Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 1 No. 18 - Beloved Saint Germain - September 19, 1958

Through the Mighty God Presence Which I AM
a Secret Touchstone of Power Shall Be
Revealed in the Seventh Age

Purest Light, O, how magnificent are thy rays
  Expressing as the tapestry of life!

Gentle Heart-Children Moving toward the Example
  of the Masterful Christ Self in Action,

May you soon learn the gentle art of beholding in all things the mighty God Presence which I AM instead of gazing spellbound at the fabric of life until you have lost sight of the Great God Source.

It is this Presence that spreads the comfort of God-illumination over everything and makes known especially to kind hearts the hidden things of life that are concealed from the seemingly wise and falsely prudent but are revealed to the pure in heart.

There is a secret touchstone of power by which the very elements themselves—the air, the water, the earth, and the fire—can be commanded. Now I am only hinting at this secret of nature’s alchemy, but in the seventh age this mighty God-power shall be revealed to those who will look to their Source for all things.

Ladies and gentlemen, your Presence is the God-control of every situation, but the selfish tyrant of the human ego has through pride and foolishness wrested from man his natural birthright of God Self-control through God-harmony. I AM therefore calling in God’s holy name for the quick restoration to each one of you of the God-free estate which you knew before the world was.

Then shall you be giving the full God-control of your being to the victorious light itself. This is the rightful, lawful return to your own God Presence I AM of Life’s (God’s) dominion over your soul. This Presence is the master of all energy flowing forth from you, assuring you God-victory in all you do.

When every living soul enthrones the immortal threefold flame within his heart, Truth shall walk the earth. Then will it truly be said: Not I, but the “I AM” liveth in me, radiating forth its limitless light everywhere to expand the borders of God’s kingdom until mankind’s destructive tendencies no longer appear on the screen of life.

In that day the seventh age will be at its zenith, the sun of Aquarius blazing at its noonday. Then the twin hands of the living God, which are life and light, propelled by the energies of his heart (which themselves are love) shall complete their acts of grace as mercy and justice, nobly manifesting through the gifts of the violet fire. Then shall the I AM Presence bestow upon the brow of each one of you a crown of brilliant gold equal to our own. You shall wear this crown eternally side by side with the ascended masters of God’s court.

The time has come for the noble and judicious use of the light to be revealed both scientifically and spiritually to the sons and daughters of God so that a quick outer manifestation of universal God-freedom may occur right here in this physical appearance-world.

Then shall you no longer be expressing the consciousness of children, babes in the woods (of human creation), but you will be a true example of the masterful Christ Self in outer physical action! Such an example will cause men and women who are presently enamored of the glamour of the outer appearance world to turn to the Almighty, the loving, ever-living Presence of their own God Self which I AM.

Graciously expressing this light all ways—
Your Ascended Master Saint Germain

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

I AM the Light of the Heart

by Saint Germain

I AM the Light of the Heart
Shining in the darkness of being
And changing all into the golden treasury
Of the Mind of Christ.

I AM projecting my Love
Out into the world
To erase all errors
And to break down all barriers.

I AM the power of infinite Love,
Amplifying itself
Until it is victorious,
World without end!

This decree is in the book Prayers, Meditations and Dynamic Decrees for Personal and World Transformation, (The Summit Lighthouse), no. 0.07A.

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