Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 1 No. 19 - Beloved Archangel Gabriel - September 26, 1958

Self-Luminosity of the Flesh Form
Externalized before the Ascension

To You Who Would Adore the Flaming Energy
  of God in Action:

When you turn your attention for just a few moments in contemplation of the glorious fiery orb of the physical sun, your soul will be lifted by the very raising power of the sun’s light to much greater heights of consciousness, even with the speed of a swift arrow.

As you enjoy the comfort of its soft, mellow rays and their illumination of everything around you—the goodness, beauty and blessings that surround you as well as the appearances of obstacles on your path that you yourself have created—does it not seem strange to you that some people do not instantly recognize that this flaming energy is God himself in action?

This Great God Presence, the Source of all, expresses himself through his many divine messengers; and two of these are beloved Helios and Vesta, God and Goddess of your physical sun. These radiant beings, twin flames of God’s love, are the source of all light radiating out in space to every planet of your system and beyond. The nature of these beings is, of course, the fullness of God’s love and wisdom, and their will is wholly to do only his will, expanding his magnificence everywhere. It is my great joy and honor to serve these God-manifestations of the sun.

Today I am speaking in the name of Almighty God from the radiant fire of the very sun itself, announcing to all humanity (for I AM Gabriel, the Archangel of Annunciation) that more and more of God’s divine love is to be expressed through the high towers of this lighthouse activity and The Summit Lighthouse, even as the ascended and angelic hosts are expressing that love today.

I, Gabriel, stand daily in the presence of Almighty God himself, there to absorb the fullness of his light, love, wisdom and power and every God-gift and perfection. This light then radiates out from me wherever I move and to whomever I direct my attention. You know without my telling you that earth’s shadows flee before the light; therefore, the very presence of my light is the master of all substance and energy everywhere I AM.

As you sincerely contemplate the presence of any ascended being, who in that very ascension has become light itself (for instance, the luminous presence of beloved Jesus), you can behold radiant light-energy as visible, tangible light rays flowing forth from every cell of their ascended master form.

Such a luminous radiation we observed around beloved Mary even before her ascension, although, of course, to a lesser degree. This luminosity in the aura about her made it easy for me to appear to her and to give her the assistance of my radiation as I confirmed to her the coming of Jesus, whom she was to bring forth in a flesh form as a part of the fulfillment of her divine plan.

I am speaking these words to you today from the altar of light to this world in the very heart of the sun itself, charging them forth with the full power thereof in the hope that those lifestreams on earth who really love the light will not only understand my words but also understand my reason for releasing them. It is to offer my loving help to each one who has unshakable faith in the Presence of God within and who by active service to his fellowman in faith and love will give me the opportunity to announce to him his own I AM victory.

Such selfless service to God through service to his fellowman will draw into, through and around him the radiant light from his own I AM Presence and the ascended host, the selfsame light which illumined our beloved Jesus, Mary and others of the Great White Brotherhood, even before their ascension.

What even one can do and has done, all can do! If those who have gone before have externalized self-luminosity through their flesh forms, any and all can reproduce this manifestation in and through themselves by the same devotion and dedication to life that was expressed by the holy ones.

As the greater light from above is drawn into the flesh form through the heart, the light instantly expands and continues to expand more and more in every cell of the body. This magnificent living light will shine forth first through the heart, the sun of the physical form, then it will illumine the head, and then it will shine forth from the hands for all to see and to love. Then will there be stirred up within the worlds of those who witness this light a desire to imitate the glory through themselves.

Is it not written that on the mount of transfiguration Jesus’ countenance shone as the sun at noonday?1 This self-luminosity of the physical form is possible for every sincere student on the Path even before the ascension takes place, especially in these days when the willing assistance of the entire Great White Brotherhood is available to all.

You know that I am also, with Uriel, the Archangel of the Resurrection. And if you will call to me and ask me to help you achieve this illumination of your bodies, I can help you to resurrect that which you once knew and had with the Father before the world was.

When such a victorious accomplishment has been manifested by you, I shall appear to you visibly and tangibly saying, “I am Gabriel the archangel, giving your expanding light the tremendous impetus of my own and announcing to you your eternal freedom and victory in the light!”

On wings of light, love and hope,
Archangel Gabriel

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

1. Matt. 17:1-2; Mark 9:2-3.

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