Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 64 No. 28 - Beloved Archangel Jophiel - July 22, 2021

The Highest Wisdom:
Be True to Oneself

Now cometh the Angel of Wisdom* to stand in the midst of the congregation of the righteous and to raise up the root of Jesse, to raise up the fires, the sacred fires within you.

Now cometh the Angel of Wisdom bearing the magnet of the Great Central Sun as the crown of victory. The magnet is the wisdom that you have claimed as your own. Even if it be but a single jewel, it will call forth the light of Omega and draw those sacred fires unto the crown of life.

You have heard of the disciplines for the ascension. Ere the conclusion of our quarter at Summit University,1 you have been given the wisdom of the Mother of the earth. How the angels have rejoiced! How the angels have taught your souls through the ages! And now is the coming of the understanding for the lowering into the earth body of the wisdom of the mind and the heart and of the etheric temple.

Now you may become pillars in the temple of our God here on earth. Many of you shall become pillars in heaven. But then, what of the kingdoms of earth that will fall because they have not the pillars of wisdom standing in their midst? Therefore it is necessary that the stalk of the flower be filled with the elixir of life, for the flower is like the causal body, the full blooming of the energy returning to the Central Sun. But the stalk and the roots represent the tethering to the very soil, where millions will walk to gain their mastery and to glean the light of wisdom.

I AM Jophiel. I have come to pour the elixir of wisdom within the stalk of the few. I speak to all, for all who have come and served well here in these halls of learning have received the dispensations of Saint Germain and of Gautama and of the chohans, who sponsor each one of you so tenderly.

But now I come as the teacher of the Law, who exacts from my pupils that excellence. And therefore at the conclusion of our course in our temple, we give to only the few this elixir that is for this filling of the stalk of life, like unto the filling of the spinal altar, with a new liquid and a new birth.

And so to a very few is bestowed the opportunity, and to all is renewed the opportunity to strive for wisdom’s might. For wisdom is a power, as a two-edged sword, that enables you to cut away the ignorance of the people of this world. It is a power of the spoken Word whereby you move the nations and whereby the people will stop and will listen to what you have to say.

You have touched the hem of wisdom’s garment. Sometimes you have rebelled against that garment. Sometimes you have intruded your thought patterns upon the release through the messenger. Sometimes you have not understood the measure of grossness against the measure of refinement that is borne by our emissaries, by the ascended masters. And therefore you have not known that you were still the opaque where there ought to be the translucent self.

I come with a fanfare and with angels of light, but I come as the teacher of the Law, and ever that teacher I shall be. I come to tell you that this is not the ending but it is only the beginning, the very first step on the path of initiation in the way of the wisdom masters.

Now, some of you who serve as the staff of the messenger consider that perhaps you are outside of the domain of our care. We see the Alpha and the Omega of Summit University represented in the entire community of the Holy Spirit. This indeed is that community, and you are its communicants. And therefore those who have had the striving, the inner peace, the soul attunement, the working of the work of the artisan of the Spirit, you too may be candidates to receive this elixir, and therefore we look upon the canopy of all.

Some who have come have seen and not believed. Some have seen and believed. Others have come with understanding and have increased understanding. Some have come with an understanding of God that has dissolved into thin air, so unlike the real God was that understanding, and likewise of the self and of the masters and even the messenger. Pity be upon those who cannot identify truth when they see it, for there shall be taken from them the opportunity to see it for many a year.

Now let the joy of the angels be upon you, for wisdom is not necessarily the seriousness that I bear in my countenance. But sometimes it is the joy of the birth of the Christ Child, the bursting of a star and the hope of future attainment.

Have you not attained? Then you can do so. Have you only found that you have bumped into all of the misuses and misqualifications of your life? Have you found yourself discouraged in the face of the blazing light of truth?

Well, my angels have stood next to you, watching your response, watching as the muddied rivers of the four lower bodies, as the four heads of Euphrates,2 could not be cleansed all at once. Almost as interruption is the intensity of the sacred fire, and this fire causes the coming forth of that substance that is locked even within your very bones and the marrow of your bones.

The presence of the light anchored in form within the messenger always brings cataclysm wherever it is anchored—change and upheaval that causes mankind to become realigned with the inner will or causes them to choose to go against that will. You will see with the publication of the Dossier on the Ascension3 what will happen on earth as the release of the light of the ascension flame of Serapis Bey goes forth.

I would speak to you of future training in the mastery of your crown chakra. For these are powerful energies that are being unloosed within you, especially through your new-found discipline in the Holy Spirit, in a way of life that is removed from the paths of the desires of mankind.

You will find that first come forth the aggressions and the anger, and after these a flowing stream, muddied, that gradually becomes the crystal stream of life. When it is the crystal stream, and only then, your Christ Self will allow it to rise to your chakras, higher and higher as the ascension spiral.

You must work for this. We cannot give it to you. The messenger cannot give it to you, and it does not come in a day or a year. It comes through lifetimes.

Fortunately, many of you have made progress on the Path in other incarnations, and therefore you are ahead of most of mankind in the race. But there are many souls of light on earth who do not have contact with this teaching, and they are also counted as the striving ones.

Now, you have heard the recommendations of the messenger,4 and you have not always understood that we have stood to release the teaching, thereby enabling you to reject the teaching because it came through the messenger. Some do not understand how in earnest the ascended beings are to get a word in through the messenger. We take every available opportunity, whether on the platform or with one or two chelas, to plant the Word, to give the teaching.

Then, you see, it is possible for you to deliberate, for you to exercise free will, and for you to come to your own and to yourself. After all, the ascended masters are not the authority for your life, and neither is the messenger. It is the Law that is the authority. And when we speak the Law, it is you who must ratify it by your own inner flame. And so you see, it is not necessary for you to feel that because the ascended masters said it, it is true. For what is more important than anything else is that you realize that what the ascended masters have said is a reading of the law of your own inner being.

And therefore you do not obey the truth because an authority outside of yourself speaks the truth, but you obey the truth because you hear it spoken with the power of the Great White Brotherhood and it unlocks a specific coil within your being, the coil of that frequency of the Law. And that coil of energy bursts like an ampule of oil, and your mind is illumined and you know it is truth. And that oil enables you to become the truth and thereby to become one with the consciousness of the ascended masters and the messengers, through whom it was given.

Do you understand that we never speak in contradiction of your inner law, but many times we speak in contradiction of your human will? And most often when the subjects contradict the human will, we speak outside the framework of the dictation. This is the mercy of the Law—to give the chela the leeway to feel that it is not so urgent and not so powerful a thrust of energy.

I am conveying to you, with the utmost tenderness of my being and the gentleness of my flame, that a word of wisdom from the messenger is to be cherished and to be pondered as coming from our octave. And when we take a moment to give counsel through the messenger, it is because it is a building block to your own pyramid of attainment. It is because we, and not the messenger, see the future of your life and that which must be builded upon and those initiations that are shortly coming to pass on the earth and in your individual life. And we know exactly the disciplines that you require in order to be ready for the coming of the LORD’s hosts. But always and evermore, we give you free will.

Therefore, to come with the weight of our energy and our cosmic consciousness and our authority is not to give you the freedom of free will. This would make of you robots in a cause not of the Great White Brotherhood but of the brothers of the shadow.

Let me make clear, then, that messengers serve as step-down transformers for the most intricate, sometimes the most simple statements of the Law. These, when heeded, propel the soul, through its obedience and its love, to a cosmic consciousness.

Now we have given to our messenger certain inner initiations in the uses of energy, which are for you. All that we do is for you. But we will wait, and perhaps it will be a number of years before there is a qualified group of students to receive these initiations.

How do you qualify? You listen well. If you have a question, ask it. But listen well to the teaching. It is not so vast when you take it all down and shake it and put it together. You will find that it is like a basket that is woven. Each teaching, each point of the Law interweaves with another, and on any point of the Law you can find a link to any other point of the Law.

And therefore it is not difficult to know this teaching or this law when you understand the relationship of all principles. If you know one principle, you can find out every other principle simply because of the geometry of the teaching.

Therefore, not memorization but a glimpse of the whole gives you the key to that God consciousness, which is spherical awareness. Understand, then, that this teaching can be looked at and you can put your life as though you were plotting it on the graph of consciousness, and you can decide where to place your life in relationship to the teaching. As you place your life, so will opportunity come.

I speak to those, then, who are given the sacred trust of guiding this movement and making decisions from day to day. See to it that you do not compromise the Law in your personal life. See to it that when you know what you must do, you give obedience. For this is the very foundation of the victory of this dispensation.

And all of you who go into the nation, into America, and you who serve as coordinates of those who go forth as staff members, remember: if you know the Law and do it not, you compromise the dispensation and you remain a speck of darkness within the diamond of the collective will of the consciousness of the Whole.

Therefore, weed out from yourself, the members of your consciousness, and the members of your community all that is Antichrist, all that is less than that which you see. And as long as you are striving daily, the angels of Jophiel and Christine will strive with you. It is only when you cease your striving that the angels retreat. They do not demand perfection in a day. They do not demand absolute victory in a day, but a little step forward, a conquest, and an effort to be true to oneself. Is this not, after all, the highest wisdom—to be true to oneself?

There is a scribe who stands to my right, an emissary of the Keeper of the Scrolls. He writes in a book a final word regarding the students and the staff, who are measured quarterly, what has been accomplished, what remains to be done, tests to be taken over, new tests to be given. He is a very beautiful being.

I want you to see him. I want you to make it your goal in life to see the ascended masters, and that goal can be accomplished through the purification of your four lower bodies. And at this moment in your life the purification of your physical body is most important, considering the acceleration of impurities in this world.

If you cannot see the vision, you will lose it. Therefore, strive. Strive to see the vision and to keep it and to hold it in your heart, and then that attainment will become a part of the will of God in the cosmic cube.

I AM Jophiel. And the Mother Christine, Mother of Wisdom’s Law, stands with me. We are going this night to inspire people on every continent with the great wisdom of the Law, and especially with the understanding of what must take place in order to turn the tide of the downward course of civilization.

We would like to tell you that we are greatly handicapped because of the withholding of information and because this teaching has not been anchored in the physical plane in the nations of the earth. It is difficult to reach a mind that is programmed and conditioned, in a body that is dense, attached to desires that are immense and undisciplined.

We ask for your assistance. We come this night so that you might give to us, for in this moment you have a greater need to give than to receive. For your giving will mean the unstopping of many of those points of contact that have been clogged by the substance of many centuries.

In the love of your hearts and in the great bursting forth of that love for the service of the seven archangels, we trust that ere the night has concluded you will feel your heart expand, sending forth to the bands of angels your energy and your life as an instrument of service.

We, then, stand as the receivers of the offerings of mankind. As we receive, we give unto God. And as God receives, he returns to man. Thus we become intermediaries of a great cosmic flow, the very orchestration of life.

Give, then, to the archangels, and earn your ascension. It is a worthy cause and purpose. There is no greater. And so great is the vision that I do not feel the need to raise my voice or to tell you many stories about this vision. I simply say from the scribe, from the book, and from the Law, “You can make it if you try!”

Good evening in the light of wisdom.

*Archangel Jophiel is the Angel of Wisdom.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Archangel Jophiel was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Friday, March 25, 1977, during the President’s Reception for Summit University, Levels I and II, in Pasadena, California.

1. Ere the conclusion of our quarter of Summit University. Archangel Jophiel is referring to Winter Quarter of Summit University, which began on January 5, 1977, and ended on March 26, 1977. The presiding masters for this quarter were Archangel Jophiel and Christine with Mighty Victory. This dictation was delivered to the students of Summit University at the last event of the quarter, known as the President’s Reception.

2. The four heads of Euphrates. Gen. 2:10-14. Archangel Jophiel is referring to the river that went out of Eden to water the garden and which then parted to become four heads (rivers). In Vials of the Seven Last Plagues, chap. XI, Archangel Uriel explains that the river descended “to nourish the planes of Mater with the fiery flow of the energies of Spirit. And the flow of the crystal cord was parted and became into four heads.” Archangel Uriel teaches that the first river (Pison) symbolizes the etheric plane; the second river (Gihon) symbolizes the mental plane; the third (Hiddekel), the astral plane; and the fourth (Euphrates) symbolizes the watering of the entire physical plane. On April 10, 1978, Elizabeth Clare Prophet commented that “these four heads are the manifestation of the four lower bodies.”

3. Dossier on the Ascension. In 1967, Serapis Bey, hierarch of the Ascension Temple at Luxor, Egypt, dictated to Mark Prophet a series of Pearls of Wisdom discussing the requirements for the ascension, entitled “Dossier on the Ascension.” The Pearls were published in book form in 1979. Serapis revealed that the instruction on the ascension, which he states is the destiny of every man and woman, is taken from classes that he conducts at the Ascension Temple. Elizabeth Clare Prophet has referred to the Dossier on the Ascension as the “how-to” book for the ascension. On June 30, 1979, she said: “All of the teachings of the ascended masters are for the goal of the ascension, but this one [book] in particular transfers a vibration, an energy, and an ascension coil. It’s a never-ending study because each time you study it you are on a different spiral of the fiery coil.

4. Recommendations of the messenger. Jophiel may be referring to the messenger’s lectures to the students and staff on “the disciplines of wholeness,” which included the messenger’s recommendations on diet and fasting for the cleansing of the four lower bodies and for the discipline of the physical body. The messenger stated that the “meshing and integration of these disciplines of the four lower bodies is what the masters are concerned with because we need to build the four sides of the temple.”

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