Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 47 No. 15 - Beloved Saint Germain - April 11, 2004

The Children Are the Foundation Stones
of the New-Age Civilization

Go After the Enemies of the Child

“I Have Held Every Single Child on Planet Earth
in the Past Month on My Lap”

I AM Saint Germain, hierarch of the age of Aquarius. And I intend to see this age through to the victory!

[26-second standing ovation. Audience gives the salutation:]

Hail,Saint Germain! Hail,Saint Germain! Hail,Saint Germain!

Keepers of the Flame, are you with me? [“Yes!” (15-second standing ovation)] Thank you, my beloved friends and compatriots. Please be seated.

There is no reason in heaven or on earth why this age should not be a golden age. I come. I lay foundations. I have laid the foundations for this age for centuries, and America has been the foundation stone and the springboard. And by the proving through the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, this nation has shown that they are willing to work together state by state without division. All who are enamored of the flame of freedom who have come to these shores have one thing in particular and in exception: that there is not strife, brother between brother, because of this ethnic group and that ethnic group. For I have called to the Goddess of Liberty, I have called to the Lords of Karma for the dispensation of this nation.

Everywhere you go, “I am an American!” is the cry in this nation, not “I am from this or that or the next town or section or this or that group.” Beloved ones, this is the nation under God where all people can blend as one and return to the very pattern of the Adam Kadmon,1 can have their souls restored and this nation’s soul restored.

Beloved ones, why are there divisions from town to town and county to county around the earth? Why are people so divisive? It is because, beloved, they have not expanded the threefold flame of liberty in their hearts, and therefore there is division. And that is why there are many nations in the earth who cannot be sponsored by any ascended master: because the basic rule “I am my brother’s keeper” is not the motto of the nation or the city in which they abide.

I ask you to consider what a great miracle of God it is that so many peoples from so many parts of the world can be one in the flame of liberty. Blessed hearts, it is this oneness and this brotherly love that you find in this nation that I come to herald and extol this Declaration-of-Independence Fourth of July. [15-second applause]

These Teachings Must Bring People to Spiritual
Illumination, Spiritual Enlightenment

Now, beloved, the accent is on the path of illumination. Once the individual is illumined, he cannot go back. He cannot go into his old ways except without honor. Knowledge, once transmitted, is the possession of the individual. Therefore, when you have great knowledge and great spiritual knowledge and you know the very personal presence of the Dhyani Buddhas with you, when you are enlightened, beloved, you cannot go back to the state of nonenlightenment. This is why the second ray must pierce the gloom and doom of the earth, must expose the plots of war and infamy and desecration of mother and child.

Yes, beloved, reason in yourself. If you are honorable with yourself and with God and you know the truth of this or that teaching and you know the level to which it takes you, it is impossible for you to deny it except to do so by some negative attitude.

The love of God is his illumination. Therefore, teach the children. Teach the adults. Bring in a golden age because people are enlightened. They cannot be fooled. I will tell you that the leadership of this nation has always underestimated the consciousness of the people—their mind, their fervor, and how they see through the politicians. It is impossible to fool the people, beloved. And in this information age it becomes more and more impossible.

And that is why the Teachings of the Ascended Masters that have gone forth must be on every information access throughout the world. These teachings must bring people to spiritual illumination, spiritual enlightenment. For without it, the breakthroughs that happen, then, in the mind and the brain will not be sufficient for you to see that golden age of Aquarius.

Therefore, I come on the heels of the dictation by the Lords of Karma.2 And I am grateful that you will consider what you will focus upon in the order of priority to yourselves, your nations and to the Brotherhood. I come in the great joy of freedom. I come in such profound gratitude for you, my beloved Keepers of the Flame, and all sons and daughters of God throughout the earth who are attached to a spiritual path here or there, who are seeking and who will receive and internalize what they are taught, regardless of the cost.

There are always some who will deny the Path, the teachings and the existence of the ascended masters, because they are clever enough to recognize that should they so embrace the Path, they will have to change their lives around completely. And they do not intend to be moved in this life.

Well, beloved, pray for them. For you can liberate them in the name of the Goddess of Liberty and by her torch of illumination and by the mighty threefold flame that she does nourish, especially in those who espouse the four sacred freedoms and a way of life that gives liberty and tolerance to all.

Yes, there are those in this nation who are intolerant. Heal them by your love. Heal them by your living presence. And never, never engage in argument regarding religion. It is not the thing to do and it does dishonor and despite to the Christ in you and the Christ in Jesus.

We Are Determined That This Nation Remain Strong

There are many things that need correction in this nation. But I would speak to you of the great success you have had, those of you who have dedicated the fourth of the month to your beloved El Morya.3 And there have been major changes along the longitudinal lines of the earth because of your devotion.

I speak on El Morya’s behalf (and he can speak for himself very well). But I must commend his chelas and his disciplining of his chelas and the great love that you have for the master. For you know that El Morya will never, never, never let you down. And in knowing that, beloved, may you honor him and continue and never, never let him down. [30-second standing ovation] Be seated, beloved.

I, Saint Germain, tell you that there are many burdens upon the American people concerning their jobs, concerning their livelihood, concerning their families and their children. As the world grows smaller and everyone is cornering markets in this and that nation and there are situations where vast numbers of Americans are losing their jobs and have lost their jobs in the recent decade, beloved ones, it is important to understand that this nation and its people must be defended at all costs and that for a universal trade policy around the world [to be beneficial to America], it must not be one in which the American people suffer and therefore the nation does go down.

You must pray for your leaders that they make right decisions regarding balance of payments, regarding tariffs and all these complex matters that have to do with the very lifeblood of the people who must keep America strong. You must pray, then, for right action, for every day decisions are being made by the president and others. And in some cases, beloved, these decisions are not favorable to the working class people of America or any of the people, for that matter.

I bring this to your attention, beloved. For inasmuch as this nation under God was founded by the Goddess of Liberty and by myself, we are determined, with all hosts of the LORD and yourselves, to see to it that this nation remains strong spiritually and materially. And to have that strength you must inject into this country, and into the hearts of the people, hope.

There are many who are hopeless. And therefore I have asked the archeia Hope to come to this assembly and manifest her Presence on this altar that she might send forth to you and through you—and through the mountains and the streams and the lakes and the rivers and the oceans—the consciousness of eternal hope. For where hope is lost, where individuals are disenfranchised, where individuals are not receiving the correct justice and they are not being dealt with properly—in all of these areas, beloved, I ask you to pray.

Every Child Deserves the Highest and Best Education

I ask you to pray for the situation of welfare and of mothers without husbands with many children. Surely these children must have the same opportunities as all children. And when we speak of the opportunities of education, beloved, why is it the very few are sent to private schools at an early age? Are these the only ones that can be groomed to lead a nation and to lead a people and to become tycoons and heads of industry?

Why must there be two classes of people, [the other being] those who must deal with the public education where they are, some schools being good and some not being good at all, varying from state to state, depending on how the budgets of the state work. Beloved ones, every child in America deserves the highest and best education and not just a small group of the power elite who go to the Eastern prep schools. [25-second standing ovation]

Blessed ones, the messenger has named the fourth of July as the International Child Day. Let us keep that day, for it is the declaration of independence of the soul of the child to meet her Christ Self within and to be tutored from within and from without. Every child deserves this spiritual contact, as well as the best teachers that money can buy.

I ask you to see what a beast of planetary ignorance has twined itself around the planet to deprive the best children in every nation of that which they must have, which is more than a mere education of the three R’s. It is the education of the heart. It is the expansion of the threefold flame. It is the power of love. It is the power of freedom. It is the fervor as to why the child gets up in the morning and goes to school— because his teachers will teach him of the deep things of God. Let there be prayer in the schools, beloved! [28-second standing ovation]

The lady master Clara Louise4 now joins me. And she comes with the great fervor of her heart on behalf of the children and youth of the world. And she would tell you this one message: that each and every one of you has a powerful tool, and that tool is the third eye. Develop that third eye and develop the gift of discernment of spirits.5 Then use that eye to project into the schoolrooms and classrooms of the world your prayers, your decrees, your offerings on behalf of these children.

Every child on earth must have opportunity—and regardless of karma! Let none look at the poor and the hungry children around the world and say, “Well, it must be their karma, so we won’t bother about them. We will just take care of our own.” Well, I tell you, no matter what the karma, it is a new life for these children. And they must have not only hope but also faith and the understanding that there is the Presence of the archeia Charity and that charity begins at home and circles the world and that you must give of yourselves through the power of God that these children might know the fulfillment of their journey in this life, whatever it may be. [18-second standing ovation]

There is nothing more precious than the little child. And we all think so, and the reason we all think so is because the soul of the child is so evident in the little babe. Yes, beloved, you love children because they enable you to contact your own soul and your own beginnings, when life was sweet and you had not cares and the world was not yet upon your shoulders. (So be seated, beloved.)

These children of the world, beloved, cry out to you. For even those who are in the most sophisticated schools still, still do not have the path they are looking for. Do you know that those children have seen at inner levels the face of the Mother of the Flame?6 They have seen her face and then, when they see her in person, they recognize her anywhere in the streets and on transportation. And they know that they have met that one that they have seen before.

All of the little babies and the little children are crying out for spiritual instruction. And those in universities and colleges are also crying out for an infusion of religion. For without religion and values, where is morality? Where is the rudder of life? Where is the direction? There is none. And you know, beloved, the vast majority of the souls of this nation know this. And therefore they are redirecting their children into the basic values that have held for thousands and thousands of years.

Children Must Have Their Own Father and Mother

Let us continue in this vein. I call, then, on behalf of the [Regent] Mother of the Flame Clara Louise that you might offer prayers daily for the little children of the world and not neglect them early in the morning, that these children might be protected, that they might be cared for, that they might have a prevention of disease and right diet. The world could mobilize to do this but it does not. And I tell you, it makes me personally angry. [9-second applause]

I have rocked the infant Jesus in my arms. I have cared for him. I have raised him up. I have guarded his soul. I have taken his mother with him to Egypt, out of harm’s way.7 Yes, I know the care of the soul. Yes, I know the care of the father for children.

And I know the children of this world whose fathers have abandoned them, who have gone to war and not returned or who for other circumstances and reasons are not with their children. And I tell you, wherever there are fathers who are not concerned about children that they have left behind, they make such a serious karma that I wager, if they knew what that karma was, they would immediately make time for their little children who long to see them and long to see them. For how much do little children adore their fathers, beloved!

I ask you to encourage those whom you know who have been fathers yet left their children, to counsel them, beloved, and to assure them that their children have such profound need for them that if they are not with them they may very well see the aborting of the mission of that child, who shall therefore forevermore be lonely for that father that he did not see and know in childhood.

Mothers, I ask you to convey this with all the fervor of your souls, regardless of what stands between you and the father of your children. Your children must know that father and you must present that father in the best possible light.

I tell you, fathers, do not put down the mothers of children. And mothers, do not put down fathers. It is a great crime against the soul of the child who desires so to nestle and be one with father and mother.

You must do this. And I inform you because there are even some people in this organization who do not see their children for one reason or another. I say, you must move heaven and earth to see your children and to be with them, for there are no substitute parents. Children must have their own father and mother at any cost, beloved. [30-second standing ovation]

Go After the Beast of Anti-Child in the Earth

Yes, I come to prick the conscience of the world this Fourth of July. Yes, I come for this purpose. I desire to uncover those things that you set aside and ignore. Yes, I come.

And as you are choosing the various matters that are of supreme importance to the world this day, I remind you there is nothing more important than the care and the love of children. Yes, there is balance in life, beloved. But if I were to pick a topic most dear to my heart that would guarantee the future of this civilization and the age of Aquarius, then I would ask you to go after those situations where children are deprived of balanced food, proper caring for and proper education. And I do not mean the minimum education, I mean the maximum.

You in this community and people all over the world have known for decades what is the right way to teach children. It is known, beloved. Therefore, I ask you to call for the judgment of those scallywags in education and education philosophy. Let them be bound and cast out and exorcised from the entire community of educators, for they have poisoned education and poisoned illumination’s flame.

Go after them, beloved! For they are moving against your children. They are the ones who have denied phonics. Yes, beloved, they are the ones who propose to teach children to read and produce, year after year, illiterates. Now, what is Saint Germain going to do with illiterates in the Aquarian age? Tell me that! [12-second applause]

If you want to know what the beast of animal magnetism8 is all about, then consider the density, the absolute density and maya and illusion that rests on the teachers, the pupils and the families of children. There is such an attack on the minds of children, whether it be through the flooding of substances such as sugar, and soon, hardly before they have come into their twelfth year, they are on drugs and marijuana and cocaine. All of this, beloved, is the horrendous beast of anti-child in the earth.

And these children are the very making of the adult, as has been said a number of times. What will the adult be? Well, you already see. They are out in the streets. They have bonded to one another and not to their parents who were not there, who saw materialism as a better way of life for their children than a humble hearth and children who could be loved.

Give Children a Solid Foundation of Trust

Blessed ones, I cannot emphasize in greater terms what necessity you have of being with your young ones in these early years, giving them a solid foundation of trust in you and therefore trust in God and therefore trust in their country. If children cannot trust their parents because they are absent and if they therefore have anxiety, then who, I pray tell you, will bring the Aquarian age to a golden age?

I have to look and find them, beloved. Will I have to import them from foreign nations where people have not forgot either how to educate children, how to rear them and how to love them? Will we have to bring all these people from around the world to assemble in America to make this nation work?

I ask you, are you going to do something about it? Or must we change entirely the complexion of this nation because of the people, the people themselves, somehow being so dense and without love and without the action of the sacred fire within themselves that they think their children are doing just fine when they are not doing just fine at all! [11-second applause]

Give me the building blocks. Give me the building blocks, building from deep foundations, and I will show you what I can do with any child on the face of this earth.

I Have Spoken to the Soul

I have held every single child on planet Earth in the past month on my lap. [28-second standing ovation] I did not do this to displace the good fathers of the world—and there are millions—but I did this to tie each child to my heart, to whisper in his ear the logic of his mission and to let him know that he has a spiritual father who will be with him always.

I have done this, beloved, because these children are my foundation stones. These are the ones who will build that new-age civilization. And I pray to God daily that that new-age civilization shall not be limited to the United States but that it shall cover the earth. And if it is to cover the earth, then all people must subordinate their materialism to a spiritual path that takes them nightly into the octaves of light, into the etheric cities and universities—yes, where they may increase their awareness of God and put all things of the material civilization beneath their feet instead of being absolutely overwhelmed with the desire to make money and more money. And do they not consider that they will have their ends? And what shall happen when they have their ends? What will they have left for their posterity?

Thus, I have taken the children on my knee and I have comforted them. I have placed a portion of myself in their hearts. I have wrapped them in a violet-flame garment. And I have spoken to the soul, and the soul will never forget that I have spoken to them. And I have said:

I will be with you alway. And I will care for you as I cared for my son Jesus. And I will not leave you alone. Call to me. My name is Saint Germain. And I will come and I will comfort you.

And I will transmute the pain so that you can know a childhood of innocence and joy and happiness and learning and stimulus of the mind and the heart so that when you grow to be a man and a woman you may stand with a portion of yourself in the heaven-world and feet firmly planted in the earth.

You will go for me. You will erect this civilization. For I shall be with you. And my violet-flame angels will guard and tend you.

Therefore, mothers and fathers, teach your children of Saint Joseph and the prophet Samuel and of Francis Bacon.9 Teach them, beloved. And teach them of the Mother Mary. For we will not leave the children alone.

This is my message to you, beloved. I say: Go after these enemies of the child in the schoolrooms of America! Go after them! Their judgment is nigh. I count on you to implement it and to make the call. And I bow to the heart flame within each one.

[45-second standing ovation]

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Saint Germain was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, July 4, 1995, during the eleven-day conference FREEDOM 1995: “Soul Evolution—A Fusion of Mind and Spirit,” held June 24 through July 4, 1995, at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana.

1. Adam Kadmon. See Pearl of Wisdom no. 2, footnote 8, this volume.

2. See Pallas Athena, July 2, 1995, “An Annual Report from the Lords of Karma: Be an Army of the LORD to Go After Problems One by One until They Are Beaten Down; Take On the Infamy That Is Being Practiced on the Children of the Earth,” Pearl of Wisdom no. 13, this volume.

3. 24-hour El Morya vigil on the fourth of each month. See El Morya, December 13, 1992, “A Report: ‘I Must Have Something to Work With’—My Call to You to Come Up Higher,” in 1992 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 35, no. 68. See also 1993 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 36, pp. 70, 71, 77-80, 367, 379 footnote 12.

4. The ascended lady master Clara Louise was embodied as Clara Louise Kieninger (1883-1970). In 1961 Saint Germain anointed her as the first Mother of the Flame of the Keepers of the Flame Fraternity. For years she had devotedly served in the field of nursing, taking as her motto “Ich Dien” (“I serve”). Later, as a dedicated student of the ascended masters, Clara Louise kept a daily prayer vigil for the youth of the world, the incoming children and their parents and teachers. She would begin every morning at five and decree for two to four hours, and sometimes till noon. In her dictation given May 4, 1991, the ascended lady master Clara Louise told us: “I see so many among you for whom I did pray...and I would tell you that it is clear in the record that my prayers did make the difference in your entering the Path.” In 1966, when the mantle of the office of Mother of the Flame was passed to the messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Clara Louise became the Regent Mother of the Flame. She made her ascension at the age of 87 from Berkeley, California, on October 25, 1970. From the ascended level, she continues to hold the office of Regent Mother of the Flame, nurturing the souls of all the world’s children. She is the twin flame of the ascended master Amen Bey, who works closely with Serapis Bey in the Ascension Temple at Luxor, Egypt.

(See Ich Dien: The Compelling Memoirs of Clara Louise Kieninger, edited and compiled by Elizabeth Clare Prophet; and “Clara Louise, Regent Mother of the Flame,” in Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, pp. 56-61.)

5. I Cor. 12:1, 10. For teachings on the gift of discernment of spirits, see Lords of the Seven Rays, Book One, pp. 123, 133-34, 142-43; The Lost Teachings of Jesus II, pp. 180-81 (pocket book version: Book 3, pp. 143-44).

6. Within the Keepers of the Flame Fraternity, Elizabeth Clare Prophet bears the mantle of the office of Mother of the Flame. See 2003 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 46, no. 1, footnote 3.

7. Matt. 2:13-15. Saint Germain was embodied as Saint Joseph, protector of Jesus and Mary.

8.Archangel Michael has outlined “the four delineations of ‘animal magnetism’ that cause people to become dense and ineffective...: (1) malicious animal magnetism (criticism, condemnation and gossip) blocking and misqualifying the light of the etheric body, (2) ignorant animal magnetism (disobedience, stubbornness and defiance of the Law) blocking and misqualifying the light of the mental body, (3) sympathetic animal magnetism (commiseration with the human consciousness) blocking and misqualifying the light of the astral, or desire, body, and (4) delicious animal magnetism (sensuality, selfishness and self-love) blocking and misqualifying the light of the physical body.” (Archangel Michael, June 26, 1993, in 1993 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 36, no. 35, pp. 507-8.) See also Elizabeth Clare Prophet, July 4, 1995, “On the Soul,” in 1995 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 38, no. 29, pp. 296-98.

9. Three of Saint Germain’s embodiments were Saint Joseph, the prophet Samuel, and Francis Bacon. For more on these and other of his embodiments, see Saint Germain On Prophecy, Book One, pp. 3-96; Saint Germain On Alchemy, pp. vii-xxvii, 101-38; Lords of the Seven Rays, Book Two, pp. 247-76; The Masters and Their Retreats, pp. 312-22.

Spiritual Education Resources for Children
I AM Light: Spiritual Education Curriculum for Children

Grades 2 through 6

An interactive unit study curriculum for teaching the profound spiritual truths of the ascended masters to children and youth. Each unit includes 18 or more fun lesson activities, as well as worksheets, devotions, and story suggestions. Geared for children in grades 2-6, but adaptable for older and younger children. Units 1-7 are the prerequisite curriculum for the Confirmation program. Descriptions follow.

(Note: The main sequence and content of this series is based on A Sacred Adventure, the introductory adult course of spiritual lessons. Each unit study corresponds to one lesson in the adult course. Since each unit builds upon the information in previous units, we recommend that they be taught in sequence.)

Unit Study 1: Our Divine Origin
by Jennifer Williams and Nancy Hearn, #4494

The mystery of creation, the I AM Presence, the soul’s divine plan, twin flames, oneness with God, the Word of God, I AM affirmations, and the science of sound.

Unit Study 2: Contacting the Divinity Within
by Jennifer Williams and Nancy Hearn, #4498

The Chart of Your Divine Self, the kingdom of God within, the still small voice, the threefold flame, the Holy Trinity, balancing and expanding the heart flame, dynamic decrees, and the Rock of Christ.

Unit Study 3: Living a Spiritual Life in a Material World
by Jennifer Williams and Nancy Hearn, #4506

The four lower bodies (etheric, mental, emotional, and physical) and their corresponding elements (fire, air, water and earth), the soul’s divine blueprint, the power of thoughts, the reflecting pool of the emotions, the physical body as the vehicle of action, the violet flame, and forgiveness.

Unit Study 4: Expanding the Flow of Light Within
by Jennifer Williams and Nancy Hearn, #4510

The seven major chakras and their qualities, how to purify the chakras, the secret chamber of the heart, the human aura, the kundalini, the rhythm and repetition of decrees, and the tube of light.

Unit Study 5: Karma: Good, Bad, and Balanced
by Karen Campbell and Nancy Hearn, #4515

Qualifying energy, karmic ties, the effects of group karma, the law of the circle, karma as it relates to the causal body and electronic belt, three ways to balance karma, and how to decree with good posture, deep breathing, heart centering, and visualization.

Unit Study 6: Reincarnation: Beyond the Veil of This Life
by Colleen Messina and Nancy Hearn, #4527

Reincarnation as it relates to the experience of déjà vu and to child prodigies, the Great Karmic Board as our spiritual advisors, worldwide belief in reincarnation, seeking the kingdom of God, and developing faith in Archangel Michael, our great protector.

Unit Study 7: Your Ultimate Destiny
by Colleen Messina and Nancy Hearn, #5150

The main stages of the ascension process, becoming an ascended or unascended master, the ascension ritual, three main requirements for the ascension, two different ways to ascend, and creating a sacred space for our spiritual work.

I AM Light: Spiritual Education Curriculum for Children
“I am learning so much teaching the I AM Light series! The activities are simple, fun and help anchor the most basic, yet most profound of our teachings. Discussion, discovery and creativity abound! This is a wonderful way for our children, youth and your inner child to experience the step-by-step alchemy of becoming the teachings. It is truly an answer to many prayers for a fun, active, simple yet comprehensive, progressive curriculum that can be adjusted to a variety of age groups, learning styles and settings.”
—C.H., parent, Montessori teacher and Sunday school teacher

Religious Education for Children Ages 0-12
A Teaching Guide and Curriculum Framework

This information packet is designed to help parents and Sunday school teachers impart the teachings of the ascended masters to children. It outlines six key steps for developing a religious education program and includes key developmental trends and interests for each age group. Also contains lesson topics and a list of resources. 8 1/2" x 11" packet, 61 pp., #4478, 12 oz.

Religious Instruction for First Holy Communion
Written and compiled by Nancy Hearn

Receiving the sacrament of First Holy Communion can be one of the most meaningful spiritual experiences in a child's life. Packet includes a program overview, teaching instruction, 12 fun and interactive lessons, and a CD of hymns. Children must be at least seven years old in order to receive the sacrament.
8 1/2" x 11" packet, #4471

Confirmation Program Kit: Come, Holy Spirit, Enlighten Me!
Written and compiled by Nancy Hearn

A spiritual development program for preparing preteens to celebrate the sacrament of Confirmation with the support of the family and the Community of the Holy Spirit. The kit contains everything you need to plan and implement a Confirmation program and to teach the learning sessions. It includes both the Confirmation Candidate Book and the Director’s Manual with accompanying music CD. This sacrament is available to Keepers of the Flame only. Kit: #4540K. Materials also sold separately: Director’s Manual: #4540; Candidate Book: #4543.

Director’ Manual: The introductory section includes an overview of the purpose of the sacrament and explains the components of the program. It also outlines the responsibilities of the Confirmation director and teacher, as well as the responsibilities of the candidates and their parents. Includes plans for three orientation meetings, two service ritual outlines, and twelve learning sessions. A 25-page resource section contains useful handouts for essential purposes. Spiral bound for easy photocopying. Includes a music CD of the songs included in the learning sessions and Confirmation ceremony.

Candidate Book: This booklet offers a review of the teaching from each learning session and activities for the practical application of spiritual principles. Also includes stories, ascended master quotes, charts, images, journal exercises, meditations, prayers and songs. A unique keepsake for every participant in the Confirmation program.

N.B.: All the materials listed on these pages can be ordered at or by calling customer service at 1-800-245-5445 or 406-848-9500.

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