Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 54 No. 22 - Beloved Jesus Christ - November 15, 2011

Our Sacred Labor of Love in the New Jerusalem

Peace, beloved. Peace, beloved. I AM come. I AM come in the flame of deliverance. I come to deliver your soul from perdition and from perfidy.

I AM come. For the hour is late, and we must be about our Father’s business. Our sacred labor of love in the New Jerusalem awaits us. This is the calling to which we are called.

And I stand before you, the Prince of Peace, the King of kings, the Lord of lords. By your decree that is God’s decree, I AM the authority and I AM the ruler of all that is below and all that is above. All who would rule in the footstool kingdom must come this day under the authority of my flame of love!

What do you think, that God shall work a work of love in this age only for man to undo that work? Nay! But it is God who comes, in the person of myself and yourself as one, to undo the works of man that would undo the works of God.

For the fulfillment of prophecy is come, and the prophecy of love must be confirmed and affirmed daily by your invocation of that love. As you manifest and align the energy of love within your being, so you compel my being within yourself. As I speak a word of love to your soul and you repeat the word of love, I AM made whole.

So I AM one in thee and thou art in me,1 and we are one in the authority of the command of the All-Father. And therefore the All-Father stands within you when you receive the Son of Righteousness that I AM.

Therefore let God the Father be magnified! Let God the Son be magnified! Let God the Holy Spirit be magnified within you!

The Second Coming of Christ Is Now

This is the Second Coming of Christ. For the first coming is the personification of the Christ within the master, within the teacher, within the Guru. And the Second Coming of Christ is the entering in of that Christ into the temple of the disciple, of the student, of the Guru’s chela.

So let the chelas now proclaim the Second Coming of the Lord Christ this day. For this is the proclamation that I bring: Only love could bring forth the only begotten Son of God, and only love brings forth that son day by day by day. Let not the fallen ones allow you to continually postpone the day of the Second Coming. For there is no time and space, and the Second Coming is now.

The Second Coming is the transfer of the fire and light of the eternal Christos into your own chalice. And in that Second Coming, the Prince of Peace becomes the ruler of this world as well as the inner world of light. And with a manifestation of myself—the anointed one in you whom I anoint to be myself, my heart, my hands, my head, my temple—so is come the judgment. So is come the restoration of the will of God. So let it be the turning back of the fallen ones, as they have seized the energies of the children of God in government and in science, in education and in religion.

Let them be judged! For I sit at the right hand of Almighty God to judge the tribes of Israel this day. And I call forth the sons and daughters of God for the judgment of the holy ones of light and for the judgment of the fallen ones. For the judgment is as the Sun of living love that shines upon the just and the unjust.

The Rain of the Judgment of Love

Let it rain! Let it rain! Oh, let it rain the judgment of love! And let it come down as the intense fire of love upon the earth. And let there be the turning around of the energy. And let there be the baptism by fire.

I AM the shepherd of the sheepfold. I stand in the center of America. I stand to strip the sheep’s clothing from the wolves who have seized their positions of authority. I stand to expose the lie, and I command all lightbearers to call for the exposure of the lie—by the flame of Jesus Christ, by the flame of Mary and Saint Germain, by the flame of every living ascended master, by the flame of the Lord of the World, before whose light I bow.

I AM a servant of the Most High God, who lives within you. Therefore I bow before the flame of God, and I say, now let all false doctrine and dogma and every demon thereof be bound! I AM the binding of the fallen ones, and they are stripped of their power! And therefore let the babbling of the voices of darkness cease, and let the truth be proclaimed. And let every Keeper of the Flame be kindled now in the Word of truth!

Let All Misuses of the Throat Chakra Cease

Let the quickening of the throat center come forth from the very heart and throat center of El Morya, of beloved Hercules and Archangel Michael. Let the Word of God, which shall not pass away,2 be transferred now to the centers of the will of God. And let the quivering of the flame of Alpha and Omega, which I send forth out of the mouth of the messenger, be unto you the opening.

Ephratha! Ephratha! Ephratha! 3

Be open now! And let the opening be for the coming of the light!

And out of the mouths of those who are clear, let there come forth now all of the darkness and the dark and evil spirits who have been allowed to congregate in the mouth. Let the mouth be purified. Let it be purified of all misuses and all abuses of the sacred fire. And let the mouth be for the living witness of the I AM THAT I AM. Let all misuses of the mouth of God be consumed now!

I send forth the ray of the will of love. I call for the purification of the love of man and woman as the devotion unto the Word of God. Let all misuses of the throat chakra now cease! For I send forth a fire unto you, O beloved ones of God. It must not be misused by any manifestation whatsoever of misuse of the sacred life force.

Let the chakras which are above the heart be consecrated as the temple of the Most High God into which I may enter at will twenty-four hours a day. For the sacredness of the coming of the Prince of Peace is that this earth might receive the salvation of the Saviour, the eternal Christ within you.

O LORD, Prepare These Temples

O LORD, O LORD Almighty One, O LORD, descend, I pray! I stand before thy throne. I implore thy light—the impelling light that will draw these souls into a greater reverence for life and consecration of thy energy.

O LORD God Almighty, be the I AM THAT I AM, and prepare these temples. Make room for my coming. For I, the Son of God, would enter the temple of the devotee on earth. I would enter the temple. And I demand the temple be clean and white and blazing in the glory of the devotion of the God within to the God within.

I Have Empowered Thee to Be Myself

I consecrate now the bread and the wine. For I will pass to you a portion of myself, that you may know that through the hand of the Mother there will be released to you the sacred energy of Alpha and Omega—for the transformation of your very vibration and the quickening of your being, for the ritual of the return to love in the victory of the ascension.

I stand before you. I AM here! I AM here in the victory of love. And I take the Body and the Blood of my LORD, my God, my Father, through myself, through my vicar that you might know that the open fount of Terra is the flame of my messenger.

And this day I send to you, through the opening of the heart, the immense light that is for our victory in the sacred labor of the New Jerusalem. First we begin with the securing of freedom to America and to every land, and we secure the freedom of the soul in the heart. And then we build the temple. Therefore let the fallen ones be contained by the lightbearers, by the Word and the science of the Word.

This day have I begotten thee.4 This day have I empowered thee to be myself. Keep thyself holy in the purity of God, and know thyself as myself.

I AM with you alway, even unto the end of the age of the cycles of love, even unto the end of the cycle of your sojourn on earth. I AM with you alway, even unto the hour of your ascension in the light!

I AM in the heart of America, the Prince of Peace.

I AM come for the reign of love!

Fourteen-Day Cycles at the Universities of the Spirit

fourteen day cycles

The Seven Chohans of the Rays and the Maha Chohan conduct universities of the Spirit in their etheric retreats. To learn more about how your attendance at the universities of the Spirit can accelerate your path and your service on the seven rays, read “Sic Transit Gloria Mundi,” the concluding chapter of Lords of the Seven Rays. Also see the 1986 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 29, no. 21, pp. 178-80 and no. 79, p. 689.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Jesus Christ was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, July 3, 1977, during the conference Only Love, held in Pasadena, CA.

1. John 17:20-26.

2. Matt. 24:35; Mark 13:31; Luke 21:33; I Pet. 1:24, 25.

3. Mark 7:34.

4. Ps. 2:7; Acts 13:33; Heb. 1:5; 5:5.

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