Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 1 No. 16 - Beloved Mother Mary - September 12, 1958

Your Attention upon Us
Is an Open Door

My Beloved Children Who Are So Dear to My Heart,

The worded expression “so dear to my heart” can but very dimly describe the God-love I feel for every one of you and all of earth’s children. That divine love is an actual luminous essence and tangible substance which I can and shall flood in, through and around you, if you will accept it, to make all the rest of your earthly way so much easier and happier.

You see, your attention upon us is an open door to us through which our light and love may enter your consciousness. Without this open door we can do but little for you.

As you know, I am a God Mother to the people of earth. And so, as all good mothers do, I constantly endeavor to teach my children the God-way of life by impressing upon the consciousness of all who will give me the opportunity the importance of acknowledging, developing and expressing that personal, as well as impersonal, divine love of God to their fellowman in all their activities.

Only thus can their human miseries cease to torment them. For those miseries are but the constant recoil of their thoughts, feelings, spoken words and acts previously sent forth that have been less than love.

My earnest hopes to see all evolving upon this dear earth eternally united in the feeling of divine love have often been seemingly dashed to pieces. Yet those appearances have been, are now and ever shall be completely without power to affect the immaculate concept of perfection which I hold for earth’s people and which I myself have actually become through my ascension.

As long as there is one unascended lifestream belonging to earth’s evolutions, the flame of my vigil shall burn. And I shall pray that the hearts of mankind everywhere will open wider to the flow and expansion of that glorious feeling of the love of Almighty God.

For this divine love and the feeling thereof is actually anchored within them through the threefold flame, giving them their very life. Such an acceptance of the presence and expansion of God’s love by the children of the light would allow more of my grace to flow through them in the daily expressions of their outer selves.

Everyone who will hold a regular vigil with me throughout the night of distressing human appearances will help me to form a sanctuary of divine love right here in earth’s atmosphere. The radiation of this sanctuary will be very, very effective in removing the causes and cores of physical pain and human suffering of every kind the world around. Remember, Elijah’s solitary prayer caused the withholding of rain for three years over an entire land, and later the prophet’s prayer brought the refreshing downpour of rain upon that parched ground.1

Will you help me in my endeavors to expand this blessing of divine love to all life here? Will you faithfully pray with me, decreeing daily that our beloved heavenly Father will release all that is necessary to bring the quick awakening to mankind that only divine love can perfect their worlds? When they make divine love the foundation of all their activities, it will stop the constant karmic recoil of their own life’s energies that they have sent forth as human feelings of anger, irritation, resentment and other forms of hatred, whose names are legion.

You see, the law of life is a circle. And that which is sent out must come back to the sender, always with accumulated energy. This is an unchangeable law of the universe and one which so few people are willing to accept: “Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”2

Do you know the true definition of divine love? It is personal and impersonal friendship and universal, yet individual, kindness expressed all ways to all life.

My beloved Saint Germain (who in the time of our beloved Jesus was in embodiment as Joseph) is in these latter days of the age of Pisces powerfully charging forth into, through and around the earth and its people his violet transmuting flame—his heart flame of forgiveness and mercy. This flame when invoked by you will purify and refresh the parched and barren ground of human consciousness.

My beloved ones, do you know that knowledge unused passes from the mind? Therefore may I offer the gentle suggestion that you endeavor to read these precious Pearls of Wisdom at least once every day of the week you receive them, also endeavoring to incorporate their instruction into all you do.

Just to intellectually enjoy them is pleasant, of course, but it is not enough if you are to get from them the real blessings of discipleship through the Sacred Heart of Jesus that we intend for you. I know that when you understand just how much we can do for you, each one of you will cooperate with us in our earnest desire for your quick freedom.

Dear heart-children, your heavenly God Parents now see in you the manifestation of God’s perfect love. And as you faithfully endeavor to release and expand that love to your fellowman, you shall one day become the fullness of that love in your ascension, even as we have. May that day come quickly!

Radiantly yours, I AM
The Ascended Lady Master
Mother Mary

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

1. I Kings 17:1; 18:1, 30–46.

2. Gal. 6:7.

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