Peace! from Darjeeling. Though all is not right with the world, all is well in the octaves of Reality.
For a moment, then, my chelas, come apart and consider your origin in the mind of God. Consider your origins, and know that from out the fiery destiny which gave you birth, there comes a light. And the light is the chariot of Elijah1 that will swing low in the hour of your own disappearance from time and space. Your fiery destiny will be consummated if you fulfill your inner vow to the will of God.
Thus, I left for you a marker in my life as Thomas More—an example that, come what may, no matter what the dark ones hold in store, light holds for you the promise of eternal life when you pursue the path of God-identification right in the midst of all who make that hilarious identification with unreality.2
The life of the saints is a life to be led in the invincible cosmic honor flame, not for self-gain or the increase of possessions. You say you know it well. Then I say, let me hear you tell it by a life that is congruent with this true philosophy of Be-ness. Let your life be a marker for other lives. Walk in the footsteps of those of us who have become adepts because we loved him, our Lord, our Saviour, unto the oneness of our souls with him—unto the life, unto the death, now unto eternity.
I am Morya because I am the lover of him. You are my chelas because the star of my hope is in him. Thus the lodestar is a Great Central Sun Magnet that accelerates the Path. Let the Path be lived in service. Boldly, let the chelas be outspoken.
I come with the flame of peace that exudes from those who are one with the will of God. Now let us set ourselves about knowing that will and its application in the domain of time and space. For in this domain, truly the questions of the life and death of billions of souls will be answered in this decade.
Mindful of all that is upon your hearts, I am come today. I stand with you to offer comfort and peace and truly the opening of my temple doors. I encourage you in unity, in wise dominion, and in plotting the alternatives of life for yourselves within the coming decade. To the right, to the left, above and below is the threatening of mortal woe and cataclysm. But always in the center is the God-defense of the ideation of the Person of the Son.
I long ago chose to be that son. I have chosen to be that son today. I stand in your midst so that you can run to a heart that has become the Rock of Christ and there seek the succor and salvation that he gives to his own. I choose to be the rock among you because you are lively stones becoming the rock of goodwill. The rock of goodwill is God’s will. Therefore I am here. I am here to designate you as intense qualifiers of that will of God.
I encourage your persistence in your dynamic decrees. For we engage with you in these hours in the very teeth of the struggle. We make that struggle a victory hour by hour. And this is the victory toward which we press hour by hour—the transmutation of those misqualified energies spilling over and polluting the air, the water, the earth of consciousness.
Release, then, O fiery salamanders, into the hearts of my chelas, the burning fire and the burning and the smoking lamp of Abraham!3 Release now the intense incense of prayer. Release, O fiery salamanders, servants of Zarathustra, that living flame of light! O mighty one of God, I come to galvanize my chelas here. Now, flame of the Goddess of Liberty, transfer to each one the blazing Sun of Righteousness,4 ordained by the Lords of Karma.
I am Morya, the captain of the ship. We have not given up our ship of chelas or of state. We come, then, to declare the fate of worlds unborn and worlds dying, that the acceleration of light will indeed produce planetary changes. Those changes, I say, you can, you will survive. You will survive them because of diligent effort and understanding the plumb line of truth. In the intensity of the cosmic cross of white fire, you will evolve the God-solution that I will give to you, that you know from your inner discernment of oneness at our Darjeeling table. You will then understand the balance of life, all the while serving, accelerating my Stump, all the while going within to preserve a remnant for the New Age. This has ever been the requirement of chelas. Those who have well assessed their calling have been the victors in all past ages when many of the threats that you face today have also threatened.
Now we come to the considerations that are plaguing those who hold office in the nations of the earth—those considerations of the state of the economies of the nations. This very issue, beloved ones, is being discussed in a seminar that I am holding with all those who have enough light to arrive at our retreat. The balance of power in earth is always the balance of gold and of other precious commodities that store the light of the 144 elements.5 Thus we see that the question of gold remains a key issue that must be tended to by the children of God, the sons of God in your midst. Let us not neglect those dynamic decrees, then, for the economy. For without this physical structure of the abundant life, we cannot integrate the divine plan for perpetuity in this age.
Let us take the question, then, of nuclear energy for peaceful uses, nuclear energy for war. Indeed it is so, as you have been told, the remains of destroyed planets in this solar system are from the abuses of that energy. Major cataclysms in past ages in the earth are also from the abuses of that energy.
We therefore require a diligent vigil of the hours on behalf of the children of God, intercession and invocation made by sons of light for the containment of this energy. Let us not neglect this daily service. For in any day and any hour, the irresponsible misuse of that energy by terrorists, by ene- mies within and without, could so unbalance and unhinge the alignment of the order of nations as to effectively postpone the divine plan for Camelot.
The issue, then, of the balance of self-sufficiency in energy and in oil in this nation demands a tremendous gathering together of the greatest minds, a will, a determination, intense violet-flame decrees. Considerations of control and decontrol, considerations of research, of nationalization or the retaining of the free enterprise system and the question of energy have become a snarled ball. And those who consider these issues are in a state of chaos and confusion. They know not the way to go because the basic elements of how an economy and a government ought to be run are not clear, not clear in their hearts or their minds. And therefore they know not the way to go. Frustrated, they evolve solutions, some for and some against. And therefore the people are divided by their ignorance, by their lack of knowledge. And they are divided by the lack of Holy Spirit, God-inspired leadership, the proclaiming of the way to go.
It is obvious that self-sufficiency in energy must become an all-out national purpose. And yet we find that it is moving, lumbering, like a hippopotamus. Beloved ones, it must not be so.
We see that these solutions are urgent, that the people who understand the solutions must be given the impetus of Saint Germain’s violet flame and Holy Spirit. I summon you, then, to council tables, committee meetings and study groups concerning the complex question of America’s self-sufficiency in energy. This dependency upon the Middle East—focal point of laggard evolutions who have already abused their control of power in other planetary bodies—is a great danger to these United States.
This nation contains within itself the know-how and the resources to be self-sufficient when that sufficiency is based upon an economy that is based upon the path of initiation—and not indulgence and not surfeiting and not abusing energy and wasting it. Thus, what is necessary and what is sufficient must be redefined by a people who know God-happiness from within and do not need to continue to squander the energies of life for some paltry moment of human pleasure, dissipating energy and therefore adding to the crisis of the people of light upon earth.
I say, then, the strings must be cut, and the self-sufficiency of the mandala of the white circle of the path of initiation of Guru and chela in America must be clear. This circle of light must be one individed, indivisible union. And so long as there is dependency and an absence of commitment of this government to defend those areas of the earth and those resources upon which the nation depends, so long will the lightbearers and the perpetuation of the ascended masters’ teachings remain in grave danger.
Thus I say, unite, and give your calls to the deliverer Archangel Michael for the protection of energy, light and consciousness. Without these three commodities, the souls cannot survive in physical vehicles of evolution. Light! Energy! Consciousness! Light as wisdom. Energy as the love in action that supplies the wants of human beings. Consciousness as the power of God emanating from the total being of man and woman. Light, energy, consciousness—trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit—let these be protected and safeguarded.
My beloved, there must be sweeping changes in America if this generation is to endure and survive. Let us produce, then, fearless, God-fearing students who shall become the sons and daughters of light upon whose shoulders the burden of world responsibility may be placed without cracking the vehicle. How can we place the enormous weight of world karma on the backs of those leaders who can scarcely carry the weight of their own karma?
I warn you, then, of certain key individuals moving to the fore of this nation to run for office, for the office of the president in the 1980’s elections. Beloved ones, their darkness is greater than the present darkness. The pendulum has not yet swung its fullness to the maximum darkness personified in the fallen ones.
What will it take, then, to cut off the momentum of that swing? It will take dynamic decrees for the exposure and for the judgment of those individuals who are biding their time to come to the fore. Those who are in office in the 1980s will be the ones through whom we will be required to work to rebalance and realign this nation.
There has been harassment of our chelas by betrayers, by the fallen ones, by deprogrammers and so-called ex-staff members who were never a part of the staff, for they never upheld the office of the messenger or of the Word. This harassment has dealt with the continual condemnation of the dynamic decrees of our chelas and their unending, undying and tireless service in the publication of the teachings.
I tell you, Keepers of the Flame, regardless of the condemnation and the catcalls of those who are on the sidelines and those in the astral plane, this activity and this activity alone has held the responsible position of holding world balance in the past decade. And I am counting upon it to continue to hold that balance in the coming decade on behalf of Gautama Buddha and his divine plan, which is advancing regardless of all outer appearances to the contrary!
Therefore I stand with my legions of angels of the diamond heart for the binding of the hordes of condemnation, which multiply by the activities of the accusers of our brethren in embodiment. I clear the air of condemnation. I come that you might breathe, then, the fresh air that blows by the wind of the Holy Spirit from Darjeeling into Camelot this day.
I desire to see that burden of condemnation on our chelas and those advancing on the path of chelaship lifted. For by it, you have compromised in certain quarters your relentless determination, your understanding of your self-worth, and all that you have done to hold together this opportunity which is the United States of America, this opportunity to evolve global solutions to global problems through the individual Christ-mastery of the souls of God.
I say, never mind those fallen ones who have raised up their hand against our messenger and our chelas. Never mind their outrage and their outcry. They know the hour is come for the judgment.
In freedom, in purity, in love, in the fullness of the God- power of our Guru the Great Divine Director, let our chelas, then, stand and still stand, in the vigil of the dynamic decree session, on the issues that I have named. These issues, including who will occupy the office of the president in the coming decades, are vital and we must have the energy today.
We must have the energy today on the issue of the intelligence of this nation, on the knowledge, firsthand, of responsible members of the government, on the foreign intrigue and manipulation, and the plots coming forth, even from China as well as the Soviet Union, to destroy and overtake this nation; because the fallen ones who lead those nations desire the light—to devour it, to desecrate it, to use it to perpetuate their power greed, their power consciousness.
Beloved ones, let us, then, plot our course well. For we will sail our ship of Maitreya through narrow straits in the coming decade. But I tell you this: we will sail it but once. There will not be an opportunity to take over again the same journey. The decade of the eighties is a single journey. Each and every knot must be planned and seen as the straightest line to the destination of the port of freedom.
Continued in Part 2, published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 54, no. 20.
“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”
This previously unpublished dictation by El Morya was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, May 27, 1979, at Camelot, Los Angeles County, California. Part 2 is published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 54, no. 20 where the notes are also continued.
1. II Kings 2:11.
2. El Morya was embodied as Sir Thomas More (1478–1535), who was appointed Chancellor of England and Keeper of the Great Seal by Henry VIII. Sir Thomas devoted himself to his duties with utmost zeal until Henry declared his marriage to Catherine of Aragon null and announced his intent to marry Ann Boleyn. Henry desired a male heir to the throne, and Catherine had not produced a surviving son. Since the divorce was without papal approval and directly opposed to the laws of the Church, Sir Thomas refused to support the king’s decision. In 1532, at the height of his career, More resigned his office and retired to Chelsea, where, greatly concerned with the heresies of Luther’s revolt, he continued his writings in defense of the Catholic faith. Without friends and without office, he and his family lived in abject poverty. Nevertheless, Henry had been insulted by the chancellor’s public disapproval and sought to defame him and thus restore his own royal image. When More refused to take the Oath of Supremacy (an oath which implied the rejection of papal supremacy and made Henry the head of the English Church), he was imprisoned in the Tower of London. Fifteen months later, he was convicted of treason on perjured evidence. Sir Thomas More was beheaded on Tower Hill on July 6, 1535, affirming himself “the king’s good servant, but God’s first.” Four hundred years later, he was canonized. In 1898, after his last embodiment, El Morya made his ascension.
3. Gen. 15:17.
4. The Sun of Righteousness is the Cosmic Christ and the Christ individualized as each one’s Holy Christ Self.
5. 144 elements. The 144 flames of God came forth from the twelve rays, and these flames are materialized as the 144 natural chemical elements in the physical universe, though scientists have not yet isolated all of them.Thus, the 144 flames, or virtues, are condensed as Matter, forming the platform for man’s spiritual evolution from the form to the formless.
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