mind which was in Christ Jesus and in every son and daughter who has ascended unto the right hand of God.

O America, I speak to you and to the spirit of thy people! I speak of the hour of the testing! When you see the enemy that is encamped round about you and also within your midst, know that the consolation of Israel and the consolation of America is also in your midst as the tethering of the soul to the will of God.

Is anything too hard for the Lord?3 Can he not fulfill himself still? And is he not the Great Dramatist of the ages who allows mankind to go into despair and despondency, with their idols and their idolatry, until the hour of his salvation so that mankind might know that he is God, that it is his will whereby we win the victory, that with all their efforts and all their striving, it is by the acknowledgment of that name I AM THAT I AM and the surrendering unto his will that the works are perfected in you still?

People of God, in order to meet the crisis of the earth in governments and across the land—the crisis that is even in the hearts of the people as the groaning and the travailing to bring forth the Christ consciousness and even the weeping and the gnashing of teeth in those who have gone outside of the wholeness of the One—do you not understand, O people of God, that the coming of the will of God into the center of life must be for the elevation?

For I tell you, if you were to see as I see, with Mary the Mother, with Jesus, with those who meet in our retreat in Darjeeling4—if you were to see our deliberations and to understand that which we know of God to be truth, you would realize that the people of America and the people of God throughout the earth have not readied themselves for this victory, for this initiation, for this temptation of the fallen ones who come to take your light, your life, your abundance, your science, your technology and to use it against not only the death of the body but the death of souls. You would understand that the people are not prepared. They are not prepared to meet the initiations of God that will come through their own returning karma and through those who have calculated against that will of God for centuries and centuries.

I give you the key, then, this day, and I give you the offering of my own devotion to the will of God, my momentum of prayer and the lives that I have spent resisting the willfulness and the stubbornness of this generation. I offer this to you with the understanding that the test is before you, the initiation is come.

In order to take the step to be confirmed in the plan of God for this age, you must have more of the will of God that breathes within you, more of the will of God that burns upon the altar of your heart. And that means less of the will of man, less of the willfulness of man, less of that substance that pits itself against the light and the flame of the Mother within you.

Therefore I offer and I give of myself, as he set the example for us to give so that we might also sacrifice and give to mankind and to the children of the One that momentum of our attainment, so that they too might walk in the way of overcoming, so that they might walk the fourteen stations with Christ and find also the renewal and the resurrection of the body of God upon earth.

Let those who hear my word in these halls of consciousness transfer that word into the action of the invocation of the sacred fire of God’s will. Let souls throughout the planetary body who feel the presence of the will of God this day be given the grace of the angelic hosts to confirm that will.

And I, Morya, call forth the legions of Archangel Michael and of the mighty Elohim. I call for the legions of the Great Central Sun and the devas of the will of God to come forth with the diamond of the will of God for the consuming of all that is Antichrist. For I tell you, in this very day and in this very week mankind will know the testings of the will of God and of all that opposes that will as they have not seen that testing for many a year.

Therefore, take my word this day! Take it to your family; take it to your homes and your community! Take it into your churches, O people of God, and know that this is the day and the hour when you must stand to reinforce allegiance to God and to his laws!

Mark me well that there will not be one among you who will not face that test. Whether in your employment in the world or in your service to the two witnesses, you will face that choice and that choosing. And be not dismayed. For people the world around will find that as they choose the light, they will be confirmed in light, and as they choose the darkness, they will suddenly receive the full momentum of that karma with which they have toyed now for many a year and many a lifetime and many a century.

Therefore let the will of God go forth. Let the messengers of the will of God as the angelic hosts go forth. And let every knee bend and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord and that in that Christed One is the very key to salvation through obedience to the will of God, which he gave even unto the uttermost, even for your salvation.

I AM one in the Lord’s hosts. I serve with the Lord Christ and all who serve with him. We are striving for the salvation of souls. We are striving for the drawing into the center of the One. Now I say, forge the diamond heart of the will of God! Let that diamond be for the consuming of all that is less than that will to be God and to be Christ within you. Let that diamond be for the matrix of the fulfillment of all that you are to give in this age.

Precious ones, I do not come threatening; I do not come chastising. I come in the great, awesome Presence of the Lord God and of his will. For I have come from that place and that Presence this day, where I have stood before the Most High living flame. And I have brought with me the message and the flame of the will of God, for God himself has desired to raise the earth for a mighty purpose.

It is as though he would take the earth and suspend it on a string, like a ball you would place on your Christmas tree, and he would raise the earth a niche in consciousness. And why would he raise the earth? Because of the rising of the tide of the waters of darkness and of the fallen ones and their rebellion. And therefore he would raise the earth in an increment of light and motion into a plane of his consciousness where the children of God might be spared that weeping and gnashing of teeth that is reserved unto the fallen ones, who have rebelled against his will for aeons.

I tell you, then, that unless there be some who will carry that will and the fortification of that will as the remnant—unless there be some, then the earth will not be raised in the vibrations of God’s consciousness. And therefore you will experience the turmoil, the travail, the chaos and the suffering that ought not to be, that need not be, if only that remnant of the people of God will confess in their hearts this day unto the Lord God, saying, “I love thee, O my Lord, my God! I give unto thee my will! Let my will be perfected in thee, O God!”

So let this be the prayer of the heart and not merely the lips. Let it be the fervent yearning of the soul and not merely the froth of emotion that is piqued in the hour of crisis. We are concerned with the depth of the understanding of those who will realize that in this day God is real! He is real, and he will heal! He will heal all thy members! Therefore place thyself in him and upon him and be drawn unto him, that you may be molded after the perfect likeness of the son and the daughter of God.

I call forth the momentum of the overcomers. It is suspended in your midst. By your confirming of the will and your own heartfelt prayer, to each one of you there can be given the mantle of Elijah and Elisha and of all of the prophets and the anointed ones who have gone before. Therefore, let their will and their commitment to the altar of God also be the fortification of your will to be. And remember this, O hearts afire with love—remember that your surrendering unto the will of God is, in reality, God surrendering within you.

And therefore I speak to those who have thought they could not surrender. I say, do not try to surrender but simply allow God to surrender within you. Allow God to release himself within you—his energy and his light. Allow him to break the clay vessel and to release the waters of Life and the wine of the Spirit and the flame of transmutation. Let him form in you that perfected vessel. Let God be, and you will stand firm and behold his salvation in this age.

As the cup we share trembles on the brink of an age and of a people, I bid you adieu in the fires of that will.

Amen to him still.

Amen to Christ, to Father and Spirit and Son.

Amen! Amen unto the Mother and the One.

*the third tallest mountain in the world at 28,169 feet, located in Nepal and Sikkim, India, in the Himalayas

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by El Morya was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, November 28, 1976, during a Sunday service in Pasadena, California. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. The Initiations of Job. These teachings are in Keepers of the Flame Lesson 33. The Book of Job in the Old Testament tells the story of a wealthy man named Job who has a large family and is a servant of God. God allows Satan to test Job severely to see if Job will remain faithful in spite of his misfortune. Job loses all his possessions and his children and is attacked with a serious and painful sickness all over his body. Job’s wife advises him to curse God but he refuses, although he curses the day he was born. All three of Job’s friends, in dialogue with Job, conclude that Job is suffering because of his sins, but Job defends his innocence. When God finally speaks to Job “out of the whirlwind,” it is to reveal the inscrutability and mystery of his being and his will and the majesty of the creation. Job then answers: “I know that thou canst do everything, and that no thought can be withholden from thee. I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear: but now mine eye seeth thee.” God then rebukes the three friends of Job and rewards Job with sons and daughters and doubles his possessions. Job then lives another one hundred and forty years. In a lecture given on November 23, 1989, Elizabeth Clare Prophet explained: “We learn from the story of Job that God will use the fallen ones to give his initiations to his best servants, to his most beloved. And God already knows that his beloved will pass those initiations.... The son of God may be stripped of all he has yet he will still praise his God. He will ponder profoundly and try to determine what caused him to receive all of this, and therefore he will learn many deep lessons. What we learn, then, on the path of initiation is that this soul testing is to be expected at Maitreya’s Mystery School. God makes it clear that Job received all the burdens upon his house without cause. For him it was not a situation of karma but a situation of soul testing.” For further teaching on the initiations of Job, see Mark L. Prophet, Cosmic Consciousness, chapter 14 (included in Keepers of the Flame Lesson 33). For information on how to become a Keeper of the Flame and to receive Keepers of the Flame Lessons, visit the Keepers of the Flame Fraternity, or in Spanish.

2. See Job 1:8-12.

3. Gen. 18:14; Jer. 32:27.

4. Our retreat at Darjeeling. The Temple of Good Will is the retreat of the master El Morya, located in the etheric realm in the foothills of the Himalayas above the city of Darjeeling, India. Magnificent, radiant currents of light pour from his retreat, which also has a physical focus in the hills surrounding the city. For a detailed description of this retreat see The Masters and Their Retreats, by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet.

Sweet Surrender to Our Holy Vow

Our will to Thee we sweetly surrender now,
Our will to God Flame we ever bow,
Our will passing into Thine
We sweetly vow.

No pain in eternal surrender,
Thy Will, O God, be done.
From our hearts the veil now sunder,
Make our wills now one.

Beauty in Thy purpose,
Joy within Thy name,
Life’s surrendered purpose
Breathes Thy holy Flame.

Grace within Thee flowing
Into mortal knowing,
On our souls bestowing
Is immortal sowing.

Thy Will be done, O God,
Within us every one.
Thy Will be done, O God—
It is a living sun.

Bestow Thy mantle on us,
Thy garment living flame.
Reveal creative essence,
Come Thou once again.

Thy Will is ever holy,
Thy Will is ever fair.
This is my very purpose,
This is my living prayer:

Come, come, come, O Will of God,
With dominion souls endow.
Come, come, come, O Will of God,
Restore abundant living now.

And in full Faith I consciously accept this manifest, manifest, manifest! (3x) right here and now with full Power, eternally sustained, all-powerfully active, ever expanding, and world enfolding until all are wholly ascended in the Light and free!

Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM!

This decree is in the book Prayers, Meditations and Dynamic Decrees for Personal and World Transformation, no. 10.18.

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