My beloved ones, I am standing in the diamond-shining mind of God. I am aware that light must descend into the forcefield of America. I am aware that, indeed, the seed of the rebellious ones must be contained every day until the hour of their final judgment. They must be bound by the apostles and the disciples who will give the call for the judgment. Each twenty-four hours, the entire reenactment of the judgment must go forth until the angels of God, the reapers, shall bind the tares in bundles and remove them.1
My beloved ones, it is an ongoing process. As all other decrees are needed daily, so the decree of judgment must come until that light, erg by erg, is withdrawn from those who have abused it, and truly the earth can be free and placed once again in the hands of the responsible overseers who are gods over men.2 Souls designated for these positions are coming into embodiment, are now among the children and the youth of America. And some are ready and waiting to take their place, fully prepared.
I call for a guardian action twenty-four hours a day for the protection of your leaders being born and those who are now at that point where they may come into office with the necessary support and enlightenment of a national conscience. Let us give protection before they fall in battle because they know not how to invoke it for themselves.
There is no other way out than hard work, definite planning, study and decisive measures. Those measures, in the form of the spoken Word and step-by-step action—taken moment by moment by you who see and know—are always those manifestations which cause the winning or the losing of a skirmish or a battle.
Let the astute and the alert know the signs of the times—the astrological signs as well as the karmic signs of the Dark Cycle. Listen and know that when you are impelled to give a dynamic decree on a certain issue, you must give it. Legions of light stand waiting for the command for the energy.
Let us all, then, be watchmen upon the wall of the house of Israel. We who are members of the Darjeeling Council have bowed before Almighty God at dawn this day to renew our commitment to be watchmen on the wall of Camelot, America, all free nations and all free people.
We are the keepers of the flame of earth. We are grateful that you, our coordinates in the earth plane, do hear our voice, know our call, recognize our person and accept our messenger. We are grateful that we have an organization through which to work.
My beloved, if we had to begin in this hour where we began a century ago, there would not be time, and the certainty of loss would be evident. Because some have tarried with constancy beyond constancy, there is a candle of hope burning twenty-four hours a day in the Darjeeling Council chambers. And as Pelleur has told you, you are our hope!3
May the candle burn on. May God-free beings in earth perceive the need and fulfill it. You are our hope.
I bid you good afternoon.
“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”
This dictation by El Morya was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, May 27, 1979, at Camelot, Los Angeles County, California. Part 1 is published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 54, no. 19.
1. Matt. 13:24-30; 36-43.
2. When those who rule acknowledge the authority of God over man, they thus have the right to rule with the authority of the Great Law as God’s overmen, i.e., gods over men.
3. In a dictation given on September 10, 1978, the ascended master Pelleur said, “O beloved ones, you, then, are our hope.” He was referring specifically to hope for elemental life: “I summon now the gnomes of the earth unto this altar of the living God. Come now and be washed clean by the sacred fires of the Blood of Christ that descend now from each causal body of these devotees; for you, beloved ones, are the incarnate Word. Let the Body and the Blood of Christ within you now be that sacred Eucharist for which these gnomes hunger and thirst. Let the light of the Spirit and the light of the Mater within you, as the light of Virgo and Pelleur, flow forth from you now as the descent of the sacred fire as these precious elementals come now from 360 degrees of the compass. They come now to this forcefield to drink of the light essence of sons and daughters of God who understand that the key to the liberation of elemental life is in their own God-mastery within their own Christ consciousness. O beloved ones, you, then, are our hope. You are the soul liberators of elemental life.”
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