Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 1 No. 7 - Beloved El Morya - August 7, 1958

The Founding of The Summit Lighthouse

With a Smile of Hope

“Thy Will, O God, Is Good!”

March on, children of the heavenly hosts—march on! Hold high your shield of faith before you. Yes, hold it high and realize that your hand is indeed in our hand.

It is much better that you smile, dear hearts, than that you frown. For after all, the angelic host do externalize the smile of God wherever they go, for they spread abroad the quality of comfort. And I am sure that as the Maha Chohan spoke to you, you also felt the radiation of his comfort and his love.1

And now I want you to feel the radiation of my power and my will. Do you know, dear hearts, that the energy that I have charged forth in the threefold activities is tremendous?2 Do you know that I do not believe, if you were to add it up, that this planet could contain all at once the tremendous energy and the attendant knowledge that I have charged forth over the years.

Nevertheless, here I am again at work. And I am somewhat reminded of the work of one of your cartoonists, when he created the pattern that has amused the children, of Snow White and the seven dwarfs. And he had the dwarfs singing, “Heigh-ho, heigh-ho, it’s off to work we go!” Once again I say to you, “To work we go!”

And so you must roll up your sleeves. You must forget that which is past, for the past is indeed prologue. But you must recognize that the expanse of the future is before you—a future that can be as beautiful as you will to make it.

Now, if you take a crystal cube of pure light that has no engravings and you make mud pies on it, I am sure that no one will admire your crystal cube. But if you take this crystal cube and with the energies of your own lifestream you engrave upon it the beautiful faces of the ascended beings by doing their will, what you accomplish shall indeed be made manifest for the eyes of all mankind, who should give glory to God for your works in him.

You have heard it said of old, “A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.”3 And I tell you that there are, among the various student bodies whom you will contact, any number of students in other occult groups, guardians of the sacred mysteries, who are able to know what sort of manifestation you are bringing forth.

Therefore I urge you, dear hearts—not merely because I take pride (without blushing) in presenting you to the world, but because the souls of the lifestreams whom you will reach will be given great help through you if they accept you in faith—to do those things in your life that will give no discredit to me or to the ascended hosts.

In the past activities we have sponsored, unfortunately (and I shall not dwell upon it), there have been lifestreams who have thought because they had free will that they could do as they pleased. And so we have said to them, “Do as you will.”

Now, in this new activity of The Summit Lighthouse of Freedom, I shall not take you by the coattails and compel you to do this or compel you to do that. But I am reaching out my love to you and telling you that I do expect you to give your wills freely to God. I do not compel you, but I expect you to do it because you have signified to me at inner levels that you are willing to do it. And I have believed you, and on that basis I have secured from Helios and Vesta at great cost a grant for this new activity.

I assure you that because of certain actions that took place in previous activities sponsored by the ascended masters, it was not as easy to secure the grant for this one. Nevertheless, in the hope of heaven, I have laid down (as collateral on behalf of my chelas) spiritual treasures of which I shall not speak.

And I stand today before you, wearing my turban and my sash, with a smile of hope that is not dimmed by the failures of my chelas in any past actions. I am crystallizing before you the light of the diamond heart in a tremendous power.

Each one of these little diamond crystals is triangular in shape and the blue flame is blazing within it and it is singing a song to the Creator of all life, saying: “Thy will, O God, is Good! Thy will, O God, is Good! Thy will, O God, is Good!”

And these blue flames are singing a paean of praise to the Father of life. And the crystal around them is made up of the radiant hopes of the children of the light as they are assembled. I have taken the spiritual hopes of many from among the unascended as well as the ascended hosts, and with my own hands I have formed in the air before you the crystal symbol of the diamond heart. This heart is actually made up of their hopes even as it carries the radiation of my own heart.

I surround this beautiful diamond heart, which was externalized by Mary, the Mother of Jesus, with a larger pattern of my heart. And I charge into that diamond heart the very qualities from my heart of flesh, not the physical flesh but the flesh of new birth—the flesh of the living Spirit of God!

O my chelas, it is not fitting that Morya should weep, but I should weep if I thought that it would help to give you greater efficiency in bringing Home a harvest with dignity.

There are so many who believe that our energies are unlimited, and of course it is so. But I wish to emphasize that while we feel no pangs of unpleasantness as we extend ourselves to our chelas, it is hardly fitting that we should constantly pour out our energies with no hope of a return. Furthermore, the Great Law will not allow it.

I call to your attention the parable of the man who buried his lord’s talent in the earth and upon his return said to him, “Here, lord, is that which thou gavest me. Receive it back.” His master said, “Thou oughtest to have put my money to the exchangers, and then at my coming I should have received my own with usury.... Cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness.”4

When I shall stand before the Karmic Lords in years to come, having delivered to The Summit Lighthouse so great an investment of energy as they have granted me, and I am asked, “What has been the harvest?” if I can offer in return only that which they gave me as the original grant, without it having been multiplied in the works of my chelas, in your human level you will hang your heads in shame. But at my level I will bear the responsibility. I will be accountable and I will stand to lose more than the collateral I have put up this day.

And so it is not pleasing to those of the ascended hosts that they should receive no return on their investment. For we know that when we knock again on behalf of our chelas here below, the door may not be opened to us.

Therefore, I urge you to safeguard our investment in this activity with your very life and be partners with us. I know what you have already invested, and I know what you will invest because you love me and because I love you.

Rejoice in the mutuality of our faith. We are partners with God. And as his partners, it is true that we cannot fail. Nevertheless remember, dear hearts, that it is the outer flesh that is weak. It is only the flesh that is weak. The spirit is indeed willing. O God, give us more spirits—give us more spirits who are willing and likewise strengthen them in the flesh!

And so, we of the ascended hosts have assembled this day in your midst, touching you with a special radiation of the will of God at the same place on your heads that the fingers of the Maha Chohan touched.

Wherever you go, around your lifestreams within a circle of a diameter of one thousand feet, there shall pour, as little shining diamonds, the light of God’s will. Realize that as lighthouses for God you will carry this radiation, and try to hold your being calm and to control the tremendous drives of energy that pour through you at times.

Remember, of course, that I am a “first-ray man” and I am well aware of just how powerful the energies of the first ray are. I smile because there are so many people who in their blissful ignorance presume that all of this activity is merely a figment of the human imagination.

It is hard for us of the ascended hosts, as we look backward even to our own past embodiments, to realize exactly what the limitations are that humankind have. For when you reach our realm and you look backward in time and space, you see nothing but the limitless glory of God! The limitations of the past are forgotten.

You see the beautiful power of God, you see the will of God, you see its radiant beams and you say, “Oh, this is easy.” And then, as you charge them forth into the recalcitrant substance of humanity, you feel the sword of life itself bend and give because mankind has solidified their will in the wrong direction.

Remember, dear hearts, that human will when misused is still possessed with the qualities of God’s will and therefore it can cause form to be molded in miscreations even as it can cause form to be molded in just creations. And so, there is blunted spiritual force upon spiritual force—one a creation of shadow and the other a creation of light and life.

I could speak to you for many hours and tell you many wonderful experiences that we have in the ascended realms, but I realize that your ears could grow weary. But this afternoon I do not think that any of you feel in the slightest bit weary! I think that you would rejoice to have me speak to you at greater length.

I promise you that there will be other times when the sun of life shall shine forth and we shall be together. In the meantime, you will rejoice every day to gather the pearls as they come forth fresh from God’s hand. String the messages of these pearls upon the cord of life in such a manner as to present them beautifully to mankind.

O Frances, lift up your hands! O dear heart, our friendship is so old and there are times that I long to reach out and once again, as in the flesh, clasp your hand in friendship. The time will come when that will be possible. In the meantime, hold fast to my hand in Spirit.

Beloved Christel, the chalice of life is always of the quality of the crystal. Even as Frances externalizes the quality of faith, so you shall externalize the quality of love. You shall radiate the quality of love because of the tremendous love you bear for Jesus and the ascended hosts.

And the contact through whom I am speaking shall externalize the quality of hope in your activity because he has been very hopeful and has not always seen the harvest manifest in exactly the manner in which he would. But I assure him also that the future shall hold brighter days.

And all of you shall see brighter days as you lift up your cup of consciousness to the mighty Presence of God, which I AM, and behold the light (the Christ) of God, which cannot fail. It cannot fail because it is the life of God and because it will externalize the will of God regardless of the recalcitrant substance or any phantasm of the human consciousness or imagination.

And it is the will of God that the blazing Son of God go forth victorious in each one of you and in all who are to come into this activity who are of the light. And the blazing Son of God is going forth victorious in full glory now!

I hope that the unascended of God’s people will put their hand in ours and will climb up this glorious mountain of faith and illumination. I hope that this will come to pass.

And I shall do all that is in my power that this may be so, together with the ascended hosts of light and the children of the Great White Brotherhood. And the Sons of the morning in the flame, the archangels, the archeiai, the Lords of the holy mountains Meru and Himalaya will do their part.

I have spoken! I have spoken! I have spoken!

I adore the light! I adore the light! I adore the light!

Lift up your heads to the light!

Lift up your heads to the light and praise it!

I AM Son of the Most High,
El Morya Khan.

NOTE: Khan is a title used in India that means “ruler” or “lord.” Vondir is pronounced von-deer with stress on the second syllable. The beloved Master El Morya, also known as the Master M., often uses this after his signature or at the close of a message or instruction. It means “God bless and keep and speed you on your way!”

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by El Morya was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark L. Prophet on Thursday, August 7, 1958, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It is the fifth in the series of seven landmark dictations that mark the founding of The Summit Lighthouse, which was based in Washington, D.C. These dictations, all delivered the same day, were prepared for print by the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet and were first published in 2008, the 50th anniversary of the founding of The Summit Lighthouse. (See Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 51 no. 13, June 1, 2008.)

1.See Pearl no. 6, this volume.

2. Theosophy, the I AM Activity and the Bridge to Freedom.

3. Matt. 5:14.

4. Matt. 25:14-30.

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