Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 64 No. 25 - Beloved Justinius - July 1, 2021

The Calling of the
Army of the Hosts of the Lord

Be a Pillar of Fire of the Ascension Flame

Hail, mighty seraphim from out the Great Central Sun! Hail, legions of Serapis Bey! I AM come to earth this day to fulfill a mandate of the LORD God!

I AM Justinius. I come in the light of ascension’s flame, and I come through the chorus that all mankind may claim as their own. This triumphal march is the music of every son and daughter of God aspiring to the ascension.1

Now I come for the discipline of those who would be counted as candidates for the ascension. I call Keepers of the Flame who have been born to this goal. I call to you, for it is time for you to be disciplined with seraphic bands. It is time that you understood that an army of lightbearers is required to march with the armies of the LORD and with the one who comes wearing white, the Faithful and the True.2

I stand before you with a consciousness that spans time and space with the awareness of the Great Central Sun and its cycles and all that transpires on Terra. Within my being is the equation that is a formula whereby the energies ascending and descending are translated from God to man and man to God.

Therefore I hold within my being the precise understanding of what it will take for the lightbearers of this generation to focalize the ascension flame to the extent that that flame ignites on Terra so that there will be temples consecrated to the ascension in every city upon earth and the goal of the ascension will be a part of life and not that which is hidden in the Mystery School.

I come, then, to summon those who understand that some must open the door, as he [Jesus] opened the door, so that mankind might find the way out of the dilemma of their own human creation.

I am speaking, then, to all souls of light on earth. I am speaking to those souls who have not yet contacted the ascended masters or even contemplated the ascension, and yet these very souls are marked for the ascension by their own works, by their own inner attainment, by the light that God has given unto them in grace.

Therefore I come, the emissary of Serapis Bey and of the Almighty One, to stand before you to open a new era of consecration to purity, to the flame of white, and to that goal by which all mankind will have the fullness of the salvation of the Lord Jesus the Christ and of every ascended being and cosmic master who has won that eternal freedom.

I stand in the light of the holy mountain of the LORD. I have come, then, for the disciplining of the forces of your being. I have come for the summoning of these forces to the center of your heart and the disciplining of your will. I have come that the few who choose to be aligned may be aligned.

Therefore I call you forth to the order of the ascension flame,3 to lead the way and to open the door to mankind’s victory. And I ask for volunteers who would be trained in the disciplines of this army of the LORD. I ask you to consider this goal for yourself, the goal of the ascension, and not to postpone it to another lifetime or some undefined future.

The ascension is this day! It is every day! And you are ascending moment by moment, erg by erg, as you give back to God the energy that he has given to you, as you give it back in good works, in word and deed, and in the flow of the Holy Spirit, which you achieve magnificently by the science of the spoken Word in your decrees.

I AM Justinius. If you could see the vastness of the hosts of the LORD in my command, you would understand how we have won the battle for the light on other systems of worlds. You would understand that this legion of angels who serve the highest frequency, the flame of the ascension, must come into the earth and must lead mankind into that flame of victory! The diamond light of the will of God is upon you as a focal point of the concentrated energies of that will unto the victory!

I come, then, once again, and I recall for you the hour when God sent me to attend the birth of your messenger. As I stood, keeping the flame of life in a moment when the flame of life trembled on the altar, I saw the vision of the open door that would come through this messenger. And I beheld the day and the hour of my coming all of these years hence, when I would announce [the goal of the ascension] to those souls who had gathered around the two witnesses for the victory of earth.

Therefore in the moment of her birth I bequeathed to her that flame of the ascension from my heart as the goal, as the setting of the matrix whereby this discipline could be conveyed and whereby mankind might realize those mass ascensions on the hillsides of the world.4

This is the hour, then, that was foretold, that I foreknew. This is the hour for the extension of that flame and the leaping of that arc. This is the hour when those who consider themselves unworthy will know that worthiness, for they will stand and see and behold the righteousness of that law and of that teaching and of that flame that we have anchored as a testimony to eternal life in this age.

And so in the coil of the ascension, the first witness has spanned the cycles of the ages to stand on the other side of the River of Life.5 Therefore this is a moment when the acceleration of the ascension flame will be for those who have been in the service of the ascended masters, not only for this lifetime but for many incarnations. This is the hour of the cycles turning, when some among you will be transcending this plane of consciousness and others will be coming into incarnation, all set with the mark of the ascension flame if you will ratify it by your life.

I wish you to know that the LORD God did not make this event known to the awareness of this messenger until just prior to my coming. And the reason that the LORD God has kept this thing from this beloved one is because the testing of her soul for these numbers of years has been to prove whether or not she would fulfill the inner vow of the calling of the messenger and of the ascension flame.

Understand, then, that you also have received blessings from angelic hosts of light and from ascended masters prior to your incarnation. You do not have the direct recall of these experiences because you are expected to fulfill your vows. And then when you have fulfilled your vows, you are contacted by an emissary of the LORD or by one of the ascended masters through a dictation or face-to-face.

Understand, then, that this is the Law and that my coming to you this day is to remind you to keep the inner vow that you have made. For some of you have known of the calling of the army of the hosts of the LORD to the ascension flame for many incarnations, and some of you are in a very close proximity to the fulfillment of the promises that you have made.

It may require months, weeks, or just a few years for you to reach that place where you will find yourself receiving on the return current of your love and devotion that momentum of the ascension flame that is necessary in order for you to be this pillar of fire and this witness upon earth.

I spread my wings, and by the pinions of light I stand in the spherical consciousness of the white-fire core. It is a forcefield, an Electronic Presence, like your radar tracking stations. It is a great canopy of fire. It is for the recording of energy from the Great Central Sun. It is for the deflecting and the reflecting of that energy. It is for the planting of the feet of the angel of the LORD on the earth, on Terra, so that there might transfer to the earth and through the earth currents this day the currents of the ascension flame, which I bear.

Now come, legions of Serapis Bey, legions of mighty seraphim! Anoint those who have prepared for the calling! And touch every man and woman and child on earth who has the inner vow and the inner key of the ascension planted within the heart chakra for this incarnation.

Let them be touched! Reach out now, and let there be the transfer of the sacred fire from the heart of the Great Central Sun! And let this place be consecrated as the open door to the Temple of the Sun and to Luxor, where those who are candidates may go in their finer bodies for the preparation of this reunion.

Understand that with each ascension in the light there is recorded upon the atoms and molecules of the heart of every soul of God on earth that record that the victory is nigh, the victory is possible, and there is a transfer of a portion of that victory. In each ascension, then, there is a microscopic ascension of the planetary body unseen by mortal eye, yet there is a raising of the frequency of the earth.

The ascension, then, is the ultimate sacrifice that you can make for the elevation of earth. For after all, there are only so many years of service that you can render, and then this body temple will be exchanged for another.

If you can understand that by making the ascension your goal you can leave that record and that impetus, you will see that it is better to ascend now rather than later. For by your ascension and many ascensions, all mankind will come one day to that critical mass where the pulsation within the heart of the record of thousands and thousands of ascensions will impel those individuals to seek the LORD, to seek the threefold flame, and to expand the initiations of the Lord Christ.

My message to you this day, then, is that you must encompass within your consciousness this absolute goal of your God-victory! And you must see it as though it were on the other side of the room, in distance from your lifestream, and that no matter how many decades are before you, even a century, it is still just across the room! And the time that it takes to walk from your birth to your ascension may be compared to the time that it takes for you to walk from one end of this auditorium to the other.

And when you are ascended you will look back on this life and you will say, "Justinius, how true were your words! My life seemed as a walk across the stage of life, across the amphitheater, and then in a moment I was drawn into the great wings of fire, into the ascension currents, and I beheld the LORD God face-to-face and I became the image and the likeness of the living God.”

May you be blessed for your awareness of the ascension itself, for your ability to accept this as the goal of life, and for your ability and your will to do something about it by your determination and your giving unto the uttermost the energies of your life.

We of the seraphic hosts are mightily encouraged, and we are therefore carrying an extra degree of joy in our hearts even after we carry the joy of the LORD. We carry in our hearts, each day as we minister to life, the joy of the devotees of the violet flame, the joy of the devotees of Archangel Michael, and the joy of the white light and the things of the Spirit.

So, open the door! So then, compatriots of the continents of heaven, so you who are one with us as our brethren of light, we are come in the intense love that begets obedience and discipline for the very adoration of that flame of the living Presence.

I AM come. I release the sacred fire breath of Alpha and Omega within you. It is a celebration of the day when the Lord Maha Chohan released into your temple the breath of life, and it is the celebration of the day when I assisted him in the birth of the messenger and in the igniting of the flame within her heart, which from the beginning was the ascension flame!

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Justinius was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, March 6, 1977, during a Sunday service in Pasadena, California. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. This triumphal march that Justinius is referring to is the “Grand March,” also known as “Triumphal March,” from the opera Aïda, by Giuseppe Verdi. Song 224, “All Hail, Mighty Serapis Bey,” in Church Universal and Triumphant’s Book of Hymns and Songs is sung to the tune of the “Triumphal March.” The audio version is available on On June 29, 1973, Elizabeth Clare Prophet said, “Some of you know that the opera Aïda, by Giuseppe Verdi, was inspired by Serapis Bey, was inspired by the ascension flame itself. The ‘Triumphal March’ from Aïda is the march that you will hear when you stand in the center of the flame at the Retreat of the Ascension at Luxor, Egypt. It is what we call the keynote of the flame itself. The pulsation of that flame releases this music at a certain level of consciousness. Since the levels of God’s consciousness are infinite, the music that is released from any given flame is also infinite. So we can say, like a diamond that has a million facets, this ‘Triumphal March’ is one aspect.”

2. Rev. 19:11.

3. The order of the ascension flame is known as the Order of the Golden Lily, and its members are dedicated to assisting souls who are making their transition to pass through the astral plane and arrive safely in the etheric octave at the retreats of the ascended masters. Members of this order attend the Friday night Ascension Service dedicated to the illumination and the cutting free of souls of light trapped in the astral plane and the weekly clearing of discarnate entities from the planet. Those who join this order have an inner calling to the path of the fourth ray of purity, and they desire to qualify themselves as candidates for the ascension. For further information or to join the Order of the Golden Lily, see

4. Those mass ascensions on the hillsides of the world. In a dictation given on July 3, 1969, the Queen of Light prophesied that there would be mass ascensions from the hillsides. Elizabeth Clare Prophet explained on April 1, 1972: “So the concept the masters have given us is that many souls of light who are destined to come into embodiment have earned their ascension. They require only ten or twenty or thirty years more in embodiment in order to make their ascension. I have on file three different dictations over a ten-year period where the masters have said that there would be mass ascensions on the hillsides of the world because of these young souls coming into embodiment who are ready. Now, each time an individual ascends from the physical plane of the planet, there is left that momentum and that record. You see the record of one man’s ascension, of Jesus, and for two-thousand years that record of that ascension and that life of victory has held up the earth, has inspired people, has been our very life. Imagine when there are masses of ascensions. The entire consciousness of the planet will be raised and people will be able to walk in their footsteps. And those who require one or two embodiments will be able to make it because of the victory of others.”

5. On the other side of the River of Life. Justinius is referring to the ascension of the messenger Mark L. Prophet, which took place on February 26, 1973.

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