From the heart of the flame of divine love, I descend into your midst, as a fairy descends the stalk of a flower. Through dewdrops and through the crystal, through snow and through fire, I am come to bring to you the knowledge of the truth that is the captive of divine love.
In the very heart of the flower, in the bud, there is the essence not only of its perfume but of its divine blueprint—the complex geometric forms, the crystal diamond that comes from the diamond-shining mind of God. It is the focus for the expansion of light. And so within you is that crystal that is a mirror of your divinity in form here where you are, designed to reflect and to refract the infinite nature of the Almighty One.
O beloved hearts of light, I, Nada, come to you with the joy of the sixth ray of ministration and service. And I come to tell you that in the service of God and man is the open door to unity with the consciousness of the Christ. As he stands at the nexus of the giant cross of life twixt God and man, as he stands at the nexus of the figure eight, so as you serve you also rise to that nexus and you gain your immortal life, immortal freedom, immortal oneness with your divinity.
And so the master Jesus, who was the Lord of the sixth ray prior to my assuming that office, said unto his disciples, “He who seeks to save his life shall lose it, but he who shall lose his life for my sake shall find it again.”1 Do you understand, precious hearts, that as you study this teaching, as you enter therein, you also will find immortal life? The beauty and the graciousness of truth is therein.
Therefore, shrink not from responsibility, from service, from life and from truth, from entering in all the way into the service of the divine life. For, precious hearts, therein you will find not only yourself but your Divine One, your own mighty I AM God Presence.
In the immortal givingness of the sons and daughters of the flame, therein is the morsel of truth; therein is the great flow of the macrocosm to the microcosm from the heart of the Great Central Sun. So come streaming forth the very life energies and lifewaves of the magnificent hosts of light.
Beloved hearts, fear not, then, to immerse yourselves in service, as you would dive into a crystal pool of clear water. So understand that total immersion of your consciousness is total reunion with God. For God is that great ocean of life. And as you emerge from that ocean, you find that you are no longer separate from him, but forevermore your oneness is contained and sustained. And, precious ones, do you know what happens when you immerse yourselves in divine truth and service? You find that as water rolls effortlessly, so also is removed from your soul the ego consciousness of the human self.
Do you understand, precious hearts, that it is through this immersion in God that you find that your ego is no longer the human ego but it has become the Divine Ego? It has become the Christ. O precious ones, then you go forth as mighty conquerors of life. And ’tis then, ah yes, that you know the meaning of divine love and you find the truth that sets you free.
I myself was taught by the beloved Chamuel and Charity and many angelic hosts of love how to be a servant of mankind. And by willingly engaging myself in that service, I lost myself in service, I lost myself to him. And I found one day that I had gained not only my mastery but my immortal freedom. You also can do the same, precious hearts of light.
Feel, then, the love of God, and do not be chary with your giving. For understand that all that you give is returned to you multiplied—multiplied and pouring forth again to be given, until you build such a momentum of givingness that the ocean of divine bliss of the universe knows no bounds. And there returns to you from the farthest reaches of the great Cosmic Egg the echo of your own givingness.
Do you know, precious hearts, that when you pour your life out unto God, who has given you that life, and unto your fellowman, you yourself then become a part of all those to whom you give? For you leave the imprint of your divine blueprint, of your individuality, upon the energy which you send forth.
Therefore, hold not your clothing as tatters close about you when the winds of divine love blow, but loose your garments and let the wind blow through you. Let it blow forth not only the light of God as it is sent, but also let it be a purification and a cleansing process; so as you give of God, you also give of yourself into the flame. And that portion of the self that is not of the light is transmuted as you place it within the flame.
O precious hearts of light, will you understand the lesson that I would teach you this day? For it is necessary for the fulfillment of your divine mastery and also for the fulfillment of the ascended masters’ mission upon this planet.
Do you understand that we, the ascended hosts of light, are pouring forth such light upon you that we need to have, in the vanguard of light and freedom upon the planet, those who understand the true meaning of freedom that blossoms in service—those who understand that to give all of God, and then some, means that the entire planet can be liberated.
Oh, if only you could see how each good act, although small, is multiplied millions and millions of times. As the sun is reflected upon the ocean and as you see the crystal waters shining with the reflection of the light, will you understand that each good deed is so mirrored across the face of the earth?
You have no idea how the devils tremble when one son of God affirms the name I AM. For then they know that their time is short. And then they rant and they rave, and they seek how they can make trouble for the sons and daughters of God; but these remain undaunted and unflinching in the light.
O precious hearts, thrive, then, in the opposition, and realize that that which is worthy to be opposed is also worthy to receive the kingdom of God. And therefore, count it not a bane but a blessing if you feel the onslaughts of the world. For realize that the world does not bother with those who are already caught in the grips of the mass consciousness, flowing downstream with the tides of human effluvia. There is no need for the forces of darkness to array themselves against those who are going in the same direction as they are.
And therefore, do not retreat, but take your stand for the light, for the Great White Brotherhood, for Saint Germain, for El Morya, and for freedom for all those who have given their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor in ages past. For I tell you, this is the hour when every right arm raised in defense of freedom will count and will strike a mighty blow for the Lord, beloved hearts of light.
Realize, then, that the greatest lie that you can listen to and receive from the forces of darkness is that your decrees do not count, that your service will not be remembered, that it does not matter whether you give today or not, for tomorrow is soon enough. I tell you, each hour is measured by the Solar Lords, and there is required a certain allotment of energy coming forth from the planet in givingness in order that God might return that blessing and multiply it without end.
I tell you that every moment is precious. And when you feel the prompting from within to give of your energy in the affirmation of good, in the denial of evil, in the service of God in man, do not wait to be prompted twice, beloved ones. Do not answer the call and say, “Oh, I will do it later.” The later may not come. But more important, the later may be the wrong cycle. It may not be the right time, beloved ones.
Realize, then, that your Holy Christ Self, the inner voice within, speaks to you in the very moment that action is required. Therefore, fear not to act. For action is the fulfillment of divine love, and action is the measure of a man. Motive will tell us much and the heart’s yearning will also tell us much, as the bent of the twig or the sail that billows in the breeze. But until the motors of life are turning and there is a heave-ho and a forward movement, precious hearts, the action, then, does not become the fulfilling of the Law.
Yes, love is the fulfilling of the Law—love in action, love in action, love in action. And without action, precious hearts, that love is not truly divine but it is selfish, it is inward, it is flowing against the tides of life, it is self-seeking. And therefore, let us purify love that we might be the fulfillment of the Law.
Let us go forth, then, beloved hearts of light, together—ascended and unascended hosts of light, elementals and angelic hosts. And let us receive the renewed momentum of the purple and gold, and of the freedom flame, of the light from the heart of the Sun. And let us understand that now is the hour of freedom, of victory, of triumph. And that light is released from the heart of the earth, and it goes forth north, south, east and west. It is omnidirectional. And it enters the very pores of the beings of all who trod upon the earth, Terra.
It comes from the heart of the earth and it comes from the heart of the Sun. It comes from the hearts of all who are serving upon this earth. It comes from the hearts of the elementals. It comes from the hearts of the angels. It comes from the hearts of the flowers, where truth is most captive.
O beloved hearts of light, remember, then, that his love and the divinity within you is already captured in the atom. It need only be released. And we stand waiting. Legions of light stand waiting, just above you, in answer to your call. And they come to receive the Word and the invocation. Therefore fear not to make it.
Fear not. For I tell you that by your calls and those of the students who will hear my voice, I say this planet can be turned into a miracle orb of light—into a golden age of freedom and enlightenment and peace where every son and daughter of God knows who I AM, knows who is the Christ, and can identify the light of God that never fails and use that light to manifest the victory.
I say the hour is come for the fulfillment of the cycle. Take therefore in hand the flame of the Holy Spirit which I bear, and give it unto all. Expand it, cherish it, and take it to your heart.
And know that I, Nada, am with you. For I have pledged my service to this earth until every man, woman and child is ascended and free. I have pledged my service personally to each one of you at inner levels. As you stood before the Lords of Karma and asked for an opportunity to take embodiment, I knelt before the divinity within you, and I pledged my service to the Christ and to your four lower bodies.
Therefore call unto me. For I remain a mother, a cosmic mother, of great love for all who abide herein and especially for the precious elementals, whom you do not always see and perhaps have not seen at all, and yet they make possible your sojourn upon this planet.
Therefore let us go forth with joy, with trembling in our cup. And let us know that the earth is the LORD’s and the fullness thereof2 and that one day, as sons and daughters of God, you shall have full dominion as you were sent forth to have. And know that you, also, can join the Great Teams of Conquerors and can manifest the light.
O precious hearts, go forth, then, and take dominion. Offer the commands of light that will open the flood tides of heaven and release upon the earth showers of blessing, of light and momentum from the hearts of the mighty Elohim, the archangels and the chohans of the rays.
Release that light by your call. Release it, as though you would pull a cord and that cord would open a mighty door through which there would be no limit to the treasures thatwould come through. So realize, when you speak the name of Good,* I AM, this is what you are doing. You are pulling the rip cord, and so comes forth the blessing.
In the name of the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood and in the name of Alpha and Omega, I salute you. And I remain in the service of the Christ in each one of you.
I thank you.
* The word Good is the equivalent of the word God.
“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”
This dictation by Nada was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Thursday, July 1, 1971, at Freedom Rally 1971, held in Santa Barbara, California.
1. He who seeks to save his life shall lose it. Matt. 16:25; Mark 8:35; Luke 9:24; 17:33.
2.The earth is the LORD’s and the fullness thereof. Ps. 24:1; I Cor. 10:26-28; Exod. 9:29; Deut. 10:14.
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