Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 19 No. 42 - Beloved Hilarion - October 17, 1976

The Known God Whom I Declare to Be

Part I

I come to the place prepared. I come to the place of the open door; for here in time and space, God can only enter where man will prepare him room. Where man is prepared to receive him, then the Almighty sends one of his sons or daughters ascended, one from among angelic bands, as an emissary to send the light, to discipline the soul, to deliver the answer to prayer, to release the message of hope and salvation.

We who number among the ascended hosts of the Lord are the apostles of the Almighty. We inspire mankind in the way of overcoming. We have been anointed by Christ the Lord to represent that “Father of lights with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning,”1 for we declare the known God where mankind would hear of the known God.

We are knowers of him with whom we have become the oneness of the flame. But do you know that mankind prefer the unknown God?  For by having an unknown God, they have license to do evil, to create their own religion—a religion of man, not of God; a religion of the flesh and not of the Spirit. And so when I stood on Mars’ hill to preach to the Athenians, to declare unto them the God who is a Spirit, the God who is judge, the God who is lawgiver, my words fell somewhat on deaf and deadened ears; for those who are blind are often those who choose to be blind and who choose blind leaders.2

I come with the light and the vision of the all-seeing eye.  I come to enfire that chakra on your brow with the vision of the masters of the fifth ray. I come to quicken by the proof of truth. Seeing is knowing. To see God and to live as God is the fulfillment of the promise of the Logos. Was it not seeing that proved to Thomas?  Was it not touching and sensing and probing the wound in his hands and in his side that gave him the belief?3

Christ did not condemn him. Neither do I condemn those who demand proof of the living God, who demand proof of the God within, who demand proof of the teachings of the ascended masters, of the existence of the Great White Brotherhood and of ascended master law. If you want proof, then you must call for it; and you must remember that the call compels the answer. When you call upon your Father and my Father, he will not give to you a stone, but the answer!4

You must respect that answer when it is given forth. And sometimes it is given forth as silence. The silence of the Lord is also an answer to your soul that your soul may be admonished in silence as in the spoken Word that comes with the inner voice—the still, small voice within—or the thundering and the lightning without.

You who are seeking the higher path of truth:  We do not ask you to accept truth because it is spoken by our messenger or by ourselves; we ask you to probe truth scientifically. We ask you to ask your own I AM Presence to give you proof. But when the miracle appears, as so often it appears to the skeptic, we find that after moments, hours, or days have transpired, the skeptic begins to question whether or not he has truly experienced the miracle that has transpired. And by and by, after much discussion with other skeptics, the conclusion is reached that it must have happened by natural means, by natural cause, according to some scientific principle, whether known or unknown, discovered or undiscovered. We find, then, that in many cases, once a skeptic, always a skeptic—always demanding proof. But when the Lord God comes, even as the Word incarnate, the skeptic will find a reason not to believe.

But I AM Hilarion!  I am tenacious for souls, and I do not accept the skepticism or the cynicism that hangs as a pall over the landed areas of the world and especially over those who have had their freedoms taken from them by the fallen ones. That pall which comes as a stench denoting the presence of fallen ones can be dissipated in the presence of the risen Christ, can be dissipated by the love that is within you, by the love that is in God and every angelic servant of the Lord of hosts.

His name is I AM THAT I AM.5 If you have the courage to speak that name, the name will be spoken within you. And the name of God as the flame of God will be the fire that infolds itself,6 that increases in intensity within you until, into the vortex of the very living presence of the flame itself, your doubts and your fears are sucked and consumed by the living fire that shall indeed try every man’s works.7

Are you prepared for the trial by fire?  Are you prepared for the judgment of God on your creation?  O man, O woman, look at your life!  Would you give it to God as it is?  Or would you ask for more time and space to improve the gift that you would place upon the altar of God?

You have received word that an honored guest is coming from a far-off land. You make haste; you prepare; you plan a great feast. With preparations you adorn your house. The honored guest is coming. Can you not understand that the Second Coming of Christ has been proclaimed, that he is on his way, that he will soon knock at the door of your heart and it will be too late then to quickly sweep aside the debris that you have collected, the unwanted substance, the clutter?  It will be too late to prepare the feast.

Do you not understand that those Christians who have waited two thousand years for the Second Coming of the Lord have not realized that the Second Coming is the coming into the heart of the fullness of their own Christ awareness?  In the fullness of the stature and measure of Christ Jesus, your own Christ Self comes. This is the Second Coming; and when you receive Christ as your own Real Self, then that Christ will welcome Jesus the Lord, who will dwell with you and live in you and be in you the Saviour of the world.

Let us be up and doing!  Let us be filled with the Holy Ghost!  Let us be up and doing as those who have appropriated the Word, whom God has appropriated to be servants.

We are ascended sons and daughters of God; you are unascended sons and daughters of God. All that separates us is the line of consciousness between the finite and the infinite, between time and space and eternity. You can do many works which we cannot do; for by the law of hierarchy, we cannot enter where the door is not open. We cannot enter unless the call has gone forth from someone in embodiment, someone who has a physical temple and thereby has the authority in the physical plane.

When prayers are offered, they are always answered by the emissaries of Almighty God—legions of angels and a great company of saints and hosts of the Lord and Elohim and such an array of cosmic consciousness as you little dream of, as the veil has not been lifted from your eyes to see this great company of the hosts of the Lord. Whether the prayer of a child or of an aged one or the soft murmurings of the soul in the mother’s womb longing for life, the Holy Spirit answers.

Where there is no prayer, by cosmic law God cannot intervene for the safety of your lives and your property. There is no intercession unless you invite intercession. Understand this great truth of the law:  that God has given to unascended sons and daughters the authority for this plane of existence. This ought to be obvious, considering what mankind have done with Terra.

If God is a just God—and I assure you that he is—he would not have allowed such injustice except in keeping with his own law by which he has committed himself to honor the free will of mankind, even if they employ that free will to their own destruction. There is only one way in which God can save the earth, and that way is by the individual surrender of free will to the will of God. The moment you declare, “Not my will, but thine be done, O Lord,”8 you open the door and God enters with that rushing mighty wind of the Spirit to take dominion in your life,9 to set aright all that has gone astray from the path of righteousness.

When you say in prayer, “God, do this thing for me; nevertheless, not my will, but thine be done,” then you give God the freedom to determine to answer your prayer in ways that perhaps are beyond your understanding; for the children of mankind often pray for things which they ought not to receive. And yet because God is energy and God is law, they often receive that which they ought not to receive.

Trust then in God as a Spirit, in God as law, in God as a very present help. Trust in God as freedom, but do not deny the ultimate personality of God. Let God be free to be personified, as well as the personification of a flaming Spirit. God has many aspects. God can fill these aspects of himself. Let all argumentation cease as to whether God is a Spirit or a Person. God can be anything he wants to be. God can meet your need in a very personal way or as a flame completely impersonal and all-consuming.

Continued in Part 2, published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 19 no. 43.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Hilarion was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, January 25, 1976 in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

1. James 1:17.

2. Acts 17:22-34; Matt. 15:14.

3. John 20:24-29.

4. Matt. 7:9.

5. Exod. 3:14.

6. Ezek. 1:4.

7. 1 Cor. 3:13.

8. Luke 22:42.

9. Acts 2:2.

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