Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 1 No. 17 - Beloved Lanto - September 13, 1958

The Service of the
Elementals and the Angels

... for mankind to be able to use is intended to help them and assist them in reconciling the beauties of life with the internal sense of the loveliness of God within themselves.

This lifestream did not abide upon the planetary body long enough to complete all of the work which was assigned to him, but that which he did complete was of great value in assisting the young people of that age during which he lived, and it abides today to assist both the young people and all life in contemplating much of the beauties of nature and the grace and loveliness of God as it expresses in form.

Beloved ones, I am about to inform you that because there is so much yet to be passed on and conveyed by way of ascended master instruction in this regard that it is my desire to speak to you about the elemental beings that constantly are around you, namely the nature spirits and the devas, the builders of form, and those blessed tiny angelic creatures who sustain upon earth the garden of the Most High God in physical form.

Were your eyes to be opened that they might behold these tiny creatures—some of them, beloved ones, not so tiny—you would rejoice to see the industry and application of their movements. The Christ spirit in animation functioning through them serves to sustain those God-designs which are within the eternal pattern of life back to the very seed itself of the various plants.

Beloved ones, these lovely beings constantly draw forth and magnetize the vibratory action of the higher spheres to ensure that regardless of man’s discord imposed upon nature, there shall be a minimum of tampering with the beautiful ideational pattern of immortal perfection as it manifests in the lovely kingdom of nature.

Beloved ones, in one garden, in one yard in America alone, the number of these tiny beings that are functioning to sustain the flowers and the beauty of nature there would amaze you if I were to reveal the number to your finite minds. Beloved ones, I prefer tonight not to deal in round numbers but just simply to tell you that a myriad number of them are available in each backyard and everywhere.

Consider then, beloved ones, the multitude of these beings that must occupy a forest or a field, acre after acre, mile after mile, stretching forth to gird the world around with a sward of green, rosy, and multicolored in hue, bringing to mankind comfort and pleasure to the eye, but above all, beloved ones, conferring an inner adornment upon man which he has not been hitherto aware of.

Do you know, beloved ones, that the health which you take so much for granted within your physical forms is assisted immeasurably because of the substance that is released into the atmosphere by these tiny beings and causes you therefore to drink in this healing substance that comes forth from the sun, a part of which is synthesized in that which is known as chlorophyll. But, beloved ones, there are many other effects of that specific radiation and vibratory action which bring forth and produce health in the people of earth and sustain it.

O beloved ones, so frequently mankind take for granted the specific blessings of life and do not realize that these tiny beings, multitudes and multitudes of them, are serving the mankind of this planet.

Well, beloved ones, those of you who were raised in the large cities of the world or who have visited the large cities of the world, such as New York, are aware of the multitudes of these cities and how they rush forth, teeming and bustling with activity. Beloved ones, this is nothing compared to the activity of the elemental forces of life, for there are many, many, many more elementals for each individual upon this planet than mankind can scarce imagine.

Now, then, that I have touched but lightly upon the elemental kingdom, I wish to speak to you concerning the angelic beings, who bring to the children of the world a sense of happiness during their hours of play and when their minds are seeking to drink at the fount of worldly knowledge as well as more spiritual releases of cosmic information.

I would like to speak to you concerning the beautiful devas and angelic beings, many of whom are tiny cherubs who actually can be seen in the air or at the end of a bright sunbeam as it passes through a windowpane or as it passes through the beautiful matting of the trees.

Precious ones of the light, these angelic beings realize within the Christed intelligence of their being that mankind as a rule do not perceive them. They are well aware of the fact that they are therefore unknown and unnoticed. But because there are some among mankind whose spiritual sight is opened to behold them, occasionally they are able to [acknowledge] the recognition of some individual, and to bestow upon him the smile of a special blessing.

But I would like to point out to those of you who are hearing my voice and to all those who may read this instruction, should it be conveyed through the printed page, that these precious angels of the Presence (tiny though they may be) who abide in the atmosphere of earth minister to the needs of mankind to feel both consolation and happiness—consolation, beloved ones, that is required by each lifestream in the fulfillment of his mission.

And if this seem perhaps to be a subject that may not penetrate the full realization of your being at this given moment, I bring to your attention, in the holy name of God, the fact that that great avatar, beloved Jesus, as he knelt in Gethsemane was ministered unto by angelic beings who did [strengthen] and comfort him.1

If, therefore, the requirements of the great Master were such that immortal life saw fit to convey to him the hand of infinite comfort through the hands of the angels, think you then that man, made a little lower than the angels yet to be crowned with greater glory than these,2 ought not to rejoice in the possibility of acceptance in their feeling and thinking world of the blessings, the gratitude, the love, the comfort, the consolation and every God-quality that can be bestowed and conferred upon mankind by the hand of these blessed angelic beings?

It is food for thought, but it is much more. It is of inestimable value to the youth of the world—steeped as they are at present (and I do not refer here to all but to the many) in materialism and that which the eye can behold—to recognize that the spiritual qualities are released and are ever present in space at the precise spots where they themselves are walking and moving.

Thus, as they walk upon the grass, pass through the flower beds, gaze upon the trees, look into the blue-sky radiance of the dome of heaven and behold in thought a release of light from the great sun which serves this system of worlds, they may realize within the forcefield of their own immortal being that God, through the hand of many ministering servants of fire,3 is releasing immortal substance and blessing to them, conferring those blessings by the hand of the angels, and bringing to them a sense of being at home upon earth as in heaven above.

This consolation is the comfort of the grieving, but it is also the consolation of the happy. Let it then engender in you the fullness of divine love in manifestation.

As you gaze upon a ray of light passing through the atmosphere and focused, perhaps, even in a cloud of dust in a crowded room, realize that a roseate face of a tiny cherub may even be hiding behind that sunbeam, surrounded with immortal roses and flowers. The fragrance of the angels at times is released into the atmosphere of various rooms when individuals have placed their attention upon the angelic beings, and the perfume of the angels becomes a tangible blessing to those thus made aware of them.

Beloved ones, it is my desire to bring forth this instruction tonight so that mankind may have the assistance of these beings by direct apprehension of their aims and service to life. Unless you are made aware of the ministrations of these great beings [you may not receive the full blessing they would impart]. For they are great—even though they may be small in size, at times being so tiny as to be no higher than the flame of these candles. And then again at other times they are so [majestic] as to be the size of a giant redwood tree in the forest.

Man must understand that regardless of the variation in their size, they do ensoul within them the qualities of immortal life and that life through them is teaching mankind how to rise higher in the scale of life so that man, as man, the manifestation of God, may transcend and rise above to be crowned with more glory and honor than the kingdoms of the angels which serve their needs.

Therefore man, made a little lower than the angels, is crowned with more glory and honor than they because of the acceptance of the service of the angels! Do you see, beloved ones? And this, then, becomes a self-sacrificing office whereby these blessed beings minister without any expectation of recompense by cosmic law or otherwise for their services. And they are therefore, in the opinion of heaven, of all most noble and most beloved.

They bridge between the human and the highest hierarchy those solar emanations that come forth directly from the sun of this system of worlds and the Great Central Sun. They serve as winged messengers of light to bring comfort through all universes and to serve the cause of the eternal God.

Is it not, then, the part of divine wisdom to impart some information this night to you concerning their services that there may be builded in your consciousness the idea of these blessed ideations of God, activated by electronic substance as servants of your needs, bringing you closer to the heart of your own God identity, your mighty I AM Presence within the heart of the Great Central Sun? Recognize, then, the beauty of this assistance and be blessed thereby.

I, Lanto, speak to you this night in the fullness of immortal love that mankind may expand their understanding within the framework of divine comprehension, that the youth of the world may be enlightened, and that all men may be enlightened by the release of the golden flame of Christ illumination into your consciousness.

Beloved ones, your consciousness tonight to me represents a crystal chalice—beautiful, shining, white and pure, radiant, receptive, cupped as a flower to receive the distillation of our perfumed communication.

Some of you ladies may recall how during the days of your courting you received or sent perfumed notes unto your beloved. Well, beloved ones, that which I am releasing tonight is such an expression of the words of heaven. It is perfumed with the radiance of the light in order that you yourselves may recognize that God manifests in many ways.

At times he manifests directly through the still, small voice that speaks within your heart.4 Then again, God manifests through the mighty peals of thunder or through the flashing of the blue lightning, or he manifests in the gentle nodding of the flowers or in the rustle of an angel’s wings.

Beloved ones, the mighty pinions of angelic beings, which mankind have somewhat scoffed at in their own superior but questionable intellect, brings to our attention...

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Lanto was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark L. Prophet on Saturday, September 13, 1958, in Washington, D.C. The only original recording of this dictation is incomplete, with the first approximately three minutes and an unknown amount at the end missing. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. Luke 22:43.

2. Ps. 8:5; Heb. 2:7, 9.

3. Ps. 104:4; Heb. 1:7.

4. I Kings 19:12.

Lanto, Beloved Lanto

Lanto, dear Lanto
  Friend of light and friend of old
Teachers of mortals
  In thy love enfold.
We all now adore thee
  For thy patient love and care
We all bow before thee
  To thy love now share.

Lanto, beloved Lanto
  Never let us from thee part
Heal us, raise us, and seal us
  In thy loving heart.
Friend of the ages
  To thee, gracious one, we call
Let Love’s great power
  Flow from thee to all.

In beloved China
  Land of Mercy’s healing flame
Free her blessed people
  In God’s holy name.
  Is the need of all mankind
Now purify them
  Body, soul, and mind.
Purify, illumine
  All upon this earth today
Let thy peace and vict’ry
  Ever with us stay.

Hail, Royal Teton
  Where all learn life to revere
Bless our dear Lanto
  For his service here.
Raising earth to heaven
  To fulfill God’s perfect plan
His one hope eternal
  Brotherhood in man.

This song is in the Book of Hymns and Songs (The Summit Lighthouse), no. 211. Melody: “Juanita” The audio is available from

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