Pearls of Wisdom

The Radiant Word

The Wicked Seek to Thwart the Pure Purposes of God

Excerpt from The Soulless One: Cloning a Counterfeit Creation

by Mark L. Prophet

In the Bible these soulless beings are referred to throughout as “the wicked,” for they have seen to it that all more specific descriptions of their race have been removed—lest mankind discover them and rise in righteous indignation against their overlords. And thus the death of John the Baptist and that of Jesus the Christ were brought about by the counterfeit race who for thousands of years have set brother against brother, race against race, and have caused the children of God to blame one another for the murders of the saints.

Today, as always, they occupy positions of authority and financial power. They have gained control of the destiny of empires, and they seek ever to thwart the pure purposes of God. The injudicious use of taxation exerted by their direction has placed an unconscionable yoke upon the neck of humanity.

Their control of entertainment media and the trends of youth toward dissonant art forms and discordant music has perverted noble attitudes and spawned a race of delinquent rebels whose code, or lack of it, has gnawed at the vital future of America and the people of many nations. Modern means of communication and distribution of the printed word, the spoken word and the dramatic word through television and motion pictures have caused ideas to span continents and the world almost with the speed of light. Like a prairie fire, the dry grass consumes itself to the roots of the hopes of mankind, which are blighted, then, by the searing infamy of wasted energy and emotion.

It is my opinion that through correct action negation can be overruled. I believe that through the power of prayer as evoked through Jesus Christ and his vigil for world peace, through the conscious use of decrees, and through the increased distribution of ascended master material and true cultural knowledge, the yearnings of mankind for the golden age will be so strengthened that those who have wrong and selfish thoughts will be exposed as darkness against light reveals its true nature. [pp. 113–14]

This excerpt from the Great Divine Director’s study on the mechanization concept published in the 1965 Online Pearls at and as the book The Soulless One: Cloning a Counterfeit Creation, by Mark L. Prophet, available at or by calling 1-800-245-5445 or 406-848-9500.

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