Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 64 No. 24 - Beloved Jesus the Christ - June 22, 2021

You Have the Freedom that You Seek!

Hail, sons and daughters of freedom! Hail, thou city of Philadelphia, thou birthplace of freedom for this land! Hail, Freedom, thou immaculate Spirit, thou son of the Most High! Hail, great Karmic Board! Hail to thee, our Father, thou Beloved One from whom all things hath sprung, thou bringer of life, happiness, joy, and peace!

I, Jesus, Prince of Peace, who am in the midst of even two or three when they are gathered together in my name,1 bring to you this day the vibration and feeling of my God-peace in which I seal you. In this peace, this peace of God, I ask you to receive into your hearts that freedom that comes only from God.

Today, innumerable numbers of humankind, made in light as unto yourselves—whose heart is sustained by the same mighty beloved I AM Presence as your own, whose life is held in God’s hand like unto your own—do pursue phantoms and myths as they seek to find happiness in myriad ways that please their fancy but do not bring them into greater harmony with their own beloved God Presence, I AM.

Fortunate are you who have found the light through the great ray that we have anchored in your own heart. Fortunate are you who are able to trace your way back and hold on to the hand of that Infinite God of love through shadow, through the valley, and even in some cases, in past embodiments, through death.2 You were able to hold the hand of God and once again find your way back to the light, and each time to expand a greater portion of that light that is all yours as you claim it.

Beloved hearts, you have the freedom that you seek! You do not have to wait for it. It is yours today. You have the freedom to reach out and touch our octave. You have the freedom to communicate with the angels themselves—the angels of ministration, the angels of healing, the angels of sacred fire. You have today the freedom to contact me, my beloved Mother Mary, or any other member of the ascended hosts. You have the freedom each day to lift up your arms and heart to your own beloved I AM Presence and to know that you are sustained by that Presence, that you are the arms of that Presence in the world of form. Think, beloved hearts, of this. You do not have to wait for it! It is already yours!

With this happy note, I would like each one of you to let the wellspring of divine gratitude from on high fill your heart so that the tears of your inner being might become a fountain with my own and arise before the Most High to form a thing of beauty that is a joy forever.3

Is there anything dearer to the heart of God than the feelings of divine love and divine compassion from his own children, his own creation?

Many of you today are parents, and those who are not have been so in past embodiments. All of you are children. The knowledge of this relationship of parent to child, as I so strongly amplified and pointed out in my embodiment in Galilee, still focuses today the attention upon our beloved heavenly Father.

And today I would focus your attention upon him, who is also known to you as the beloved Presence of God, I AM, in you. This is that God who spoke to Moses—the God of the sacred fire. For the sacred fire is that fire that though it burns, the bush is not consumed.4 And though it burns upon your altar and burns in your heart, and though the fires of freedom rise very high, they will never at any time engulf your individuality.

To be touched by the fire of heaven, to be touched by the coals from the altars of heaven, will never in any way stamp upon you any stigma that will bring shame or discredit to you in the eyes of God, the masters, and those great individualities of the Spirit who are the truly immortal, the truly wise, and who are truly fit to be called “great.”

Among these are, naturally, many who are unknown to you. And surely among those who are known to you are beloved Morya, beloved Saint Germain, the magnificent Maha Chohan, the great Lord Gautama, and many others. Many of these were present at my physical birth in Bethlehem long ago.

Today as you worship at the flame of freedom, may it take on a new meaning. For I tell you truly, and I know that all of the qualities of God have the quality of the sea in them, they have the quality of the fire in them, and the quality of the air—these three. This is the holy triangle of light.

Like the quality of the ocean, with its limitless expanse of water, there is so much yet to be discovered about freedom. Let it remain ever new to you. Give to the sacred fires of freedom the freedom to play upon your four lower bodies constantly and to remove therefrom the causes and cores of all discord so that you may truly enter the freedom of the air that comes to your ascension when you master, by the power of levitation, the pull of the earth and the pull of the senses. Victory is yours, my beloved. Because I AM, you are! And the ascended hosts joyfully await your victory, your overcoming of every problem.

We stand daily, ready to render our assistance, even as I now radiate and pour into you all of the heart’s love and light that I bear for freedom itself. May you cherish it, honor it, and achieve your Victory in this unfailing light and this unfailing love!

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Jesus the Christ was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark L. Prophet on Sunday, Tuesday, June 2, 1959, in Washington, D.C.

1. Matt. 18:20.

2. Ps. 23:4.

3. John Keats, the poem “Endymion,” Book 1, line 1 (1818).

4. Exod. 3:1-12.

I AM the Way

I AM the Way up from the plain
To the summit of happiness’ reign.
I AM the Way o’ercoming each hour
By the flame of Christlike power.
I AM the Way appearing now
In victory’s Light to which I bow.
I AM the goal of freedom’s might,
I AM the strength of heaven’s light.
Through Christ I pass each test aright,
Through purity I AM God’s might.
Receptive to the Christ within,
I AM the Way that now begins.
The strife is o’er, his Way is peace—
By Victory’s flame of full release,
I AM the Way’s resurging glow
That’s with me then each step I go,
Until the gate of freedom won,
I rise transcendent to the Sun!

This song is in the Book of Hymns and Songs (The Summit Lighthouse), no. 69. The audio version is available on

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