Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 1 No. 8 - Beloved Gautama Buddha - August 7, 1958

The Founding of The Summit Lighthouse

Unconditioned Love

My Blessing at the Beginning of the Race

Seraphim, Cherubim, Angelic Hosts of Heaven,
  Children of Men, Beloved Saint Germain,
  Beloved Brother El Morya,
  Members of the Ascended Host—an invocation:

In all systems of worlds, in all space—radiant fire beings, turn your attention to the Great Central Sun, the magnificent glory of Alpha and Omega. Turn your attention to the Source! Turn your attention to the center of your Being! All life, turn your attention to the center of your Being! Behold the love of Alpha and Omega!

I, Gautama, Lord of the World, joyously call the children of earth to be conscious of the great light from the Great Central Sun. This light, which is so high and so holy, is not easily bridged by unascended beings. But I say to you now, make the effort—make the effort to reach even that light. For it is by constancy and application, it is by doing and believing that you shall attain the same liberation that it has been my joy to receive from the very heart of God.

Men call me Gautama and so I AM. I unfolded my Buddhahood under the grace of Almighty God in the East, not in the West. But I assure you that in the days to come there shall be many sons in the West who shall unfold their Buddhahood and who shall come to the realization of the oneness of God, even as I AM.

Receive the fire of Alpha and Omega. Let it charge, charge, charge through your beings and charge, charge, charge through your consciousness and bring forth the fire of Almighty God!

Let it be done in such a way that you shall not cease to be constant in your application from the day that you begin—that you shall not cease to be constant in your efforts until the very voice of God from within the hearts of all three of you and even from within the least of students, shall we say, in the student body shall speak the word of truth, and by your sustained momentum it shall be done!

For Jesus promises, “Whatsoever you ask in my name I will do it!”1 And one and all you shall turn your hearts to that great mighty Presence of God, which I AM, and say of your human creation, “Beloved Father of light and life, it is finished.” And now, because the race is begun, not won, I give you my blessing at the beginning of the race, knowing that you love me as I love you. And I ask you to hold fast to this unconditioned love and be not moved by anything in the appearance world.

And I affirm that the hands of all the ascended host shall clasp a common cup and drink of the liquid light and life of God in the kingdom of beauty and truth. Here peace and tranquility exist in the true and only living nirvana, the Heart-Presence of God in the Great Central Sun.

For in the great Source all life shall rejoice, joyous forevermore to externalize and hold fast the beauty of life as it chooses to externalize itself—joyous to draw in its breath and to expand, to draw in its breath and to expand, joyous to create patterns of perfection and beauty and glory, that the light may shine in the crystal and the mist, and that the beauty may be revealed and that life eternal shall be life beautiful.

I AM beauty personified in your world. I AM the beauty of earth. I, Gautama, as Lord of the World, embody the qualities of the beauty of God.

Behold this beautiful God. Behold it, Immaculata. And externalize it, my children—today, if you will.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Gautama Buddha was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark L. Prophet on Thursday, August 7, 1958, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It is the sixth in the series of seven landmark dictations that mark the founding of The Summit Lighthouse, which was based in Washington, D.C. These dictations, all delivered the same day, were prepared for print by the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet and were first published in 2008, the 50th anniversary of the founding of The Summit Lighthouse. (See Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 51 no. 14, June 8, 2008.)

1. John 14:13.

Precious Gautama

Precious Gautama
  We welcome you as our new Lord
We want to serve you
  So help us, Great Karmic Board.
Your gentle Presence
  Now help us to manifest here
Help us outpicture our Father, so dear.

We are so grateful
  That you have prepared to this time
Ready and willing
  To free such a friend sublime!
To you we’re grateful
  For showing us God’s Middle Way
Help us to live in its vict’ry each day.

Gracious Gautama
  Our teacher and friend of the past
Flood men with wisdom
  And set them all free at last!
Bless them with freedom
  And hold them in Love’s violet fire
Purify always their every desire.

Helios and Vesta
  Reward this great Master of Peace
Flood all his being
  With blessings that never cease!
Make our dear planet
  The fullness of all she should be
Her evolutions forever all free.

This song is in the Book of Hymns and Songs (The Summit Lighthouse), no. 460. Melody: “Moonlight and Roses” The audio is available from

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