Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 1 No. 5 - Beloved Saint Germain - August 7, 1958

The Founding of The Summit Lighthouse

I Offer You the Cup of Liquid Love

The Purpose of This Activity Is to Fulfill God’s Will
and to Externalize Love

Beloved Ladies and Gentlemen,

There are those who, at this particular period in their evolution, cannot find it in their consciousness to realize what an ascended master can feel for his chelas. This limitation is not something that you should regard as a state that is less than light, per se. For these souls have not yet reached that point where they are able to understand the meaning of just what is an ascended being. Truly, they must look at life through the lens of their own consciousness.

I am he who originally appeared to the beloved Daddy and offered him the cup of pure liquid light.1 In this day and dispensation I offer you, too, to drink of the cup of liquid love.

Love is the greatest quality that there is in the universe because it represents all of the givingness of God. It represents his life poured out without limit. It represents his hope poured out without limit. It represents his faith in his spoken Word to go forth and to accomplish his own purposes.

The purpose for your being, the purpose for this activity, is to fulfill God’s will in holy ritual, in ceremony, in worship and in daily living as you externalize the beautiful quality of love. You must hold up the cup of your life. You must hold it high! And you must be constant and you must be courteous and you must try to possess the qualities that I would externalize through you.

Dear hearts, if you knew the suffering that I passed through in previous embodiments, it would help you to put in perspective some of your own suffering, which, by comparison, might even seem less.

But I assure you, I will not stir up the memories of unpleasantness at this time or at any other time merely to satisfy the human or to make a point. For it is my will that each one of you should express to one another the qualities of graciousness that are God’s courtesy, order and beauty made manifest in your worlds.

There are those who will say that this is not easy. But that is because they have not tried or because, when trying, they have not attuned with me. Neither have they used the violet fire of freedom’s flame to burn out of their worlds the various causes as well as the core of distress which prevent that divine order and beauty and courtesy and grace from manifesting.

When I was at the court of France,2 there were many who looked upon me merely as one who had found favor with the king. Little did they realize that I had indeed found favor with the king, but the king was the King of heaven.

The mighty Presence of God, which I AM, was the one who favored me, because I favored him by the giving of my heart and the giving of my life and the giving of my energies to externalizing the qualities of goodness among men.

I worked during the Dark Ages, when darkness covered the earth until you could almost cut it with a knife. It was a darkness comparable, in a spiritual sense, to the darkness that was over the land of Egypt during the plagues of Moses.

And I assure you that in spite of all the contagion and contamination that is in the earth today, you are still living in a more enlightened world because of the Liberty Bell and all that it stands for, because of the Declaration of Independence, because of the Constitution of the United States, because of the Magna Charta. Because of all the advancements that have been made, based on man’s understanding of his true relationship to his God, you are living in a more enlightened era.

The work that we must do is that which can best be accomplished in our work with individuals. At this time in earth’s history there are, even in the periphery of your aura, a large number of people in distress who could find help through the application of the violet fire and the teachings of the Law. There are many people who are confused. They are confused in regard to religious and spiritual matters because the deep things of God have not been made clear to them.

It shall be your duty in this activity, through your prayers, meditations and decrees, to apply to me for wisdom and to also make your application to the beloved El Morya for enlightenment, that we may charge into your worlds the complete understanding that we have of the Great Law and the historical truths regarding the life and teachings of Jesus and other masters of the East. This shall make it possible for you, using the energies of your lifestreams, to clarify these various points to mankind and to help abolish confusion and ignorance in matters of religion.

Just as it was my duty to help bring forth the Declaration of Independence and to enshrine the freedom flame in the founding of these United States, so shall it be your duty to bring this freedom flame into manifestation in the spiritual arena and to help teach the law of God, that the light of God may shine unhampered through the darkness of human creations and miscreations.

You have heard the address of the great Archangel Michael.3 You have heard the address of the Elohim of Peace.4 And you have heard my greeting. Ladies and gentlemen of heaven’s court and ascended masters in the light who are present here this afternoon, it is really a joy to me to be able to speak to you in the tradition of courtliness and grace. For in so setting the standard of this loving and respectful vibration of interchange from our octave to yours, I shall expect you to externalize that same love and respect toward one another.

Do you know that as I walked across the sands with the beloved Mary,5 I often reached one arm around her shoulder with the greatest of tenderness. Today there are many arms reached around shoulders, but it is with an entirely different feeling. For the average man or woman does not have that grace of heaven which is always expressed in the proper love for womankind or for mankind. They have been deluded by the delusions of sex and the phantasmagorias of human creation.

Magazines and newspaper articles and various channels for the dissemination of knowledge have been misused to cause mankind to look upon their bodies in a manner that God did not intend. The body as a vehicle for sin has replaced the body as a temple for the living God.

In ancient Greece, the beloved El Morya shed his light in the attempt to bring about a wonderful civilization where all might outpicture perfection and beauty in their bodies as well as in their minds. Today man’s consciousness has turned away from a realization of this otherworldly beauty and love, but there are many hearts that are seeking this very beauty and love.

In the words of the beloved Jesus, I say to you, beloved Frances, “Feed my sheep. Feed my sheep. Feed my sheep.”6

I, Saint Germain, have spoken. And I bless all of you now with the effulgent cup of light and love.

The God Ling7 will smile his happiness upon you, Frances, and your cares shall be lifted. I realize that these days have been hard and the nights have been long. I know, too, about your sight. I am aware of much.

Obey the command of the Elohim of Peace and lift your eyes daily toward the sun of the heavens and charge the quality of the golden oil of peace into your orbs; and it may be that we shall be able to do something to remove from the retina of your eyes the hindering qualities.

Do this faithfully, make the application, and we shall charge into your world, through the oil of peace and the radiation of tranquility, the qualities that shall help to clear up the mirror of light that forms your eyes. You must make this application, you must do the work and we shall do our part.

Be at peace, dear heart. Be at peace! Always be at peace.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Saint Germain was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark L. Prophet on Thursday, August 7, 1958, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It is the third in the series of seven landmark dictations that mark the founding of The Summit Lighthouse, which was based in Washington, D.C. These dictations, all delivered the same day, were prepared for print by the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet and were first published in 2008, the 50th anniversary of the founding of The Summit Lighthouse. (See Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 51 no. 11, May 15, 2008.

1. Guy Ballard, known as Godfré Ray King and Daddy Ballard, was the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood who founded the I AM movement in the early 1930s. In his book Unveiled Mysteries, Godfré describes his first meeting with Saint Germain, in which the master gave him a cup of liquid that he said came “directly from the Universal Supply, pure and vivifying as Life itself” (Saint Germain Press, 1939, pp. 3-4, 14-15). Guy Ballard ascended on December 31, 1939, and is now known as the ascended master Godfre.

2. Saint Germain dazzled the courts of Europe in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries when he appeared as “le Comte de Saint Germain,” a “miraculous” gentleman whom they called “The Wonderman.”

3. See Pearl no. 3, this volume.

4. See Pearl no. 4, this volume.

5. Saint Germain was embodied as Joseph, husband and protector of Mary, the Mother of Jesus.

6. John 21: 15-17.

7. God Ling, who was embodied as Moses, is known as Ascended Master Lord Ling, the God of Happiness.

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