Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 1 No. 6 - The Beloved Maha Chohan - August 7, 1958

The Founding of The Summit Lighthouse

The Heart Center of a New Activity

“Paraclete of Light, Descend!”

Comfort, beautiful Presence, manifest your radiant head in the center of this activity!

I, myself, who spread the wings of the Holy Spirit acrost* the entire world, find great comfort in being able to speak to you this afternoon with the full radiance of my light, knowing your love for the Holy Spirit and the God that is within you, who is the living mighty I AM Presence of all life.

O threefold flame, externalize your consciousness in the kingdom of men that it may become the kingdom of God!

Arise, O servants of God, and lift up your heads to the light of comfort, to the light of peace. Do not be distressed by the appearance world. The living tongues of flame that sat upon the heads of the apostles at Pentecost as I projected them forth in glorious light are present with you today.

Paraclete of light, descend upon these, I pray in God’s name! Illumine and clean the very skulls that are within them. And open up their skulls that the light of God may shine upon the holy place within the center of their heads and cause such an illumination to burst forth that it shall never terminate its action from this time until they make their ascension.

Paraclete of light, help to heal their distresses. Help to heal all apparent shadows on the path, for we are radiant light. Let the tongues of living flame leap at the very place of the skull (as Above, so below) to find union with the God of all life, the God of all fire, the God of all flame, who is a consuming fire!1

You will recall that when Moses stood before the burning bush, the voice spoke out of the bush, saying, “Put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground.” You will recall that Moses spoke, saying, “Who art thou?” and he said, “I AM THAT I AM.”2

Therefore I say unto you, the I AM cosmic fire of life is blazing its power in you today because you shall form, you shall form a heart center of a new activity. It is not because the ascended masters would form many activities; it is because it is necessary that we work with various lifestreams.

It is necessary that we have the protection of Lord Michael over this activity. It is necessary that we have the quality of faith charged into it. It is necessary that we have a channel that will open its doors to us and who will not say to us, “Enough, you can go no further.” We must have a channel that is willing to yield to us, to express the beautiful perfection that is to be externalized in the golden age of Saint Germain.

Men spend hours and hours and hours and burn the so-called midnight oil in order to acquire the latest model automobile or the latest creation of their fancy for the Christmas season. Is it so unreasonable, then, that we, in our great love, in our great outreach should expend a great deal of energy to try to externalize beautiful rituals and beautiful and symbolical statements that shall cause men’s hearts to become warm with a love for their own mighty I AM Presence, that shall cause them to feel the pull of the Spirit and then desire to free themselves from the entangling monsters that they have created in greed?

Is it any wonder that we should try, try, try and try again to reach the unascended of God’s children? For because God called them forth from the void and gave them his power and they said, “Lo, I AM!” it is only fitting that they should be the very consciousness that they were at that moment—the consciousness of the I AM, which has life, which is life.

Because the God flame within you has eternal life, you say, “I AM.” And it is only fitting that you should externalize the I AM consciousness of eternal life. It is only fitting that you should externalize a true understanding of the I AM, a true understanding of the violet fire and a true understanding of the new rituals for the New Age. Therefore we direct you to release the new understanding of the ascended masters and their teachings as they progressively reveal new light for the devotees of light.

Do you think it unreasonable, dear hearts, that we could not possibly deliver through the beloved Daddy, through the beloved Mama,3 through the Bridge to Freedom all of the knowledge of God, seeing it is infinite? It is not possible that we could set forth through any church, through any religion, through any activity all of the knowledge of God! But we have given great power to all of these various activities and we have drawn in lifestreams to be helped and healed. And now we move on to progressively make available more light to mankind.

It is difficult for people who have reached a certain limit of knowledge to reach out for more. It is as though they have lifted up the cup of knowledge and we have filled it and now they refuse to expand the cup. And because it is “good measure, pressed down and shaken together and running over”4 and because we abhor a waste, we expand a new cup and we pour our same love into it until it is overflowing.

Therefore, receive the radiation of pure charity, pure love, and know that the comfort you shall bring life in the future shall be so glorious that you shall rejoice over it even when you reach your ascension. You shall rejoice in the fact that you had the opportunity when you were yet unascended to give of your glorious energies, to give of your faith, to give of your life to the unascended children of the Sun and to give us of the ascended host this gracious gift of your love that you have given and that you will continue to give.

Thus may the borders of God’s kingdom be widened and expanded without limit to the four corners of the earth, that the archangels, their archeiai, the chohans of the rays, the Elohim, the Sun Gods and Goddesses within the Sun, and even the children deep in the heart of the earth with Mother Virgo and Lord Pelleur may all be able to join hands together with the forces of the elements and say, “Even so, come, Lord Christ. Come. Evermore come.”5

And then the song of fire will resound in the heart center of every cell, and the radiant light of God shall shine forth in the kingdom of the Father, and the children shall no longer say to one another, “‘Know the LORD,’ for all shall know me, from the least to the greatest.”6

They shall know the LORD as the flaming life within their hearts, as the essence of the Holy Spirit, the Whole-I-Spirit, standing unveiled in its majestic presence. They shall know the LORD as the mighty I AM Presence of each being, the one supreme light from whence cometh joy, peace, grace and the cup of purity revealed as the immaculate God-plan, invincibly protected and all powerfully active henceforth, now and forever.

Children, I touch your heads with my blessing. I expect that you shall be welcome wherever you go as you lift up the light of the Maha Chohan, the “Maha Sahib” whom you have addressed and who now fondly reaches out his arms to you, saying, “My children, come Home. Come Home in due time, but bring with you the sheaves of Christ-accomplishment and Christ-victory.”

I have spoken in my love.

*acrost: variant of across

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by the Maha Chohan was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark L. Prophet on Thursday, August 7, 1958, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It is the fourth in the series of seven landmark dictations that mark the founding of The Summit Lighthouse, which was based in Washington, D.C. These dictations, all delivered the same day, were prepared for print by the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet and were first published in 2008, the 50th anniversary of the founding of The Summit Lighthouse. (See Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 51 no. 12, May 22, 2008.)

1. Deut. 4:24; 9:3; Heb. 12:29.

2. Exod. 3:1-5; 13-14.

3. Edna Ballard, known as Mama or Mama Ballard, was the wife of the Messenger Guy Ballard.

4. Luke 6:38.

5. Rev. 22:20.

6. Jer. 31:34; Heb. 8:11.

Blest Holy Spirit, Lord Maha Chohan

Blest Holy Spirit
  Lord Maha Chohan
Thou, Son and Father
  God, the Three-in-One
Thy substance flowing
  Through each one’s lifestream
Sustains thy channels
  To all life redeem.

Thou art to all the
  Comforter divine
Sent by the Father
  To our worlds refine.
We feel thy Presence
  Hold us close to thee
’Til we ascend to
  That blest Trinity.

Come, Holy Spirit
  Through each earnest soul
Expand thy Light and
  Raise us to that goal
Of the ascension
  Love’s eternal home
One with God’s Presence
  Nevermore to roam.

Here shall our Light shine
  Like unto the sun
Guiding all men
  Until God’s will be done.
Comfort and truth with
  Peace and freedom blend
Thus Life’s beginning
  Now and without end.

This song is in the Book of Hymns and Songs (The Summit Lighthouse), no. 178. Melody: hymn “Saviour, again to thy dear name we raise” The audio is available from

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