Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 61 No. 20 - John the Beloved - May 22, 2018

The Initiation of the Crucifixion

Part 2

Angels from the Ascension Temple have gathered here this day. They are looking for recruits, for candidates who wish to be tried in the disciplines of the Law. Serapis Bey has sent to me, by angelic messenger this very morning, a scroll on which is written his desire to have more among humanity respond to the call of Luxor, to respond to the call to submit to the disciplines of the Law.

From the standpoint of the hierarch of the Ascension Temple, the solution to the world’s problems is to have more teachers who can give the law of the ascension to humanity. Do not think that Serapis Bey looks to pluck you from the fields of life, as you would pluck a lily or a rose. He desires only to bestow upon you a greater understanding of the law of purity and how you can remain in the world as a teacher, as a devotee, as an example of one who is moving up the spiral of life to unity with God.

Do you not see that mankind can only respond to the highest example? When they see the light shining upon your countenance, when they see the light of the eye that is single, single with one purpose, when they feel the love of one who has realized the presence of God, with one glimpse they know that they are living outside of reality, outside of that which is true life.

An example is more important to hierarchy than one who has the gift of speech, than one who may excel in many forms but be lacking in the Spirit. To combine all of these is the work of many centuries, and those who are called to represent hierarchy have been preparing for many centuries. But let all be reminded that it is the example that counts—the true example. Thus to walk as Jesus walked, to live as Mary lived, this is the calling of the hour.

And so Serapis Bey has written to me, “Dear John, Tell the precious hearts in the City of the Angels that I am sending my angels this day. And if there be those among that sacred ­convocation who desire to be trained night and day, to be disciplined with the sword of the Spirit, then these angels are willing to tarry with them to become their personal guardian and friend. And these angels will not leave until they are dis­missed, until you may say in your heart, ‘I no longer wish to be a candidate for the ascension.’”

These angels have come so that you might continue your training where you are in the world, that training that is even now given to some of you as you journey at night to the temple at Luxor while your bodies are at rest. This means the drawing nigh of God to man because man has drawn nigh to God. This means that these angels—who are mighty beings of fire, flaming white fire—are coming into the outer manifestations of life to anchor a greater and greater portion of the flame of Luxor where you are.

Every angel in the service of the Lord is an electrode of light wherever he is. And thus you can have one of these ­pillars of fire in your home and wherever your heart desires to roam upon the planet. This, then, is the dispensation of the cross. This is the promise of the crown of life. This is the meaning of submitting, with Jesus, that you might be victors, not for yourselves but for humanity. For if some of you thought that all of this were only for the self, you would not be so concerned or so diligent. But when you realize that you have an understanding that is given to few upon the planet today, then you will realize that you hold the light for millions.

And when you let go of the light, it is like letting go of the rope when you are at the head of those climbers on the summit peaks of life. All who are behind depend upon you and the rope, and you would not be willing to let go of that rope. You would not be willing to see a thousand or ten thousand or a million fall because you allowed some paltry pleasure of the senses, some distraction in the world to take you from your mission and from your devotion.

But when the tempter comes in those hours of trial that must come to everyone, the tempter will tell you that it does not matter what you do with your life, for who will know and who will care and who will be affected? The tempter will always say that you will have another day for mastery, that there is no need to be in a hurry about mastery.

And so in those hours of depression, when the dark clouds of death, of suicide hang, you forget that there are a million souls who are nourished by your meditation, by your invocations, and by your love. For this is hierarchy! And I tell you, if Jesus or Mary or any of the ascended masters to whom you call were to suddenly take their leave of this planet and this solar system, you would find this same experience—that the one ahead of you holding the rope had let go. You would find yourselves tumbling into an abyss of the darkness of your own sin and karma, and then you would see how it would take you at least ten thousand years to make the strides in the light that are given to you in this hour.

And so you see, hierarchy is the link to eternity. And every hierarch who serves the planet serves in the place of Jesus on the cross, bearing for a time the weight even of your own karma and sin. This is so that you might be propelled—by your devotion, by your invocation—higher and higher, freer and freer, purer and purer, until there is such a concentration of light within you that when you receive the opportunity to experience the way of the cross you will have enough strength, enough fortitude, so that in the fire of your own heart all past darkness is consumed.

Precious hearts, do not give way to the logic of the tempters, for they are always looking to see how they can cut the cords of love, cut the lifeline of hierarchy. They are after you so that they can get to millions of souls who are climbing only because you have set your hand to the plow.

Remember the teaching, that by looking back from the plow you are not worthy of the kingdom of God.1 This is because when you look back, the rope slackens and many fall. This is a dishonorable state before God, one in which you are held accountable until every last soul who looks to you to set the example and for light returns to the Path.

Have you wondered why there are so many in the world today who are disillusioned with religion, with God, with Jesus? It is because those who have represented themselves as ministers of God have failed to pass the tests and the temptations, and when they were in a position of authority in the early churches and through the centuries, they set a bad ex­­ample. Therefore hundreds and sometimes thousands were disillusioned and said, “Look at what he did! If he did that and he is a holy man, then the church must be false. Then I cannot believe in God, then I cannot believe in heaven. Why should I try to live a good life when he has done this?”

And so these souls who were disillusioned have returned into embodiment scarred, and they have become agnostics and atheists. They wait for an example because they are the sheep and they require the good shepherd.

In your day, in modern times, you have seen many ­leaders in government and in religion fall one by one. For one by one they were given the test of the crucifixion and one by one, when they heard the words of the dark ones, “Come down from the cross and save thyself,” they hearkened unto the tempters. They fled the cross and they fled the crucifixion and they went out to save the little self, to preserve for another round the carnal mind with its indulgences. Without the cross there can be no crown; without the crucifixion there can be no resurrection.

I come, flowing with the love for my Master, which I held then, which I hold now. I impart to you that love so that you might find a new adoration of the one who gave himself so completely to mankind. Receive that love into your heart. Let it be a perpetual fountain of flame, of gratitude and joy and thanksgiving.

Do you realize, precious hearts, that there have been ages in the history of the world and in the history of other worlds where those who were chosen to be the example in a certain age, to publicly witness to these great miracles, failed that test, failed in their opportunity? And as a result of their failure thousands of years went by and mankind had not the memory of the right way of the path of overcoming, of the victory over death. And thus they lost the understanding of life and of the purpose of life.

Can you imagine what life would be today if you did not have the example of Jesus? Can you imagine where this materialistic civilization would have already taken the souls of mankind? It is Jesus and his example, his Christ consciousness and his honor and morality, that still upholds order in society [today].

If you are seeing the corrosion of that standard, remember that you are now living in the next dispensation, in the next two-thousand-year cycle. The Law requires that not one but many pass the same test and give the witness of the ­Victory so that in this age the memory might be kept that it is possible for man, for woman to overcome and to return to the heart of God.

I have come that you might bear the responsibility for your fellowman. And when you take that cape of responsibility, then in humility you bow before the Christ and you say, “I of mine own self can do nothing. It is the Father in me who doeth the work.”2 Thus by taking the authority you give the authority back to God and you let the Christ do this perfect work through you.

This is my message this Good Friday. This is my prayer for the realization of the Easter flame. This is my prayer for you and for all mankind, that there might be a resurgence, a generation of propelling forward, as many devotees of the sacred fire advance toward the summit of life, taking with them all mankind.

Rise, hearts of fire. [Audience rises.] Reach for the Star of your Divinity and you will win all the way.

I AM John.

Continued from Part 1, published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 61, no. 19.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by John the Beloved was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Friday, April 12, 1974, during the Easter class, The Con­­vocation of the New Birth in the City of the Angels, held at the Ambassador Hotel, Los Angeles, California. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. Luke 9:62.

2. John 5:19, 30; 14:10.

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