Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 64 No. 27 - Beloved Kuthumi - July 15, 2021

Ciphers of Being

Part 2

It is better for you that you go into the world and join some sort of a humanitarian organization until you can realize the truth of that which I speak. No matter who you are on earth, even if you reject the path of the Great White Brotherhood, do not neglect your service to humanity. For you see, we select our chelas ultimately from those who are the best servants of humanity.

God has his servants. And sometimes those who think they are the best servants of God are the last ones to meet the living Master because they have never translated what they thought to be a fine Godly service into a fine human service.

While there are the hungry, while there are those who need the feeding of the Word, while there are those who need education, how can you walk up the mountain alone?

I marvel, then, at those who go off into the wildernesses and desert the cities of America. How can you leave the little children when you know that they are being dealt with by the fallen ones daily through their education, through the bombardment of the media?

Who told you that you could not change the uses of the media? After all, your own heart flame is a more powerful amplifier for the Word of God than any cross-country or international service that propels the waves of television to every nation.

Try communicating the Word from heart to heart! Try tuning into your heart and beaming your message every night throughout the earth! Like Radio Free Europe, you can beam your message of love and truth to every child in this city. You can speak of angels. You can speak of God. You can speak of hope. And then you can go in the daytime hours to see these children and to say, What is the greatest need? Is the greatest need for food? Then give food. Is the greatest need for clothing? Then give clothing. Is the greatest need for love? Then give love.

It goes without saying that prayer, decrees, mantras, and all the rest must back every action, else you will evolve a social gospel without the Prince of Peace. But that does not mean to say that prayer or decrees alone will suffice. Hand in hand, action by action, the going within and the coming without, this is the daily ritual.

When you are publishing the Word and lecturing the Word, you are feeding the multitudes. You are distributing to the five thousand. Did you ever think of the printing press as that great miracle, as that great alchemy of multiplying the loaves and the fishes?

First you have one copy of a Pearl of Wisdom, then you have five thousand. Who did the work? Whose alchemy? The release of the invention from the Lords of Karma, your knowledge of the press, your keeping of the flame, and an integration of lightbearers spanning the centuries has culminated in that one example of alchemy.

Think of all the other things that you do as being a part of the chain of hierarchy. Did you build your computer or invent it? It came from the mind of God. It was passed to you, torch by torch by torch, until perfected for your use.

See, then, how the torch that you carry of the teaching itself was not created by you and therefore it cannot be destroyed by you, but it may be delayed. Therefore there is the dependency upon all those who hold the rope as others climb to the heights of the summit, the I AM Presence of life.

So many gifts and graces that are in your hand come because you are a part of a vast network of hierarchy, the body of earth herself, part of a hierarchy of evolution. From the moment you open your eyes with the first breath, you are working with millions of years of evolution, consciousness, and your own building of the past. And that not alone, but an entire momentum of civilization of this planet and many planets and solar systems is brought to bear upon your soul as you begin to evolve.

See, then, what is passed when you actually pass the torch of a teaching or of a discipline, no matter what the field of human endeavor. You are not only passing the torch of the discipline or the teaching but you are passing your entire soul momentum, your input, your specific individual contribution, without which the cosmos would be impoverished. You are passing on the totality of yourself.

Ask yourself, then, would you like to receive incompleteness from another who is passing you a torch, or a job that is done without the sense of perfection—the sloppy, the slothful, the selfish? Or do you rejoice when you receive a beautiful work of art, a painting, a piece of china, a statue? You welcome it gladly into your hands. You treasure it. You keep it upon your altar. You love it for your lifetime, and it is passed to another with your Oversoul upon it, giving to another not only the painting or the object of art but the momentum of your devotion.

See how the link in hierarchy is a key and how that key depends on the individualization of the God flame. See, then, that the self that you are is always maintained as the Self that is God.

We cannot help but be stern in an hour when mankind have taken the greatest indulgences and the greatest compromises in all that they have had given to them by the chain of hierarchy and of the masters of the Great White Brotherhood.

Why, I tell you, even the mature generation in the world today, who are the teachers, who are the leaders in government, those who have grown up in years when they had ready access to the old culture, as we call it—even they have easily abandoned to the winds the totality of the dispensation.

And they have not seen the great harm, and therefore they have passed to the children husks while the kernels are held in reserve in the retreats of the Great White Brotherhood, waiting for souls of light on earth to invoke the kernels of culture, kernels of light that are like engrams, coils, an entire program out of the computer of the mind of God waiting to be released through the mind that will become the chalice. These kernels of light that have been cast aside as the stone which the builders rejected1 will indeed become the chief cornerstone because they are the outline and the motif of the Christ consciousness of the lightbearers.

You see how important it is, then, for continuity in this age, to hold fast to that which has gone before and to welcome the souls who are waiting to be born from the retreats of the masters.

I tell you, we have withheld many a soul in recent months. And when I say “we,” I refer to the Darjeeling Council and the Lords of Karma, simply because even chelas, or so-called chelas on the Path, have not had the self-discipline to prepare their own temples for the incoming consciousness. There are avatars waiting to come to earth who will wait, and they will wait for the day when parents have the necessary disciplines of Serapis Bey.

And so, you see, the mastery of the Mother flame within you is the mastery of the time and the time-sequence on earth. Time moves, and man must move with its flow. When a hundred thousand or a hundred million souls are out of time and out of step with a universe, what can befall a planetary home? What can befall a chain of evolution? Yours ought to be, then, the striving to come into alignment with time as the flow of eternity into your heart chakra each day. And then, and only then, will you have the wherewithal to master space.

What poverty among those who are seeking to master space! I have not yet even spoken of outer space! I am simply speaking of the land that God has given unto the people—the land, the buildings, the resources, the air, and the sea. This is scarcely any mastery at all except as an attempt to rigidly confine the creativity of the people and the individual by a growing mass consciousness, a mass of federal government controls, which we refer to as the supermass, distinguishing it from the collective mass of the people. It is as one mass moving below, another mass moving above, and each seeking to control the other. And yet only by God and by Christ will God-control come into being.

If I were to rebuke you this day—and I do not rebuke you, for the light that I bring is a sufficiency unto your soul to make you know the discrepancy between that which is and that which ought to be. But if I were to rebuke you this day, I would rebuke you for your failure to realize that you can change the world! That God in you can change the world! And that as long as you allow the world to remain as it is, you have not unlocked the power of the Infinite within and you dare not be satisfied with your practice of the teachings of the ascended masters!

And if you have not had those teachings, then I say, if you have not changed the world until this day, then you ought to question the teaching that you are following. For nothing is sacred! I said, nothing is sacred unless it works! And if it doesn’t work and it hasn’t worked for thousands of years, then put it aside and suspect the hand that gave it to you.

This is what we have taught as we have come out of the East to introduce to the West the secret doctrine of the ages and to unveil Isis, the principle of Mother. No matter what you have been told, put it to the test. Is it doing what it ought to do?

And unless it is the power that moves mountains, changes yourself, transforms yourself, brings you into unity with God, then be free to question. For God has given you the power of free will, and the only way to exercise that free will is to question, to challenge, to try the spirits, and to keep an open mind and to know yourself as God.

I ask you, then, to take what I have said only if it is true within you, and let us be friends. Take what I have said as though you met me, a pilgrim on the road with dusty feet and dusty shoes and a tear in my garment, and perhaps a few leaves in my hair and beard from where I have lain beneath the trees, under the stars.

Say we have met along the road of life and I have shared with you. If it were another, you would have said to yourself, “Well, some of what he says makes sense. At least you can see he is an original fellow! [Laughter] He has thought about life. He has drawn some conclusions. Perhaps I can add to my own from his experience.” If you will do this, this is all that I ask.

I do not ask you to accept the ascended masters as real when you have not even accepted yourself as real. What folly to say, “He is real.” If you cannot look and see the God where you stand, you cannot be sure that I AM here. It may all be an illusion and a figment of your imagination, after all. You cannot be sure that you are sitting where you sit. Therefore, uncode the ciphers of being where you are. I am confident that this will lead you to where I AM.

And this, you see, my chelas, is the great problem in mankind’s understanding that the ascended masters are real. They have no basis of reality to formulate reality. Do not press them! They may have an identity crisis too soon! Therefore I do not ask you to accept a messenger for a being whom you cannot see, inasmuch as it is even more difficult to accept a messenger for someone who does not exist than it is to accept that someone who exists where you are.

Begin with the self, then. For all roads lead to the Greater Self, the One Self. And you cannot err in the teaching or in the Guru if you first have the conviction that where I AM, there God is!

Where I AM is the Great Self of the cosmos! I acknowledge Being, therefore I AM. I acknowledge Being, therefore Being is everywhere throughout cosmos. Because I AM, therefore Being as I AM individualized exists everywhere in cosmos! Therefore I accept the ascended masters because I AM and not because I am not.

If all of this is too much, then, run to the fields, pick the daisies. Look at them, for they are life revealing another life. And come to my lecture and then pick the daisies. Pick little nuggets of truth, if you will. For they too contain the allness of my being.

And if you take but one truth and lock it within your being, it will grow and grow. And what do you think it will become? A tree, a flower, a mountain? No. It will become me. And one day you will look at yourself in the mirror and you will say, “Well, for a moment I thought I saw that pilgrim with his shaggy beard and his torn garment.” And you look again and you say, “Well, it was the light flashing across the room.” Or another time you may turn your head quickly because a shadow moved, and you will study it and you will say, “Well, all things are probable and possible given the circumstances. This can be scientifically demonstrated as the interaction of the light in my room. And so I was mistaken.”

But, you see, the nugget of truth will continue to grow. And where truth is, as I have spoken it, there is my Electronic Presence.

You see, ideas are people. Ideas are consciousness. Truth is consciousness. And that consciousness God has clothed with form, with life, with being.

What AM I, then? Why, I AM the same thing that you are. I AM an idea that has come forth from the mind of God, clothed upon with all of the elements of Mater, Mother life. I have etheric consciousness, mental consciousness.

I have a desire body. At will I have a physical body, though I am not permitted to use it under certain laws of the Brotherhood that govern beings at the ascended octave. But in Spirit I have bodies comparable to the four lower bodies that you wear. They are translations, celestial manifestations. Nevertheless, I AM complete. God always clothes the ideas that he fashions with garments suitable for the planes they occupy.

And there is a vast evolution as ideas, as little raindrops join together to form streams and rivers and oceans. And therefore the very cells in your body, as raindrops, were once simple ideas that joined together to form more complex ideas, until the whole manifestation of the divine idea and the capstone of life—the son, the daughter of God—was fashioned.

See, then, that every particle of creation that you can touch or see or feel on earth has at its nucleus a spiritual nucleus counterpart that is indeed an idea of God.

Contemplate this great wonder, then, of all Matter and energy moving in a great swelling evolutionary chord! Think of the vastness of the symphony of cosmos as energy that is moving from the simple to the complex until all is quiet in the fiery core of nirvana! And then the cycles, coming to an end, draw all of the complex into the simple once again, and that simple is the One—the One God.

Various evolutions of ascended masters and Elohim are holding the forcefield for the universe, for the outpicturing, then, and the anchoring of a vibration of these keys, these unfolding coils, these energy patterns. Even among yourselves, each one of you has a different vibration, a different harmony because you are anchoring to the earth an energy unique to yourself.

What, then, of all those who are the unborn who have been refused admittance to this earth? Their chords will not be heard! Their vibrations will not be felt in this age! The perfume of their hearts’ offering will not be wafted upon the breezes and mankind will experience the greatest famine, the greatest shortcoming, the greatest dearth in all planes of consciousness for this reason alone—they have not acknowledged the I AM THAT I AM in the heart of the unborn child and therefore they have not made way for the coming of the Christ within.

This is why there is the prophecy of the coming of cataclysm and pestilence and all manner of diseases and plagues and great famine. You see the disturbances in the weather, and yet it is all because true Being has not been defined, the Real Self has not been known!

How can you expect people who are nonentities to ever acclaim that the unborn child is indeed an entity of God, a true being? How can you expect the robot creation, which controls so much of America, to allow these souls to come forth when they themselves have never beheld the light of the Son of God within their own temple?

Think of living in the dark all of your existence and never ever having seen the sun rise or the sun set. This is what it is like to live in a temple that has not seen the coming of the Son of God.

You see, then, that if the children of God do not recognize that they have the power to change the world, they will not stop the dread practice of abortion and therefore they will not stop the coming of the prophecies for the last days.

As I said, if I were to rebuke you it would be for this: that you have failed to acknowledge or you have forgotten that the power of God is in you to change the world. Instead, you have given it over to the overlords and the fallen ones and you have allowed them to make your decisions for you.

Now has come the hour of the shout of the people of God proclaimed by Lanello. Let it be the shouting that signifies the splitting of the atom—the splitting of the atom, man. Let it be the shout that splits that fiery core whereby Father, Son, and Holy Spirit burst from out your heart and take dominion over the earth!

This is my message to you. Take it from your own heart, for our fountain and the wellspring of life is one.

I AM where you are, and you can be where I AM when you know who I AM.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Kuthumi was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, March 13, 1977, during a Sunday service in Pasadena, California.

1. Ps. 118:22; Matt. 21:42; Acts 4:11.

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