Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 49 No. 32 - Beloved Maha Chohan - August 6, 2006

Be Joyful Expressions of the Holy Spirit

Part 1

Friends of the Holy Spirit,

I AM here today in answer to the calls of those individuals who have sought the intercession of the Holy Spirit and have desired to know more about the manifestation of the flame of their inward divinity. Therefore I speak to you today on newness of life—newness of life and beginning.

With what fond hope has the Father vested each life-stream at birth. I refer alike to the cosmic birth of the individual Spirit spark from the heart of the eternal Father and to the rebirth of each lifestream when it is invested with its own individual life in a physical form—when I breathe into the nostrils of each lifestream and manifest there the pressure, the love, the buoyancy and the power of the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is a beautiful manifestation, beloved ones. You have heard it likened unto the wind that bloweth and no man knoweth from whence it cometh, nor whither it goeth.1 You have also heard it said that every one who is born of the Spirit is the likeness of that Spirit. Now, the mortal form is not that likeness; neither are those garments which are acquired by mankind through the fruits of the earth, woven from the vegetable and mineral kingdoms. By the processes of assimilation mankind supply the infant body with the nourishment which enables it to grow and expand, and as it expands, it expresses the sum total of the good as well as the spiritual energy which is poured into that life-stream. But the lifestream is not the form; neither is it the mind. The lifestream is breathed into that form by the Holy Spirit. The divine energy and its contact with the world of form which creates the illusion of material reality is merely infused into that form and mind.

The mind of the eternal God is, and the Holy Spirit which you are, is; and you therefore are divine beings in essence and in reality. Into this great cosmic reality, each of you must consciously enter and abide. Unless this be done you shall always remain less than the perfection which you are. But if it be done you shall express more of the perfection which you are in your own individual being.

Recall the words of beloved Jesus, “The works that I do shall ye do also, and greater works than these shall ye do, be cause I go unto my Father.”2 You, blessed ones, by going into your own God Presence—by attunement with that magnificent cosmic being which you are, your own I AM Presence— are enabled to perform miracles of cosmic perfection upon earth. And thereby, an avatar is born—an avatar is borne of the Holy Spirit.

This word is used in two meanings: born, signifying birth, nativity, beginning; and borne, signifying lifted up, carried upon and sustained by. Therefore, you are sustained by the ministration of the Holy Spirit. And therefore, the buoyancy of the Holy Spirit is your life! It raises you up. It exalts the divinity within you. It keeps all mankind, as it were, on their spiritual toes, blessing the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, bringing tidings of good things to all mankind.

In this group today, there are individuals who feel a calling to a more than ordinary purpose. To those I would also speak. Bear in mind that the supreme Christ image, which has been expressed by every cosmic master and being, is one— one in quantity, but multitudinous in quality and office. It belongs to all but may be claimed by none. It is the one Spirit that cometh forth into manifestation through the many divisions of itself, which in reality are not divisions at all but individualized expressions of the one God.

His entire creation draws forth from the one Spirit the abundance of ideas and substance in the physical world of form. Bearing this fact in mind, you will cease to limit yourselves and to imagine you are isolated beings, sufficient unto yourselves or severed from the Father’s house. You will acknowledge, rather, that you are all of the facets of the divine expression and that the necessary requirements of the hour can be focused through your own being—which is both a channel for the Godhead and a portion of the sacred fire.

I AM sure that the ladies and most of the men in the audience are familiar with the holes in a colander and with the function of this bowl-shaped sieve in the kitchen. Can you visualize, then, a revolving drum full of holes? Can you consider a drum within a drum and another drum within that drum? Is it not obvious and logical that unless all of these holes are lined up, a substance could not freely pass through? In a like manner, the four lower bodies of man must be in balanced alignment in order to function as channels for the light-energy of God to flow through to bless the earth.

As individuals understand that the divine expression has the power to flood through their beings at will, they will open the door to that Holy Spirit and its expression in their worlds and will no longer limit themselves by deficiencies in their own personalities. Rather, they will acknowledge that in God, in the Holy Spirit, limitation is not only impossible but also absurd and self-contradictory, i.e., contrary to the nature of one’s true Self, the omnipotent and omnipresent I AM Presence.

In this realization, individuals will strive to attune their beings to the keynote of the divine plan so that the harmonies of heaven may resound in the physical octave through instruments responding instantly to the impulse of the Master’s baton.

O magnificent Holy Spirit, blessed wings of the morning, thou who dost carry mankind to great heights, come and abide within the hearts of these who desire so much to be thy faithful chelas. Help them in their hours of distress. Let them realize that no negative expression of the human mind ought to ever hold sway in their beings, their world or their affairs, that they ought to ever be joyful expressions of the Holy Spirit. When for a moment a thought passes through consciousness that appears to limit or confine them to a mold of human creation, teach them to turn from the thought and quickly look to their own God Presence, to the expression of the Holy Spirit.

Blessed ones, not in an hour, a moment or a magical second will mankind achieve their victory. But by many seemingly unimportant victories shall mankind arise to their destiny as sons and daughters of God, the fulfillment of which God intends them to have and to be.

This morning I AM thinking also of the new year, and I AM thinking of the new year in almost the same manner as a mother or a father thinks of his first-born child. With what fond hope from both Above and below this child is placed in the world of form. The hopes of heaven go with each child; the blessings of the angels encircle the head of each child that is born of woman upon this earth. Some individuals remain oblivious to the fact of heaven’s tender solicitude of its babes, yet all avow that tiny babies are precious and lovable.

When, in later years, those tiny bodies are magnified and become more gross and dense expressions in matter, people sometimes find it difficult to love those forms and the beings they encase. We do not—for we ever honor that first auspicious cosmic moment when the Holy Spirit descended to vest that child with its life and its divine energy. The fact that the child has misqualified the energy of God and has stamped impurity and imperfection upon it may be of concern to us in the sense that we desire to sweep that one free from all discord. However, it has no reality so far as the Holy Spirit is concerned, for the Holy Spirit bears the quality which the name implies. It is completely Holy.

Man, in entering into the fullness of God, becomes like unto this Holy Spirit and magnifies the God within himself because he recognizes that he is a divine expression. The need to continually affirm one’s spiritual nature and heritage as a Son of God is understandable in the light of human creation and the effluvia which encircles mankind.

You have heard that this effluvia, like sticky molasses, hangs heavily in the atmosphere of some buildings and rooms. But it is not within these walls, blessed ones. For today you stand in a room swept clean and free from human impurity through the radiation of the ascended masters who have attended this class. And I AM come, as will beloved Diana, Goddess of Fire,3 in order to further assist the forces of light in sweeping clean not only this physical temple, but also the physical, mental, etheric and emotional temples of each individual lifestream until you stand wholly purified in the light of that God within you.

Blessed ones, I spoke a moment ago of the great hope which a parent feels for the newborn. I speak now of the fond hope that the ascended masters feel for the year now newborn.

Our hopes are perhaps higher than yours; and yet your hopes are high. I hope today that the fulfillment of our joint aspi rations shall result in a sustained effort in the cause of freedom and that this freedom shall be not only a personal freedom to each one of your blessed lifestreams, but also shall be a personal freedom for the earth and all mankind who are so blest as to live upon it.

Ladies and gentlemen, there are so many elements of confusion in the religious and mystical worlds. Individuals who hunger and thirst after God are often bewildered, not knowing which way to turn nor which path to follow. They do not seem to realize that the highest magnets are the magnets of divinity within themselves. On the contrary, men are prone to search without for that which is ever within, when it is so simple and divinely natural to ascend the scale of being via one’s own inner coil of light.

The light within you, which is the fullness of the Holy Spirit, must be permitted to expand. And I use the word permitted because mankind at the present time seem to exercise authority over the kingdom of God as well as over their own realm. For people shadow their own divine illumination and prevent the flow of God’s light into expression. They are not aware that this takes place, for often they are completely and wholly controlled by vicious energy which they themselves have created in the past or with which they have connected from another individual’s world.

These vicious energies would in no way have any dominion or power whatsoever over the students’ worlds if they would only (1) remember the threefold flame within their hearts at the time when these energies first begin to launch their insidious attacks, (2) recognize that the heart is the sun of their own universe and being, and (3) then call for the expansion of the threefold flame to penetrate their aura and expand as a great circle of divinely charged fire around their beings.* Then the energies of the Holy Spirit, the twin tongues of flame, would sit upon the students’ brow, their spiritual eye would be opened (the All-Seeing Eye of God) and they would be able to see clearly the method of dissipating the shadowed substance which imposes itself upon them. They would find the power to seize and bind entities, the power to govern their worlds, and the Holy Spirit which reigns in heaven would be given dominion upon earth.

Continued in Part 2, published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 49 no. 33.

*See the decree, “Balance the Threefold Flame in Me,” below.

Balance the Threefold Flame in Me!

In the name of the beloved mighty victorious Presence of God, I AM in me, and my very own beloved Holy Christ Self, I call to beloved Helios and Vesta and the Threefold Flame of Love, Wisdom and Power in the heart of the Great Central Sun, to beloved Morya El, beloved Lord Lanto, beloved Paul the Venetian, Beloved Mighty Victory, beloved Goddess of Liberty and the seven mighty Elohim, beloved Lanello, the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood and the World Mother, elemental life—fire, air, water and earth!

To balance, blaze, expand and intensify the Threefold Flame within my heart until I AM manifesting all of thee and naught of the human remains.

Take complete dominion and control over my four lower bodies and raise me and all life by the power of the three-times-three into the glorious resurrection and ascension in the Light!

In the name of the Father, the Mother, the Son and the Holy Spirit, I decree:

Balance the Threefold Flame in me! (3x)
Beloved I AM!
Balance the Threefold Flame in me! (3x)
Take thy command!
Balance the Threefold Flame in me! (3x)
Magnify it each hour!
Balance the Threefold Flame in me! (3x)
Love, Wisdom and Power!

And in full Faith I consciously accept this manifest, manifest, manifest! (3x) right here and now with full Power, eternally sustained, all-powerfully active, ever expanding, and world enfolding until all are wholly ascended in the Light and free!

Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM!

[Note: Give decree four times using “blaze,” “expand” and “intensify” in place of “balance” the second, third and fourth times.]

*This is decree 20.03 in the decree book Prayers, Meditations and Dynamic Decrees for the Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Maha Chohan was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark L. Prophet on Monday, January 1, 1962, during the New Year’s Class held in Washington, D.C. Delivered in the early years of The Summit Lighthouse, this dictation was originally published in the booklet Spoken from on High and presents fundamental and timeless teaching of the ascended masters. In preparing this Pearls of Wisdom minimal editing was required.

1. John 3:8.

2. John 14:12

3. Diana and her divine complement, Oromasis, are hierarchs of the fire element. For her dictation given on January 1, 1962, see Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 49, nos. 34 and 35.

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